Where is terms and condition?
Hello, I really like Zoho Invoice, but I am pulling my hair out trying to find where to edit the terms and conditions for my invoice. Please help Thanks, Kevin
full customization of templates - disabled for how long?
Hi We are currently evaluating the Zoho Suite (invoice, projects,...) as our main tool to administrate our business. Since we are a software integrator company we are also potentially interested in interfacing zoho invoice with other softwares. By going through the software functionalities we were just astonished that the html editing of templates was disabled and not directly replaced by an upgrade of the functionality. How long will this functionality (full customization of templates) be disabled?
signature line
how do i add a line for the customer to sign their signature
Add total quantity in total box
What about adding total quantity of sold products in product invoice or hours in service invoice.
Best Practice for Canceled Project?
I have a project that has been canceled. The client had made a partial payment as the deposit, which I recorded in Zoho Invoice. Since the project is canceled, I have refunded that partial payment. What would be the best practice for recording this refund, closing this invoice, and indicating that this project is canceled?
Change quotes template
Hi, Does Anyone know where I can find the button the change the lay-out (via HTML or the easier option) after choosing a template. I already customized the fields but know I want to change the lay out. I can't find the button anymore. Thanks in advance
After Alter Quot template the result in PDF get messed up
I made changes to my Quot template, minor move of field into different location. After save the export to PDF got the wrong results and preventing me from get quotation from the system. Here is the HTML code used in the template. Start Code Here <table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" style="background:#fff;padding:2px;"><tbody><tr><td><table border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" style="border-left:1px solid #dadada;border-right:4px solid #dadada;border-top:1px
How I get the Receipt or Tax Invoice?
I have got only the Invoice when I buy the Zoho CRM and Zoho Project. My company need to have the Receipt.
Any chance to disable mandatory rate field in items? Ideally totally customize items - change curency in items as well.
Hello, Is there any chance to get the functionality I need? Totally custom items: ability to set the currency different from the default currency in items. Ability to cereate invoices in EUR( for ex.) and see the reports both in EUR and my default currency - RUB.
"Payment gateways have not been set up yet."
I get the error below when I try to send an invoice, despite having synced our Stripe account. Any ideas? *** Online Payment Options Payment gateways have not been set up yet. Please set up a payment gateway for online payments or remove the online payment link in the body of this email.
Delivery Bill
Hello, I have seen a lot of questions around delivery notes with answers from a year ago saying that Zoho was thinking of working on it. Is it done? Is there a actual real way to create a delivery bill automaticaly from a order but before an invoice? Thank you for your help Best regards
Synchronize Zoho Report with Zoho CRM and Zoho Invoice
Hi, I need to monitor my sales team performance/activity. I need to create a cross table report that indicates per week, per month, per quarter key business indicators bellows: - Number of new leads src: Zoho CRM - Number of lead converted src: Zoho CRM - Number of calls done src: Zoho CRM - Number of events/clients
View Draft under the customers information along with open, closed and overdue
When I set up a upcoming job It is set as draft and I date the invoice the date of the job. When I pull the customers name from the customer section it shows all the types of invoices except draft. How can I make a draft invoice show up on the customers info.
Tracking hourly, but charging Per Diem?
Hi there, I need to be able to track time hourly, but charge clients Per Diem. Does anyone know if this is possible? Please help - I'd like to purchase, but this is possibly a deal breaker. Or....even if I can just keep the time sheet line items on the invoice, but get rid of the hourly rate on each line? Thank you so much! Ves
Custom template for credit note?
When creating a credit note, it seems that one can only choose from the system templates, and can not select a custom made template for the layout of the credit note. How can we use our company custom template for credit notes as well?
Paypal payments not always recorded in Zoho Invoice
We have problems for a moment now, and it seems to be random (most works OK), what can cause the problem ? We do receive the Paypal payment, but it's not recorded in Zoho as its should. Customers are using the links from zoho invoice email, as it should... Thank you for your help Jonathan
Is it possible to import CRM contacts into Zoho invoicing more frequently than every 12 hours automatically?
Hi Is it possible to import CRM contacts into Zoho invoicing more frequently than every 12 hours automatically? if so how can this be done? Thanks Renee
Creating an invoice from a timesheet using iphone.
So I am new customer and I come in and make a post asking how to create an invoice from a time sheet and you DELETE the post? You have to be kidding me. I am immediately reversing the charges for this on my CC. Thanks for your great support. Moderate a payment reversal.
Template guidelines?
I'm working with Zoho Invoice for more than two years and it is still very cumbersome to build on templates. It seems that some IDs, tables and attributes are mandatory. On the other side, it seems to be impossible to build a tabeless design. And what about page breaks? It seems that a special nesting of tables is needed to make a consistent page break possible... Why doesn't Zoho publish some kind of Templating Guide?
Creating an invoice from a timesheet using iphone.
Hello everyone. This has to be something simple that I am overlooking. We do service calls and often need to create an invoice from a time sheet on our iphone. I see that you can do this from the website but I cannot find out how to do this from the App. Can you create an invoice from a time sheet using the iphone app? This is kind of a deal breaker for us. Thank you!
Invoice template
Hi I've been trying to create a custom invoice template but have run into problems. I think they're bugs but maybe it's user error as well 1. When I create a custom invoice from a pre-made one, the formatting of the text changes even before I've edited anything. Could it be a browser bug (I'm using Firefox 3 on Win XP). 2. I can't seem to move the main table (housing the invoice description) up closer to the top area. Drag and drop doesn't seem to work. 3. The table rows/columns are very fiddly to
Filtering Overdue Invoices Report By Customer
Hi, I need to send an overdue report to one of my clients but the report brings up ALL my overdue invoices. How do I eliminate all other clients invoices from this report? BTW, I emailed this query to support, days ago and I still have not received a response. What is the normal response time, for future reference? I'm in Australia so as far as I know there is no support phone number here I can call.... Many thanks, Dez78
Questions About Zoho Invoice
HI there, just wanted to know if Zoho Invoice has the ability to calculate tax paid on invoices in one financial year rather than tax on invoices in one year, this meaning paid invoices. Our tax laws are setup to record paid sales and not invoiced sales, so we would only need to calculate tax on paid invoices in one year. Also is there the ability to offer customers a 5% discount on invoices if paid within 30 days? If the invoice is not paid within 30 days then the full ammount is outstanding? Cheers
Invoice Export as PDF-P.O goes missing
Hello, I noticed since yesterday that the export as PDF function under invoice functions has an issue. The PO number which I input on the webpage is not shown in the PDF format. All I see in the empty P.O row is "P.O.#". Developers please fix this asap as I don't want to end up filling P.O numbers by hand in each invoice. Thanks.
Contemporary Invoice template set as default, but still shows old invoice template in PDF
Hello, I have selected on of the nice looking 'Contemporary' invoices as default, though when I go to view a test invoice as an exported PDF, it is the same old 'Professional' looking format. Can you help? Kind regards, Phil
Please add a receipt function
Everything about this is great except that I can't send a formal receipt.
Copy Estimates - to get Delivery Notes
Possibility to copy an estimate. This way, if I use a customized Template it would be nice to walk through the business steps: 1. Create an estimate A 2. Copy the estimate A1 3. Select the delivered parts (if partial delivery) 4. Change the template to a custom "Delivery Note" (f.e. this template could be without rates and amounts, just quantity and text) 5. Send the Delivery note 6. repeat with delivery note A2, A3, etc... (if partial delivery) 7. if all delivered create an invoice from estimate
Where the heck is statements located? It's 2013 and still no search function, and thats something that can be coded in very little time by using Googles search API. Never mind, I found it using Google search, but the way zoho implemented it makes it useless. I need details not just invoice numbers! I did notice that other users(5 years ago) questions were addressed by it's on the roadmap. Thats total BS, you simply can't say that anymore in the 2000's! Time to start looking at other invoicing apps!
snail mail not delivered
I started using snail mail more then a month ago to sent invoices to Luxembourg. According to the customer they are not receiving any invoices from me and according to snail mail the mail is being sent. I realize that mail is sent from the US, but this can not take more then a month I assume. How can this be checked?
Right few questions need help
is there anyway i can categorise my items? also is there anyway i can hide the Cost to the client? (i mean the item costs) just show the overall cost to the customer? thanks Scott
I want to cancel my zoho invoice
Hi I am trying to cancel my invoice account but i cant find anywhere how to do it!?
Notes are criticals fror Customer Svce on the GO!
Ref: Notes (These notes are for your personal reference and will not be displayed to your customers)... Is it possible to access those info via a tab to check clients history (as we can do for invoices) and memo instead using other mean like catch,
Submit invoice for approval
Hello, is there a way for invoice to be submitted for approval to the office manager or a stipulated individual. There have been cases where staff have sent out invoices with errors so it would be good to check first.
send invoices
Hi! How can i make that invoices are automatically send attached to an email template when they are created? We are going to use creator to generate automatically our recurrent monthly invoices. we'd need to automate the whole process so it's important that invoices get send automatically. Thanks a lot
Exhausted the maximum customers
hi there! got the message today "exhausted the maximum customer".... I once imported my contacts from ZOHO (without actually needing them all in Invoice) and used only about 20 or 30 customers... Now, when I got the Error-Message today, I thaught about deleting the contacts I don´t use but I can´t delete them Zoho Invoice tells me... how can I get rid of the unused Zoho-Contacts so that I will have left some more customers to be used fpr sending Invoices to them? Yours thankfully Stefan
Error message when adding new customer
when trying to add new customer I get the message (SubmitType should occur at least once.) any clues? This Appears in The Page header.
Delete Additional/ Custom Fields
How to delete Additional Fields i.e. Custom Fields?
Invoice template update is not working properly
I'm trying to change the modern template and I'm having problems. I save my invoice template and it seems that everything is OK. However, when I go to Parameters and I return to "invoice templates", my changes are lost. Can anyone help me? Thanks! Dani.
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