I cannt submit form.Please Help.
Notifications - e-mail
Hello, about the e-mail notification I am not able to select the e-mail notification, I select it more when reopening it it automatically selects my e-mail in this error I cannot receive as notification because of: this is my e-mail and to: this is my
Paid Support
Can I make a Ticketing Website using Zoho Forms? 1. Pay and submit the question 2. Admin gets the question 3. He assigns the task to one of the expert. 4. Expert replies. 5. Admin approves. 6. Reply goes to the person asking the question. Can I set
Error message display failure on mobile
I use Japanese. The error message is set in Japanese. It is displayed in Japanese on a desktop PC. However, it will be written in English on mobile. I don't understand this error message because most of my customers use mobile. Please improve.
Rearranging/organizing group choices within dropdown menus
I have populated a large dropdown menu and now I'm looking to group items together using "Group Choices". I attempted to do this but I was having trouble moving the Items to specific groups .
Integration requires candidate status?
Hi all, Why is it that sometimes when I have a form and I want to integrate it with Zoho Recruiter it requires candidate status and sometimes is doesn't? And how can i connect the candidate status to a form? The candidates use the form to provide additional
conditional sub forms
is it possible in forms to have a subform that is conditional on the input into the main form. I have a requirement where the answer to the 'type of product' needs to have a subform based on which product and then collect relevant information for the
5 ways businesses can use online forms this holiday season
An online data collection form is a versatile tool for your business. When you're about to face a surge in demand during the holidays, forms can help you collect and manage your data better. In the last tip, we covered how to make your forms holiday-ready.
Attract more attendees to your virtual events with online invitation forms
The circumstances for this holiday season mean that this year's celebrations might look very different from previous years. But this doesn't have to mean not meeting up for an event. We luckily live in a time where technology allows us to connect with
Getting your forms ready for the holidays
Hello fellow form builders! With the holidays coming up, we've all started to get the hang of the new normal as people get ready for all the festivity around. This year is different from others in the past, which means businesses are trying out new ways
My web form required fields email validation are not working
<!-- Note : - You can modify the font style and form style to suit your website. - Code lines with comments ???Do not remove this code??? are required for the form to work properly, make sure that you do not remove these lines of code. - The
Please help me to open MY ZOHO FORM https://zfrmz.com/mLK33Ya719yPZEN9URW7 https://zfrmz.com/gh4kEOTPK8T7BQFJ5tfq
I cannt submit zoho form. Help please
Link zoho form : https://forms.zohopublic.com/disdikpku/form/BiodataPesertaBimbinganTeknisPeningkatanKarakterBa/formperma/3TWAq0TAEwblFXlM8jnk9Y78KTIcuQOJctviIyUtvng
ask people to check their data periodically
Hello, I used zoho forms to create a master data sheet (address, account, telephone ...) for our freelancers. Now I want to ask them to check / update their data every year (after last change) for this I needed the date of the last change. How do i get
Reagrding Address Element
Hi We are using Zoho Forms for Leads. I have one issue in all the forms, we are using the Address element in all of them. In Address Field there is a State Sub-field which is a single line text. Is there any way we can able to convert this into a Dropdown?
All emails from Zoho forms are marked as Spam
Hi, we use the email integration feature to email a completed form to people to action it. The emails are always marked as SPAM as the SPF and DKIM are not aligned. What do we need to do to add support for DKIM and SPF for Forms - we have that for our
Problem Zoho Forms rating field when viewing on phone
Hello, I have a question related to the rating field in Zoho Forms. When I ask a question with a maximum of 10 stars, there's a problem when viewing the form on a mobile phone. Only 9 stars are shown in one line, the 10th star is shown on the next
Can we print all the report in one page? ZOHOFORMS
greetings dear zoho workers, i want to know if it is possible that i could print all the report in zoho forms into one and only page. I am attaching 2 pdf to support my request. In the first report it seems to be in one page, but when i want to print
Sync form submissions to sales pipeline: Introducing Zoho Bigin integration for Zoho Forms
Hello fellow form builders, If you're a small business, then you know how important customer relationships are for success. Right now, you might be using spreadsheets to view and manage your form leads. However, as your business grows, it's often less
forms <> crm
Hello, I would like to create a form to request data, which then change data fields for existing contacts. I ll send it out fo existing contacts by mail in zoho crm. Specifically, it means that our freelance employees can order merchandising material,
Automatically resend form if no response
I have Zoho forms linked with Zoho CRM and a button within the CRM triggers the form to be sent to a customer when an order is received. This is setup through a workflow that when a button is pressed in the CRM, the form is sent to the customer to fill
GPS Capture Field
Need the capability to add a GPS capture field to a sub-form (and Forms, in general). Our field techs collect data from several locations into the same subform and capturing their physical location is an important data point. Forms is already able to
Number with a decimal value
I have a form I've created that includes a blank that uses a number and that number usually includes a decimal value. A normal value would be something like 4.2 or 6.1. I have a number blank but it will not accept decimal values and cannot solve this problem. Can you help me?
Zoho Forms integrates with Zoho PageSense - Improve your conversion rate using form analytics
Hello everyone, Getting your audience to fill out and submit forms can be tricky. Have you ever wondered why no one's filling your forms, or why the volume of leads generated was lower than your expectations? These pain points can be influenced by various factors, such as difficulty in completing your form, the nature of questions asked, your form's design, or even its length. Using a powerful form analytics tool, you can gather insights about the issues your audience is facing when filling out a
How do I link to the related Zoho CRM record in a Zoho Form notification?
In Zoho Forms I would like to send a notification that a form was submitted and include a link to the related CRM record (they are currently integrated). I see that I can create custom links based on fields but no Zoho CRM record ID is shown as an option.
Insert image into a form?
Hi, I would like to insert an image into a form - is that possible? thanks Tom
Zoho form representation on tablet... :'(
Hello, dear Zoho. I am trying to embed a form on a website, using <iframe>, and it looks very nice on mobile and desktop, but not on tablet, please see the attached image. It sticks to right. <iframe style="height:1500px;width:100%;border:none;" src="https://forms.zohopublic.com/ArmadaLED/form/ProductEnquiry/formperma/XXXXXXXX" scrolling="no" frameborder="0"></iframe> Here is the page: https://armadaled.org/luminarias_bombillas_reflectores_rd/ Any idea how can I overcome this little problem? zoho
Assign alphanumeric values to fields with Choices in Zoho Forms
Hello! We have this problem with our Forms - CRM integration. In choice fields, the choices get duplicated or triplicated in the CRM and do not match pre-defined options in the CRM because in the form, the options are: different languages and/or more explanation to helo the user selecting. Zoho Forms already lets you assign a value to this choices. It is a numeric value and it is used with calculations. It will be GREAT to be able to assign an alphanumeric value, thus when the Zoho CRM integration
Integrating CRM: When updating/creating record, how can I map the options selected to options pre-defined in CRM?
Dear All, I have made two forms in two different languages and I have integrated them with the CRM by mapping fields. So far, so good. The problem I am facing is that the form is adding the information to the record as it is and I can not find a way to map the sub-field options in the field. This is creating duplicate and tripled values becasue the option on the form is not exactly the same as the options in the CRM. The reasons to this are: language and that in the form is more detailed the option;
Embedding on Web page
Hi, When I embed a long form through JS / HTML, an scroll bar shows up on the side which is not professional looking and not friendly at all. Is there a way to seamlessly auto-scroll the form? - Jaosh
Rename Uploading Files
Is it possible by renaming the uloading Files to keep the original Filename (ZylkerPricelist2020.xlsx) with maybe a Prefix Fieldname (e.g Customer Number: "KD1234") Result: KD1234_ZylkerPricelist2020.xlsx Is there anyway to get this result by keeping
How to remove "Do not submit confidential information such as credit card details and account passwords. Report Abuse"
How to remove or change the wording of : "Do not submit confidential information such as credit card details and account passwords." "Report Abuse" "Powered by Zoho forms"
How can I restrict moving to the next section when a mandatory field has not been completed?
Hello! I have many sections in a form and many mandatory fields. However, users are able to move forward to the next section without completing the mandatory field. This not only causes problems for rules and other automations, but also is a big headache when trying to submit the form. How can avoid this? I would like to restrict users to move forward if there is a mandatory field blank. Thanks! J.
Salesforce integration user ID cannot be changed
We need to change the Salesforce user ID when integrating with Zoho forms. Removing the integration and re-applying to any form - even a new one - does not allow us to use a different Salesforce user ID. Could someone from Zoho please help with this issue as it appears to be a fault at the Zoho end. Thanks.
Document Merge not working?
We use the document merge feature constantly during the day to prep reports for clients. Its not working today - tried different entries, tried different documents, tried to send it to different email address, checked spam - nothing. (For the past a month or two, we've been having random glitches: all of a sudden editing response via the email link stopped working and then started working again a couple of different times and now this)
Trying to create a form that displays all active deals for that contact and allows them to update some fields.
I will explain what I am trying to do even further. So we have a deals module and in our CRM there are around 60 Franchisee Owners. Each deal is attached to a Franchisee Owner and are in certain stages (example: Appt Scheduled, Deal Lost, etc.). I am trying to build a form that displays the Company Name. Contact Name, and Created Time of the Deal (these are all fields in Deals Module) and allows them to update two fields (Notes and Status) then submit the information back. The end goal is to mass
Reply-To on conditional reply emails
Hello. We have a bunch of forms setup. We are able to specify the From, To, CC, Subject. How do we set the reply to? The notifications default the reply-to as the inbox it's going to (IE sales@ourcompany.com). Other forms I've used in the past let you specify the reply-to. We'd like to set it as the email address the person filled out the form with. I have an image attached and we added the customer's email to CC so at least they know it went through and we can move that email to the reply to,
Account is not active
Dear support team please help me my account not active so many data in there my account : fkkumjkepaniteraan@gmail.com
Getting a "Failed to submit data. Please contact application owner." error message.
I'm getting a "Failed to submit data. Please contact application owner." error message box when I try to test my forms in Creator. I been trying to contact support but don't get a received auto response or a reply back for a few days now. Doesn't anyone know what this means?... is it a technical issue, do I need to subscribe? Any advice would help.
Desk / Forms / Sign Integration
Hello We have an online form for customers to complete. We have enabled the integration between Zoho Forms and Zoho Sign which takes the customer straight to the esign document. Because you can only have 1 integration we are using Zapier to then create a ticket in Zoho Desk once the customer has submitted their form. Is there anyway for a PDF copy of the completed form to be attached to the ticket that is created within Zoho Desk like you can when you integrate Zoho Forms and Zoho Desk? Or is
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