Introducing additional Writer integration tasks in Deluge!
Hello everyone, We're delighted to announce the addition of new predefined Zoho Writer integration tasks powered by Deluge to our existing and ever-growing list. What integration tasks are and when to use them? Integration tasks facilitate transferring
Difference between functions
Hello everyone, I would like to know what is the difference between using direct code in the forms, either in a field change or when loading the form, and using a function, since thinking a little, at the moment of performing the function, I will have
Syntax for updating a record "stage" that is in a blueprint
I'm writing a custom function that will update a record's "stage" based on an change to a related parent record. The child records are all active in a predefined Blueprint. When I run the custom function to update the "stage" of the child record, nothing happens. For testing, I disabled the Blueprint on the child records, ran the function, and the "stage" field updated as expected. It seems the Blueprint is preventing my custom function from progressing my child records through the Blueprint stages/states.
How to deal with pagination?
Hello guys, I am stuck in a problem with pagination. I am building an app that retrieves all the items from Inventory and we have more than 200 items, so the invokeURL has pagination. According the API, the field has_more_pages indicates if there are
Deluge Custom Function - Product_Details wrong data type when parsing back to Purchase Order
Please note I'm not a deluge expert, but I have attempted to tweak a custom function but seem to be having issues with the last operation. Essential the function should do the following: Get the Quote Details Iterate through the Quote Product Details
Storing 3000+ elements in an array
Hi, I have a very particular use case. I need to store 3000+ throwable domains in an array for a custom function. Use case: whenever a lead is created I want to check if the email provided by the lead is within these domains or not, we have a 3rd party
Zoho People - Auto update Date field
I am new to Deluge Scripts so am posting this issue here so someone can assist me. I am working on Zoho People and tried to use the form validation but cannot figure it out. I have the employee form with multiple fields and a linear section with the following
Function error "HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request"
I have a function in a workflow that trigger when lead is created, the function is working fine for more than 2 years but recently we're having this issue were it fails and the reason for failure is HTTP Status 400 – Bad Request. However when I execute
Syntax Request for a Date/Time
I need the syntax for the following this code that is correct: dealRecord = zoho.crm.getRecordById("Deals",DEAL_ID); appsubmitRecord = dealRecord.get("App_Submitted"); info appsubmitRecord; IF I need the syntax for how the "App_Submitted" is 10 days or
Deluge in Zoho services #5: Zoho Connect
Hello everyone, Greetings from Deluge! Whoosh 🌬️ That's how quickly the first two months of 2023 came to an end, and now we're in full speed ahead! We hope you found the previous post in this series useful and are now back with our latest post. Basically,
Issues with "Connections" panel
Hello, I have summarized a couple of issues that i think should be fixed with the connections panel (in Zoho Books, Zoho Inventory, etc.). 1. Please don't translate to my browser language. It is completely redundant and and makes it very hard to understand
read compressed file in GZ format, Ex. impression-day-2019-01-22.json.gz
We have a file upload on S3 bucket in with .JSON.GZ extension. We are trying to write a script to read that file, unzip that file and then upload it to ZOHO Workdrive. Code is below: ========================================================== zip = invokeUrl
Support Scope in Client Credential grant type
Hello, As Scopes are supported by this grant type, It's useful to have this option (and we need it) in the Create Service form like Authorization Code grant type Thanks
Can't be savvy enough to extrapolate the country from the phone number's country code?
Ok. So one of my Deluge scripts involves extrapolating the country name from the country code in the phone number, for which I was going to just create some sort of lookup table. But... then I came across the function, and initially
A peek into Deluge's file functions
Hello everyone, Recognizing the importance of files in Zoho products, Deluge implements FILE as a unique type of data. It also comes with a set of built-in functions that operate on FILE data type to identify the properties of files, zip or unzip files, and more. In this post, we will cover Deluge file functions that let you work with your digital documents using Deluge. Files in Deluge Files in Deluge must be fetched from the web or cloud service. It doesn't operate on offline files. The following
Change Date's Language
Hello! I'm usign this function to change the format of the date. This works fantastic. Is there any way I can change the language of it? I need to translate it in Spanish since im always receiving it in English. fecha_apertura.toString("dd-MMM-yyyy")
Merge and Send
I have a custom function that uses zoho.writer.mergeAndSend it has been working for months and in the past few days it has stopped working is there an issue on the Zoho side that may have caused this? I have tried revoke and reconnecting the connection,
How to escape characters in ${!Leads.First_Name}
I want to use this string in a call to replaceAll() replaceAll( ${!Leads.First_Name}, "some text"); How to escape the necessary characters?
In '' a space character matters. FYI;
The delimiter for the list of fields to return is a comma ",'. However, if there is a space between the comma and the the next field name, the field name is excluded from the result set I did not test this with earlier version of the api.
Where can I find API documentation to get file attachments from custom module?
Where can I find API documentation to get file attachments from custom module?
Why can't I add an event to my calendar in Zoho Creator/Deluge?
I am trying to build a script using Deluge in Zoho Creator which will create a calendar event in Zoho Calendar when a new form is submitted or an existing form is updated. I am using the Zoho Calendar connection with the following code: response = zoho.calendar.createEvent("<calendar-uid>",
Deluge in Zoho Services #4: Zoho Sheet
Hello everyone, Greetings from Deluge! It's been a while since we connected, but now we're back in action, continuing our series of posts on Zoho services that support Deluge. We hope you found the previous post in this series useful. In today's post,
Search in Zoho Desk contacts by Boolean custom field - using deluge
Hello, I am trying to search for contacts that cf_sync is false here is the script: contacts = zoho.desk.searchRecords(orgid,"contacts",{"customField1":"cf_sync:false"},0,100); info contacts; but the output is: {"errorCode":"UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY","message":"The
Creator + Zoho Sign
Hi All, First off, thank you for everyone's help so far. I am trying to accomplish the following in Zoho Creator: Recall Document & Remind Signer. Both of these functions are not available via deluge so I am trying to use the Zoho Sign API. I believe
How to get data from response?
In deluge I used a simple statement to get a Zoho Sign Document response resp = zoho.sign.GetDocumentByID(XXXXXXX); info resp; I get a response in this format { "code": 0, "requests": { "request_status": "completed", "notes": "", "attachments": [ ], "reminder_period":
Writer Deluge Variable
I'm building a custom function for zoho writer and am a bit stumped with the initial variable. Once I have my crm record id I'm good, but how do I define a variable for that id that triggers the custom function? Whenever I leave the id variable in my
How to transform file Content-Type from Multipart/form-data to application/pdf ?
Hi, I have a big issue with file content-type during uploading the files into Messagebird server. After successful uploaded into Messagebird server, but the file content-type always in Multipart/form data. But the requirement from Messagebird the Content-Type
How to sort result set from getRecords
Hi, I want to sort the result by the "Reporting_To". If someone could assist. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- listVar = list(); //Create map to hold search
getting UnAuthenticated Connection error when executing custom functions from employee account
Greetings i'm testing a custom connection between zoho books and expenses, i created the connection from zoho books side and enabled the "use logged in user credentials" option. the custom function uses invokeUrl to add entries to zoho expense. when i
Sort a list of key-values elements
Dear community, I have the following question. I have list called list_values: list_values = {{"name":'Carl',"age":6},{"name":'Adam',"age":8},{"name":'Bob',"age":9}}; I want to reorder the list values based on the name key of each key-value element, the
No records found
I want to track all employees who do not have records for a specific month. response = zoho.people.getRecords("Legal_Rest_Monthly_France",0,1,searchList); When the search criteria is null it returns an empty map. I understood that I could use the "isEmpty"
Error using zoho.sheet.createRecords: There was a problem while trying to integrate with DRE
In Deluge, when I try to use zoho.sheet.createRecords to add to more than 1000 rows, I get this error: There was a problem while trying to integrate with DRE Only some of the data is added to the sheet. The number of rows added varies each time, but it
JSON Parse Issue
I am trying to parse response like so info response.get('data').get('Store'); and get the following error: Failed to execute function Argument type mismatch - Found 'DATE-TIME' but Expected '[BIGINT]' for the function 'get' Line Number:16 however, info
Upload workdrive file to sharepoint
Hello, I'm trying to upload a specific file from workdrive to Microsoft Sharepoint when a workflow is triggered. I've tried using flow to accomplish this but it can only upload .txt files (The file I need is a .docx). Any ideas would be great. Thank
Need Help Converting CURL to Deluge
Hi, I am having an issue with converting a CURL command into Deluge. The CURL Command is formatted as follows (token is a bogus string): curl https://{subdomain} \ -H "Authorization: Bearer 52d7ef4ee01e2c2c75bff572f957cd4f12d6225eee07ea2f01d01a"
Deluge - convert datetime from api response to local time zone
Hello, I use the following testing code: I would like to know why the result is "21-Jun-2016 04:16:14"... Why is the hour = 04? The result I expected would be = 18:16:14 (UTC +2) ------------------------------ Where do I actually get this string: "2016-06-21T13:16:14.000Z"
Apparent time-out of Deluge code
See video explanation here:
How to process a PDF to the Writer API?
Hello :) Does anyone have experience in processing an invoked PDF to the Zoho Writer API? In Deluge I requested a PDF estimate from Zoho Books downloadedEstimate = invokeurl [ url :"{ORG-ID}&estimate_ids={ESTIMATE-ID}"
My Love / Hate relationship with Deluge
Ok... so I should first say that I very much have an appreciation for all of the awesome things that I can do with Deluge. It really can be quite powerful in a variety of ways, and allows for all kinds of customization that otherwise would not be possible. Admittedly however, I've had days (and sometimes late nights that turn into early mornings) that I end up feeling like my head is going to explode when coding in Deluge. Now let me emphasize something here... Deluge is a terrific language...
Auto-sync email attachments to tickets - Problem with ANSI encoding
Hello, I discovered the following Zoho tutorial: I have created a function based on the post, which also works BUT there is a problem with the text encoding
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