Payment Options
Hi , Can I create more entries / drop some options in the payment mode ?
Address issue with payment
My customers are telling me that even with their address being correct on the payment form it's getting rejected. I called but they have limited information on they actually typed in. I get the same complaint with different customers. Could there be extra characters being passed to by accident?
Sorting of invoices keeps changing
Hi there, I log into Zoho invoice around 2-3 times a week. Usually I sort my invoice list by "Date created". Every now and again when I log in, this sorting criteria has changed. It's not clear to what criteria it is changing and how/why, but I find it a little annoying not seeing the latest invoices at the top. Can you please look into this and make sure the sorting function is stored in a cookie or on the server? Thanks, Kai
Discounts and Multiple Qty in Zoho Invoice Free Version
Hi All, I'm using the ZOHO free edition and was wondering if it's b'cos it's the free edition that I'm not able to edit the qty of items or discount rates when I'm generating estimates? -- Thks.
Zoho Invoice Service Upgrade on 14th March 2010
We are planning an upgrade(to update the grid software in IDC) on March 14th between 04.00 A.M PDT and 07.00 A.M PDT . Your Zoho Invoice account will be not be accessible during this period. Thanks for your understanding Regards Prasanna Zoho Invoice Team Website :: Help :: Forums :: Blogs :: Twitter
procedure to open
Window popup: Internet explorer cannot open to print or export to pdf.
URL Customized
Allow us to setup a URL "customized", using some CNAME record in DNS. Justo Llecllish
Package sales on my site....
For example - If on my website I was to offer webhosting @ £1.00 per month (purchased for a year), £2.00 per month (recurring monthly bill) ... Is there a way I can put a link on my website such as "Buy It Now" for the customer to come thru Zoho invoice to make payment, or something I can put on the site to take their name and email and the ZOHO invoice them, if such a thing exists where is it and can it be done easily.... I already know Google Checkout offer me the 'add to cart' buttons , but would
different 'projects' for each client, and inclusion on email notification?
Hi, The way my business works is that I have a set of clients, and for each client a series of projects (running concurrently), and for each project a series of invoices, each invoice with various different 'items' on them (the item is a service I provide, and can be the same service for different jobs). There is no way to include the 'project' name within zoho invoice, and so far I've been putting the name of the project in the 'description' field of each item, to make it clear to the client which
Import to Invoice from Zoho Sheet - Date incompatibility
Despite claims to the contrary, it does not appear possible to import invoice data from ANY spreadsheet (via csv) to Zoho invoice owing to the incompatibility of date formats. Spreadsheets insist on exporting date format as "mm/dd/yyyy" (Excel) whereas zoho invoice insists on the mysql format yyyy-mm-dd. This drove me nuts until I worked out the logic. Solution? Use sed, the Unix stream editor. If you have a Mac, you already have it. For Windows? Can be obtained by installing the Cygwin project
how to view net amounts
Zoho Invoice is great, but on things bugs me. The displayed amount includes VAT. Why not? But i need to be albe to see net amounts of invoices and sums of net amounts. Is there a way to achieve this? cheers, Jirka PORTALS UK Ltd.
Assign customers to a sales rep
Hi, Is there any way to assign a customer in Invoice to individual Sales Reps? I know you can do it in CRM, but more importantly I need to do it in Invoice so I can pay my people accurately. Thank you!
"Edit an Invoice" Report
Hello Zoho, Thanks for adding multiple users logins to Zoho Invoicing! Currently the question came up about not allowing employees to "edit the invoice" or being able to run a particular report on any edits completed. For example, employee ABC goes into "edit mode" for Invoice 1234 and changes the quantity and dollar amount. How can we audit this? Currently the only log I see is "Updated" but that is for any changes made such as comments and emails added. Is there any other way to pinpoint a
Status of Imported Invoices
I tried to import invoices with a status of "Open" and they show as closed. I am able to import them as "Draft", but when I try to convert to "Open", the status changes to "Closed". Is there anyway to import as open?
Zoho API
Can Invoice work with the Contacts or Calendar or Tasks or any other Zoho API? I need to make a decision on integrating my business - I NEED help keeping my 3 user business working. I need: I want ONE table of clients & accounts. I need an invoicing module to link to the clients. I need the clients / accounts to link to the emails (so I have a record of conversations) I need file storage, and tasks management I need files attached to clients I need tasks attached to clients or calendar I need
How do I create a 'footer' type line in invoices
Hi I wish to have my legal requirements on the borrom of the invoice, such as company registration number, bank account number etc... At the moment it floats, is there a way to always keep it on the bottom of the page? r/Roderick
UK date format on web pages
Any chance we can have an option for displaying dates in UK format? Thanks
Headline invoice
Hi all, Hi, we have a problem with the headline of your invoice. In the section "edit credit card data" I have no the possibility to tape the name of my company so the final invoice we receive every month from ZOHO has on the top this data : email adress- adress of the company - city. A correct invoice (in Italy) must have : name of the company - adress - city. Otherwise is unvalid for our accounting system. How we could resolve this? thanks
How do I add more users to my invoice account?
Hi I see that we can now have 3 users for a standard invoice account but how do we add extra users? I have managed to invite a staff member but cant add them to the drop down 'email from' . To elaborate when sending a invoice or estimate I want staff to be able to choose themselves as the sender of the email from the 'from' email address. Cheers Phil
recurring invoice
Hi all, I found strange that I don't have the option to create a recurring invoice in the new invoice window, just under PO Number or after Late fee. It's a little confusing to click to recurring invoice tab to have it.
Invoice 2.0 - Users - New class of user for professional advisers?
Hello, The new "Users" functionality is very good, but I'd like to be able to add a user with a lower level of rights than "staff" or "admin". I would like to be able to have an "adviser" user, who can view the invoices and payments raised on the account but who cannot add or change anything. This is so that my accountant can check the status of my invoices. I hope that you will be able to add this functionality in the future. Best regards, Mark
send email from personal address
Is it possible to send mails from a users address?
automatically populate amount in the paypal make payments link
I'm using paypal to be paid online. I added the "make payment" link to the invoice but I noticed that when opening the paypal link to pay the invoice the amount doesn't automatically show up on the paypal payment page. I'm left with a blank field where I have to enter myself the amount to pay. I'm confident this is just my mistake, what am I doing wrong? I would like to have simple link leading to a paypal page with the amount already set to the invoice amount. thanks Bruno
Import data from CRM
Which data are imported in Invoice from CRM with the command Import from Zoho CRM? Can I import in Invoice additional fields like VAt number or others fields? If I add some fields in Invoice, next time I import from CRM, all my data disappear from all customers records.
Error 17 when trying to add a new customer
I am getting an error 17 when trying to add a new customer. Please fix My email for my account is
Zoho Invoice Service Upgrade on 9th February 2010
We are planning an upgrade on February 9th between 08:30 P.M PST and 08:45 P.M PST. Your Zoho Invoice account will be not be accessible during this period. Regards Prasanna Zoho Invoice Team Website :: Help :: Forums :: Blogs :: Twitter
What happened to Important Accounts from Zoho CRM?
I'm trying to find in your latest Invoice 2.0 release the feature that was previously on our account to import Accounts from Zoho CRM? Please provide directions on how to find was there 2 weeks ago. David Corcoran Batipi / Zoho Partner
recurring items on invoice
Would love to see the function "recurring items" instead of "recurring invoice"
Company stamp in inovice
Some of my customer require to have a company chop stamp in the invoice. Please think about if it allow me to add water mark for company stamp.
Expense module - can we add more fileds
Is it possible to add a few more fields in the expense module. At present it only has basic entries and would be nice to be able to capture other info... eg who made the expense, name of the company the service or product brought from, have a field for sub-category so that you can futher differentiate the type of expense eg Travel, subcat can be - car hire, flight, taxi, etc.... this then allows user to generate more meaningful reports at the end of the reporting month.... How can I do this ? Or
import payments
import payments will not work for me. I just keep getting a screen that says unable to import payment. I have tried setting up my file in many different ways and no matter what i do it will not work
Hello Did you plan to open Zoho invoice with API like creator or crm ? Thanks for your answer
forwarding an invoice to another person
Hello, When an invoice is created, it can be sent to the customer and CC'ed to myself. Is there a possibility to have it CC'ed to somebody else as well (to my accountant)? Przemyslaw
pay by check
Zoho Invoice Idea: Some of our customers still prefer to send checks. Please facilitate a system for these customers to pay by check (electronically), and/or merchants to process checks electronically via account/routing numbers or scanning. (anything to avoid going to the bank LOL) Thanks, Brian
Can an Invoice become a html page which allows visitors to make a fixed payment?
I now offer 4 training events: $50, $75, $100 and 125. Can I create a landing page or html page that allows my clients to make a direct payment on a form and select which of the 4 types they would like purchase. I have an account. I don't need to invoice. George YourBizzWizz
Google Checkout Not Updating Status
Hi, I have been using Zoho Invoice integrated with PayPal and Google Checkout for a while now and have noticed that while the payments we receive via PayPal automatically update the invoice status as "paid" (the green checkmark), the payments we receive via google checkout always have to be manually updated to be "paid." Did I miss something in the setup, or is this a bug? - Thanks, Brian
Invoice 2.0 - Customer additional field in wrong place on invoice
There is a small bug in the invoice display for Invoice 2.0. There are 3 "additional fields" that can be specified for each customer. In the current version 1.0 of Invoice the 3rd field displays after the customer address, and I have set up my customers to use this field to show the Tax details, which should not be part of the address. However, when I print the invoice in v2.0 the 2rd field displays as part of the address (after the client name) and not at the end as it did before. I hope that
Invoice 2.0 - Bug in showing customer "Outstanding" amount
Hi there is a bug here in v2.0. If you click on the "Customers" tab you get a list of the customers and the outstanding amounts due show correctly. However... type something (part of a customer name say) in the "Search Customers" box and hit return, and the outstanding amounts shown on in the list on the resulting page is wrong, even showing outstanding amounts for customers who are fully paid and owe nothing. Reverting back to the full customers list again shows the correct amounts. Regards,
Template Design & Invoice 2.0
Hi I really like your service - thanks a lot. i searched now for a long time for a good invoicing tool and always there is something missing. what i really miss in your service is a good way to customise templates. i am a graphics-designer and film director and would like to have a bit more graphic invoice. is there another way to cutomise the templates? like with pdf-templates or html & css? and second i would like to ask if invoice 2.0 is allready launched or if there is a beta-program. because
How to allow staff to use zoho invoice
I have signed up to Zoho invoice with my email, and it seems really great. Now I want to add my staff members as users, so that they can begin to create invoices using the system. However, I can't find this option anywhere. Can anyone help out? Cheers, Dom
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