Need programmer to develop a shopping cart with Zoho Invoice
Hello, I need a programmer du develop a plugin for me only to use with my website... Please contact me via skype (marc3k) if you are interest. I’m using Zoho Invoice to send invoice to my client when I do job for them (IT). I recently add a Webhosting product to my product. I want to be able to use Zoho invoice with the webhosting. I when people select their webhosting plan, I want them to be redirect to a web page. On that webpage, their will have to enter all the info for the order. That has to
Can I delete all Invoices (and/or Payments)?
I accidentally messed something up with my programmatic approach to adding Invoices and I need to delete them all (but I can't unless I delete each payment individually). There are about 300 Invoices (and payments). Can I delete all payments at once?
I have an .osd for an invoice, how do I...
What's the best way for me to do this. Here's what I have been doing. I have an .ods (OpenOffice Document) that's a spreadsheet we use to create an invoice for a potential customer. I have been creating it on my desktop and saving it as a PDF and emailing it to the client. What do you recommend I do to simply and make more professional? As of yet I have not tried "Zoho Invoice", because I already have an invoice. I don't want to have to learn another thing to send invoices. Is that possible?
Year End Reports
Hello, I am looking to do a report for our accountant where it includes Client Name, Invoice #, Date of payment, Amount, Tax and Total. I am able to do one report but it does not separate the tax into a separate column. It only includes it all together. Is there a way to extract the tax so that it shows separately? Any advise/tips would help! Thank you. Jennifer
Creating an overdue invoice
How can I create an Invoice programmatically with an overdue status? Alternatively, can I set the status of draft Invoices to overdue? Thanks, Gabe
Timelog - minutes
Regarding timelog: "HH:MM" I manually enter time. Is the "MM" 0-59 minutes? For example, if I spend 2 hours 20 minutes is it as simple as entering "2:20" or do I need to do some formula? This must be obvious to everyone as I didn't see this question in the forum. Thank yoU!
Multiple billable expenses for one client?
Using your invoicing system I have entered a couple of expenses for a particular client. The system does not appear to allow me to select multiple billable expenses and create an invoice for the client? Surely we do not have to create a separate invoice for each billable expense?
Recent UI changes in Zoho Invoice
Dear Customers We moved in some UI changes recently to both Zoho Invoice and Zoho Books. Since we did this, we've been receiving questions. Hence, we are listing some of the changes, that we'd like you to know about: The quick search option: The quick search option on the right hand side of the page, is not available now. As an alternative, you may use the search option right at the top of you list; only till we have the quick search option back. Sort by: The earlier UI had a separate 'sort by' drop
Invoice Ship to not showing up
I go to edit template and add Ship To and save but when I go back to create invoice Ship to does not appear How can I get Ship to on the invoice ?
Custom Field in Invoice Details
We have prepaid and postpaid customers. Right now when we download Aging file, we have to manually bifurcate these customers in excel. Is it possible to have custom field whereby we can have a flag/dropdown to choose Prepaid or Postpaid customers. So we can download only Postpaid customer details.
3 Support Questions
Hi I've switched over to the new system which looks v nice indeed, but I have a few questions: 1. Can I change the time period for total receivables and sales in the dashboard? 2. If I have 2 organisations set up, can I transfer old invoices or estimates between organisations? 3. We've noticed some data missing from invoices when printing from Zoho (e.g. field labels such as VAT and subtotal). Has anyone else reported this?
Disable/enable contacts for a client
Hi, I have a number of clients that have 30+ contacts, when i import these into the invoice application, all i want to do, is enable a 3 or 4 of these contacts to have Portal access. However, I can not do anything to change this at the moment, and I do NOT wish to delete contacts from Zoho CRM, as they are important! Any ideas? Cheers
Set payment term during invoice creation via API
I am using Zoho Invoice to create some invoices, only with the API. Is it possible to add specific payment term, only with the API, on the same call than invoice creation (not with another api call as visible in documentation) ? Best regards
Unable to save Timesheet duration properly
Hi everyone, I can't believe I'm the first one to report this, but since this morning (Feb 25, 2014, 10:50 AM EST), I am unable to change the duration of an existing Timesheet entry in Zoho Invoice. The bug is actually very easy to reproduce. Here's what I'm trying to do (and was able to up until this morning): Go to the Timesheet section Choose an existing task (I'm using one that I tracked using the timer) Note the time on the counter for that task, for example 4:05 Click on it to load the 'Edit
Double print in same page
I need to print a double copy of invoice in the same sheet. I use pre-printed modules in a A4 format , divided in two . One part is for me and one is for customer. (I know is complex, but we are talking about italian laws...) Is possible to customize the page in this way?
Missing providers section to become a small accounting application.
At the moment, you can manage all the information related to your customers but you can not manage information related to your providers. Let´s say that we need the following sections in order to have an accounting application: Accounts receivable (where the company enters money received), Accounts payable (where the company enters its bills and pays money it owes), General ledger (The Company´s boks), Billing (where the company produces invoices to clients/customers), Stock/Inventory (where the
purchase invoice
Hi, This software is very good... to manage the selling invoice. But I think it could be nice can manage all the purchase invoice in order to give a really complete accounting managament system. Do you think will be implement in the future? Thanks for your answer. Davide
pdf format
1) if the invoice more than one page, can add page number on the end of page? and mark invoice number on second and after page? 2) how to email the PAYMENT RECEIPT to client? 3) can add the invoice number on PAYMENT RECEIPT? (
Add a column to invoice
I would like to know if there is a way to add acustom column to an invoice. I would like to add a shipping column and a tax column so I can enter a fixed amount for shipping and a fixed amount for tax per line per item Here is what I am looking for Qty Item unit Price shipping Tax Total Thanks
Can't Open File when Printing or Exporting PDF
I get a pop up box that says "Can't open this file. There's a problem with the file format" when I try to "Print" or "Export as PDF" in Zoho Invoice. I recently got a new computer that is running Win 8.1. I never had this problem before??
Bitcoin Currency Support
I've started to accept Bitcoin from my customers for payment as well as paying for online services. The currency code is BTC and the currency symbol being (re)used is the Thai Baht symbol ฿ in the same way as the $ symbol has been reused for different currencies. Any chance of adding support for this currency? If not I'm just going to have to keep using Thai Baht / BTC, but that's going to cause an issue later when we start doing business with Thailand. Many thanks
Give staff access to Estimates
Does anybody else know how (if possible) to give staff access to estimates section. I would like staff to generate estimates to send out, but not access the rest of the invoicing. Currently they can log their time, but every time they need to send out an estimate managers have to do this. This would be a really useful feature and I feel an easy option for the development people to do (its just permissions at the end of the day).
How to send invoice through API
Hi, I'm working with the Invoice API and most of it goes well ! I am however struggling with the 'send invoice' instruction. I read that I can send out the invoice upon creation, by adding the Send=true parameter. But I don't know where or how to integrate this. On the other hand, I'm trying to email an already created invoice, and am sending following data through a post request: $data = "<Custom.Subject>This is mail subject</Custom.Subject> <Custom.Body>This is the mail content</Custom.Body>
Zoho Invoice Payments Thru Paypal
Hello! I have business payments setup through Zoho Invoice for Paypal. This is my first time using Zoho Invoicing and didn't know if my customers would then be directed to pay to paypal when they clicked the link that asked them to pay online through the email invoice template I created. Since these are also going through PayPal Business Payments, I wanted to ensure that the fee would be $0.50 like other paypal business payments I have received in the past from another company using the same payment
Adding items in an invoice
I have a contracting business that performs similar tasks. A simple example might be "Clean for sale". I would perform a task like this on multiple jobs but the scope is different for each project. When I create an item for an invoice it indicates that "item already exists" if that same term was used for a previous project. As I mentioned the scope of work is different for various projects so the amounts differ. Is it possible to create the same line item for different projects without receiving
Can't Export Customers Anymore? No customer reports?
I can't export contact or customer information in the new version of Zoho... The choice is missing. Only import exists now as a choice. There are all kinds of reasons one needs this. Am I correct? Cheers, Neal
invoice template
How to add company Phone and Fax number to company header?
Using Zoho Invoice for a shopping cart
Hello, I'm using Zoho to invoice my customer when I work on IT stuff. I'm now selling webhosting from my website. There is a way to create a form so when user chose a plan, send them to a form, client will enter information, pay for the plan that their chose and after send me an email so I can create their account? Thanks, Marc
payment using zoho invoice API
By logging in to zoho website, we can send email to coustomer to pay via playpal/ (using link in the email) Can we generate link using your invoice API and use in our Application? can you tell me how to do this? if it is not possible, can you please suggest other way? -thanks,
How can I add two columns in my invoice template??
Hi, I need to add two columns in the plain invoice. One to show what type of TAX it is (i.e. either 21% or 6%) and the other columns to show how much is the TAX, so that in the last column (Amount) shows the total amount for that item. Thank you. Murray Harper
Import Contacts broken
In the past two days, you have changed/broken the Contacts import. In Step 2 of the process where you map the fields/columns of the import file with your matching columns, the 'Customer Name' column is missing. It was working two days ago- and we have created code to export our data into a CSV with matching column names, which no longer works. Was this change intentional? If not, please fix this asap.If it was intentional, then is there a way to get notice of schema/layout changes as we have created
Can the User Type (Staff) create projects and tasks?
Hello, general inquiry here. We just started using Zoho invoices and have a couple of questions on user types: Can a Staff user create projects and tasks? With the default setup, only admin users are able to create projects and tasks. Is this right? So what is the difference between a staff user and a staff user with time tracking access? Law
Importing invoices when Contact does not exist
When importing invoices, if the 'Customer Name' does not exist as a contact record within Zoho, it would be 'nice' if it warned of this in the 2nd step of the import wizard. I'm assuming that having a corresponding contact record is not required (though I would think it should be)- but, if it is not a requirement, then a warning would be helpful. - And if that's a bug and it should prevent the upload/import of the invoice, more the better.
Add bankaccount to the invoice
Hello I dont understand where i can add my bankaccount-number.. dont know what this is called, but its my number to the bank, where people pay the money. Can someone please help me with this? Thanks.
How can i add bank account to my invoice?
Hello, i really dont understand this. When i send an invoice to a customer they will pay me.. and to do that, they need my bank account, so they got somewhere to pay... I dont understand where i can add this. Can someone please help me with this?
Invoice Address Layout
Dear Zoho, First off, after many years of using Zoho Invoice we must say a big thank you for the new interface design. We find it so much more user friendly and finally the back button works, sort of. Since migrating over to this new interface the only problem we seem to have had relates to the layout of the invoice address. We are using your Pro template and all our client addresses did look like the following: Client Name 16 Made Up Street Guildford Surrey GU13 4EP UK But now that same made up
Multiple address formats?
Is it possible to define multiple address formats for including on Estimates, Invoices, etc.? Ideally, it would be good to have this defined on a per template basis and not globally.
Personal Data Protection laws
I'm based in Spain and we have very strong Personal Data Protection laws. I'm afraid I won't be able to use Zoho without revealing my clients' personal details to Zoho and third parties. Otherwise, I think Zoho is a great idea, which is why I signed up for it.
Can you combine Timesheet, Expenses and Invoice into a single invoice?
Hi I would think this would be quite a common request. We would like to bill our clients monthly. So on the monthly invoice we would like to add in: 1. Any expenses 2. Any timesheet logs 3. Our monthly management fee At the moment it seems we have to create 3 separate invoices for each category. Is there any functionality to combine this into a single invoice? Thanks Gene
Zoho Timesheet Log Entry Space
Is there a way to add more space to a Timesheet entry. My clients require specifics and I'm receiving a too long description error. I can't really break into two entries because everything done is part of same task. Eli
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