any plan for next upgrade?
any plan for next upgrade?
CRM Sync Slow
Hi We have 7,600+ Contacts and 3 Accounts within CRM. Selecting "CRM Sync" in Zoho Invoice takes a few minutes to update. Since Invoice only imports Contacts that have an associated Account I would expect that it would search this table first making the process much quicker. Is there any way to speed things up on either end? Cheers, Gregg
Zoho Invoice: Providing a custom seed
Hi Is there a way to provide a autonumber seeding for Invoices? For example I want the Invoice Number to begin from say 1000 or 5000 and the next invoice will be 1001, 1002 or 5001, 5002 and so on. Regards, Arun
Job Status Feature Request
It would be nice if there was an intermediate step between estimate and invoice. (ie in progress) Since not all estimates are accepted. That way I could see how much money is in progress versus estimates that have yet to be accepted.
Invoice and Google Checkout
Hi - At last a decent invoicing system :) I have set up my PayPal account to receive payments but for the life of me can't find the Google Checkout part to input my details. Help! THX David
Google Checkout
Hi, I love the way I can email an invoice with the option to pay via the PayPal link. What I would REALLY REALLY love to see is the same thing for GOOGLE CHECKOUT. The main reason is because we are an adwords advertiser Google Checkout allows us to process a few thousand pounds worth of transactions per month for FREE. So although we use PayPal we are pushing payments via Google Checkout for the obvious reason. Regards Brian
Invoice totals
hi there - i dont know if this is already in the system or not- i haven't seen if it is, but i would like to see the total invoiced amount across all open invoices of all clients.
NET 29 ???
I've just created an invoice with NET 30 terms but when I save the invoice Zoho changes it to NET 29, even though this is not set up in my "terms" list. I tried changing it to NET 60 and Zoho made it NET 59, so it seems that 1 day is getting subtracted along the way somewhere!
Import lineitem by CSV file to invoice
I would like to show the details in my invoice. Currently, I can only add line items manually. If I have 100 items, I must add 100 times. It is not convenience. Actually, I can generate a CSV file from my internal system. Appreciate if I can import to the existing invoice. It will be MUCH helpful.
Tax field - constant value
I want to use the Tax fields for another purpose. However, the value is independent of the product value. So, it will be flexible if the Tax field can be typed in free text in stead of a % only. For example: I can show Hardware cost, admin cost and service cost in the same line item.
Invoice Notification Blank
Hi I just entered an email template for "Invoice Notification", discovered that there was an error on the template when testing, but when I go back to revise the template it is blank. I select Settings > Invoice Notification and the body is empty. Any thoughts? Cheers, Gregg
Zoho Invoice - import details from CRM
Hello, 1) Do you import from CRM only details of Accounts? How about Vendors (I need their info from my CRM to send my commission invoice through Zoho invoice)? 2) I've just found out about Zoho Invoice and find it very interesting for my business used. Is it possible to create my passed invoices (invoiced that already sent out such as , moth of sept, august, july, jun and so on) in order to keep trace for all my invoices in year 2008 in my Zoho Invoice? Thank you. Best Regards, Linda Hamid
Not Send
Haloo, I used normal before but now my invoice not send to my customers please advise Qouta still available. What wrong?
Body of invoice moved to right since Fiirefox 3.0.2 upgrade
Fields Bill To, Invoice # and Item have all moved to the right by some inches within Invoice Details since Fiirefox 3.0.2 upgrade. This may have more to do with Firefox/Addons rather than Zoho Invoice and curious if anyone else has this issue and what causes it/how to fix. See attachment. -Tim
Export to pdf, one estimate four templates at once
Hi, I know you answered this problem, but I still think it is important and it really makes my life complicated. Ideally I would like button in estimate which would give me multiple choice of all templates I have. I would select 3 and it would export that one estimate in 3 page (according to the templates) PDF file. I created my own templates estimate production order, stock notice, transport document. When customer agrees on estimate I have to go to estimate change default template to production
Help with logo
Hi again, love your programme but I would like to improve on the invoices I'm sending to our clients. They are architects, designers & interior designs. *Company Logo attached I hope. Question:- Does this logo go out with the attached invoice letters, as well as on the invoices. Plus can I change the font & colours of these letters? Question:- Can I print out the letters? Thanks for your help so far[/img]
Currency Symbol
It seems that the currency symbols that are shown on Invoices are shown as the international symbol and not the regular symbol. E.g. I use the South African ZAR but I want to use the normal symbol of R How can I do this?
IE6 error
I got the following message when I create inovice. IE6 is having issues with Ajax Requests, Please resend the request or Upgrade to IE7
Multicurrency - Auto Calculation of Day Rates
Hi, We are a EU company, working with Euros, but we also have customers we invoice in other currencies (USD, GBP, ...). We currently create invoices for these customers manually and enter the euro vs USD day rate from web site in the Exchange Rate field. It would be great to have an option somewhere that when set, it enables automatically grabbing of the day rate for that currency (from somewhere) . This way, we can have recurring non-Euro invoices for these customers whereby the day rate
Currency Not working
Hi, I have a strange one. I have a custom template. It works great. I have all my customers set to ZAR-South Africa. My default settings under currency is also ZAR-South Africa. When i make an invoice it defaults to ZAR-Namibian Dollars???? I don't know how to fix it.
Zoho Invoice Service Upgrade
Hi We are planning to upgrade Zoho Invoice Service on Monday, Sept 1, 2008 between 19.30 and 21.30 hrs PDT. The service will not be accessible during the specified hours. Regards Mohan ZohoInvoice Team
Where can i find a full list of %% CODES for Invoices
I am making custom ZOHO Invoices and the drop down list does not show all the available codes, especially for contact information. (Also Tax information). I am specifically looking for the %% that refer to the CONTACT NAME. %CustomerContactName% ?? Please update your %% list of codes and can you please supply me with the CONTACT NAME codes?
symbol (') in address field
In the company address, I input: ABC's Road But after save and reopen, it only show "ABC"
Dropdown Lists
I noticed after the upgrade that the dropdown lists for the items and customers had disappeared / changed. It is really inconvenient to have those gone. My invoices take approx. 3 times the amount of time to make now that I have to go back and forth between my items list and the invoice to get the right codes. I would like to appeal to the admins / programmers to restore this functionality either in addition to the new system, or as a replacement to the new system. Thanks!
Sales Reports
My items contains of #hardware and #service. If I create the report "Sales by customer", the amount include both hardware and service. It cannot reflect the actual profit (#service). If I use report "Sales by item", I can know the total profit. But I cannot know the profit come from. I am looking for report of "Sales by customer by item" and "Sales by item by customer".
Fonts - Custom Template
As I know custom template support Chinese text, may I know the fonts available for pdf creator. It will be helpful for my template design if you could provide the fonts list (English and Chinese).
Payment Acknowledgement
When I send the Payment Acknowledgement to my customer, they will request to have a receipt. Please consider to allow edit and attach the invoice (receipt) in the Payment Acknowledgement email.
Status for Estimate
After create invoice from estimate, is it possible to have a status indicator for the Estimate, just like the status in inovice listing page. At this moment, I don't know how to handle the estimate. Delete it, or keep it?
Service Plans
Is it possible to have a plan between Basic(25/mo) and Standard(150/mo)? Or, you may allow customers to use double Basic Plan, i.e. Basic(25/mo) x 2 = Double Basic (50/mo). Alternatives, it will be much flexible for clients if there is a thereafter charge. i.e. If users choose Basic Plan(25/mo), start from the 26 invoice, there is thereafter fee (count per invoice).
CRM Sync
Hi I'm working in a B2C environment and I'm a little confused with the Zoho CRM sync feature in Zoho Invoice. I would expect that it would sync to my Contacts (converted Leads) and create new Customers in Invoice yet none of my contacts are imported. Can you please help me to understand the relationship between the two applications and their modules. I checked the user manual and help documents, but couldn't find anything. Thanks, Gregg
Zoho Invoice - Export PDF doesn't fix DL window envelope
Hi, We've subscribed to Zoho Invoice, and are having troubles getting the exported PDF invoices to fix correctly in a DL window envelope. We are using the Fixed Cost Template -> Professional. Is there are way to change the margins on the template and move everything across to the right a bit? Jonathan
Add another currency in the final total payment.
Allow to show additional payment value in another currency. eg. Total USD 1,000 Pay in HKD Total: HKD 7,800 That will be helpful for customer to select the preferred payment currency.
send inovice and attach the file in html format
send inovice and attach the file in html format
Unbranded e-mails
What means 'Unbranded e-mails'? This feature mentioned in the Upgrade Plan feature list.
Integration with Plaxo
It will be help helpful if the address book can book integrate (sync) with Plaxo.
Additional Field - DEPOSIT
I will be helpful if there is a deposit field which allow me to input the deposit amount and showing in the invoice for client reference. My alternative is use the custom field for the deposit purpose, but this field is showing on the group of address. It seems not easy for reference.
Customer Statements
I have tried retrieving statements for customer with payment history in vain. How do I get to print statements for customer indicating Invoices paid and amount that is due?
Is there an accounts payable in the future?
Invoice is a great accounts receivable. Has there been thought to an accounts payable functionality? thanks
Cannot print or export
Cannot print or export invoice, I get the following error: Internet explorer cannot download from Internet explorer was not able to open this internet site. the requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later. Would love to upgrade to the paid service because it is exactly what I need for my small business, but with these many glitches can I depend upon the reliabilty of this site? Julian
can't save and send ( response " please wait " )
Please advise i can't save and send invoice response " please wait "
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