(MAJOR ISSUE?) Chat GPT integration. Wrong endpoints in API integration for embedding models.
There seems to be a issue with the API endpoints with the ChatGPT, Zoho Flow integration. When using the model 'text-embedding-ada-002' the endpoint should be v1/embeddings but instead it's v1/chat/completions. Here's an example of the history on a failed
Create Invoice With More Than One Item/Product
I was trying to use Zoho Flow to automatically create an invoice when an opportunity is marked won in Zoho CRM. However, you can only add one item/product using the Create invoice module. Is it possible to add more than one item/product to the same invoice?
Create WorkDrive Folder with specific Sub-Folders when new Zoho CRM entry in "Accounts" Module
So, my flow creates a WorkDrive Folder in the required Team Folder, but I want the same flow to create four Subfolders within the new folder. Man, Woman, Boy & Girl sub-folders I was looking at this below but how do I identify the new Parent folder as
Zoho Books says "Please ensure that the "webhook_name" has less than 50 characters."
I have a custom module on Zoho Books that creates a customer trip record. It has a customer field to link to their account information. When these entries are created, I want to fetch this customer's information so I can put the selected customer's address
How to lookup What_id to create a task in Zoho CRM?
I'm trying to create a task in Zoho CRM by creating a new module entry. I'm getting an error: "Zoho CRM says 'required field not found'. Check the input for What_Id and try again." I'm assuming the What_Id is the "Subject" in the create entry task. I
Add a way of clearing fields values in Flow actions
It would be great if there was an option to set a field as Null when creating flows. I had an instance today where I just wanted to clear a long integer field in the CRM based on an action in Projects but I had to write a custom function. It would be
Feature Request: Export\Import Flows
Hi, As A Zoho Systems Builder and implementer, I Like Working With this great tool! Makes my automation work a lot Easier! Thanks! It would Save me a lot of time if I would be able to export And import flows (To JSON).
Jiraa to Zoho Projects
I am integrating Jira tasks into Zoho Projects using Zoho Flow, but I need to translate the Jira task names into English during the integration process. I attempted to use Google Sheets as an intermediary, by applying the Google Translate formula, but
Issue with Fetching and Mapping Multiple Products in Line Items to Zoho CRM Leads
I am currently facing an issue with fetching and mapping products in line items to the Zoho CRM leads. Here's the situation: 1. When there is a single product in the line items, the system works as expected. It fetches the product name, matches it, and
Error when making API to fetch objects from AWS S3 bucket.
I have a serverless app/function that in z-flow, that makes a GET request to AWS S3 bucket, but sometimes I get error which states that the "Execution exception : 'Invoke url response content length cant be greater than 5 MB' at line number 17. Resolve
Internal errors are thrown for any URL invoked through deluge. This seems to be a Zoho wide issue, as all my organizations are effected. Additionally, each service independent of flow also results in the same type of error. EDIT: WE ARE BACK BOYS!
Unbelievably slow service
I'm having issues with all my flows since yesterday. Most of them seem to be slower in general. I'm also facing a timeout over 30 seconds because of this issue. As per status.zoho.com, the ms went from 6msec on the 23rd of nov to over 55msec average today.
Not able to set update a module entry with a Boolean variable
I am creating a Flow where if certain requirements are met, I want to update a checkbox in Zoho CRM's Cases module labels "Paid". I am just not able to figure out how to update the value. In "Update module entry" the variable is displayed as text, so I have to input something. I tried: true, 1, yes, True, Yes with no luck. Whatever I do, I get the same error message as a result: "Invalid input for Paid. The expected input type is boolean." Any know what I'm doing wrong? Thanks!
Convert Zoho Inventory Sales Order to Invoice via Flow?
I'm not seeing how to create an invoice from a sales order in Zoho Inventory via Zoho Flow. Am I missing something, or is this not possible? I can see how to create an independent invoice, but not one linked with the sales order. Is this yet another area
Enhance Delay Configuration in Zoho Flow
Dear Zoho Flow Support Team, We are writing to request an improvement to the delay configuration process within Zoho Flow. Currently, users are required to manually enter the exact delay duration (e.g., "2 days") in the delay block. This can be time-consuming
Help with google calendar flow
Hi, new to using Zoho Flow and setting things up. I've created a module in Zoho CRM called "Jobs" and put the relevant fields I need, I am then using Zoho Flow to create a flow that will create or update an event in my google calendar...... I've managed
Zoho Flow to fetch / update multiple contacts based on matching col?
I’m looking for a way to fetch and update all contacts in a mailing list that match a given col value using Zoho Flow. For example, let’s say I have 1000 contacts, and 12 of those contacts have the same web address value. I want to fetch and then update
Some Issues in Zoho Flow
Hi Zoho Team Have you seen something strange in Flow? I received some complaints and looking at the flows I see that they were not processed correctly, this was 1 hour ago, can you confirm if there were problems in Zoho Flow, Datacenter US? All my flows
Can Zoho Flows repeat Actions more than once?
I'm attempting to make an intentional Zoho Flow loop using the below layout. However, when "WithinLimit" condition is met, the program fails to execute the action "Get & Add Request Co..." again. Is this by design? Is Zoho Flows unable to repeat actions
Flows that should be triggered on "sales order update" stopped
I have two workflows that use "sales order update" as the trigger. For my sales orders, I use custom statuses. One flow is triggered when a specific sub-status is set, and the other when a sales order is closed. Both workflows stopped triggering in the
Updating Woocommerce Variation Products Prices Via Zoho CRM
I can update product prices with this flow: But I can't update variant products. I got a code from Zoho for this, but I couldn't get it to work. It needs to find the product in the CRM from the SKU field and update the variation with the price there.
Allow Dynamic Department Selection in Zoho Flow's "Zoho Desk - Update Ticket" Module
Hello Zoho Flow Team, We hope this message finds you well. We would like to request the ability to pass the department as a dynamic variable within Zoho Flow's "Zoho Desk - Update Ticket" module. Currently, this field only allows static department values.
Add Attachment Support to Zoho Flow Mailhook / Email Trigger Module
Dear Zoho Support Team, We hope you are well. We would like to kindly request a feature enhancement for the Mailhook module in Zoho Flow. Currently, the email trigger in Zoho Flow provides access to the message body, subject, from address, and to address,
Issue fetching Line Items in Zoho Flow from JSON Response
I'm having trouble fetching product details (line items) from the JSON response in Zoho Flow. While I can access other details, I'm unable to retrieve product information. I can't access the "Line items" data in Zoho flow. Any advice how to resolve
How to Add Products to Leads in Zoho CRM using Zoho Flow Automation
I am currently working on automating the integration between WooCommerce and Zoho CRM using Zoho Flow. My objective is to streamline the workflow such that when a new order is placed in WooCommerce, a corresponding lead is automatically created in Zoho
Line formatting in data coming from Zoho Flow
I have a flow that creates a zoho desk ticket. The text is not formatted with line breaks once it arrives at Zoho Desk. How do I force line breaks?
How to modify user bill rates and add tasks to a Zoho Books project using Zoho Flow
Hi, I want to create a flow which adds users to a Zoho Books project and then sets their bill rate. I also want to add tasks to the project. How can I do that? The current pre-set functions for Zoho Books projects does not allow for these fields to be
Entry created or updated - not getting all fields
I have a flow that fires on an entry being created or updated in a custom module in CRM. It is only supposed to proceed if a particular field is false and once fired, immediately updates that field to true to avoid running multiple times. For some reason,
Employee profile creation automation in Zoho People
Here's a corrected version of your text: Hello, I am currently working on automating the creation of new employee profiles in Zoho People. To do so, I've created a Zoho Form where future employees can enter their information (name, SIN, void cheque, etc.).
Zoho Flow - Can not reference Zoho Analytics query table in Zoho Flow
I've created a Zoho Analytics query table and would like to add data from that table to another Zoho Analytics table on a daily basis using a Zoho Flow. It seems, when building my flow, my query table is not include in the list of available tables. Is
The getURL function is returning error "response content length cant be greater than 5 MB"
Hello I am working on code to download a file from a URL using the getURL function running through Zoho Flow, but I am getting the error that the response content length cannot be greater than 5 MB. However, according to the API doc for the API task,
Zoho Sign Document upload to the Attachment section of the Zoho CRM Deals record
Hi, Is there a script I can use to attach a document once signed in the Deals record attachment section? I know that the fiels are uploaded in the Zoho Sign Document module but our client wants it in the attachment section. They are using the "Send with
Email Trigger (Parse) - Email Retention?
I am unable to find any information if the email trigger inbox retains emails sent it to? If emails are sent to an email trigger (I.e. xxx @ trigger.zoho.com.au), are these emails purged once the flow is completed or are they retained in the inbox?
Wordpress Flows Not Detected
Good day, we are running flows from wordpress to ZCRM, and now the wordpress flows are not even coming in anymore, when we run a flow that worked yesterday it gives the following error: "Mandatory param not found"
What is the syntax to access sub fields?
Hello community. I need to use the field [salesorders.salesorder_id] returned when I Fetch Purchase Orders (from inventory). As an example, I can see that this value is returned salesorders : [
date : "2024-10-22",
How to Deal with Double-Fired Webhooks
I have a Flow that is triggered by a webhook. Occasionally, the source of the webhook will "double fire", i.e., it will send out two webhooks with the same information within a second of one another. This causes two iterations of the Flow to happen, and
Converting Calendly Date/Time to Zoho CRM Date/Time in Flow
I am trying to create a flow to update a date/time field when someone books an appointment in Calendly. I need help converting the date/time from Calendly into a format Zoho CRM understands. It currently comes from Calendly as: 2024-06-28T16:00:00.000000Z
Read Headers / Auth in Zoho Flow Webhook
I have a webhook trigger in my Zoho Flow app and would like to add an additional layer of security by adding some sort of auth ensuring that only authorized application is calling my webhook. I understand that there is the `zapikey` GET param, which is
'source' user for connections
Hi. need to pass some information from a Flow webhook to me on Cliq. For this I must configure a connection and in this connection I must configure a user as the sender of the message. Which user would I use? If I use my username, the error says 'You
Accessing Custom Fields in Zoho Booking in my Zoho Flow
Hi In Zoho Bookings I have created some customer fields in my booking form and on is a field called "How do you want to me?". The options are: Telephone Call Video Appointment Visit our Office I want access this field in Zoho Flow So I can send a different
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