Bug when downloading documents
Hi When I download a previously uploaded document, which contains spaces in its name, Zoho changes the spaces for "+" (see the image below), this causes extra work when I need to modify the document and upload a new version. This started just a couple weeks ago. Thanks for your help.
Customizing the invitations
We are finding that some of our clients are not sure about the invitation that is sent to them when they are added to a project. Currently, there is nothing obvious that links this invitation to our company. Is there a way that we can customize the invitation so that our company name is a part of the invitation?
Client Username
I am finding that adding clients from CRM is not very useful with the search being what it is and the more button being needed. As such, I am adding companies and users manually. When I add a user, I would like to be able to add their proper name as well instead of the system determining their name from their email address (see attached). Editing a client user does nothing. Am I missing something here?
Resource Conflict Notification
It would be nice to see a feature that would notify the task creator if the person who assigns a project or task is notified when the resource is already fully allocated, and provides them with the ability to reschedule when that person/resource is available.
"user already added to this organization" even though user does not exist
Hi, I created a project user, then deleted the user since I realised that the user should be a client user. When I go to add the client user with the same email ID I receive "user already added to this organization" even though the user does not exist? Jo
Timesheet approval
Hi, i have a question about the timesheet approval settings. We enabled 'submit with approval' in the tab 'Timesheet approval process'. Only there is no notification, 'status button' or 'approve timesheet button' popping up. Can you help me out with that? Thanks in advance. Kind regards, Werner Moison
Can I send all posts to an email address automatically?
Hi, I was wondering if it is possible to configure Zoho Projects such that all posts are automatically emailed to a certain email address. I would like all posts made in all projects of a portal to be emailed to an email account as a way of backing up data recorded in various posts (like seller phone numbers, addresses, etc.). These could be task posts or forum post, etc. all of them actually. Thanks! Razvan
Admin to remove user from project forum
The most troubling glitch we have is that removing a user from a project does not remove them from the project's forum email list; thus, people removed from a project continue to get notifications from the forum discussion until they 'unfollow' or 'unwatch' for themselves. It is ridiculous and embarrassing that the admin/manager can ADD people to a project forum but cannot REMOVE them when they delete them from the user list. Is there a way for the project manager to to control this? Otherwise, can
1 day project - Can I set Start/End Time instead of Start/End Date?
I have to plan a 1 day project. As far as I can see tasks have only dates associated with them, not times. (Of course I can circumvent that by pretending we have a longer project and assigning different dates to the task, but I'd prefer a clean display)
How to I configure my admin account so I can be alerted when a task is not completed by it's due date?
Hello, How to I configure my admin account so I can be alerted when a task is not completed by it's due date? How do I get emails sent to me to let me know when a task is not completed on time? Cheers, Paul
Training Employees
Hello, My company is interested in implementing Zoho Projects Enterprise. We have almost 150 employees and we want all of them to be able to use this resource effectively, both managing and being participants in projects. As you can imagine, getting everyone up to speed so they can hit the floor running, so to speak, once we provide this is not going to be an easy task. I'm wondering if Zoho has gone so far as to provide training documentation and videos outside of the standard user guide for
Filter by task status not work!
I want to have an ability to see the opened tasks only. When I use the "Opened" filter option I see all tasks including completed (strike text). Could you please fix that.
Invalid JSON
When using the project activities api call the JSON is returning invalid, this appears to happen in the names field. My team is posting simple text information and it appears when you api converts the data to JSON it's not smart enough to modify the text to make the JSON valid. For example adding a " in that field will make the JSON invalid.
Webhooks on task completion?
Hi guys, my client wants to be able to send out an email when a task is completed in Zoho Projects. The email content would depend on the type of task. Is there a webhook or some kind of email notification that we could override?
How do I export time sheet for a range of dates? I see the greatest I can go is Monthly. If I don't know what month to look at for a particular project I have to go through month by month and only list one at a time.
Allocate time to multiple projects
We have various projects and at times work on more than one project at a time. I would like to record that time spent in each project. Has anyone found a suitable way of performing this? Thanks for any ideas. Douglas
Removing project forum participants
The most troubling glitch we have is that removing a user from a project does not remove them from the project's forum email list; thus, people removed from a project continue to get notifications from the forum discussion until they 'unfollow' or 'unwatch' for themselves. It is ridiculous and embarrassing that the admin/manager can ADD people to a project forum but cannot REMOVE them when they delete them from the user list. Is there a way for the project manager to to control this? Otherwise, can
Trying to get in touch with someone from Zoho
I have left voicemails, and sent e-mails trying to get in touch with the people who have e-mailed me from Zoho. My company is very interested in Zoho projects, but if this is the level of support we can expect I don't know if it is right for us. Does anyone have any advice on how to get in touch with someone at Zoho Projects?
Synching Zoho Project to Zoho CRM
Hello, I know how to connect a project in Zoho Project to an account in Zoho CRM. However I don't see any of my updates to the Project reflected in the Account in Zoho CRM (ie. adding tasks or attaching documents in Zoho Project do not appear in the Account in CRM). Can Zoho CRM have all of my changes to the connected project in Zoho appear in the connect CRM account? For example...Right now if I want to attach a document to the project in Zoho Project it seems like I also have to attach it a second
Adding more than 6 filters to the Gantt view
Hello, Can I have the option to add more than 6 filters to the Gantt view? I have more than a few staff so I want to see all tasks for all of them each week. Currently I cannot do this as I am restricted to 6 filters. Cheers, Paul
"Data Backup" is missing from Settings
I would like to export all the data that I can from our project. However, I do not see the "Data Backup" tab under settings. Is this feature not available at all tiers?
Bug Tracker Kanban View
I like the Kanban view however can it display the ticket number without having to open the file?
Is there a way for me to see the date a bug was closed and by whom if there are no comments entered?
Milestones on dashboard
Is there a way (widget) to have a quick look at the upcoming milestones on the dashboard? This feature used to be present in one of the previous versions and we miss it!
Single Milestone in Multiple Projects
Is there a way to link a single Milestone across Multiple Projects? Example: I have a milestone created on a specific customer and I have the same milestone created in our company overall project. When the customer file is updated I would like a link to update the same milestone in the other project. I have manually Created a combined overall project made up of all the individual milestones in all the other projects.
Tasks created on ZOHO Projects through API do not work on the ZOHO Protal
When I create a task on Zoho Projects through API, the task is created successfully but sometimes the created task does not work in the Zoho Portal. I can see the task added in the correct tasklist, but when I click on it the screen turns black and then nothing happens. Also, I can not change the start date, duration, assignee, etc. When I inspected this through Firebug, I saw that clicking on the task gives a 500 internal server error in the ajax request. What could be the reason behind this ?
Completed task bug
Hi. I have a task list with multiple tasks associated with it. If one of those tasks is marked as completed it is removed from the task list. If I click completed tasks I would expect to see the task I have just set as complete to appear there. However, It only appears in the completed tasks lists once the entire list is completed. Hope that makes sense and a fix can be developed soon. - Luke.
Documents feature
Hi - the following are sorely missing in documents: a) sub-folders upto 3-4 levels are absolutely required b) Documents list does not display the upload date or creation date c) Need better control over Managers ability to delete files and entire folders d) For deleted files, there should be a archive which the admin can keep for some time and then purge it permanently Sandeep sandeeptodi
Why I can't to create subfolder in the documents folders?
Hi, I want to create root folder and than to create some sub folders under the root. But I failed to create the subfolers. All folders was created ib the same level. How do I create sub folders? Thanks, Ori ofoyer
How to get log details of all the users?
Is there any way to get log details of all the users of my portal using Zoho API? Anyone please help on this..
How to get log details of all the users?
I am able to get the log details of logged in user. Is there any way to get log details of all the users?
Assigning a task on multiple dates.
Hey there. What about a simple point-and-click behaviour to assign tasks. I mean, if target employee is chosen, then something like point-and-click or copy-paste tasks would be very comfortable when assigning the same task , to the same person, only on different dates. Do you agree?? Cheers.
All projects disappeared
I logged in this morning and saw that all my projects but one have disappeared. Is there any way to get all my projects back?
reply link in notification email does not attach notes to task
Hi. this link e8kL1iNbkk5kM08670x6700kx7A87m0CK@zohoprojects.com which is the reply link to add comments to a project from a notification email does not work. it takes me to a page where comments are to be added allows me to complete it and doesn't show up on the task. Ideas? Am I missing something? Is there a workaround?
Gaant Charts
I am newly subscribed to Zoho Projects. Are Gaant Charts included in Premium Edition?
Project Email Address to Contacts
Having used Asana there is a neat little add-on that reads your Asana Projects and allows the email address to be saved as a contact in GMail or Outlook. Any such tools for Zoho Projects?
How to get all users from portal?
Is there any way i could get all the active users from my portal using Zoho API ? Please help on this..
Create user roles
I would like to create custom user roles within Zoho Project. How would I be able to do that?
Domain integration
Hi Guys I have registered with ZOHO Projects my XXXX.XXXX@XXXXX.SE email account. This is however just a mask for my XXXX.XXXX@XXXX.COM account which is a GOOGLE APPS ACCOUNT Now I have installed the GMAIL ZOHO APP to create tasks by Default but it does not recognise my .COM account (of course) but I do not know how to change my ZOHO account to the .COM address. When I try to ad the account it says its allready in use. (and it is, it leads to an empty profile) Erich
Getting project status as "active_deactive"
I am trying to access all the projects from my zoho portal using zoho API. I am getting projects but status of some projects are 'active_deactive'. so I am unable to get the details of the projects those are having status as 'active_deactive' , where as I am getting project details having status as 'active'. Why status is like this?
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