Food Cost & Inventory Control System
Food costing and inventory control system in food service. Similar functionality to an inexpensive program called IPRO40 - Either integrate with IPRO40, or replicate functionality while integrating with our other databases. Thanks, Budget : 2000 | Duration : 4 weeks To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action
financial services quotation
Service buyers want to gather from service providers financial quotations defined by several parameters (country, guarantor standing, tenor, spread etc.). I need to develop the back end logic to financial quotation forms to let service buyers send their financial quotation request to the population of service providers, receive quotations from them, choose the most attractive/convenient and negotiate the deal closing. Project includes account creation for service buyers and providers, password entry
Education Application Management System
To facilitate the creation of a 4-stage online Application Management System for a UK music college. This will include interlinked forms for Application, Interview Schedule, Interview Report and Enrolment Report. Ideally the developer will be based in the UK. Budget : negotiable | Duration : negotiable | Location Preference : United Kingdom To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section. Download Attachments
Qty on hand from Quickbooks
I need to import into Zoho Crm the quantity on hand for the products in quickbooks. Or better yet, get product details from numbercrunchers "all orders" into Zoho Budget : $500 | Duration : two weeks To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section.
Invoice and scheduling
I have a small pest control company that services one 300 unit building, that's it. 1. I need to be able to setup each apartment separately as if it was its own account, but bill 1 master account. 2. I need to be able to schedule follow up treatments. Such as, if one unit has mice, I need to be able to set up initial treatment and future treatments as well. 3. I need this to be very much like zoho invoice but with a few tweaks to make it work better for us. Budget : 150.00 | Duration : 1 week To
database on export finance quotation
The database should be part of a web portal for export credit products. This project should be a propotype to be presented to potential users and customers and to be further developed into a commercial web service. As a preliminary step I would like to create a database with forms that should be submitted to financial operators periodically (every1-2 months) to update the indicative credit quotations (for countries, guarantors standing, credit tenor). Gathering the data it would be possible to show
Contact manager
I have a database now created and populated with contact information (which is dynamic,records are added, edited, and deleted occasinally.) I would like to have an application where I can simply select a customer-company from a dropdown list, then select a task from a dropdown list of tasks (appointment, visit, phone, fax, email) , assign a date and time to the task, then be able to view it on a calendar, and or on a list grouped by date. Like a calendar to do application, but being able to to choose
Client behaviour analyser
A client database that allows measurement of the impact of behavioral biases on client choice of financial products. More information will be provided on signing of NDA Budget : 1000 | Duration : 4 weeks To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section.
Appointment scheduling
We need to schedule appointments for a volunteer-based free tax service. Formerly used a free version of GenBook. Since it is no longer free, we need an alternative. Need to manage multiple providers, 3 or 4 services with preset time length, and a schedule of dates and times. Would like to generate an email back to client confirming appointment and one to manager. Will only need to schedule for Feb 1 thru Apr 15th. Could potentially be used by over 1,100 volunteer tax sites nationwide. This is a
Appointment Scheduling
We provide a free volunteer based tax service and need an online utility to schedule appointments. Previously use a free version of GenBook. It's no longer free. Need to show multiple providers, services including preset length of time per service and set up schedule of available dates and times. Need a client input form, email confirmation of appoint, means to modify or cancel appointment by client or manager, and email to manager for each appointment or down-loadable bulk listing. Potential for
Project Management System
I am wanting a custom project management system that will include: Projects, Milestones, Tasks, Time, and People. I would like to integrate with the Calendar and Tasks List. Budget : Unknown | Duration : Unknown | Location Preference : San Francisco in United States [Pin : 94551] To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section.
Training Management System
Is it possible to relate/connect the Students in the TMS database to the Contacts in Zoho? My students are also contacts. I don't want to duplicate data entry if I don't have to. Thanks, DJ
Keyholding and Database system
A database for keyholder information,name,address,phone number,contact details,email address,and A section for notes and updates. Budget : 0 per hour for 45hrs/week [More than 2 months] To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section.
Custom CRM
I solicit people who have just inherited property and ask if they would like to sell the property tome. I would like a custom CRM application to track my efforts to contact. Each estate may have multiple contact people. Also each estate will have an attorney. I'd like to have one database for attorneys as there may be multiple leads with the same attorney, and I'd like to track which attorneys have the most clients, etc. I have no idea how long this would take in zoho - but I would like to compare
Qualifications Database
We require a Training Database created in Zoho Creator which will meet our brief needs and specs. In summary, the complex database will have approximately 300 staf and will need to include a few key search functionalities. TO READ OUR MORE DETAILED BRIEF AND TO VIEW OUR WIREFRAME, please download the attachment to this project We have a deadline which MUST be met, so if you cannot allocate the time to please this in time, please do not reply November Friday 19th – Working Beta November Friday 26th
Technical Services Bidding Site
Develop the back end logic to existing forms to select providers (vendors) based on criteria entered by service buyer. Best match, near match capabilities that return a small number of possible service suppliers or dutch auction type strategy for negotiation of service pricing. Project includes account creation, password entry to site, anonymizing of both parties until award of work, payment via PayPal and/or other online payment services. Follow on projects desired are satisfaction surveys of both
Zoho Creator Fixes
I am building an application in Zoho Creator to support a business prototype and need some help with the following: 1. Fixing a "punch list" I have from building out my database. The database is working largely the way I need it, but I need assistance with deluge scripting. Mostly this is creating deluge script that needs to be added to various "on load" and "on edit" areas so that information is filtered or replicated and shown correctly. 2. I need some assistance creating views and dashboards for
Email to New Lead
I generate leads from telephone calls. Each calls creates and email with lead information. I need to have these leads automatically uploaded into Zoho as a new lead. Budget : 250 | Duration : 2 days To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section.
Set up subscription protocol. Allow shared views. Develop a series of question pages. Persist anwers to DB. Separate personal info from non-secure info in order to protect privacy. Use logic to set certain flags in the DB based on the answers to questions. Query data base for certain flags. Render a report based on search criteria. Customize UI. Budget : unknown | Duration : unknown | Location Preference : palo alto in United States To leave a private message, please click the link for private response
Step Workflow Procedure Project
I have created a Creator app with forms and views, etc. I cant seem to create the process logic that I need to make it work successfully. I am creating a form that represents a lab procedure to follow step by step where each step is a field dropdown (Yes/ No) and may require data to be collected in a separate field. The steps are all conditional decisions and could lead a user down a different path each time. A user can also go back a step and choose a different value which then takes them down a
Real Estate Office CRM
1. Real Estate Checklist Auditor 2. Lead import and Scoring based off fields and a search and query response 3. Calendar Viewing of different employees and Task Management Checklist. 4. Contact document field. 5. marketing campaign import for measuring performance and ROI. Budget : per hour for -Select-/week [-Select-] To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section.
Hi, here is the project ...I need your help in order to develop the right Form for my website! As an Advertising Agency we need to allow our customer to Logging in (So, I think I need a DB in order to store customer info?) and fill out the Online Form (Integrated in our website) and save the order. The Form Order require many fields and may need to be exported as csv. file and organize this file for fast interaction with google or other search engine software to upload the file in a second time to
Dabase Form Development
I need to create a simple, scalable database that tracks and collects basic user data. I would like the users to be able to register and edit information. The app should also have the ability to automatically send emails. The bells/whistle part would be if the DB connected to my paypal, so could automatically update subscription status. Budget : 250 | Duration : 2 days To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section.
Inventory management
I need an inventory management app created specifically for vending machines. I would like someone to help me with the process. I have examples of other software that I am modeling the app off of. Budget : $10 per hour for 25hrs/week [10 Days] To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section.
contract and party sheet
I'm using creator as a database to book parties and events. I would like to create an html that allows me to export my data into a contract as well as a party sheet that I can print Budget : per hour for -Select-/week [-Select-] To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section.
Order Processing and Invoice Generation
I require a publicly accessible order form to be embedded in our website for schools to use to purchase staff licenses for an information product. The app needs to be integrated with Zoho Invoice using the API so that an invoice is automatically generated and emailed to the customer (or made available for them to download), with the invoice details populated from the information the customer supplies in the order form. The person ordering must supply full names and email addresses of each staff member
coaching managment system
Building and room management Timetable management Room reservation management Attendance records management Room usage management Documents management Notice board management Management of inter-school relationships Repairs management Student feature study management Stock inventory management Supper reports generator Workplace accident management Student semester statement with barcode Semester management New semester information letter with barcode Class management User management Student management
Work order system
Online database which accepts workorders. These workorders are posted in a database with users request for service. As service is addressed workorders can be closed/opened/or modified in the database Budget : per hour for -Select-/week [-Select-] To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section.
Database application
Create the user interface to collect financial information about 26 different types of financial assets. Create reports that summarize the information collected. Budget : per hour for -Select-/week [-Select-] To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section.
I would like to have an application were I can manage my notes. - It should be possible to tag notes according to callender; open or closed; and other categories - It should be possible to search notes for dates; open or closed; and other categories - Have looked at many online solutions, but they don't provide the solution I am looking for, since I want to tag and search my notes with a broad range of self-created features that describe and categorize the content of the note. Budget : per hour for
Gift Certificate Tracker
I work for a small business that wants to start giving away gift certificates for a free service. Unfortunately we have 12 stores, so we need a way for the stores to be able to validate the gift certificate so that we dont give away this service multiple times. Looking for a script I can install on the server that when someone comes in with a gift certificate 1 or 2 years from now, it can still be used. Heres the process. We send through email a printable gift certificate. On it is a Alphanumeric
Customize Zoho People
travel request that has two part approval process as opposed to the one. Budget : $2000 | Duration : 7 days To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section.
Filter Task List
Need to filter task lists by assigned to Budget : 1000 | Duration : 2 days To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section.
Variance Report between uploaded file and database contents
Essentially I need an application that will compare the contents of an uploaded file (Current inventory) to that of matching items in a database (desired inventory) and spit out a report. The uploaded file contains a SKU (Numerical identifier), Description, Quantity, etc.. The database will contain the same SKU and a "desired quantity" Once the report is generated the store will know what items to order based on the difference between the uploaded "on hand inventory" and the "desired on hand" database.
information form + invite
I have a small zoho (3 pages)project that is 90% done and need help with deluge scripting to send invites from the application. If I find the right person to help, I have more work in addition to my current small issue. Budget : 15-20hr per hour for 25hrs/week [10 Days] To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section. Download Attachments
information form + invite
I have a small zoho (3 pages)project that is 90% done and need help with deluge scripting to send invites from the application. If I find the right person to help, I have more work in addition to my current small issue. Budget : 15-20hr per hour for 25hrs/week [10 Days] To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section. Download Attachments
Customer Loyalty Program
Monthly upload a customer data file and promotion/coupon, generate personal urls (PURL) that will be emailed to customers to redeem. Database records date/time customer clicked on link and/or printed the coupon. PURLs will expire at a set time. Each coupon code is unique for customer and promotion. Coupons may vary between customers. Good customers may get 20% discount, occassional customers may get 10% discount. Redeem coupons in store or via phone. Coupon lookup may be bar code or find by customer.
Task Views and Integration
We need a task view that allows a sort by "assigned to" and the ability to create different types of tasks.
be nice to have a nutrition check app Budget : per hour for -Select-/week [-Select-] To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section.
be nice to have a Bible widget Budget : per hour for -Select-/week [-Select-] To leave a private message, please click the link for private response in post Action section.
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