payment gateway setup and saved - but still get warning that I need to set it up
I have setup a PayPal standard payment gateway. I have an invoice ready to go and I still get the warning at top that says the gateway needs to be setup? Why? How do I get the system to see that I have a payment method setup? Rick
Amount entered is more than the balance due
In real case, client may pay more than the balance due. Can it allow to do so and the extra amount record in the balance for next open balance?
Snail Mail not working
Has anyone else noticed for the last 4 days snail mail has not worked. Everytime you use the option it says "Sorry, we are unable to send the snail mail at this time. Please try again later." I contacted support several times - they seem to have no idea. Zoho support could be one of the worst i've ever seen.
Show invoices un my website??
Hi, i need to know is there a way to show the invoices or estimates in a website for each client, that he can log in and he can see their invoices and estimates , and every time that i create an invoice in zoho invoice sync with my site, i think the solution could be an integration of zoho invoice with joomla or other cms , well or integration with zoho sites , well i hope you can help me , thanks in advance
Credits not working in Zoho INVOICE
Dear Support Credits are not registering in Zoho INVOICE. I apply a credit and the credit shows up as applied on the INVOICE but the balance due is unaffected. A screenshot is attached. This has never happened before and I have duplicated it on 3 different customers with credits owing. Neal Bennett
This is pathetically unacceptable service
Service down, no info on forums, customer support hangs up. Really, what kind of operation are you running?
Error Page
I'm getting a custom 404 "There is now web page matching this request. Please try again" when I try and add items, even when I click on the Support tab on the right of the screen.
Zoho Invoice Service Interruption - Root Cause Analysis
On May 31st 2012, between 8:43 PDT and 9:37 PDT Zoho Invoice was unreachable. This being a month end, many of our customers were affected and we deeply apologize for this interruption in service. I am sharing our findings on the root cause of this service interruption here and lessons that we had learned. The key flaw that caused this outage was a database operation that resulted in the Zoho Invoice MYSQL master database going down. When the MYSQL master server goes down, we have a MYSQL slave
CRM and Invoice Integration
The main reason I'm using Zoho CRM is the ability to make the work with multiple organizations. I work full time in sales for a heating company and track all my leads in Zoho CRM, I do real estate where I also track my leads there, as well as owning a consulting company that I invoice for, as well as a separate window company that I invoice for. I noticed you can create multiple organizations in Zoho Invoice but is there any possible way to sync more that one Zoho Invoice organization with my Zoho
Zoho invoice Android
when will u have the template change? it helps when we want to use the phone to print a Delivery Order Template. please hurry. also.. the search sucks really bad.. we cant search description or name to reference certain customer's purchase history / pricing.. cant do it on the go.. so it sucks a lil this way. do hurry! it'll be pretty good after that!
Recurring invoices : modify the due date
Hi, I've some recurring invoices that's are actif. I'd like to change the due date of every of this invoices. How can I modify this date because I don't see such button for doing that. Could you help me? Thanks a lot, Phil
Primary contact instead of the selected one?
Hi, Is it possible to have the selected contact's %FirstName% %LastName% when printing out the invoice? Currently, the primary contact's name is printed, disregarding the selection made at invoice form. Is it a bug or it's realy meant so? Best regards, Alexey. expiration date issue
I have an payment gateway. I tried to run a live small charge & it is denied. It says issuer denied it. I call CC co & they say the expiration date is off. The expiration is off by one month. I entered February & the CC co says it was sent by the merchant as March. Can someone tell me why the payment form sends March for when I enter 02 as the month?
Automated sending on recurring invoices?
Hi, I've been Googling a bit on this subject and can't seem to find a discussion with concrete information. It's mostly partial answers. Is it possible to configure a recurring invoice to be automatically sent via Email to the client on the 1st of each month (just like a manually sent invoice) as well as having the automated payment reminders when the invoice is due 15 days before, etc? I know how to configure the automated payment reminders. I am confused because the discussion I read seemed to
Contact disappears from Zoho CRM when fetched again
Hi I imported my contacts from Zoho CRM to Zoho Invoice with ZSC key which worked fine. I then edited contact details in Zoho CRM for a contact. I then selected in Zoho Invoice "Fetch again From Zoho CRM" The record has now disappeared from Zoho Invoice so I can't fetch details. Please can you explain. Thanks Gene
Cannot get to my invoicing!
I rely heavily on the invoicing for my small business...Always wondered what would happen if Zoho lost all my information...At the moment, I cannot access my account. Error message says "There is no web page matching this request..." When I called, I got an automated response saying no one is available to help me, please leave a message!
Zoho Invoice offline?
I am not able to access Zoho Invoice and I'm getting this message: Zoho Invoice There is no web page matching this request. Please try again. 1. The address entered maybe incorrect, please check and try again. 2. The page you are looking for does not exist. Is this happening to anyone else? I'm concerned because I have business history there. Any ideas?
Sort Order of Contacts in Zoho Invoice
Hi I have imported contacts from Zoho CRM into Zoho Invoice and requested automatic updates. I've noticed though, the sort order in Zoho Invoice does not match Zoho CRM contacts. It seems in Zoho Invoice, to take the Salutation into account as part of the first name sort order. Which doesn't make any sense. Please can you advise how we would view sort order of contacts in Zoho Invoice just by First Name or Last Name. Many thanks Gene
Cannot delete columns on Invoice template
Hi I cannot select the table or delete a column in the Invoice template. using Safari on a mac.
Location in Email Template
Why is the Company Location not showing up in the email template I've created?
Days open
Hello, I would very much like to have a report where I can see how many days the open invoice are open (not paid). I can see which invoices are overdue, but I have to calculate myself how many days. Thanks! Bas
Subscription Plans
Hi, It bothers me each time I view the subscription plans and I couldn't figure it out; besides the upgrade-downgrade, until now. It doesn't make sense to have Unlimited Customers, Limited Customers, then Unlimited Customers! The plans only differentiate in the amount of users rather than customers. Simply have all the plans Unlimited Customers, estimates, etc.; except the number of users would be different. Obviously Zoho wants the standard {low | medium | high}, so leave it at {2 Users
Insert Dates for item billings
Hi, I am new to Zoho invoice and have signed up a subscription plan. I would like to insert billing dates into my recurring invoices as follow :- Recurring Monthly Service Fee 01 May 2012 - 31 May 2012 $25.00 Currently, I would have to manually create 12 items from Jan - Dec 2012 each $25.00 and then each month, i will have to create an invoice. I have 200+ invoices which i have to create each month, inserting the relevant month(i.e. relevant item list) However
Schedule reports or users that can login and pull reports
Have been a long time user of invoices and I love it as a service, it for fills many of or my requirements, however I have recently expanded and now have re sellers. With these re sellers i send them invoices for various services, at time they can have a bunch of opened invoices, and they have requested monthly reports on these. This is something that I have to create manually via customer and then export and then send. I would love the ability to create a report, save its variables and then schedule
more detailed sales reporting
I would like to drill down my sales report by item and customer, so i can tell in month 2, how many items of x and y, each customer bought.
Timesheet entries - unbilled to invoiced?
How do I change unbilled entries to invoiced without actually generating an invoice? I have entered details from another system to keep all details together but obviously do not want to produce new invoices etc.
Edit Invoice bug: after editing an invoice clicking Save does not save changes
Using latest Chrome browser (19.0.1084.46) I have tried editing the description of a line item and it will no save. I also tried re-adding the line item and deleting the original; this will not save either. After clicking Save the invoice reverts to its previous state. So I tried Internet Explorer 8, same problem. Help? Thanks!
Why is customer relation number not available in Zoho Invoice?
Hi Zoho Invoice, If you have 10 customers with the same last name, or even same first name, how do you quickly find the correct record? Most CRM and Invoicing systems have a unique customer relation number assigned for each customer registered in the system. Wny is this very simple but so important function not available in Zoho Invoice? If a unique customer relation number is generated (auto numbering) each time you register a new customer, it will simplify the process of finding the right customer
Wufoo data to Zoho Invoice
Guys, is that possible to match the Wufoo form entries detail to Zoho invoice invoice entries (customer name, item, discount?)
Zoho Sites linked to Zoho Invoice
Hi Zoho Team, Thanks a lot for your great release zoho sites!! I'm very interested to see where you guys can go with such breathtaking solutions. I did not ask for e-commerce solution or website site solution since I was waiting for integration between Zoho reports-Zoho CRM and zoho Invoice. My questions is: 1/ How can create a website that allow my client to fill order that feed in Zoho Invoice ? Regards, PS: The topic Zoho sites is not available for the moment.
Page number on invoices, layout on invoice pages 2f
Hi there Would be fabulous to have page numbers on the Print Out/PDF-invoice pages. If you have 30 or so items in a single invoice, would be cool to have the normal first page layout on every following page, with just a page number added: 1/4 - 2/4 - 3/4 - 4/4... 4 example :-). Thanks for checking.
Paypal Payment Options
How do you add online (Paypal) payment options onto invoices? When I export my invoices there is no payment option. Need to send out invoices with this option ASAP!!! I also already have my paypal intergrated.
Customtemplates - Available fonts list
Hi, i am redesigning my custom invoice and estimates templates within INVOICE. Before I start, I'd like to know which fonts are supported? Is there a list or an overview somewhere? I couldn't find anything. Would be nice if you could help me out! Regards! Frank
Search ALL Modules in Zoho Invoices
I just want to say that the new search in Zoho Invoices is completely annoying, restrictive and counter productive! A) Is there the option to search across estimates, invoices, customers etc. AKA all modules form the search in the top right corner w/out having to select the drop down menu. This extra step is USELESS. B) Is there any plan to change it back to what it was. It was far better. Thank you, Trevor
Timesheet Suggestions
Hi, A couple of feature request/suggestions for capturing time: 1. Add an option to the "Show" filter to only display non-invoiced time. 2. Add "start" and "end time" fields and have the system calculate the duration. This is important when working on multiple tasks. Thanks. Jack.
Zoho Invoice : Payment deletion process is too cumbersome! Help! If I make a typo I am screwed! Help1
Client additional fields dissapeared from client edition view
Hello. I use client additional fields to add some info like VAT number. But now if I try to create a new client or edit an existing one, this additional fields simply doesn't appear in the edit view and there is no way to change the value. Is it a bug? Or there is another way to do this? Thank you
Bug: Project "Based on Project Hours" -> Invoice (Foreign Currency)
Hi guys, I have started to use a free account of Zoho Invoice for evaluation purpose and if everything works as expected, I will migrate all my information to this service. The software has a lot of useful features, but I have found a problem with my workflow: I live in Spain, so I set my base currency as EUR. I have created a new customer using USD as currency. I have created a new project "Based on Project Hours" and I have introduced my hourly rate in USD. I have started to create tasks and log
PO # doesn't show in PDF after editing an invoice.
If I create an invoice, including a PO# at the time I create it, and export it as a PDF, the PO# appears as expected. If I edit an invoice after creation, and add a PO#, the PO# will not appear in the exported PDF, despite appearing in the summary. Any hints?
Cost of good field
Is there a way we can have cost of good sold as a field added to the back end of the invoicing procedure and available in reports?
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