Fixed amount tax
Hi, We would need to manage a fix amount tax in Zoho Invoice that would look like a flat fee x qty. We already manage this feature on our booking system. It might not be that difficult to implement this feature in Zoho Invoice. Thank you for your support.
not getting a response
We have tried contacting Zoho Support to resolve issues we are having but not having any luck. We need to switch it so my boss is the lead and I am a user. I have exported the data, but now he can't add me to the main, it gives him an error. why is no one responding, I want to speak with someone today! if we are unable to get in contact with someone today we will pull both the invoice and crm tools from use for our company and consider another application instead.
Customer Search
Can the new dropdown search also include customer contact names within the search?. That way when "Joe Bloggs" rings me up I don't have to find out what company he works for (the surname search takes too many clicks).
Rounding off problems when using Japanese Yen and calculating VAT
Hi Zoho, I have run into a problem when it comes to rounding off whole digits invoicing in Japanese Yen. To me it seems as if it is a BUG, but I am not sure. If a product costs JPY 14286 and then adding VAT (5%), the invoice will look like below. Quantity/Item Price/VAT/ Total SUM 1 pcs / 14286 / 714 / 15000 (In fact, the real value of VAT would be 714.3, but it is OK that 714 is shown, because you do not use decimals in Japan) the first calculation is CORRECT. However, if you decide
Payment Options
Can you pls add another option as TDS. Some of my customers deduct TDS on my Payments , and I have no way to settle this. I am thinking of accepting a payment against this TDS entry so that later I can get a report as to what is the total payment made under the head TDS ..
Pass value for "email" from Creator to Invoice & pass value to always allow Online payments [ANSWERED]
Is there a way to pass a value for "email address" from creator to Invoice. Im passing all the mandatory values but email is not one of them. If i use it a custom field, would I be able to map it to the email field in Invoice? Also I want the a boolean value to allow payments for every invoice. How can this be accomplished? Lastly, once these two items are integrated, can I program Invoice to email the newly created invoice automatically upon creation to the recipient?
Amount in Words
Hi, one of my customers wants the amount of the currency to be mentioned in words as well. i.e., $3000, should be mentioned as Dollars Three Thousand, in addition to the numeric value on the invoice. Is this possible to do this automatically in any of the templates of the Invoice/Estimates in Zoho Invoice? ASD
Introducing Zoho Books, The Accounting Software
We are happy to introduce you to Zoho Books, our online accounting software for small businesses, freelancers and pretty much every one who would like to try their hand at accounting. Accounting has always been perceived to be complicated and to live up to that tag, most accounting software come with complicated features and accounting jargons. We decided to break the myth and come up with a software, that is meant for everyone. For yourself, your accountant or your kid in high school who is majoring
Separating invoice profit costs from disbursements incurred on behalf of clients
Hi there, I wonder if there is a function where - I can record non profit costs? I.e. where I have incurred an expense on behalf of a client - I want to include this in his invoice but keep it seperate for my own record keeping - i.e. allowing me to show my profits seperately from what I have billed out as disbursement. So for example - I charge $100 and I incur postage of say $10 - I would like the $100 - to show as my profits. Is this possible? Thanks
POS payments without invoices
I'm considering using Zoho Invoice as sort of a point-of-service -- no invoices; just payments and receipts. My goal is to import all payments from a CSV reports from my credit card processor ( (We're fairly low tech, and I don't have any dev resources to integrate my merchant site to Authorize to Zoho. One of these days!) Does anyone have a clever way of handling transactions sans invoice? I had these notions: 1) Import the payments reports as "fake" invoices (I'd tweak
Please change pack the method for "recording payments" to how it was before
Hi Zoho, I noticed that you suddenly have changed the design and method for recording payment. Before your change, record payment was a simple action to make. I just had follow below easy steps. 1) Click on the actual invoice 2) Press the link that says "record payment" 3) Then press "OK" and then the invoice is saved as "payment done". Now, with your new design, I have to do the following steps. 1) Click on the actual invoice 2) Press the link that says "record payment" 3) Enter information the
Planned service upgrade rescheduled for 18th Dec 2011
Dear All, We had planned an upgrade to Zoho Invoice on 17th Dec 2011. Unfortunately, we had to postpone this and now it will happen on Sunday, 18th Dec 2011 between 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM GMT. Apologies, for the inconvenience and thanks so much for your patience. Regards Prashant
customer statement
Is there a way to print a customer statement that only shows open invoices?
Help giving discount for on time payments
How do I give a customer a discount in % for paying on time? I see the late penalty. I want to do the same thing for early or on time payments
How can use three taxes at same time on an invoice?
I saw the you solved our problem about the pre paid taxes, but in Italy we also another tax (only the professionists) that may vary from 2% to 4% tobe added to the amount of the invoice. Per example: service $ 100.00 RIVALSA INPS 4% $ 4.00 V.A.T. 20% $ 20.80 Ritenuta d'acconto -20% $ -20.80 Total $ 104.00 Can ZoHo invoice do that? How? Thanks in advance Massimiliano Scaletti
the fields %TaxName% and %TaxValue% disappear
First of all sorry for my english! I'm trying to work with Zoho Invoice! I have to solve 2 problems: 1 - I customized the invoice template but when I export it to PDF, the fields %TaxName% and %TaxValue% disappear. The fields work correctly except when I export them to PDF. 2 - Is it possible to manage multiple expiration date in the same invoice? for example total invoice € 1.200 expiration date : on 31/01 € 600 and on 31/03 € 600. How have I to do? Thanks in advanced for your answer. You find here
Firstly, let me say that Zoho Invoice is great and helps my business be more professional and easy to manage. are there plans to include more reminder options? Currently there are 3 emails sent out over a period. can it be changed to keep sending until payments are posted?
Custom invoice template
Hello, I try to integrate two days since my template to zoho invoice. The result does not suit me. I would like to have a result like this: Could someone help me please? Thank you in advance
TaxValue issue
Hi everyone, I'm a new user to zoho invoice and i have an issue with the quotation template. I've personnalized a template, it works fine for a few day but then the tax value var are blanks when I export my quote in PDF. If a select a default template the values are here but with mine it's empty. I'm using this line to display the tax value : <tr> <td style="font-family:arial;font-size:14px;">TVA</td> <td style="font-family:arial;font-size:14px;text-align:right;"
payment > invoice
Hi, A few of our more regular customers sometimes make payments for several invoices at once (in one payment that is). Currently we manually split to payment to the invoices, but as we would like the payments in Zoho to reflect the actual received amounts on our bankstatement, I was wondering if the following feature might be worth adding: 'add payment' button on the customer page enter an amount, and give to options: apply to oldest open invoices manually select invoices and enter amount per invoiceMaybe
Customer details are not available for imported invoices.
Recently I have imported invoices from another platform, updated customers details, added address, contact details etc. and found that all imported invoices does not have any billing information from company details. It is look like, invoices are detached from customer record, I don't know is it bug or feature, but it doesn't seems right to me. By updating customer details I'm expecting that all related records would use same details as it reference, updating records manually each time I change something
Reduccion del tamaño de la factura
Necesito que la factura y la cotizacion queden en un tamaño diferente por ejemplo media carta como puedo reducirla?
UI Question
So when I am working within a client screen and it shows a list of overdue or unpaid invoices for that client I click on one invoice to mark it paid and add the info. Once I hit enter it takes me back to the main invoice screen and then I have to re-navigate back to that client or invoice again. I think it should take you back to the last screen you were working on not the main invoice screen especially since the search bar has been removed. Any comments or work arounds on this?
invoice only works with one language
Zoho Invoice is such an easy and powerful tool to use. I've found it is what I really want and am ready to become a regular user. Before that, I'd like to ask a question to see if there's a way around that. Our business needs to display English and Chinese. Chinese is for terms and conditions, and English is for our accountant and the local taxation office. We set our system language to English and are able to type Chinese, and these Chinese characters are exactly what they're supposed to look
Using multiple addresses on Estimates
I have multiple offices in several cities. I want the quote to reflect which office it came from depending on the customer. I currently have to go in and manually change my address every time I am doing an invoice for a different city. Is there a way to choose office addresses?
Importing Invoices
Hey guys, I'm still testing this software out. I'm trying to import invoices that I exported from quickbooks. I've got around 400 invoices, but the free version only allows 5 invoices per month. Is there a way I can import all of these or do I need to pay the monthly fee? If I have to pay the fee, I'd need the $25 per month account just to import all of these, but I realistically only create 25-35 invoices per month. If I have to subscribe at $25 to get my invoices imported, can I go down to the
which version do i need to import invoices please?
I dont have the button there at the moment. Thank you
Custom template for fixed cost projects?
Hi there, I allready create a custom template for my normal invoices, based on project hours. And it works fine. But now i've got a simple project with a fixed price for everything. As there are no time informations, I understand that I may need another template. So I took a predefined "fix cost" template and tried to change it to fit my design. But without success. I was not sure, if I did everything right, or missed something, so I tried again, this time with just a small text change. But again,
Is there a facility to recommend Zoho Invoice to friends?
Hi, I'd like to recommend Zoho Invoice to friends and wonder if I would get anything in return for getting others to sign up. If I don't ask, I don't get! Regards Graham
Import Zoho Invoice into Zoho Books - Message: "This user is not associated with any organization." do I associated my Zoho Books account with my Zoho Invoice account?
Invoicing timesheets
A few weeks ago I logged time against a project and created a couple of invoices. Today I did the same thing: logged time in the Timesheets. the entries show up as unfilled along with the billed ones. The problem is I cannot figure out how to create an invoice from the unbilled timesheet entries even though i have done it before. either i'm blind, or something changed! could someone help. feeling so stupid right now :) thanks
Tax Exempt Customers
The "Setting up Tax Details" portion of the docs uses Canadian tax rates (5% GST & 7% PST) for the illustration. I take this to mean that Zoho Invoice should be able to handle Canadian tax scenarios. Unfortunately, I can't seem to find any way to flag a customer as tax exempt. We have many customers who are PST exempt, for instance. Am I perhaps missing something, or is this feature not currently implemented? Thank you for your attention, Steph
Automatic Zoho Invoice number per customer account?
Is there a way I can generate a new automatic invoice number generated with a code based on the customer name? So if IBM was invoiced, the first invoice may be IBM-1000, second: IBM-1001 etc.
Incorrect letter spacing in exported PDF
Hi there, I've created a custom Invoice template, but when it's exported as PDF the letter spacing is incorrect. The characters are too close to each other, or the spacing is too wide. This messes up the whole lay-out. To illustrate what's bothering me,i've included three files: - An image wich shows the letter-spacing problem and the Fonts handling in the Document properties. - A predefined template (N_2011_066.pdf), with correct letter spacing. - A custom template (N_2011_66-custom.pdf), this is
Aging Summary - Thank you, Thank you, Thank you, ....
Thank you Zoho for a wonderful product and affordable tool to your users. The passing on of your product to us (your customers) becomes part of 'our' service to 'our' customers. You, us and our customers is a triangle. What you cannot escape is faith. Faith is earned through service. I lose customers because faith is lost, either because service is lost or superior elsewhere. So, let's look at the evidence of service on a particular idea with Zoho: nagendra1 2 years ago to mposen "Thanks for the
API - Estimate Status
Hi! Is there a definition which status in the API is which status in the interface for Zoho Invoice and Estimates? Thanks Patrick
Service upgrade scheduled for 17th Dec 2011
A service upgrade is planned for Zoho Invoice on Saturday the 17th of December 2011, between 9am and 11am GMT. Zoho Invoice will be inaccessible during the time. We'll be immensely thankful if you can plan your accounting ahead, to avoid any inconvenience. Oh and a little secret is that we may also be moving in some sumptuous features in during this upgrade, do watch this space for updates related to that. Thanks in advance. The Zoho Invoice team
how to setting exchange rate?
Pls answer me by email: Thanks & Regards
Creating a link between Estimates and Invoices
I tried to find Support but can not find it any more so I will post this here. Nearly all my business involves creating quotations (estimates), getting an order, and then, creating an invoice from my quotation. It would be really really really nice if, when I created an invoice from the quotation, something was created to link the two. In my ideal world, when I look at the listing of Estimates, instead of seeing "Invoiced", I saw "Inv-1234" One complication is that sometimes there is more than one
Custom Invoice Template - no tax name - no tax value
Hi there! I created a custom template for invoice and everything works fine, except for the placeholders %TaxName% and %TaxValue%. When I test my invoice with some data anything is ok, until I create the pdf file. It's obvious there is a problem with the placeholders. Seems there are getting replace, but with nothing more than an empty string. I dont understand why? I attached a textfile containing the hole template I use. Please could someone help me with this?! Cheers, Frank
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