Map Deal fields into Account module
Hi, my plan is to map certain fields from the deals with the connected account with the help of a function. I found a lot about the lead mapping process but nothing about field information that should be sent from deals to accounts. Is there anyone who
Dear CRM, please answer this simple question: how many leads have been created in (e.g.) january?
Is there anybody could explain why zoho crm do not have this information by default? Thanks.
Send an email template from Contact Module when a stage deal is closed won from the Deal Module
I have the following scenario: I need to send an email template from the Contacts Module when the stage of the Deal/Potential Module is Closed Won. I tried the following approach: 1. I created a workflow in the Deal/Potential Module that updates a checkbox
Function to Create a Pop-Up Window on CRM user(s) next Sign-in?
Hello I am trying to create a custom function that I can initiate through a Zoho Flow I am thinking.... Trying to figure this out. I want to be able to trigger this and either add a custom message (that contain GIFS ?) or possibly even play a custom made/uploaded
Self Client Token Generation
I have used the code created from Zoho Api Console to generate access token but as the code has maximum 10 mins expiry time I have to manually create the code again and again. Is there any other way to automate it? I mean any API to create the code for
Lead Status
According to lead status (i.e. interested, not interested) contact owner should be change, how do I solve this question. Hint: Use of dummy account.
Managing independent contractors
We use Independent contractors as our field techs. I'm looking for a solution to be able to manage there timesheets, payments, and etc
Run a Python Script
Hello, I am wanting to create an integration that would take in a PDF file that is attached to a Module within Zoho CRM, gets the data from that PDF, then creates a new PDF based on that data. I am able to do this in python, however, I haven't been able
Create Campaigns in Campaign module. Work on auto assignment of policy records to these campaigns.
Hi Team, Please check the below code & Screen Recording as per our requirement. Could you please provide the deluge script as per the screen recording. We expect the code for Automatically add the policy records under the Campaigns. (With Relationship/
Bulk update date format
Hi, I'm trying to bulk upload data, including Date fields from csv file using php sdk. (v2) All the fields successfully update except all Date type fields. The field mapping code (taken from zoho examples) is $fieldMappings = ZCRMBulkWriteFieldMapping::getInstance('first_date',
Why do my Accounts have two Contacts sections?
When I click an Account I see the name, phone, address, parent account, territory. Then there is a section called Contacts which has 5 contacts. However, when I keep scrolling down (or click the Contacts item in the left menu), I see 33 contacts, which
Add cover page to mail merged document (Writer)
I need to generate a single document from multiple CRM records, so I do a mail merge with a Writer template. Is there any way to automatically give this document a cover page? If you include the cover page in the template, it will of course be repeated
CRM feature request: required file upload
File upload field does not have the 'set as required' option: Other fields do, e. g. a pick list: In some cases I'd like to make a file upload mandatory when creating CRM module layout.
Generate automatically Sales Orders when deal changes status
Hello, I need a function to automatically generate sales orders when I change the stage of the deals/potentials. I have to create a workflow rule: When deal/potential stage changes to "Pedido", then activates a function to automatically generate a new sales order record mapped to that potential/deal. In the new Sales Order record, I have some mandatory fields I need to update as follows: Fecha (date field)--> needs to be updated with current date Fecha de validez(date field) --> needs to be updated
Working with Contacts, Leads and Potentials
I have proposed this before but I want to make sure that Zoho is working on this functionality because there is no master list of work in process for the users to review. Currently Zoho does not let you create a lead for an existing contact. If you try to do that then when you then qualify the lead and convert it to a Potential Zoho automatically creates a duplicate account and a duplicate contact. This makes it almost impossible ensure that the relational database works the way it is supposed to
Field validation: prevent future dates
Hi, I'm trying to find a way to put a validation on my date fields in a custom module so that users cannot enter a future date. How can I accomplish this? Also, I created a custom "Event Status" field that I want to prevent from being set to "Closed"
Is there a way to Blacklist clients?
Is there a way to add clients (accounts) on a blacklist, for example if they fail to pay? I was thinking perhaps creating a 'Blacklist' button that could be ticked, and once selected prevents a Deal from being made for that particular account. Is there
Is Zoom Phone for Zoho no longer an extension?
We have it installed but it's not working.
How to calculate total weight of order?
Hello, I have added a customised field for the weight of an item under "Products". I have also figured out how to make this weight show in templates. Now the question is, how can I add a calculation at the bottom of quotes/invoices/sales orders/purchase
Disable / Hide 'Convert' option in Zoho CRM
Hi all, Is it possible to disable or hide the default 'Convert' option in Zoho CRM. For example: Inside Leads Module, I need to disable / hide the 'Convert' Button (Please find the attached Image). Thank You!
Kaizen #31 - Subforms #API
Hello everyone! Welcome back to another post in the Kaizen series. In this post, we will discuss the Subform APIs. What is a Subform? A subform is a secondary form or a table that enables you to include multiple line items into a primary form. Every line item is a subform record. Your CRM data are often inter-dependent. Often, you may have the necessity to associate multiple items to a single record. In the technical lingo, we call these "line items". Consider we have a Students module to store student
Mirror data from "contacts" to "deals" module.
Hello, I was wondering if there was a way to have data imputed into the "contacts" module be mirrored into the "data" module. maybe through a function? I know there's a way to do it in reverse by using a workflow, but my organization is most likely going
Grandstream Integration with ZOHO CRM
Can i be pointed into the direction of any resources/tutorial where i can Integrate ZOHO within a standalone PBX system i have ,Use case when a call comes to a extension it brings up the information from the ZOHO CRM database.
User can't see emails in the deal/contact if another regular user sent them directly from gmail. Source is IMAP
Hello! Managers use gmail mailbox that connected to ZohoCRM. But regular manger can't see this emails if the user sent them directly via gmail interface. If they were sent from Zoho interface it's ok but letters sent directly are not visible in the deal/contact
What is a best practice around creating custom unique identifiers?
We want to create our unique identifiers that are not numbers, however, before we start trying to think through the potential solutions and problems.
Auto assign account owner
hi, i need to auto assign leads and accounts to an owner by rules. i have created all the territories i need, and all territories have their owner. but when i want to auto assign a new or an existing account to a user by the rules of territories, only
MultiSelect Lookup Field is not available on Webform
I have 2 multiselect lookups in my leads module to select products and vendors that my client is interested in. These lookup fields are not available when I create a "Web to Lead" webform and i'm wondering why? I would like to avoid creating pick lists
Zoho CRM - Change owner of note
Hey! I just started out with Deluge and Zoho and I'm trying to migrate all purchase orders to sales orders. All worked fine until I got to the notes. I effectively duplicated the notes but assigned them to the newly created sales order. This also works
Populate custom lookup fields from Sales Order item details
Hello! Hope you can help me out with this little issue. I would like to achieve this via workflow. Module: Sales Orders I have 2 custom fields ("Proyecto" API: Proyecto and "Separa Lote" API: Lote_Selecciona) I would like to populate these 2 custom fields
Emails not being delivered to Gmail accounts
The emails I'm sending are constantly being sent to the spam folder in Gmail and Google Workspace accounts. I would appreciate some support.
Custom Function in Zoho Flow to COMPLETE a Scheduled Call ?
Hello, I have setup a new 'Cadences' and I am looking to add a complimentary Zoho Flow I have setup, I would like to be able to add a custom function that automatically searches, finds, and Completes any current calls under 'Scheduled Calls' / Opened
Bulk whatsapp messaging with integration to our platform
Hi Zoho team, Can Zoho facilitate bulking messaging with templates by also integrating messaging requests (phone number, template message) from our platform?
Zoho CRM and Zoho Books : merge accounts
Hello to the community, Just to see if anyone can help me: when merging an account in Zoho CRM, from what I understand, you have to go to Zoho Books to manually merge the same accounts otherwise the account is recreated in Zoho CRM. I'm trying to automate
Automatically decline quotes if one of them is accepted
We have customers who can receive multiple quotes from us. Only 1 of the quotes can be accepted. I was curious whether we could automatically set all quotes that were not won to lost status if one was won?
Associated Calls with Tasks
Within the leads module we've created a workflow such that whenever a new lead is created or pushed into the CRM a new task is automatically created: 'Phone Lead'. We plan to eventually integrate our phones into the CRM - so when the task 'Phone Lead'
Kaizen #134 Manipulating Rich Text Field (RTF) using Zoho CRM APIs
Hello everyone! Last week, we discussed Deciding on the type of applications: Self-client or Server-based? This week, we will discuss the Rich Text Field (RTF) and how we can manipulate RTF using Zoho CRM APIs. In this post, What is a Rich Text Field
Error 401 - Rest API
I have a problem when I try to pull record from CRM. I got token and see something is true (token is valid and data center is in US). Please help me to fix it!
Move contact to new module
Hi, I am trying to setup the CRM to meet our business requirements. We're a business school, as well as we offer executive training, and consulting. Right now, I worked on setting up the CRM by renaming "leads" to "applicants", "contacts" to "students" and I created a new module called "alumni". However, I am not finding a way to move a contact from "students" to "alumni" now. I am under the impression it's not possible. Now, the reason I'm building the interface this way, is to provide a clear interface
Getting the correct status of Books in Zoho Finance in CRM
Hi, we are trying to get the information of Books Estimates in the Zoho Finance Module in the CRM (thanks to the integration) However, as shown on the screenshot, the status seem different for the same estimates... This is an issue as We would like to
Populate "Related to" Account & Contacy field in meetings
Hello Zoho community! Pretty much what the title says. When syncing Google Calendar to Zoho CRM both ways, the meetings created from Zoho are much more detail oriented than the other way around. Is there a way to, when my sales team create a meeting from
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