Notification from two users not being sent to any other user
There are two specific users in the project team, who's account does not send notifications to any other user when they upload documents. These are the only two we are aware of - we haven't tested all users. The two users are from the same company/domaine. Their notifications did work for many months and then suddenly stopped.
Enterprise version free trial
Hi, I just created an account with portal id provazoho2017. May you kindly activate the enterprise version to evalute the product?
Not Able to link BitBucket with Zoho Project
We have performed all the steps mentioned in the help but not able to link bitbucket and zoho projects
Can we hide forum discussions and documents from a client or contractor?
This seems simple, so I hope it's integrated. If you have a project with agency, contractor and clients on there, you'd think you could have discussions with just the agency, or agency and contractor, or agency and client or all. Is there a way to do this? Similarly with documents, where do you choose who can view it? Hopefully it's simple and I'm missing it. I know Basecamp has been using similar functionality for years and a lot of people love it.
Can not upload documents issue.
We are not able to upload documents in to the projects since yesterday. We are able to even upload the same documents to the same project. Any suggestions?
Export task .xls sheet doesn't show any task/information/data
When I export Task from Tasks & Milestones, I get an email liking to the xls sheet but there is no task/information/data on the sheet? Even when if I choose all users, or select an individual user, the spread sheet show nothing when I download it. Am I missing something?
Custom logo for ZOHO projects
Hi i share soho projects with clients and would like to know how my logo can be substituted instead of ZOHO logo, knowing i am a paid customer.
Can we have more 'Project Status' options?
I would like to classify my projects other than just Active or Archived. Indeed, projects exist in real life in many other states, for instance: > In Pre-planning > Not Started, inactive > On Hold (for a variety of reasons) > Complete (but not Archived) etc, etc Ideally I'd like to be able to customize this list myself, but at the very least a few more status classifications should be introduced. Zoho please comment.
Percentage of completion based on the number of assigned users
Hi, Let me get straight to the point. I'm a designer in a digital agency and many of my tasks require a design from me before the implementation/development. Let's take the simplest of examples where 2 people are involved in a task. Task: Website Design/Development Assigned to: Designer, Developer Let's assume that I, the designer, complete my designs and they are ready for development. The developer will need an X amount of time to finish the project, it could take months. For as long as this project
Getting differences in record count
Hi, We can retrieve timesheet data using 3 view types and those are Month, Week & Day. I am trying to get timesheet data from Zoho using Zoho API. When I try to extract data for month then I am getting different count and when I am trying to get data for week & date then it is giving me different count. e.g. For month of January when I tried to retrieve timesheet data week & day wise 01-Jan-2017 to 01-Jan-2017 0 02-Jan-2017 to 08-Jan-2017 351 09-Jan-2017 to 15-Jan-2017 352 16-Jan-2017
Are there existing templates (generic) that can be used in Zoho for projects?
External Client Access
We have switched from BaseCamp to Zoho. In projects, what is the best, most simple way to open up communication for an external client for a project that is external? What are people using as best practices? We want to limit what they see, but keep it very simple to use, like BaseCamp.
Can I rename a portal while in trial ?
Hi there, I've just started a trial of Zoho, I'm driving crazy trying to change the name of a portal. I created one (I don't even know what is a portal) and as the system didn't let me use the name I wanted I typed xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx and the portal was created under that name. Now I want to change the name but I can't find the way. I already googled it and the solutions found don't work. any help? Thanks!
Archive Projects and "Waiting projects"
Hi, Now I have to "categories" for projects, active and archived. The ones that are archived are closed. Is there a way so that ther are some projects that ara "waiting"? The purpose is that they are current projects on which we are not working but neither are they closed. The problem on moving these to Archive is that they will be mixed with the ones that are finished and I can't classify the projects inside Archive. The only viable way I've found is to have two groups: created inside the active
TaskList Uri
I use the Api to extract the project data. I try to form my Uri, and query the tasklists for a given project. I have difficulty adding the flag parameter. Please advise how to add the flag parameter. The response returned is 400 bad request. My attempt:
Tasks do not show when entering site from bug e-mail
Steps to replicate: - Click on "View Bug Updates" in an e-mail notification about a bug - Click the "Back" button in upper left hand corner of the detailed Bug page. - "Tasks" will not show in the left sidebar, even after clicking around to other parts of the project and re-entering the project. - Manually going to will make Tasks appear. I experience this on latest version of Firefox (debian 64-bit) and Safari (MacOS), all up-to-date. Edit: Typos and clarity
Calendar Filter - Opened/Closed Tasks
It would be great if we could filter out completed Tasks in My Calendar tab on the Home page. Right now it shows both closed and open tasks, closed with a strikethrough. As someone who is assigned many Tasks, My Calendar looks overwhelmed. If we could get a filter for opened and/or closed tasks I could use this every day to view my upcoming workload on a monthly view. Thanks!
Can not create a new project
Trying to create a new project by this documentation Have error Already trying different variants.
Total of logged hours in a project
Hi, Is there a way to view all logged hours in a project? Right now when I go to a project's timesheet I can filter by day, month and week. I need to be able to see a total of all logged hours so when I work by the hour on a project and the client wants to know where we're at, I can tell him. I think it's a basic feature in project management, it's probably somewhere but can't seem to find it. Thanks for your help.
Google Contacts
Do you have any idea when you are going to integrate Google contact? Some old treads ask for it 9 years ago. I think it's time to make it happen.
Task Templates
When I create a Task Template and add it to a new project, the tasks assigned to the Task Template do not show up with it. It loads the Task Template into the project, but not the tasks that are assigned to it. Any suggestions?
Sub Task Lists
How do you create a sub or nested task list?
untaggable days
In Zoho project, is is possible to make one day untaggable (to avoid tagging personnal holidays, day off etc)?
Get project groups using REST API
Is there a way to get the project group that a project is associated with using the Projects REST API? For instance, our projects are grouped into 3 categories, and I can get the details for each project, but I don't see anything in the project details to indicate what group that project is in. Am I missing something?
Project by client
How can i create project by group of client?
Connecting to Zapier
I cannot connect my zoho project to Zapier. The portal address doesn't seem to be accepted. I get a message: authorization failed: returned (400) Bad Request and said "Given URL is wrong" Any ideas? Julie
Creating Sub Tasks
Wow, I just spent 30 minutes trying to figure out how to create a subtask, just to realize...I cannot because I do not have an Enterprise version of this software. It would be VERY helpful to have a small popup message explaining this information exactly at the time I try to create a that I don't waste my time and get a "negative first impression" from this software and pass that negative impression along to my peers. Checking the feature comparison page on the website helped me to determine
Follow tasks or Task lists
Hi, Would it be possible to follow all tasks lists in all projects by default? For example, an option to "Follow task". We have a lot of task lists and it would be very useful to have an option like this or similar. Also, could I, as an administrator add users to follow a task list? Thanks in advance
Tarea recurrente mantener horas planificadas
Hola, Tengo listas de tareas recurrentes por mes, con horas de trabajo para cada una, al acabar el mes se cierra la tarea para que se inicie el registro de tiempo, pero las horas planificadas se quedan a 0, hay posibilidad de que estas horas planificadas se hagan recurrentes, juraría que esto antes funcionaba así Gracias. Hello, I have recurring task lists per month, with working hours for each, at the end of the month the task is closed to start the time recording, but the planned hours are set
Approve New User Request to Portal Admin/Admins
I'd like there to be a way for a portal admin to approve a new user or receive an email when a new user is added to the portal.
Create a template based on exist project
Hi Zoho Team, We´re using Zoho Projects to manage the opening process of our stores. Since the opening process is basically the same for almost all the stores, we decided to create a template as the base of all the opening projects. We at first created a project, set the initial and due date, the dependency and get every task asigned. Later we created a template based on this project. Entering the template, we noticed that "start after" column has no value, we thought it could because of the first
Task notification
Can the system send via email notifications of overdue tasks? For the manager and the PMO of the project? Can the system send via email notifications of the task two days before the start date? Besides that, is it possible import documents from Zoho docs for Zoho projects? Thanks in advanced
How do I amend a users name?
Hello there New user here, I'm the project space owner, I've added the email address of the person I'll be collaborating with but it just shows the first part of her email address as her name - how do I change this to show her correct name. Thanks in advance for your help? Jules
Zoho Projects — Email Comment on Task — Attachment does not stay with comment.
When replying to a task comment via email and including an attachment, the attached file does not appear in the comment on Zoho Projects, but rather only goes to the Documents area. The attachment should appear with the comment itself, just like when you add a comment via the web interface. This is a very serious issue for those who use email primarily and clients.
About accounts and pricing
Hello, I am testing out ZOHO. I run a Non Profit Organization called Saber Amar in Chihuahua, Mexico. It is about promoting sexual education in public schools. Our budget is very limited. My question is: If we only need to manage 3 projects, can I pay only for 1 premium account and have the rest of the organization use free acounts? Thanks
change background in classic TASKS view
Hi, is it possible to format backround in zoho projeccts in TASKS in classic view. Something similar to format as table that you can do in excel. It is so difficult on m y eyes as there is so much of white showing. thanks.
Connecting projects
My previous post didn't seem to go through. Sorry if this becomes a duplicate. Is there a way to connect a project to another project? For example, let's say I want to create a project that has our company goals. Or maybe each goal is it's own project. Then I have a bunch of projects that are related to those goals. Similar to the way a Task List connects to a Milestone, is there a way to connect one project to another project? Thanks.
Connecting project to another project
Is there a way to tie one project to another project? I don't think this software is necessarily built to do this but wondering if there is a workaround. What I want to do is to have projects tie to a company goal. That way, when people are working on a project/task, they know the reasoning, even if it's just to see it. So I was thinking that if I could create a Goals project that lists out the top X goals of our company, and then be able to tie other projects to specific goals, that would be a
Q4 2016 - Zoho Projects
"New beginning with new hopes Carrying along those pleasant memories Gearing up for the next ventures Getting ready for another journey of challenges And, here comes yet another year of happiness and joy" Yes! This new year is all set to gift you a lot of surprises. Just one week past the new year celebrations, we are all back to work. We at Zoho Projects are happy to share the latest enhancements that we went across in the last quarter. For those who've missed to check our latest enhancements,
Issues our agency is having - would like some insight
Our agency has some issues with our production when it comes to Zoho projects. Here are our problems. Any insights, tips, etc are appreciated. 1. Task Dependencies - we want to create task lists that have tasks that are dependent on the completion of another task. We thought this was possible but it assigns the task out anyway without the dependency being met. Anyway to fix this? 2. Task templates - we have task templates that are pre-assigned with dependencies. These templates have LOTS of tasks
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