cambiar datos compañia
Hola, no puedo cambiar los datos de la compañia, hemos cambiado la razon social y no me deja cambiar los datos para seguir facturando. Me podeis ayudar? gracias!
Question. We have regular customers who purchase the same service, with the same adjusted pricing every month. The only thing that changes is the quantity. When creating a new monthly invoice for this customer, is there a way to have it auto-populate with the particular item and any price adjustments associated with the customer? Thanks!
Quote choices or alternatives
When I'm making quotes I often have the need to give my clients alternatives. For example: they can ask the price for 5000 or 10000 items, but when I add those items to the quote, both are calculated in the total price. I would like to have 2 different total prices: one with 5000 items and one with 10000 items so they can see the difference in price between the two options. Is that possible? Or is this an option that will be added in the future?
Which hostname, IP adresses to add to my domains SPF record?
A growing percentage of email servers reject hostname/IP not matching SPF records of a domain. Your system sends emails in the name of our email addresses domain. Which hostnames, IP addresses do we have to add to our SPF records?
Add additional payment reminders
Hello, Can you add more payment reminders. right now there are only 3...can you add the ability to keep on adding more reminders. Arthur
does invoices work with the ZOHO crm?
does invoices work with the ZOHO crm?
Can u create an invoice directly from a potential?
When i'm viewing a potential i cannot seem to create an invoice straight from within it. I have to create a sales order first then create the invoice from that. I'd rather not have to do this every time I want to raise an invoice. Can someone confirm that it is possible to create an invoice straight from a potential, if it is possible how do you do it? Regards David
Google Chekout refusing to pay me
I don't know if there is a solution to this one. I have a Google Checkout link on my invoices and for the first time a client used it recently. But Google have got really obstructive with me. I cannot get them to give me the money. Eventually I received an explanation which was that the Google Checkout description did not contain a detailed description of the services / goods sold. I asked what I could do about this and I received the message below. The problem is that with Zoho, I don't think I
Currency conversion
We have customers using different currencies. I found that some reports don't convert currency values and just add up values from different currency denominations. This would render the reports as useless....
Currently Zoho Invoice sends out invoices only in the English language. And customer statements are in English too. Is it possible that you add in other languages like Thanks.
As far as i gone through all the functionality in the zoho invoice.all is well but it shows nothing about the security and related assurance for the security problems we are supposed to face
why do we have commas in estimate figures instead of dots?? canbody answer please
Plimus Integration
Zoho Invoice Team, Are you considering an integration to Plimus Online store That would be a finer blend of both the worlds right? ---- Deepak Vasudevan
Discount still showing in PDF even if I removed it from the option
In French, discount still showing in PDF even if I removed it from the option. I tried to create a new template from an existing one and still have the problem. Going to edit the raw html to fix this but just wanted to report it
Paypal link only shows up as %PayPalLink%
I have done a mock invoice and sent it to one of my email addresses just to beta test the invoice function of my business. In the email I received, all I can see is the same typed characters -- " % PayPal % " but includes no actual PayPal link that can be clicked and - you know - linked to a PayPal destination where customers will ultimately pay what do you think I need to correct in order to fix this and collect the money I am owed?
Hiding paid and closed invoices
How do I hide all paid and closed invoices, so I do not have to select overdue and open each time I open the application. I would like to be able to hide all paid and closed invoices so I don't have to scroll through every invoice I ever prepared just to locate an unpaid invoice or am I missing something.
Email PayPal link connected to wrong Invoice
When I generated an invoice email for a client with included paypal link the link that he got was link to pay for another clients invoice. I deleted that invoice and generated a whole new invoice and still did the same thing. Then I created a whole new invoice under a different client and did the same exact thing that email. Please help. Thanks
Bug in invoice Print version in Portuguese, actually prints in English
Zoho Invoice lets me choose the language invoice setup. In our case we wanted the Portuguese version. Once setup, we started "invoicing" and we could visualize that the invoice created was using the portuguese language and terms in all fields. The problem arises when we want to print the invoice! The print version prints the field terms in english! Is there another setup requirement somewhere else in the Zoho Invoice definitions that I may be missing? Need some help here. Thankyou, Marcos
I Cannot Delete A Customer With No Activity
Hello, I have 3 customers that I would like to delete. I have checked the customer details to confirm there are no contacts, invoices, estimates, expenses, email history nor payment history. Yet I cannot delete these customers. I still get an error message that the customer cannot be deleted. Belinda
Stacked Taxes on Expenses?
Hi, I live in Quebec, Canada and we have 2 taxes, your software seems to handle them well for invoices but what about expenses? I need to track expenses that have both taxes since theses taxes are refoundable here in Quebec. Thanks
import payment
How do I set up my CSV file in order to get it to import payments in to zoho invoices. If any one has a template would appreciate it. I have tried following the one they have their but that has not worked for me
Comma is set wrongly when exporting expenses
see subject when I try to export my expenses the comma in the amounts are set wrongly. instead of 10.20 EUR it exports 1,020 EUR Kai
How do I record Business Partners cash contributions to business capital?
We have a business that has three business partners. Each partner is expected to contribute a certain amount in cash to cover initial start up costs, marketing, product samples etc. How do we go about recording these contributions with in Zoho Invoice?
Re-calculate Item Rates functionality not working correctly.
Reporting a bug or what seems to be incorrect functionality. Basically, when creating an estimate or invoice for a customer that has a different currency than your base currency the "Re-calculate Item Rates" link does not work correctly. It re-calculates the rates based upon the item's set value rather than it's shown value. For example, let's say you have an item ABC in your inventory that costs $5 USD. You create an estimate for a customer who uses AUD currency. You add item ABC to the estimate.
More than two sales tax charges
I can't select more than two sales tax charges on my invoice...i need to charge state, county, and city tax separately. How do i allow for the third sales tax column to be calculated? Kyle
Email Templates - Missing Images
ZoHo Invoice Support Team, I am having a problem with images in my email templates. The images are not showing up in the emails that get sent. Let me explain. I have HTML code in the Invoice Notification email template within the Email Settings area. The HTML code includes the use of the IMG tag to embed images into the HTML email. However, when the email gets sent, Zoho Invoice is removing the SRC portion of the IMG tag. As an example, let's say my Invoice Notification template consists of the
Urgent! Editing a Custom Invoice Template!
Hi, I have created a custom invoice template. When I tried to edit it I am getting a blank template area and am unable to do so. Please advice. Thanks, Abhishek
Zoho Invoice French Version
We use the services of other third party vendors to get our services translated. Post 2.0 release we have received lot of complaints from our French users, stating that the quality of translation is bad. We are working with another vendor to improve our French translation and soon we will be uploading the improved version. Until such time, as an interim measure all French version users will be redirected to the English version of the service. We are extremely sorry for the inconvenience caused.
Zoho INVoice logo not showing on PDF
Dear Team, I love Zoho Invoice. I uploaded my company logo for the invoice. However, when I send it our via email, and it attaches a PDF, no logo is included. I have attached my pdf invoice. I checked the templates and it shows %ScaledLogo% as included Please advise as to how I can resolve this issue.
Value-added taxes (VAT) included
Hi there, is it possible to have the value-added taxes included in the price? Example: I create an item, which price is 100. The VAT is 10%. So the Total, which the customer has to pay is 100. The included VAT is therefore 9,09. Thanks for help. Regards, Tobias
recurring invoice last sent date
Dear Zoho, I've set up my first recurring invoices and noticed a small issue. When manually creating an "real" invoice from a recurring invoice, the "last sent on" date doesn't get updated. Greetings, Manuel
Manage Bills and Expenses
Hello, Can I also Manage the received Bills and Expenses in ZOHO? Best regards, Pascal Ursinus
Can not add user to Zoho Invoice
Hi Support, The following mesaage comes up when trying to add a user to zoho invoice. Invitation has not been sent as the user michael.walshe@ is a member of another organization. This person is a member of staff and we would like to be able to have two people send invoices out. Currently it defaults to the one email address. How do we fix this? Thanks Phil
How to change user details?
In Zoho Invoice, under "users", how do you edit the user details? Specifically, I would like to change the name associated to the default admin user. For example, to change name from "your name" to "Client Service"...I would like the outgoing emails to associate this new name.
How do get annual sales reports? or specific date range?
How do get annual sales reports? or specific date range?
Help with Invoice
Can you tell me how to insert my contact information into an invoice?? I've tried everything and when I export to pdf I do not see it on there! Thanks. Anne Marie
Inserting an Image into a Custom Template
Hello, Is it possible to insert an image into a custom invoice template? I've tried using the standard img tags, and even inerting the html code via custom company tag. So far it works in the template preview, but whenever I export to pdf the image shows up broken. This is a really important feature to me, so I hope there is some way to make it work. Thank you!
Invoice Due Dates & Late Fee Customization
Hi Is there a way to make payments due on a certain day of the month (for example the 1st), then having the term period subtracted automatically? For example, I want a reoccuring profile due on the 1st of every month, and have the program automatically subtract 15 days (NET 15) from the previous month. I currently have it set to start on the 16th, but since months alternate from 30 to 31 days (not to mention 28 days for February) it makes the due dates inconsistent. Additionally, I was also wondering
Invoice 2.0 french version is confusing
Hi I am using french as a part of my staff understands only this langage. The french version is unusable , most of the translation is confusion and have no sens. This is financial and we cannot use approximative words to mean "outstanding" "Balance".... Regards Amine
Using PDF as Background for PDF-Export - to get better Image-results
Hi! Thanks for this great tool wich is getting better and better! My biggest issue at the moment is the poor quality of Images in the exported PDF. i have a big image in the background, because i have a graphic-intense invoice template. but at the export it gets crumbled so that the most of the text is not readable anymore ... and also the filesize is an issue. is it possible to use a vector-based layout for the template - now or in the near future? my old invoicing-program used pdf templates (so
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