How to create a rectification Invoice
Hi!I have to do a rectification invoice and I'm trying to do it with zoho invoice like always. The problem is that I cannot save the invoice, when I try it, the system show me this message "La factura se puede crear solo si la cantidad total es mayor que cero." that means "The invoice cannot be saved with an amount 0". Could anyone help me? Thanks a lot! Dani.
Pause button in Timer in Zoho Invoice
It would be very helpful if there were a PAUSE button in the TIMER. Unless I am missing something, I have to stop the timer and re-start the timer for a new session after I've paused to do something non-billable.
Invoice Background Image
Hello, I've edited some invoice templates to include a background image. In the Edit Template section, I can see I have uploaded a background image, and I can see the preview of my invoice template where it correctly displays the background image. However, when I actually generate an invoice, there is no background image. It does not display as I'm creating the invoice, nor does it display in the emailed version sent to the customer, in the PDF, nor seen if looking at the invoice via the client portal.
add date range to unbilled project hrs - invoice creation
see screen shot. email me if you want more detail!
Marking an invoice as paid pending cleared funds
I am trying to find a way to mark an invoice as having the payment sent, but still waiting to clear. I can see that invoices can be listed as "Payment Initiated" but I don't see any documents that explain what that is, nor can I find a way to assign that status to an invoice. I want to be able to give my invoice a status between unpaid and paid. Can anyone suggest any way to do this? Thanks.
Can't access Zoho Invoices after receiving a request to join from Zoho invoice account owner
Dear Zoho Team, I have created a zoho email id. My office back-end team wants me to join the zoho invoices platform. These are the steps I have followed so far: 1. Email id created and login successful. 2. I receive a request to join Zoho Invoice. 3. I accept the request but I receive an error that "An account already exists for this email" - Screenshot is attached below. Please help urgently.
What is the function of "Payment Terms"?
While creating a customer, we can see a field "Payment Terms" and we have the options "Net 15, Net 30, Net 45"... Just to clarify: what is that, I mean, what does "Payment Terms" do exactly? In addition, I'm from Brazil, so I have no idea what is the meaning of initials "Net" (like "Net 15" for example). Is it about working days? I've just generated a new invoice to myself for testing purposes and I could see that, if we leave the Payment Terms as "Due on Receipt", 1 day after the invoice shows a
Expense Descriptions on Reports
How to show expense descriptions in expense reports?
Cuentas gratuitas
Tengo una pregunta, Actualmente tengo 5 cuentas de correo configuradas de forma gratuita, si quiero tener una cuenta adicional debo pagar con el plan lite, debo pagar 1 dolar por cada cuenta o por cada cuenta adicional?
How to Add CIN (Company Incorporation Number) of Private limited company on Invoice?
Hello, I run a Pvt. Ltd, Firm and according to ROC law, each document that is issued by Pvt. Ltd. Company should have the CIN mentioned on it. Accordingly, can you please help me to understand how can I customize all my document headers to include the CIN on it? Regards, Anand
How to customize bill to address and shipp to address on invoice?
Hello, Can you please help me to understand how can I modify the bill to and ship to address on my invoice? Required format - Bill to - ${CONTACT.CONTACT_DISPLAYNAME} Additional Line: ${CONTACT.CONTACT_Salutation} ${CONTACT.CONTACT_first_name} ${CONTACT.CONTACT_last name} Additional Line: ${CONTACT.CONTACT_Mobile_Phone} ${CONTACT.CONTACT_ADDRESS} ${CONTACT.CONTACT_CITY} ${CONTACT.CONTACT_CODE} ${CONTACT.CONTACT_STATE} ${CONTACT.CONTACT_COUNTRY} ${CONTACT.CONTACT_GSTIN_LABEL} ${CONTACT.CONTACT_GSTIN}
Invoice in Marathi Language does not show Marathi Language details when exported as PDF
Hello, When I export the Invoice with having Customer details in Marathi Language, the pdf does not show the localize text. Can you please help me with this? Regards, Anand
Has anyone migrated from Freshbooks?
I'm looking to migrate from Freshbooks and cannot see anywhere on Freshbooks to export my data. Has anyone ever completed a migration successfully other than manually adding your old data?
Regarding Payment
HI, I am using zoho invoice API in my application. In my application each customer can make more than one invoice payments(includes due payments) in one shot(online payment using razorpay gateway). write now In my application ui I have given payment link to each invoices. But I need user to select invoices so that all selected invoices amount can pay through one online transaction(debit or credit card or any kind). Is there any kind of payment link to zoho customer(like invoice_url one present in
Custom Field Zoho invoice - Not populating on invoice
Hi, I've created a Customer field for my customers for the VAT number (for EU customers). I have gone into 'More Settings' and added it under the address fields, however, when i create the invoice - the field label appears - but the contents do not. How can I fix this?
Dedcuct from Retainer before sending Invoice
Hello One and all I just started re-using zoho invoice for my OneMan IT Shop. I make use of retainer payments in the form of pre-paid services. What i have noticed, is when i generate and invoice, i have to 1. Save it first 2. Deduct the Invoice amount from the Retainer 3. Then finally send it off to the client What would be much more idea. 1. Invoice is created. 2. Zoho Checks to see if there is funding in the Retainer account 3. Just below the invoice, Zoho, shows u how much is in retaner 4. Zoho,
Invoice API PHP example
Hello, I'm trying to integrate with zoho, but I have some issue with API, Please provide same php example of using api, e.g how to get list contact I tried to use : function listCustomers() { $authtoken = '2f89455f7767e00d28ea38ee0baa7837'; $Organisation = '37517635'; $url = ''.$authtoken.'&organization_id='.$Organisation; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_VERBOSE, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER,
Postdated Cheques
Hi there, Is there a way to enter postdated cheques and keep a credit on the account for future invoices?
ERROR: invalid element paid_through_account_id
Hello, I received this error when trying to add a billable expence on my Android mobile. invalid element paid_through_account_id It would save it, as long as it was not flagged as billable. Once I clicked the toggle, it came back with this error. I can make the expence billable from my chromebook and Win OS. I have the most updated version of the mobile app installed on my Samsung S9.
Regarding invoice
HI, I am using zoho invoice api for my application, Here if previous month invoice is not paid then in the next invoice I need to add interest charge as penalty(for previous invoice amount). How can I achieve this, I seen API documentation There is no way to add Interest penalty to the invoice amount. Thanks.
hi, Do you have any samples C# code for Zoho Invoice API integration with C#?
Regarding zoho Organizations.
Hi, I am using zoho invoice for my two applications. And I am using zoho API in my two applications too. I Have created two organizations with my zoho account and I can able to access zoho invoice through zoho UI. My doubt is could I able to use two organisations for my two applications simultaneously using zoho invoice api with one zoho account(considering one account charges of plan for invoice), or It's not possible to use simultaneously with one account. Thanks.
Receipt Printing
Hi, Does zoho provide a facility for producing receipts once the client has paid the invoice? Thanks. Keet
Delivery Note without services
Hi all, It there a possibility to create a delivery note from an invoice without the listed services "idem type: service"? Thank you in advance, Michel
Repeating invoice numbers
At present time it seems that invoice number must be unique. Due to local regulation, I need to reset my invoice number at a beginning of each year. This seems to be impossible in Invoices since the number must be unique. Is that really so? Any way to remove the uniqueness check? How to circumvent this? (Please note, I am not allowed to add any prefix/suffix to my invoice number!)
Download Entire Invoice History?
Is there away to export or download our entire invoice history? We need a copy of all of our past invoices.
How can I adjust the business address for different Invoice templates?
Hello! I create german and english invoives. My probpem is: On the german invoice, I don't want to have the country placeholder for my business address. On the other hand - I need this feature for my english invoices. If I change this item on one invoice - it gets changed on ALL invoice templates. How can that be fixed? Thanks in Advance Patrick
Email and print invoices
Each month I have a mix of email and print recurring invoices. After emails have been sent not sure how to go back and print the remaining invoices.
Content of the mails sent with Zoho Invoice
Hi, When I send a quote with Zoho Invoice, I use an email template that has already been created. Sometimes, depending on the client, I add a personal message. When I send the email with the quote, I see in the quote timeline that the email has been sent. How to find the mail history with its content? Is this possible in Zoho Invoice? Maybe it's possible via Zoho CRM? Thank you
Suggestion - Credit Limits
Hello, I'd like to suggest a new feature for Invoice. I'd like to be able to set a credit limit for each client and to see a report showing how close to the limit each client is. When posting an estimate or invoice a warning should appear if this would take the client over their credit limit. It should also be possible in the settings to set a default credit limit for new clients which would be used if a specific limit is not set for that client. Regards, Mark
Additional custom PDF files with invoice
Hi, we are exploring Zoho Invoice. One of our requirement is to send few more PDF documents (certificate, etc) along with each invoice. Those documents will also carry a reference to the item and invoice meta information (like description, invoice number etc). Can any one tried this before, if so provide some pointers? PS: I can create a custom template but that may not help here as I need to send 4 documents in total (including invoice) for each sale. Regards!
Logo sizing on PDF invoice
I'm having trouble getting my logo to size properly on the invoices. I've changed the dimensions to what you recommend (580 x 250 or as close as I could) and it comes out huge on the invoice, taking up the top 20% of the page. If I use a smaller size (130 x 70) it comes out the right size but all pixelated. I'm using a PNG image. Any suggestions?
What's New this November 2018 in Zoho Invoice?
We've got some amazing product enhancements that will improve your invoicing experience in Zoho Invoice . Check them out below! Enhanced Version of Zoho Invoice - Zoho Projects Integration We have enhanced the Zoho Invoice - Zoho Projects integration. In this, you will be able to sync project related data such as Project info, Tasks, Bugs, Timesheets and its users from Zoho Projects to Zoho Invoice.With the imported data, you can send invoices from Zoho Invoice. This enhanced version is currently
How do I use different hourly rates for different people and their tasks when invoicing from Zoho Projects?
When I create an invoice out of Zoho Projects (Timesheet tab), I'm asked for just one hourly rate. I need to use a different hourly rate for different people, even if they are putting time in on the same task. I know I can break out lines in the invoice separately to accomplish this, but that is, obviously, manual and risky. How do I do this automatically? Can I enter a billable rate for an individual somewhere? On the invoice, can I specify which person the hours are associated to, then change
What's New this December 2018 in Zoho Invoice?
The last month of 2018 is finally here and we at Zoho Invoice, would like to make it the best one by making your invoicing experience better! Here are the product updates and enhancements that we have for the month of December. In-App Notifications When there are multiple users in an organization, each user tends to work on various transactions and the notification would flood the mail box of the owners of those transactions. Also, each time you receive a notification, you will need to switch between
Changeable invoice notes?
In Invoices: Settings > Preferences > Invoices. I've filled in what my husband often likes to put, in his invoice notes for customers -- but he doesn't want it to ALWAYS appear, but cannot remember the text on his own. Is there any way to save that as a notes "option," and call it up into the invoice, the exact same way, "on demand?"
Track Discounts / Subtotal with Discount
Since many of my clients are non-profit organizations, I offer them a rate discount for certain design services. Is there a way to track discounts so I can see how much I've discounted throughout the year? Also, I'd prefer to show the discount AFTER the subtotal so the actual billable total is shown, as well as the discounted amount. It's important to do that to show value of my services. Is there a way to do that? Thanks so much in advance.
Edit item details
Hi! I'dl like to edit the Quantity section, in the item details field. It always appears Days generically but i'd like for it to be Hours. how do i do this? Thanks, Alberto
Suggestions for improvement
My Business has recently used Zoho Invoices to invoice all our customers. But as much as we love this platform there is little to no room for customizability. I would love to see some of these listed suggestions added to this platform to improve its efficiency. Invoice status Add the ability to input custom status. The only ones available are paid, Sent, Void, Write Off. I would love the ability to add custom ones as I please. Invoice Templates Improve the customizability of the current templates.
Access to Zoho Invoice offline?
Hello, I see that zoho invoicing is a cloud based system which very useful. However, since I am in the process of integerating it to my business, I want to know if we can use it incase there is a temporary unavailability of internet due to unforseen circumstance. So, can your system be used in "Offline Mode" to create invoices without net access, and synchronise again when net becomes available? since, our business cannot stop even if internet goes down for a while.
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