Change Taxes after Expense report was approved or reimbursed ?
Hi There, When I started the company last year, some of the taxes in Zoho books were setup incorrectly. By the end of the year, my Zoho accountant told me that some of the taxes needed to be corrected in order to reflect the proper calculation and distribution for the tax accounts to the right agency. 2 taxes that were used had a single rate instead of a tax group, thus the values aren't report correctly to the 2 agencies (Revenue Canada & Province of Quebec). I tried to correct posted expenses to
Free Webinar on The Taxation Law Ordinance 2019
Note: This webinar is only for the Indian edition users. Last week, new amendments were made to the Indian Income Tax Act, 1961 and Finance Act, 2019. The amendments are made with the intention to boost investor sentiments, push for 'Make in India' initiative, and reduce the tax burden for Indian corporates. Some of the provisions include: 1. Slashing of the tax rate for manufacturing companies incorporated after 1st Oct, 2019 to 15%. 2. Companies that do not avail tax incentives will be charged
Meet our Product Experts at Zoholics 2019!
Hello Everyone! Zoho’s annual user conference, Zoholics is all set to unfold in Australia, New Zealand, Canada, & India. The two day event will host keynote presentations by Zoho's top management, hands-on training, and one-on-one sessions with Zoho experts! Check out the video here. Who should come: If you're a new user, you should come to meet with the product team, learn and discuss about solutions for your business.
For existing users, this is an opportunity to understand the new UI, discover
Train icon ?
Hi, I'm adding a lot of train expenses... I added the missing category, but how do I get a train icon ? I see only a plane and car...
New mileage rate travel over X km keeps resetting - mileage policy
For some reason, the setting to apply a second mileage rate for users travelling more than X km keeps resetting to unchecked. One day, I check the option in our policy and the next day it's back to unchecked. What's going on?
QBO integration for Bills/Reports which contain reimbursable inclusive/exclusive taxed expenses
If a Report in Zoho Expense includes reimbursable expenses which may be both tax inclusive and tax exclusive, how do we manage this in QBO? The integration to QBO creates a Bill with all taxed items fine, but the Bill itself must either be Inclusive or Exclusive of tax as a whole. How do you manage this? (I'd hate to have to get the users to submit two different reports each time for out-of-pocket expenses. It complicates the process.)
Default tax type for mileage?
Where we are, mileage includes a government tax. Is there any way to set a default tax for the Personal Car Mileage category of expense? (Or any other way?)
Multiple stop trips?
Any way to use the app Map function to piece together multi-stop trips for mileage expenses?
Previous mileage?
I love the feature to use a separate mileage rate after X number of miles (or km where we are) but is there any way to start each user at a certain number of miles already driven in the year? We're coming into Zoho Expense late in the year and want the 2nd rate to apply when appropriate.
Android autoscan feature
The iOS app and web interface have an autoscan receipt feature, Android app appears not to have it. The Android appears to have less features from iOS. Example: autoscan feature, receipt edge detect, receipt highlighter feature.
Simplest way to add Mileage in iPhone.
It was easy for me to record Mileage expense in android Phone as it had options to add mileage along with the Record Expense Menu. While the same was not available in iPhone. It had only record expense or Add report option when clicking the Plus button. What is the simplest way to record Mileage using Location in iPhone?
Zoho expense: ability to paste from clipboard into receipt area
You can currently only upload files into an Expense (specifically ones that came from/sync'd from online bank statement for Credit Card), and it would be immeasurably better if you could just paste files and or screenshots
Can i set the Default "Paid Through" setting to be our company card instead of petty cash?
Can i set the Default Paid Through setting to be our company card instead of petty cash? our employees do not have any petty cash. Just company cards.
Zoho Expense Report needing a "Permissions Password" to edit a pdf of the Report?
I'm the Administrator of our Zoho Expense & Zoho Books, and have never set up a "Permissions Password" But when i create a PDF of an Expense Report and go to edit it using Adobe Acrobat (I need to add a text box to the Report), it doesn't allow me to edit it without a "Permissions Password" How do i resolve this? Anyone else find a solution?
"Editing amount or date in a Uber expense is not allowed."
I recently integrated Uber with Expense and took my first ride. I tipped the driver $3.00 and the receipt that Expense correctly imported from Uber clearly shows that the total cost of the ride was $17.48. Expense is forcing the amount to be $14.48 and when I try and edit it, I get the error: Editing amount or date in a Uber expense is not allowed. This seems like a bug / missed requirement to me. Am I missing something?
Force All Expenses as "Claim reimbursement"
In Zoho Expense it's really easy to accidentally not mark an expense for reimbursement. When you do that it's easy to miss it and then submit an incorrect amount. We only ever use Zoho Expense for things that can be reimbursed. Is there a way to always default or hide this option? A really common issue is when an expense is imported from Lyft, Zoho does not mark the record for reimbursement automatically even though manually created expenses are. This causes a bunch of incorrect entries on the Expense
Receipt scanner edge detection for Android
Hi, I see that the iOS Zoho Expenses app has automatic edge detection for scanned receipts. Is there any plan or path to bring this feature to the Android app? It would be very useful to make things look much more professional when submitting expenses to clients for invoicing purposes. Thanks! Mark
Batch add expenses to report an Android?
I see on the web interface that I can choose multiple expenses and add them to a report. On android, I don't see this option? Looks like I have to go into each expense/receipt individually. Ideally I'd like to create a report that includes all uploaded receipts during a specific time period.
Approval flow
Hi, Assuming a delegate submit expense report on behalf of the manager. Can I create approval process that it will first go to the respective manager to review and confirm the acquittal before submitting to the approver? I notice when I create such flow the manager will automatically approved his/her own report. Thank you. Kind Regards Linda
Columnas informes detalles de gastos
Al agregar un columna en el Detalles de informes de gastos, se desaparece al volver a salir y entrar nuevamente al reporte. Si como también al imprimir el reporte no muestra en totalidad de las columnas. Como puedo dejarlo que quede personalizado y no se borre a cada momento. Adjuto imagen personalizada y de modo de impresión: Como pueden ver no se ven los mismos campos
Be able to pull a report to see expenses by employee
Hello - I currently enabled the function to add the employee to the expense that was incurred. We are a small (family owned) shop with 3 people total. Everyone has a business credit card and we'd like to see where the money is going and who is behind each transaction. I chatted with a Zoho rep and he said there is no report that can be pulled to add the emplyee name to the report. I would really like to see the employee name be added to a customized report. Thanks!
What's New in Zoho Expense - February 2019
Hello Everyone, We are back with some wonderful features and enhancements. Without any further delay take a look at everything we’ve enhanced in Zoho Expense in the past month. PAGE LAYOUTS Page layouts allow you to customize the expense creation page for your users based on the expense categories. You can choose whether you would like to show certain fields in the expense creation page by enabling or disabling them, adding default values or hints to specific fields based on categories This feature
Reconciling Credit Card Accounts
Hi, Is it recommended to reconcile credit card accounts each month? Currently, I just have my cc feed into Books (and Expense) and then I categorize and match to expenses as I can. What is frustrating is that It often doesn't find the expense and then I am not sure what to do? The expense is in there from my employee reports, but Books doesn't find it. I usually exclude the transaction at that point because it is already accounted for in my expenses and I don't want it duplicated. I wish it would
Approval Workflow for Reports over X Dollars
Is there a way to create a workflow where the approver has to be a specific person if it's over a specific dollar amount?
What's New in Zoho Expense - December 2018
Hello, Here are all the updates for the month of December in Zoho Expense. Zoho Expense - Uber for Business Integration You can now integrate Zoho Expense with Uber. With this integration, any ride completed under Uber for Business profile will automatically forward the receipts to your Zoho Expense account and expenses will be created correspondingly. Along with automatic expense creation, employees can also add Uber ride expenses to expense reports and submit for approval. All you need is an Uber
Can Admins enter expenses for other users?
I need to log airfare costs, sent to me from our travel agent. The travelers do not get always see all the costs associated (change fees, service charges), so they cannot enter these personally. Is this possible?
Problem with the validation rule for report
Hi I've a problem with the report validation. the software said me that i don't have a political approbation for my organization Can you help me? Thank you
Chase Credit Card Feeds are broken?
All of our Chase Credit Card feeds are broken. Is this a known issue?
Zoho Expense Mobile App
Why mobile application is working slow? It takes too much time to load anything.
Merge Expenses in iOS
Is there a way to merge expenses in mobile? I have a credit card feed and scanned receipts that I need to merge for my mobile only users. I expected it to be in the Expenses List > Edit. Select the two expenses > Done. All I see are "Delete Expenses" and "Add to Report"
How to add the reimbursable bill that is exported into quickbooks to the employees pay check automatically?
I have exported the employees reimbursement from ZOHO into my quicbooks online. Then it becomes a bill under my staff members name. How do i add the bill now directly to the employees pay check that is not manual? Please help!
Zoho Expense's Journey Through 2018
Hello Everyone, We are almost gearing up for 2019, so before we usher in the new year, let's take a quick glance at all the features we released this year that made your expense management as smooth as possible. For more details, check out all the updates and features in our What's New page. Finally, as the year winds down, we would like to take this opportunity to thank you for all the support you provided us this year. We will continue to grow bigger and better with your unwavering trust in us.
Customer name incorrect
The Customer name is being suffixed with a character pair which does NOT appear in the Customer name. See screenshot.
Allow Expense users to see expense descriptions or some type of guidance for when to use an expense type
There is a description field for expense categories, but users cannot see it. It would be nice if the description could be available when a user hovers over an expense category...or something along those lines. We have a couple of similar expense categories where it would be very useful if employees could see a tip of some type that tells them to use one vs the other. Thank You
What's new in Zoho Expense - November 2018
Hello, We’re back with our monthly updates for Zoho Expense. We’ve been continuously working to make your expense reporting effortless. Here’s everything we’ve enhanced in Zoho Expense in the past month. Add Custom Status for Approved Advance Payments If you want to provide an alternative custom status specifically for approved advance payments, you can add a custom status under preferences in the Settings module. This option will help you set new custom statuses based on the expense reporting
Mileage category under Cost of good sold as account type
Hi, I'm trying to add an category for mileage under the type of account Cost of good sold. I'm able to create my category/account but when I try to add an mileage expense, I have an error message saying the category cannot be used for mileage... How to fix this?
can we set cost submission rules depending on client or project?
current rules seem to be one employee to one boss. but can a submitter submit to a project owner? so the person to submit depends on the project of the expense. thx!
Webhook - Category_Name field is NULL
I have setup a POST webhook that sends "all parameters" when an expense report is approved. The Category_Name is correct on the Expenses section, but Null on the Line_Items section. The same problem exists if the Expense is split. "expenses":[ "receipt_name":"", "start_reading":"", "category_name":"Dinner", "line_items":[ { "tax_amount":0, "item_total_formatted":"$2.00", "amount":2, "line_item_id":"1369653000000095325", "category_name":"", "tax_name":"", ...
Book Your Seat For Zoho Finance Workshop UK
Hello Everyone, Have you made your business MTD ready? Are you having doubts filing your taxes online? Is this whole MTD saga worrying you too much? No worries! We are hosting the Zoho Finance Workshop in the UK to help clear your doubts. Find us in: Bristol-May 21st | London-May 25th | Manchester-May 29th | Birmingham-May 30th Get to know about the latest feature updates, industry best practices and also about other Zoho Finance apps that can aid your business. And, what's more? Get one on one demos
What's new in Zoho Expense - April 2018
Hey folks, We are regularly working on our product to be the yardstick of quality when it comes to expense reporting. We would like to share with you the features and enhancements we've made in the last month to make your expense reporting simpler. Let's take a look at the updates we have worked on in the month of April. The Expense Bot Cliq users can now perform their expense reporting functions right from Zoho Cliq using the Zoho Expense Bot. It is your very own virtual assistant bot that can
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