5 tips to boost sales during the holiday season
Hello fellow form builders, This is part one of our five-part series on "Getting ready for the holiday season with Zoho Forms." This series aims to help you make the best of your forms and grow your business this season. With the Holiday season around the corner, it's high time to start using your forms to drive conversions. Customers always look forward to this time of the year with excitement. They are ready to start shopping and are on the lookout for deals. To help make sure your forms are in
Zoho Forms Link not working for some people
Hi Zoho Forms team, we are regularly sending our shared link to a Zoho Form but some people are reporting the problem that they cannot view the form to complete it. This is the link we are sending (from Zoho Forms/Share/Share publicly/Shortened URL) to our clients and a lot of clients do not have any problems accessing it but there are always a few that say that they can't open the link and that when they click on the link, they get re-directed to the main Zoho Forms page (see below): Can you help
Hyperlink in a form - Open in new window
I am building a form that is an online course where I list a link to an online video for the student to click on and then answer questions. I am listing the hyperlink in a “Description” field. I find that sometimes the hyperlink opens the video in a new window, but sometimes it doesn’t, and then when you click on the back button to go back to the form, it starts the form from the beginning. How can I list the hyperlink to open to a new window? When I click the hyperlink button, it doesn’t give
Zoho Forms "From" Email Address
Hello, I have a suggestion for an enhancement. I'm in the process of creating a Zoho Form that would generate a help desk ticket in Zoho Desk through an email, when submitted. I'm doing this because I want the ticket description to include the email body, instead of integrating Desk and Forms and having to create a bunch of custom ticket fields. It would be nice if I could pull the "From" address out of the form in the Email & Notifications settings, so it uses that email instead of mine or notifications@zohoforms.com.
Adding Zoho Forms to complement a ticket in Zoho desk
Is there a way to attach Zoho Forms form to Zoho Desk seamlessly or you have to export form as PDF and attach to ticket in Zoho Desk? I am doing services on machines and filling PDF forms in Acrobat Reader for job completion and then attaching it to a ticket in Zoho Desk. Just discovered Zoho Forms and want to improve my work flow. There is an integration option, but i am not sure how it works even after reading instructions.
Regenerating the PermaLink for a Form
Although a form name can be changed, that doesn't affect the permalink attached to it. How do you regenerate the permalink so it includes the current name of a form?
zoho sites issue with the forms
I posted this in sites to see if it was something on their end. They said it was a something with zoho forms and that some attributes needed to be added. It was working fine before and I noticed the problem this past Friday. What do I do to get it resolved. Thanks. https://help.zoho.com/portal/community/topic/contact-form-submit-button-not-showing-on-some-phones
Tracking Google Adwords in Zoho Forms > Zoho CRM
We've got an embedded Zoho Forms Form in our website (a new client application form). When someone completes it, how do I get them into Zoho CRM ALONG WITH the Google Ad GCLID? We're using Google Ad tracking in CRM - which works well with leads from Sales IQ & Marketing Hub, but not forms.
Additional Payment Gateways.
Are there any plans to integrate additional payment gateways such as Square or Braintree?
Is there a limit to how many confirmation emails can be sent per day?
If I have a very active form (or multiple forms with high daily submissions), is there a limit as to how many email confirmation can be sent per day? Please advise a.s.a.p. Thank you, Jim Canto, www.tonic.ventures Home of Virtual Coworking
Error trying to upload jpg images
I'm in the middle of a HUGE fundraiser, and all of a sudden no one can upload jpgs. I sent in a support request but I haven't heard anything. I'm feeling very embarrassed about it. Can someone please help?
E-mail lookup to get data from CRM Contacts
Hello averyone, I need to create a form where user will first input their mail address and form should do a lookup in CRM contacts. If e-mail already exists, other fileds like name, phone, address, etc must be pre-filled. I want this to avoid returning users keep filling same data over and over. How can I do this? Thanks! Jeff
Webhook not receiving POST data
I have setup a test form with CRM and Webhook integration The CRM upsert is working fine, but the webhook url is not receiving the POST data from the form. I added an extra parameter and this is being sent with GET method. All the webhook is doing at the moment is sending me an email with the $_POST and $_GET data, but $_POST is an empty array.
How can I show data from Zoho Forms in a custom app created in Zoho Creator?
I want to show the information from a register formulary in a zoho creator app, is this possible?
I create a form with ZOHOform and collect data.
I create a form with ZOHOform and collect data.
So we set up to update data from form to CRM on the way.
Does this setting synchronize the data accumulated in the form so far? Or will the data be entered into CRM only after the update setting?
Zoho Forms webhooks integration
Webhooks integration does not work on our form.
SubForm with multiple values and lines
I want to create as i CRM liste where i can enter information in a form and add as line number as i need With field with choice and value corresponding to value indicate in first page Exemple : how many cars have you ? If 5 cars ; Trade mark, Modèl, from date , etc... Is it possible ?
QR Code Scanning app on Zoho Creator
Hi Can somebody tell me how I can create a scanning application on zoho creator? What this app does is the following: 1. User downloads the scanning application via link 2. User opens the app then scans a QR code from a company 3. A custom module that is created in Zoho CRM is updated when the QR code is scanned with the information about the user and the company Something like this (attached image) Thanks
Can we capture current time in Zoho Forms?
Hi Is it possible to capture the current time in zoho forms without writing the script? Regards
How to remove option once selected?
Here is our example. We have 10 options which are time slots. Each time slot has four openings. That is a total of 40 openings for the day. What we want to do is remove the time slot from the radio button list once all four opening have then selected (submitted). While we can tell people the option is full when they submit the form via script, we are looking for a script that will remove the option from the list once full. Thanks in advance for your guidance and expertise!
Field still mandatory
Good morning. I am trying to edit a form in our account. There are two fields that we had marked as mandatory that we need changed to optional. I have unchecked "mandatory" and saved the form, however, I'm still unable to submit the form without filling out those fields. Any ideas?
Need multiple users to be able to "Merge" form responses
Hello, We need to be able to let multiple users manually "Merge" form responses. I'm assuming that means that we need multiple owners which i see you've said multiple times is something you are working on, but I was hoping there might be an update on when this might be ready (plus I wanted to add my vote to those who say this is a much, much needed feature). Thanks, Heather
Multi step registration form
Hi, Here is my requirement. Please let me know how to do it. It is for a non-profit event. Assume it is a 7-day event. 1) Day-1 we register all the users with basic contact info. 2) Also, mark Day-1 attendance. 3) 2nd day onwards, when the participant comes, we ask phone number. Search participant by phone number, participant info shows up. Mark 2nd day attendance. 3) Continue attendance for all other days. 4) Generate excel report with attendee details and attendance in one row. Please let me know
Document merge from different forms
Is there a way to output a document that collects multiple data sources (forms) ? I have fields from one embedded form on a website that i want to merge with data from fields that are embedded on a separate form on the same website.
I can't to Upload my picture on Zoho form
I can't to Upload my picture on Zoho form but this form is not valid.
Custom filter for Today and on
Sorry if this has been asked multiple times before but i'm having trouble finding it. I'm trying to make a custom filter that pulls from a certain field that has a date of today and forward. I'm thinking but don't know how to do a value of today but something like. Field Name: Field your working with Comparison: Greater than or equal to Value: Current date (have rerport have automatically fill in the day your looking at the report) Thanks
Edit Entry - then export as PDF with logo
Hello, We have our forms set up such that the PDF created has our company logo in the header. It looks great. However, occasionally we need to edit an entry to add more detail. After we edit the entry, I cannot find a way to make the PDF look nice, with our company logo. The exported PDF on the "All Entries" register does not have the logo. Can someone help to advise how we can edit an entry, and still export a PDF with our logo? Thanks!
Filing completed forms onto Google Drive as PDF (or any readable format) automatically
Can ZoHo Forms file a PDF copy of a filled out form onto a Google Drive Folder and generate a new file name per submission. i.e. When a form is filled a PDF version of the form is automatically filed into a specific folder onto Google Drive Thanks
Hi, We use Zoho forms for our unsubscribe form in emails amongst other things, however we have found that the domain zohopublic.eu is on a few blacklists including spamhaus, as is zfrmz.eu. We cannot use these while they are blacklisted for fear of it spreading to our own domains - can someone look into this please?
Applicants unable to submit their forms
We have had a number of people complain that they are unable to submit the form. Often they get an "error 404" and all or some of their data is lost when they hit the "back" button on the keyboard. The error does not seem to be associated with browser or OS variations. I have sat with three of these people and ensured the form has been correctly completed and seen the error message. I have then used my own laptop and mobile internet and been able to submit with no problems. The applicants are
Tip of the fortnight 9 - Compelling practices to optimize your customers' payment experience
Hello everyone, Digital payment has dominated the marketplace. That's why, when you're creating your online payment forms, there is a lot more you should be doing to upscale conversions beyond simply collecting payments. Yes, besides the marketing strategies you follow to drive traffic to your website, shed focus on designing your forms with interactive UI, intuitive fields, and a flawless workflow. Today, I've put together six tips for creating your next payment form. Do you ever ask yourself,
Integrate Zoho Form to Zoho Desk
Hi, I had a call with tech support the other day and she was great in showing me how to setup and map the integration between Zoho Form and Zoho Desk, however, she was going so fast I wasn't able to write down everything. Is there ANY article or somewhere that will give me step-by-step directions?? Desperate!
Can I dynamically prefill hidden fields?
Hello there, I want to use Zoho forms to collect feedback from the users after they login. I want to implement it by directing the user to a form prefilled with hidden login details (username/emailid), so that I do not have to ask the users about their login details again in the form. Can I do that?
36 rules and I'm stuck on the final one
It would be a long and unclear to put my issue into writing so I've done a little video that explains my problem. https://www.loom.com/share/250d02b293184842a5b2218f45a7827a Thank you in advance and I look forward to hearing your thoughts.
Tip of the fortnight 8 - Streamline your payment form's checkout process for improved conversion
Hello fellow form builders, Successfully processing payments without you even having to enter a line of code, we are payment forms ready! Are you? Before adding a payment field in your form and calling it a day, it's important to consider the negative impact that complicated and poorly designed payment forms can have on your conversions. In today's market, customers expect the ability to easily make payments as soon as they are done adding items to their cart. Based on the above stated facts, making
Formula - Percentage calculation
Hello, What is the formula for adding a field (2 values) in percent ? Thank you for your information.
how to remove zoho branding in zoho form
Hi, We want to use Zoho Form with Paid version but don't want to show Zoho branding. My question is: 1. How can we remove Zoho Branding? 2. Can we use our company logo, if yes then how? Thanks Vinod Kumar
How do I sort by last name?
Hello! We love Zoho Forms, but it can't seem to do the most simple task: sort by last name. When you use the Name field in the form builder, it automatically asks for First Name, Last Name. When you view the data in the field after submission, it is entered as "Bob, Smith". In the All Entries menu, you can only sort that field as "asc" or "des", which sorts by first name only. How can you sort by last name in Forms?? Thanks, Julie at Morehead-Cain Foundation
Tip of the fortnight 7 - Tips for creating optimized confirmation emails
Hello fellow form builders, *Scenario of form submitters after they click the Submit Button* Okay. The submission seems successful. Wait! Did the buyer confirm my order? Did I change the size back to "L"? Did I enter my email address correctly? These are the kinds of things your customers think when they are left with nothing but a submission screen staring at them. Confirmation that they have placed their submission correctly is a relief, and displaying the complete purchase details builds trust.
View filled in response
I would like to have a pdf of the respondends filled in response, but a full view of the questions and the answers so that I can print it out and put it on file. How do I do that? Many thanks
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