Task Functionality
Trying to figure out if there's a way to use a task with a specific field tied to JUST that ONE task - so the user can select from a dropdown box or (pick list as they call it) the answer to the task and then click 'close'. the task only requires a one word answer yes or no - i've created Task Layouts but those are associated with each new task created. I thought creating the fields would allow me to assign fields TO a task but it doesn't - or at least i can't figure it out. I have to have this Yes
Tasks API call
Hi, I'm trying to do an API call on tasks and it's not working. I'm getting a "General Error" with code 6500. This is the URL I'm accessing: https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portal/kyledavidgroup/projects/605433000000032011/tasks/?AUTHTOKEN=0dc167bf942d55c7b99dceeeb44b88ce However, I was just able to access the same API with the same URL about 10 mins ago and it worked. Why am I now getting an error? Thank you.
Tip #26: Execute Next Business Rule
Business rules support webhooks. Each business rule can be used to call a webhook when a specific criteria is met. What if you need to call two different webhooks for a matching criteria? Continuing from our Tip #25, lets see how to workaround this limitation using the 'Execute Next Business Rule' option. 1. Create a business rule to 'Update Support Ticket' when a bug is created or updated and set the criteria to match when the status is 'Closed'. Select the "Execute Next Business Rule" option.
Notifications for users tagged in comments
I've looked for this, and can't find a solution. When a user is tagged in a comment (e.g. @User1) it would be great if they receved a notification - either by e-mail, or by the notification button (bell) in the top right of the window. Otherwise, there's no way to know if you've been tagged.
New Zoho Projects Time entry in API - General Error - 6500
Hi there, Integration: Active Collab - Zoho Projects I'm trying to create a new Time entry under a task in Zoho Projects, using the API. I've already synced up tasks and projects. But I'm having a hard time creating a time entry. I've tried with php and with postman. On both ends I get the same result: {"error":{"code":6500,"message":"General Error"}} Here's my request: $request_parameters = array( 'authtoken' => 'APITOKEN', 'date' => '02-20-2018', 'bill_status' => 'Billable', 'hours' => '02:22'
Predecessors and dependencies
How do we create predecessors and dependencies?
Tip #25: Updating Tickets in Desk from Zoho Projects
Customers submitting tickets in Zoho Desk often wonder about its status. Support executives convert the ticket to a bug and it's filed in Zoho Projects. But what next? How do you inform the status to customers or notify them that the bug has been resolved? Business Rules can be used to solve this problem. A Business Rule performs a necessary action when the specific criteria is met. To inform the customer that a ticket has been resolved, a notification can be sent to the user when the bug is closed.
Task comment
Hi zoho Team, I met an issue when using zoho task. When i sort the comment of a task (most recently on top), sometimes, all comment is disappeared, just see this happen only on this task, the others are no problem. Please help to check this. Link: https://projects.zoho.com/portal/arrivetechnologies#taskdetail/403027000001399352/403027000001399368/403027000001449237 Thanks
Project user receive notification
Hi, Is it possible for ALL (if we assigned multiple users to a single project) Project users to receive notifications of project progress? Currently, settings for notifications can only be applied to Tasks and Milestones (to our knowledge). Is there a workaround for this? If users are "following" projects will this resolve? Regards
project dates
We are behind schedule all the time. At the begining of a project we get the date when the project should be ready, but during the process sometimes (mostly not dependent on us) the project real end date stretches over several months. So our company would love if there would be one more field for project dates - besides start&end date - the REAL END DATE Thanks a lot !
Why cant I view dependencies in my task list?
I cant see the dependencies in my task list? Can anyone advise. I have just linked the tasks in Gantt, but cant work out why I cant see them in tasks? Any advice welcomed
Simple Notes Section Within a Project?
Hello- New to projects and am still getting to know the software. I have searched everywhere to find a place to write simple notes within a project. I would assume this would be within the dashboard. Is there a way to add a simple not field or two? As a work around, I'm creating a document within the documents section and I'm placing notes in there, but this is a very awkward workflow and it ends up opening a new window. Any advice? Thanks!
Filter types (tipos de filtro)
Dear, I would appreciate indicating how the filters shown in the image work Regards (Estimados, Agradecería indicar como funcionan los filtros que se muestran en la imagen)
Date format
Can I change the date format to UK one? Thanks.
time sheet notes in invoices
when adding time sheets to an invoice, it would be much more useful if we were able to show the "time sheet notes" in to the "Item description". just showing the project name isnt useful for us.
docs integrationt
if I create a new zoho doc or sheet in a project ,It doesnt show up in my zoho docs or sheets app. is that right? am I doing something wrong?
Increase the limit of values to load in the custom field
I create a new custom field, but only let me include only 100 values, and a need to put in more than 100. How to increse these value?
Documents synchronization
Hi, Does anyone knows of a way to synchronize the files that are stored in a ZOHO Project to a device such as a computer. Anything like sftp, CVS, or the ZOHO Docs desktop app, or anything else that is convenient or working with tens of files organized in sub-folders? Thanks. Best regards.
task layouts on a task list basis (instead of per project)
task layouts are amazing. the ability to add custom fields, and have them available on iOS, and also have the ability to bulk change the custom fields is great. our issue is that we need to have different task layouts for different types of task lists. it would be great if we could adjust the task layout on the fly on a per task list basis. this would tremendously help our work flows. current if we do it project wide, then having a default value hurts us instead of helps us. we would only want a
Attach google doc
How do i sync/attach a google doc to zoho projects? Every time i do it, it wants to "upload" the doc and put it into zoho drive. That is absolutely not what I want. Let's face it: Zoho docs is terrible. Google is way ahead, and I want to use GOOGLE DOCS, not zoho!! ALl i want is a reference to my GOOGLE drive. Yet zoho insists on inserting itself into the equation. This makes it a very frustrating experience. All our stuff is in google drive. I want it to remain there. Why is zoho fighting us on
Quote display
For information, the simple quote ' is replaced by this code here in Zoho Projects :
Ask the Experts: 5-hour knowledge exchange marathon on 'Task Dependencies' in Zoho Projects.
Hey folks! The Ask the Experts initiative for this month focuses on issues that frequent the support desk and hence demand expert advice. This session is around 'Task Dependencies" as it has invited many a query on the forums on topics such as: 1. How to set dependencies for unscheduled tasks? 2. Can I set task dependency in task templates? 3. What are the dependency types supported by Zoho Projects? Task dependencies help in linking tasks that depend on a sequence. While the Finish to Start dependency
Cannot submit a request assistance
When I click on the email icon to Submit a Request, it's just empty :
Date filter
how the date filter works? I'm from Chile and my English is bad. they have support for spanish Thanks
bulk edit on task layout custom fields doesnt work
bulk editing a set of tasks works fine when you are bulk editing the status of the tasks, but it does NOT work when you are bulk editing one of the custom fields.
Access /portals/ API via OAuth2 authentication
I'm trying to use the /portals/ API to fetch the list of portals that I have access to. I'm using the following API call:- curl -X GET \ https://projectsapi.zoho.com/restapi/portals/ \ -H 'authorization: Bearer <my-access-token>' \ -H 'cache-control: no-cache' \ -H 'content-type: application/json' \ However, I'm getting :- { "error": { "code": 6500, "message": "General Error" } } Any pointers on what I need to correct?
Gamescope for freelance, one person / one player
Hello, I discover Gamescope and I'd like to create trophies and badges as milestone for myself I'm freelance and work alone, but create a "game" requires 2 players minimum ... Does this mean I cannot get any points when I finish a task ? Thanks in advance for your help Kind regards
Text overlap in menu for French version
For information :
How to create 'Cost Plan' and to view the 'Actual Costs versus Planned Costs'?
Dear All, One of our prospects need to define 'Hourly Rates' for each of their resources ( Users ) ( That is OK in Zoho Projects ) Question 1 They need to create a 'Project Plan' creating tasks setting duration and allocating resources to these tasks. After this they need to see the 'Planned Cost' of the project. That is a simple mathematics. Please check table below. Our prospect needs to see a calculation for the 'Planned Cost' total of the project. They will use this 'Cost Simulation' to plan,
Enhanced dependencies
Hello, For most simple projects the dependencies in Projects works well. A task takes longer/shorter then planned and impacts all subsequent tasks Answering what-if scenarios, like adding additional resources or if there is a project delay Projects can accommodate the above. However, most of our project schedules can get complex and that is where Projects dependencies falls short in a couple of areas. Ability to add a lag time to the dependency so that it is tied to the completion date of the
Custom Fields in Zoho Projects
We are pleased to announce the launch of the much awaited Custom Fields in Zoho Projects. This is one among the first few significant launches for Zoho Projects for this quarter. Custom fields basically, lets you add data specific to your business needs in online project management. Say, you are in Häagen-Dazs and you are about to place your order in a few minutes. Your favorite Belgian chocolate has gone out of stock and you are a little upset about it. What would you do next?! In no time, you
Zoho Projects 2017- Year in Review
2017 was incredibly amazing for Zoho Projects! As we’ve jumped into 2018 on the double, here is a recap of all that’s happened the past year. Check out our what’s new to know more about the features we’ve rolled out in 2017. It was quite a year! Thanks for being a part of Zoho Projects 2017! We’re expecting more features to come out this 2018. Be a part of awesome things that are yet to come!
Zoho Projects "What's new" page RSS Feeed
Hi, it could be nice to have a RSS feed for your "What's new" page (https://www.zoho.com/projects/whats-new.html). That way we could be kept updated without checking constantly that page.
What notifications and emails do clients receive automatically?
I'm doing work for a client's client. Primary client doesn't want secondary client to have any info until completion. This morning primary client emails saying "don't send other guy any docs." Secondary client emails asking about 7 files that were sent to him. I DID NOT send anything to secondary client. So my question is this: what in the ever loving universe did Projects send to the secondary client!? This is a rather large issue because these are brand new clients and I'm not impressing them
Global notification
Hello, I have some trouble with my colleague with notification and I can not find an answer in the settings or in your forum. We have some common projects et we need both to receive all activities. Nevertheless, when I post a message in the forum, she receive a mail. But when the client or I send a comment in this same forum, she does not receive it. Only the creator of the forum receive it. How can we receive all activities of the project ? Thank you in advance, Edouard Voituriez
Sort View by Client alphabetically
Hi, It would be a great help for us if we could sort the Projects > View by Client overview alphabetically (and maybe others as well!). Is there an option available to do this? Cheers, Jesse
Remove a dependency?
Hello! In the pop-up that shows task predecessors and successors the help says there is a link that can be clicked on to remove a dependency. How do you get that link? I don't see it at all for either a successor or a predecessory. Thanks!
Resource utilization: changing work hours per day changes the workload defined in the task
Hi, I planned my tasks adding fixed hours for each resource, let's say: John works 5 hours and Julia works 3 hours to complete a task. If I see that they are overallocated I thought to change the hours per day but WITHOUT changind the estimaged working hours. How can I fix ghe estimated hours? Estimated hours should change just in the task editing
Error occurs while publishing my site
Error occurs while publishing my site kindly resolve this issue http://healthy-cake-boxes.zohosites.com/
Dependency issue
I've suffered a lot with the depency setting with Zoho Projects. Here is the story: Our company needs to repeat several projects every month, so after creating a project and setting the dependency I've convert it into a template. But there's one thing doesn't fit the Zoho Projects dependency logic in our project which is: instead of one task begins right after the the task that depended on finished, some tasks should begin several days after the previous task is finished. So, after converting the
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