Option to protect application
Day before yesterday I was working on my client account in which I had published my application. Since it had some mistake i decided to delete it and accidentally I deleted the original app I had in my account. Before deleting I was prompted to confirm but I didnt realise that I am in my own account There should be an option to password protect the application where in application can be deleted only after the admin enters a password for that particular app. I think this is an important issue and
Zoho Creator Widgets
Hello Guys, So i developed widget it consists a form with fields, in that if I select any particular values from dropdown field, respective values should auto populate in below fields in the form. Using Zoho API I got all records from the respective reports
Use a mobile device (phone app and its camera) to record the check-out or check-in of a physical item.
Use a mobile device (phone app and its camera) to record the check-out or check-in of a physical item. Using a Creator app, User scans the QR code on a physical item: App finds the corresponding record in Creator app. The record auto-populates (via code
Count Days for Page Report Panels in Zoho Creator
I have a form that I use for recruiting. It follows the applicant through various stages of the process. I want to display on a page report how many running days an applicant is in a current status. For example, let's say there are four levels of the
Zoho Pages Embedded Report - Relative Date Filter Based on Parameter
I have a report (bar graph) embedded in a page with months along the x-axis. I want to apply a relative date filter (e.g. trailing 13 months based on a parameter passed to the report. I see the built in relative filter like last or previous n number of
Inserting a report into a from in creator
I've have a form I am building for service calls. I want to have a look up field in the service form filter the report from the service forms by the job name. Is it possible to have the filtered report shown in the service form so techs have the history?
Zoho Creator: How can i use my widgets in my react app ?.
Dears, I'm developing my front-end application using React Js, and I use Zoho Creator to create forms, tables and data dictionary, So how can i use these forms in my react app except using it as an iframe Regards
Display output of a function in ZML Snippet
Hi! I have a function that counts "Yes" string occurrences from a collection of form records //Function to count "Yes" string from "ResponseField" Field in "CustomerSurvey" Form int CustomerResponse() { count = 0; //initialize variable for each rowVar
Post JSON to External Service
I'm looking a various ways to optimize a service on an external server. One of the ways would be to have ZC send a JSON file nightly to this service. Am I correct to say that ZC's POST method cannot do this? Cheers, John Whitney
Issue with Human Resource Management Application
Hi, I have installed the Human Resource Management application from creator gallery. As it have so many things which requires more time to understand, but to get start with basic ones, the attendance buttons on Profile page are not working correctly.
Rearrange how Apps appear on the Dashboard in Zoho Creator?
We would like to rearrange how our Apps appear on the Dashboard in Zoho Creator. Is this possible? They only seem to be listed in order of date added. Is there any other way to sort? Such as "most used" or "most recently used" or "starred"... Or by manually dragging them into a static order. Anything would help...
update field in Form A after change of field.status in Form B
Developing simple tool for Vacation scheduler. Form A (Employee) has a field "vacation days taken". Form B (Vacation Request) has a field "vacation days requested". When request is 'approved' in the Vacation_Request report (I've added button), and status
Creator Pick List Values Cannot be Edited
I have created a connection from Creator to CRM (Accounts). In Accounts I have changed the picklist options for the field Account Type. In Creator I created a form page based on the connection for Accounts. Unfortunately, when I add the Account Type field
Record Summary Footer Problem
Hi All, I am using record summary to generate invoices. My problem is the footer doesn't act like a footer and doesnt appear at the end of the page when I generate a A4 size PDF. so if you just put the footer without other records it will appear at the very top of the page acting like a header:) I have mentioned this issue to support a month ago and still waiting... its crutial for me right now, is there any work around for this? Also wouldn't it be nice to have deluge scripting or some more advancements
Colour From A Drop Down
How can I get the background colour of a cell in a report table to change when a certain option is selected from a drop down box? Thanks, Fraser
Resizing of signature within a record template
Hi There I have two signature fields that get dropped onto a record template, my issue is that they get imported at a huge size which means they run off the report and then don't even appear in the PDF or print options. Is there anyway I can control the
Form publishing
Hi, I want to publish a form. I can see, that the appearance of the form can be set. That's fine. But I want some fields to behave differently than for application users, or just want to hide some fields in the published form, because they were created
Javascript / HTML5 / React UI
I like Zoho Creator, however, I'm not particularly a huge fan of the built in themes. Is it technically feasible to build an app, by using a premade HTML 5 / React / JS dashboard such as: Live Demo Preview - DashboardPack Does anyone have a good example
openURL fetch report
I'm wondering if you can fetch a report with openURL that has a search parameter for added time. I have a working openURL: (- personal information) openURL("https://creatorapp.zoho.eu/export/-/-/pdf/report/?isc5page=true", "same window"); and i want
Webhook to creator
Hello I am trying to send a webhook to creator from an ai scanning software. I was wondering how do I do this so it creates a record. I have not been able to find any resources for it, is this something that is possible? I would need a url to send the
SaaS / Stage / Issues / Horror
I have been trying to use the new SaaS platform, and it is fair to say, a lot of effort for zero business benefits - so far. I tried to raise these issues through online support, but it keeps responding there is an issue... they are right, quite a few. Rather than wait for online support to work, I have posted here... I need to take comfort from the community as my already grey hair.... The are: on pricing i cannot say it is an annual plan, only provide an annual discount on pricing the text box
New Creator Restrictions On Use - A VERY BACKWARD KILLING STEP?
The new Creator Creator Restrictions on use have the following clauses: "By using Zoho Creator, You agree that, Applications that you create using Zoho Creator may be sold or offered as business solutions only through Zoho Marketplace. You are not permitted to create applications for multiple organizations" (1) Why am I being limited to only selling through Marketplace, which in my humble opinion is an awful, unprofessional, none value adding environment for my customers. (2) does this mean I cannot
Sending a concentrated email of all the order details from the subform
טקסט מקור I am building an application that sends orders of goods to the email of several suppliers simultaneously. For instance- in a restaurant that has a supplier of drinks and a supplier of meat and a supplier of vegetables, the restaurant owner will
Calendar Report - Day/Week View - "all-day"
Dear support, It would be nice if you gave us the option to remove the "all-day" section at the top of the "Day" and "Week" Calendar Report since this feature is inoperable if we're using Date-Time fields. It would be even nicer if you made it operable
How can I create a list of dates between start and end dates?
I have the Start_Date and End_Date variables. I would like to create records for each day between those two dates. Is there any workaround to create the list of dates and then iterate it? I would really appreciate any help or workaround you may know.
Using ZC to control electrical relays
Hi, I'm trying to find a way to use ZC to control real life electric appliances (lights, etc.). Is there a way to use ZC to control electric switches/relays? Did anyone ever tried that? I cannot find a relay that would work with a rest API call. Thanks
How can i customize app theme color?
Hello, Am using Zoho Creator Professional Edition. I have created a app, but am unable to customize my theme color. After search around the forum i found some solutions https://help.zoho.com/portal/en/community/topic/how-do-you-make-a-custom-theme-in-zoho-creator But, i didn't see the "Customize" option under the "Application Settings" menu (see attachment). Where can i find these settings in Zoho Creator? Thanks in Advance.. Thanks, Selvamuthukumar. R
Add report button to card layout
I can add a report button in list view - is there anyway that I can also use it in the card layout ?
Deluge Calculations
My application has a main form and two subforms. Main form = deployments Subform 1 = incidents - incidents responded to during each deployment. Subform 2 = staff - employees who worked on each deployment. I have successfully linked the relationships using the main form's ID. The main form uses a look up field to show which employees were deployed on a given day. Then the Incidents form has a lookup to show which staff responded to which incidents. The main form has a formula field calculating
Report filtering with functions : show all or ignore filter
I would like to know if there is a way to conform a repor filter to show all as well as a single value. Context : I have a function that will return the ID of a single organisation based upon an option chosen by a user that's stored in a form called client_access_form
Using Roles and Profiles in Deluge
I have a form with a section called "Billing_Details" for use by our billing department. I would like to hide the section when the user is not a member of the Billing Department. I have a user profile called Billing Department. My question is this: is
Edit record link in Customer Portal
I have an application and I am using the following script on my form "Contact_Information" > on load: (I have inserted <appuser> and <appname> in place of the correct code below) record = Contact_Information [Sponsor == input.Sponsor]; if (Contact_Information[Sponsor == input.Sponsor].count() > 0) { openUrl("http://creator.zoho.com/<appuser>/<appname>/#Form:Contact_Information?recLinkID=" + record.ID + "&viewLinkName=Contact_Information_Report", "same window"); } When I am logged in, this
How can I use add record to create multiple records from one?
I can use add record to create one additional record, but not for the multiple that I want. I am using forms to submit orders for advertising, so I need the same form to apply to various dates in order for a report for a given date to be accurate. The solution, I though, was to have a field assign a number of "runs" or "insertions" of a given advertisement, then the function could create copies of that same record, with .addWeek(2) for the date field, according to the number of times in that field.
Lookup field filtering
Hello, I have a lookup field that I need to filter based on input in another field. I have already filtered this by setting the filter in form builder to Model(look up field) contains input.Model(single line text field) and this filters it almost the
BCC address or character limit?
Has anyone else encountered a BCC address or character limit? I'm trying to BCC 144 addresses (3424 characters) at the same time, and while the Sendmail task completes successfully, nothing is received on the other end. I was able to BCC all 144 addresses
Document Editor does not show correct Field Content from Lookup Fields
Dear all, I do have a strange content showing in the Document Editor. I do have multiple Lookup Fields in a creator form like shown in following screenshot When I import this field into the document editor it does not show the content of the field, but
why i am facing problem in uploading Zoho plugin on Wordpress website?
I am facing an uploading issue of the Zoho plugin kindly give me the solution. regards:
Unable to create a pie chart
Hi, I have a form with multiple fields (field A, field B and field C) and a field which is the sum of Field A, B and C. I am trying to create a pie chart for this. When i try to create a report, the option for pie chart is not enabled. Can you guide me with the right steps so the pie chart option is enabled. Thanks!
WARNING! Don't upgrade to C6 if you have apps with lookup fields to other apps
After many months of being bombarded by the great new "environment" functionality, I could finally migrate to C6 on my Zoho One account. One of the items on the checklist to migrate is "Sandbox enabled in applications". I deleted my sandbox and upgraded,
Format for adding to a multi-select field via Zapier/API
I am using Zapier to act as an intermediary between a chatbot and Zoho Creator - to allow our clients to add records to the database via a communication. I have it working well, however when trying to pass a value to a multi-select field (it will only
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