What's New in Zoho Inventory - March 2018
As promised, we are back again this month with a new set of features and improvements for Zoho Inventory. We continuously look to evolve and bring in additional features which not only enhances the product but also ensures a smooth user experience from time to time. That being said, let's take a look at what we have for you this February: 1. Raise Self-Billed Invoices Following the VAT regulations, the self-billed invoice feature is now available for the UAE and KSA edition users. The self-billed
TLS v1.2 upgrade for Zoho Inventory.
In order to maintain your communication with Zoho Inventory more secure and to meet the updated PCI standards, we will be retiring the support for TLS versions 1.0 and 1.1 on March 31, 2018. After this date, users will be required to update their processing solutions to TLS v1.2 in order to enjoy secure transfer of data. What is TLS? Transport Layer Security (TLS) is a cryptographic technology protocol used to provide secure transfer of sensitive information over the internet. Why is this update
Relative dates in custom views
We have them for "Is" BUT, "After" & "Before" is just as important as well as "is NOT" !!
Email alerts
Trying to create an email alert for sales orders that haven't been invoiced to be fired a few days after shipment but it happens irrespective of the status of the sales order - ie void, closed etc - am I setting something wrong ?......
API call to create create invoice in Zoho Inventory
I am trying to send the following json to create an invoice: { "customer_id": 1167451000000062085, // found by calling the get contact request "invoice_number": "INV-00002", "date": "2018-02-04", "due_date": "2018-02-10", "line_items": [ { "item_id": 1167451000000062103, // found by calling the get items request "quantity": 130 } ] } but the response is: { "code": 4, "message": "Invalid value passed for JSONString" } the post request is being sent to : https://inventory.zoho.com/api/v1/invoices?authtoken=<token>&organization_id=<org_id>
FLAW: Receiving Serialized Stock in zInventory and invoicing it in zBooks
There's a BIG issue with the whole serialized stock process. Warehouse staff receives inventory for serialized stock in zoho inventory BUT they are not forced to enter serial numbers. In fact they can't even enter serial numbers when receiving the purchase order. When invoicing serialized stock, a serial number "MUST BE SELECTED" otherwise an invoice can't be created. Zoho should either FORCE receiving (using zInventory or books) to add serials at receiving stage or NOT FORCE accounts to add serial
Back order notification
We get a wonderful notice - "Yaaayyyy - your purchase order for sales order ### has arrived" etc. , really handy - BUT .... This notice arrives when a bill is received - not on a PO receive - logic behind this ? We sometimes get bills before receipt of goods, which I must say is handled very well in inventory !
Creating an invoice through api end point
I would like to create an invoice from my application by requesting the Zoho Inventory create invoice api but I keep getting the following error: {"code":4,"message":"Invalid value passed for JSONString"}' I am posting with header content-type = 'application/json' and the json body is as followed: { "customer_id": 1167451000000062085, //found by get request to get contacts "invoice_number": "INV-00002", "date": "2018-02-04", "due_date": "2018-02-10", "line_items": [ { "item_id": 1167451000000062103,
Sales orders with back ordered PO
Hmmmmmm !!!! OK - please tell me how to overcome this ..... Sales order | create back order PO ... Sales order is auto marked "On hold" ... Try edit sales order to change shipping date... Almost there, but... Sales orders that have been shipped or on hold cannot be updated.So is NOT shipped ... back ordered PO Received... Try edit sales order to change shipping date... Almost there, but... Sales orders that have been shipped or on hold cannot be updated.SO is NOT shipped ... PO is received ... Enter
Custom Fields show in zBooks screen BUT NOT zInventory for same page
We use sales orders. When our warehouse staff use zInventory custom fields are not shown BUT The exact same Edit Sales order page in zBooks DOES show the custom fields should these not display the same? Zoho Books Screenshot - unable to insert pic... forum bug? See attached instead Zoho Inventory Screenshot of same page - unable to insert pic... forum bug? See attached instead
Bill due dates
Hey Zoho guys - just wanted to thank you for my latest discovery. An absolute gem for those of us that have settlement terms for bill payments (or just an agreement to pay by a certain date) .... Mine is 20th of the month following invoice date & this is achieved by a fantastic workflow. Just wanted to post in case anyone else was looking for this kind of feature - shown in attached image...... (New forum is a long way from finished!)
Email template association
Will this great feature from Books be incorporated into Inventory ?
Dashboard annoyances
Annoying for seasoned subscribers - See attached .....
Zoho Inventory is VAT Ready!
With the introduction of VAT regime in the United Arab Emirates and the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Zoho Inventory has brought in two brand new editions: the U.A.E. and the K.S.A. edition. Businesses in the Gulf countries can stay VAT compliant as with Zoho Inventory, you can now: 1. Configure your business's and your contacts' tax details: This will eliminate the need for repetitive manual entries in the future while recording transactions in Zoho inventory. 2. Assign appropriate tax rates for your
Dashboard links
To be packed & To be invoiced links do not work correctly if a custom view is selected in Sales orders ! Is this the expected behavior ?
api responses
Hey guys, A simple question from old Mr. Bean :-) Can you explain why the api returns limited information with these 2 different calls? I'm just wondering why we have to make 2 calls to get the required info when most of us use numbers we understand rather than Zoho ID numbers which I understand are very important ? .... ZohoUrl = 'https://books.zoho.com/api/v3/salesorders/' + ZohoID + '?authtoken=' + token; ZohoUrl = 'https://books.zoho.com/api/v3/salesorders?salesorder_number=' + So_Number + '&authtoken='
Hi Can someone please clarify what I should put under the relevant columns in my CSV file for uploading contacts? When placing orders I wish to be able to select the company name to create the order, but I also wish to have multiple contacts associated with each company. I have uploaded them in the following manner: Spreadsheet Column Actual Information Contact Name = Company Name Display Name = Company Name Company Name = Company Name and
Can not Edit Bill for backordered Items
Hello , We did back order for some items and after item received we Converted the PO to Bill successfully. We made a mistake in Bill Prices and we want to edit the Bill but we get the Below Error. (( Only backordered items are allowed in this bill. )) All items in our Bill have been Backordered and fully received. Pls advise how to solve the error and edit the Bill.
How do I apply a pricebook / pricelist when I create purchase order using the Inventory API?
When I add pricebook_id to the purchase order JSON request, I see the correct pricebook associated with the purchase order but the prices are incorrect. Do I have to look up the prices manually and apply them to each item? I should just be able to apply a pricelist to a purchase order and not have to deal with pricing.
Support for Serbian language
Hi - i've been testing your Free version, and so far I like what I see. I was able to change templates to Serbian, but I was wondering if there is a way to translate the interface. I'm willing to assist with translating if needed. Thank you
Receive dilemmas
ALL purchase receives show ALL items received instead of individual items received ????? Note the problem we have when we receive a different quantity on a later receive - not good enough really !!
Dashboard enhancements
Hey guys ! Some of us rely on different info & slight addition to the dashboard would be much appreciated - see attached...
List totals
I can't understand why you don't total lists that contain monetary / numeric fields ? It is a negligible consumer of processing power as you are already filtering the list ?
Convert PO receive to bill
Supplier terms are not available in contacts to auto alter the due date of the bill :-(
Create PO from SO
Convert SO to PO or Back order does not transfer the SO item description to the PO item description along with a few other niggly points - see attached image....... I've also noticed that the "Back order" notification does not always show ? The items involved have the following .... Opening Stock: 0.00 Accounting Stock -13.60 Physical Stock 48.20 Quantity to be Shipped 0.00 Quantity to be Received 34.70
Item page enhancements
Show items on Sales order yet to be packed .....
Web Hooks
Is there a web hook for Google sheets ?
2017 - Rewinding Zoho Inventory
2017 has come to a close and we’re thrilled to tell you that you have made it a splendid year for us! Thanks to your valuable feedback and suggestions, Zoho Inventory continues to grow with brand new features and improvements, becoming the go-to order management software for various businesses. Check out the buzz we created this year - Simple and powerful Order Management Software. Zoho Inventory acts as an intermediary between our web stores and warehouses resulting in significant reduction
Composite Item Creation
Hello there, When I'm trying to create composite items, it doesn't show any products which were already added, to choose as an ''Associate Items". Would there be any particular reason for this?
Zoho Inventory API - List All Item Groups returns invalid JSON
Hello, I have been using Zoho Inventory API, I raised this problem to your team nearly a year ago and had to work around it, but it seems your system is still returning an invalid JSON response. The details: When using the Inventory API resource for Item Group "GET /itemgroups/" the response received is not in the format described by the API docs. The doc here describes a JSON where the item groups are returned as a collection, as so: { "code": 0, "message": "success", "itemgroups":
Item Groups
Hi Can someone please explain the benefits of using items groups, rather than just adding all the products as separate items? One of the reasons I ask is because when searching for a single item there are spaces between the words whereas if added as a group I need to put hyphens in my searches. It would be easier to find things if I know that there are just spaces between the words, rather than potentially both. I am going to have a huge database of products so finding things easily is a big concern.
Push order from woocommerce (WP) to Zoho Inventory
Hi, I was told best to push all orders from mt wordpress woocommerce site to Zoho inventory and from there it will sync to CRM. how can I push the orders to Inventory without https://www.kloudconnectors.com ? Had a bad experience :( Any other recommended way to do this? Thanks
Bill payment terms in Inventory (vs Books)
When a bill is entered in Zoho Books one can select payment term (ie Net 30) and the due date is claculated. I often create the bill in Inventory (rather than Books) after having received items. In Inventory there is no option to select a payment term, you have to enter a due date. I would like to request the feature to add payment terms to Inventory to make it more consistent with Books as well as easier to enter. Thanks, -Tom
Boxing/unboxing composite item clarification
I have created a composite item, and now it is sold out. I want to add 6 more of these to my stock, so I box up the composite item and it says stock is now at 6 on both my sales channels. When I look at the boxing/unboxing details for this item it says $-4724.28. The value of the box is only COGS $8.30, selling for $24.95 Question: what does the $-4724.28 mean?
Zoho Inventory on mobile will not let me add quantity for items as a decimal
I have Zoho Inventory for iPhone. Unlike the web app, it will not let me add quantity as a decimal.
zoho inventory for suscription service
Hello! We just started using Zoho CRM and Inventory management software to manage our operations. We are a service company, that sends products to our customers each month, and then picks them up and sends them new products. How can I adapt the software to have: 1. The customer flow stages, step by step with each customer, so I know in which step is every customer? 2. Adapt the inventory inputs, to have a data base of our products and its status (in stock, lent or in transport) Thanks!
Email invoice PDF to customer from API not working
Hello, We are creating an invoice from sales order via API. Once created as DRAFT, we need to actually send the invoice PDF via email to the associated customer. We need to use an email template we created in Setup area of Zoho Inventory. We tried two most appropriate options: 1. setting up an automation to send the email by using the correct template. However, although I can read from the History&Comments that the workflow executed correctly, the email didn't actually get through. Is there any known
Problem Uploading CSV
Hello, I'm trying to upload a CSV file but a message saying internal error appears and doesn't let me import my products.
Restorder and picking list
Hi, I have a customer that work a lot with items. They have a very good service and want to deliver porducts as quick as possible if needed. Sometimes SalesOrders include items that are rare, and is incoming for stock. They would like to have a prioritylist that shows articels/items on stock and a list for e.g. this weeks deliveries to customer where they can see the time of order (SO) and priorities which customers who should have the deliveries of th items that they still have in stock. Is this
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