Storage space solution? Dropbox?
I estimate that I am going to need ~100G of storage space for my projects which isn't even a plan available in Zoho. I currently share the files using dropbox, is there a plan to be able to link to a dropbox file? When linking to a google doc, does it count towards the Zoho file storage space allocated?
auto email notification upon due date
Can zoho projects automatically send an email notification when a task is due (on the due date)? Currently, it does not seem to do that. How do I enable it?
Why I can't create a new project?
Hello! We have a paid version and I am using the account of our portal owner (coz I'm setting it up). Yesterday I've imported all our files (including projects) from Basecamp to our Zoho Projects portal. I wanted to add a new project but I don't see any "+ New Project" anymore, only "+ Upgrade". I thought paid versions have an unlimited projects, why I can't create a new one? Help us! Thanks! Annalie
Why can't I see my posts on the forum?
I have posted twice in the past - this is now my third post. But I cannot see my previous posts. The dashboard says I have one response but I can't see that either. Why is that?
Repeated and unnecessary pop-up requests to install Flash on the Zoho website
Hi A small problem to report: I seem to regularly (ie at every log in) find a pop-up from windows asking first if I want to view all content or just safe content, and when I click on all content, it is then followed by a pop-up saying the website wants to install Adobe Flash and a button to install it. I have installed flash (probably reinstalled actually) several times now and it is working fine on other websites, so there seems to be a bug that the website somehow is not recognising that I
Tasklist task 100% complete but milestone shows as overdue
Hi I have a tasklist with a milestone associated. The tasklist has one task. A team member has updated the task to 100%. The task shows complete, and the tasklist has no open tasks. When I go to the milestone screen, I can see this milestone is 100% complete (green bar) but that it shows in the overdue section instead for the completed section. Please can you help? Thanks Cameron
Is there a way to show the Task List / Task Name on the Latest Activities list on the Dashboard?
Hi - hope that question is clear. The problem is we can produce a list of notes labeled Task (green block) but you have to click through to find out which Task List / Task it is connected to. A lot of back and forth occurs. Similar issue at the Portal level where 'Activities Across All Projects' does tell you the 'in Project' but no Task List / Task Name. Thanks for your help.
Days exempt from Duration
Hi Is it possible to exempt days from duration calculations? I'm wondering specifically with regards to Saturdays and Sundays - if I set a task to start on a Thursday and ending on the following Thursday, I would want the duration to show 6 days, not the 8 that is currently calculates by including the weekend. many thanks
Folders having limited character names
When you go to documents, where the folders are listed it seems that there is only about 25 characters displayed before it puts ... cant it just show all the way to the side of the box or even have a scroll bar? its annoying because we dont have sub folders so we have to use the file names to help us out, and you cant even do that well. Also im aware that you can mouse over to see the full name but i dont want to have to do that.
Zoho Projects & Zoho Invoice - Time Tracking
When I am in Zoho Projects and add details of the time's it took to do each task. My accountant then looks at the Zoho Invoices, and there is no time tracking information available? Could you explain to me what I am doing wrong?
How to apply Ticket Settings from one project to another project (Bug Tracker)
Or even more useful : How to define new settings that will be applied across all the existing and/or new projects.
No users online status even though they are online!
Hi. In my project My Home area I see a status that no users are online, even though I am sat next to them and can see that a client user is logged in and looking for tasks (I already posted about this in the previous topic). Is this a known issue? Thanks. Cameron.
Client view of tasks
Hi - I've created a client login. They can login and I can see at the top of the screen they can access the project I have assigned to them. However they cant see any tasks that I've created, or any milestones that I've created. Any ideas?
Templated task lists attached to milestones... Can zoho be used for multiple event planning based on templates?
Hi, We run several events in different cities each month and each event has a primary milestone "the event itself" and then two task lists attached to the event. The event preparation task list and the event follow up task list. there needs to be at least one other milestone (it could be a decision task) that is "go" or "no go" on the event based on signups for the event. Entering this information by hand is too time consuming. We need to be able to use two standard task lists as templates to attach
Working days
Hi, is there a way to calculate the duration of a project removing the non working days? Thanks, Rosario
BUG: Search Results Not Really Usable
When I use the search facility in Projects and the results include tasks, it is not possible to manage the task from that view. It is also not possible to get the the task list that the task resides in - all you can do is open the task which then gives access to the task list. To manage the task (such as moving it to another list) you have to follow the link to the list uit currently resides in and then manually search for the same task again to move it. thanks
BUG: Task Dependencies - Counter-intuative
Hi 2 issues, as i see it. Firstly, you can't set up a dependancy to a task that runs in parallel, or I suppose you could call it a partial dependency where Task2 needs Task1 in order to be completed, but is not 100% dependent (other work can occur without the outpur form Task1: Task1 - 01/02/2012 - 04/02/2012 Task2 - 03/02/2012 - 05/02/2012 The other issue is that visually the tree appears to be inverted: Task1 - Open file Task2 - Read file Here Task2 is dependent on Task1, but
Gantt view order different from task list
Hi I wonder if you can help... I have a task list that has two level one tasks, several with 1 indent and there will be some with 2 indents soon. When I click on Gantt view, the order of the tasks changes. What is causing this and is there a simple fix? Thanks Cameron
Accepting/rejecting tasks
I'm new to Zoho projects and was wondering... Is there a task state (assigned, accepted, active, hold) Assigned = project owner assigned the task, but the assignee has not accepted it Accepted = task assignee accepts the the task, but has not started working it Active = task is actually being worked Hold = task is stalled waiting on something else to complete I would like to have confirmation that a task has been accepted by whom it is assigned rather than just assume it is. For instance the person
gantt printing
The help screen indicates that I should have a tab in Projects net to My Home that is for Reports. I dont have this tab. I am trying to print Gantt charts but I only can print what is on the screen. It cuts off what is hidden below the scroll line so I am only getting part of the Gantt chart printed.
Changing features and formats
Hallo, So, one time it has tasks and milestones on the same tab header and a gantt view IS available, the next tasks and milestones are seperate and there ISN'T a gantt view available. A lot of different options are also appearing and disappearing again. Lots of little but chatastrophic annoying changes flickering around. What's happening? Is this a problem being fixed? .
Move Zoho Projects to a new domain
We are moving from one google apps domain to a new one. How can I move my Zoho Projects from one domain to another? Thanks
'Granularity' of access by contractor or employee?
I have a forthcoming project where I will be working with a contractor in my office. I think that I would like to provide the contractor access to Projects, but only some parts of the projects that I have set up. Q: I have read on how to add a user to Projects, but I would like to know at what ‘level’ can I restrict access to the contractor: limits can be set on task? task list? In other words, how ‘refined’ or ‘granular’ can I restrict access? Thanks.
Tracking Activities Time Clock
My computer clock shows the correct time, but when I add a task or activity the time for that addition is incorrect. How do I change the current time on ZOHO?
Tasks and milestones
Hello, Is there a way to see the tasks and the milestones at the same time in the Gantt chart ? For the moment, I can only see the taksks or the milestones, not both. Thanks and regards Sebastien
Time log -Time tracking
Hello everyone, Is it normal that I am able to change the log hours in the tasks performed by other team members? Thank you for your attention Rocco
Associating a meeting with a task
Is there some way for me to associate a meeting with a task? Some of my project related meetings are relevant to specific tasks and it would be nice if we had the ability to do some sort of association.
Notify users by mail when posting to the forum by email
Is there a way to notify all users when posting a forum by mail? (using <portal>_<projectstring> )
Private Documents with Client
Is it possible to have a private document sharing section with Clients only? For example, I have to provide 3 different quotes from Sub Trades to a client so we can decide what Sub Trade to use. I would like to use ZOHO projects instead sending him emails. What I need is that only certain users/clients can see those quotes/documents. I don't want other contractors to see the quotes. Thanks, Andreas
Viewing multiple projects in Task View
I have a question regarding the ability to view multiple projects at one time. I believe with Enterprise, you are able to view reports across multiple projects, but we could really utilize an ability to view multiple projects at once. Most of our employees work on multiple projects at once and it is necessary for them to have visibility to all of them. Does Zoho Projects allow you to do this? Also, is it possible to demo the Enterprise version for a period of time to determine if the additional
Fields have disappeared for 2 bugs
For 2 specific bugs, within the bug screen the fields on the right hand side (status, classification etc.,) have disappeared. The comments field is still present, and I am able to change the title. There isnt any specific setting that they both share i.e. one is open, one is set to "waiting on client". This appeared to happen after I deleted some values within the "reproducable" field, however many other bugs share the same reproducable field values and they are ok. Does anyone have any ideas
Changing Portal Owner for Google-Apps Domain Portals
Hi Zoho Support, I was trying to change portal owner because the previous owner has left the company but was prompted with this message: "Sorry. Portal Owner Change option is disabled for Google-Apps Domain Portals." Any way I change change it? Thanks. Regards, Jeremy
Can't Use Zoho Projects Every Morning
Hi, I noticed that we cannot log into the Zoho Projects in the morning, at about 8:30am to 10am (UTC+08:00) everyday. Is there some daily maintenance going on? It is inconvenient to us as some staffs are only able to logon in the morning. Regards, Jeremy
Why is it possible that a client assigns tasks to project users?
Hi, When I was logged in as a client I noticed that it is possible to create tasks and assign them to a all project members. Is it possible to customize this so a client can only assign the taks to himself or to project members who are visible for the client? Regards, Kevin
BUG: Task Notes Entry
Hi Is it possible to revise the note entry screen? Very akward to use: Editing a note scrolls the page to the bottom Edit control is unusably small when entering long notes Cursor goes missing if you use arrow keys to move around the text Cursor does not re-appear until you click the mouse in the box "Arrow Up" key does not seem to be handled and does nothing thanks
Posting to Zoho Projects forums from email
Can you post to the forums from a project members alternate email address? The email alternate email address is established and confirmed in zoho, but it does not appear to post any of the emails to forums. Have tested the email address and the same message from primary and secondary email and only the primary email address is loaded.
Client Permissions
How can you change the client permissions to allow clients to change the status of bugs? Thanks , Jo Savidge.
[Projects 2.0] :can I undelete a task that someone else deleted by accident?
Is there some way for me as manager to undelete a task that someone else deleted by accident? eesmyal
When I add subtasks to a task and then I try to move them under another task list => they disappear from the tasks view! I can still see the ticket using the URL that I found in my email notification but: 1) I can't move it under another task-list from there 2) There is no way to see them under the task view 3) There is no way to delete those tasks This is extremely disappointing!
Pass word protection for projects
Hi, I'm new to Zoho and was wondering if there is a way to password protect each project so that a project can only be viewed by someone with the password. Or--a project collaborator can only view certain aspects of the project with a password. I hope this makes sense.
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