【開催報告】ユーザー交流会 in 東京 - 3/17(金)

【開催報告】ユーザー交流会 in 東京 - 3/17(金)

3/17(金)に「バックオフィス領域における Zoho の活用」をテーマに、今年1回目のユーザー交流会(Meetup)をハイブリッド形式にて開催しました!

今月の開催回では、関西 青山さまによる、HRの業務領域をZoho One で構築したユーザー事例セッションのほか、Zoho サービスの活用方法を発表するミニプレゼンテーション大会「ライトニングトーク」を実施。
また、会場参加の方々にはお楽しみ会「Zoho プチ自慢大会」や懇親会にも参加をいただきました。
ご登壇いただいた青山さん、箕輪さん、安達さん、そしてご参加いただいたZoho ユーザーのみなさん、ありがとうございました!
「Zoho Oneを活用したHRテクノロジーが企業リクルート戦略にもたらす効果と意味
」(関西 青山さま)

◎ ライトニングトーク
「Zoho CRM 商談タブカスタマイズのTips 共有」
(コンテックス 箕輪さま)

「Zoho Inventory & Zoho Books かんたん受発注 & 在庫管理」
(ストーバー・ジャパン 安達さま)

▼AP品川会場 / 写真▼
◎お楽しみ会(Zoho プチ自慢大会) 
参加者の方々に、Zoho サービスに関する日々の取り組みや成果について、共有し合う会を開催しました。
グループメンバー同士で Zoho のダッシュボードを共有したり、Zoho Sites で構築された自社のウェブサイトを共有いただくなど、参加者同士で知見を相互共有されている場面が多かったのが印象的でした。

▼オンライン / 写真▼


今後もこのようなユーザー交流会や、課題解決型のワークショップ型イベント 「Zoho ワークアウト」を引き続き開催していきますので、ぜひご参加ください。
(次回のZoho ワークアウトについては4月に開催を予定しています)
今後ともZoho Japan Community をよろしくお願いいたします!
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      • 【6/22〜6/24開催】Zoho CRM 管理者向けトレーニングのご案内

        「Zoho CRMを導入したばかりで、初期設定や基本操作に不安がある」、「短期間で基礎から理解を深め、運用開始までをスムーズに行いたい」「Zoho CRMを基礎から再度学び直したい」といった課題や要望をお持ちの管理者に向け、Zoho CRM 管理者向けオンライントレーニングを実施します。 2022年6月の開催回よりトレーニング内容を刷新し、有償にて実施いたします。   ─────────────────────────────────── >詳細・お申し込みはこちら:https://www.zoho.com/jp/crm/crmtraining/
      • 【12/17(金)Meetup開催】参加者にはノベルティプレゼント!Zoho サービス相談会/情報交換会もあります

        こんにちは、Zoho Japan コミュニティチームの今成です。 12月17日(金)16:00から、今年最後のMeetup(ユーザー交流会)を開催します! ●詳細はこちら:https://www.zohomeetups.com/ZohoJapanCommunityMeetup2021vol4/ 前半は今年9月にZoho サービスを導入したユーザー様のセッションとして、現状の利用状況とこれからどのようにZoho サービスを利用していくか、これからの構想談をお話いただきます。 後半では、Zoho CRM
      • 【6/29(火) 初心者向け】カスタム関数勉強会のご案内

        先日のMeetupでも告知しましたが、以前より多くのユーザーさまからご要望いただいていたZoho の「カスタム関数」に関する基本の勉強会を6/29(火) 17:00に、開催します! 関数の基本的な書き方や、Zoho CRM で活用できる関数例のデモなどについて、Zoho の技術メンバーがわかりやすく解説します。 関数の基本を掴みたい方はぜひ、ご参加くださいませ。 >>申し込みはこちら:‌attend.zoho.com/luy0 以下詳細です。 ーーーーーーーーーーー 日時:6月29日(火) 17:00~
      • 【3/19(金)】Meetup(ユーザー交流会)開催のご案内。Zoho CRM ユーザー事例やZoho Sign の紹介、Zoho CRM 相談会など

        こんにちは、Zoho Japan コミュニティチームの今成です。 2021年1回目となるMeetupを、3月19日(金)16:00~ 開催いたします! ●詳細はこちら:https://www.zohomeetups.com/ZohoJapanOnlineMeetup2021vol1 毎回好評のZoho ユーザーさまによる活用事例をはじめ、Zoho の電子署名ツール「Zoho Sign」の製品デモや、グループディスカッションをご用意しています。 前半/後半のみのご参加も可能ですので、お気軽にご参加ください!
      • 【12/17(木) 16:00-】ユーザー同士で情報交換を行う、グループディスカッションもあります。オンラインMeetup Vol.4 開催のお知らせ

        Zoho コミュニティチームの今成です。最近寒くなってまいりましたが、みなさまいかがお過ごしですか? Zoho Japan Communityでは、今年最後のオンラインMeetup(ユーザー交流会)を開催いたします!以下、詳細のご案内です。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー <日時>2020年12月17日(木) 16:00-18:00 <参加費>無料 <開催方法>オンライン <概要> 前半(16:00〜17:00)  自社活用事例「Zoho 社員は、1日の中でどのサービスをどれくらい使っているのか」(ゾーホージャパン株式会社 コミュニティチーム)

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                            Zoho CRM コンテンツ


                                • Recent Topics

                                • Tip of the week 34 - 5 ways to maintain your email list

                                  A proper email list often reflects the reach of an institution. This reach is coveted by all but achieved by some. We often forget about drawbacks and incline towards numbers. Success is often reflected by quality and not quantity. This simple message reverberates in maintaining a hygienic email list. Here are five tips which will help you maintain a proper email list.    Organic email lists   Non-stop competition can make us susceptible to shortcuts like buying and renting lists from third party
                                • Whatsapp Limitation Questions

                                  Good day, I would like to find out about the functionality or possibility of all the below points within the Zoho/WhatsApp integration. Will WhatsApp buttons ever be possible in the future? Will WhatsApp Re-directs to different users be possible based
                                • Can not send campaign

                                  Hi, I'm trying to send a newsletter to my subscribers, but seems is not working - or maybe I did some wrong steps re. upgrades. I'm the admin for this account, no other person is using Zoho for my campaigns and I did not access the platform during last
                                • Multilingual Newsletter

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                                • Add Comment/Notes to Each Action in Zoho Flow for Internal Documentation

                                  It would be great if Zoho Flow could introduce a field to every action where we can make an internal note about why we are doing something with a specific action. This is especially helpful if more than one person from the organization handles automation
                                • Tip of the week 03 - Sending emails in batches

                                  Today's marketers not only want their email marketing to be efficient, but also smart. For an email campaign, you may think you have all the essential elements for lead conversion—a big mailing list, an attractive template design, and the most-engaging message content, but after hitting the ‘send’ button, you may not get the expected conversions. Wondering why? Here’s one of the major reasons. Many marketers miss out on sending the email campaign the right way. Did you know that you should not be
                                • Sites Speed and Performance Grades

                                  I noticed that there are no recent inquiries or complaints about load speed or performance issues with Zoho Sites websites. However, I wanted to understand what Zoho has done to ensure that speed remains optimized, images are compressed and lazy loaded,
                                • Feature Request - Configurable Payment Icons + Pay Now link in email.

                                  The PAY NOW buttons (icons) on invoices are really small. It would be great if we could make that a big, colored icon. Better would be to add a button to emails as well. 
                                • Survey end date extension

                                  Hi, Is there any way to extend the end date of my survey? I needed more time in finding respondents that is why I need to extend the end date of my survey. Help. Thanks
                                • AI read notes or explanation

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                                • Help with technical problem

                                  Hello, I want to make it so I can say how many days are left until a date is reached, and for it to give me a status on if its VALID, EXPIRED, or ABOUT TO EXPIRE, but the problem I'm having is I want it to be compared to the date every day, not just the
                                • Managing Prepaid Hours for Consulting

                                  We are a consulting firm that bills clients a flat upfront annual fee plus an hourly rate and offer a discount for pre-paying a block of hours. Hours that surpass the pre-paid block are billed monthly at the normal rate. If there are any pre-paid hours remaining at the end of the project they are banked for future use. I'm not seeing a method of doing this in Projects/Books/CRM... thoughts?
                                • Email Verification Tool

                                  Hi there, just came across this tool for Google Sheets https://www.producthunt.com/posts/email-verification-tool-for-google-sheets-2 How would one do to automatically verify/validate email addresses entered on the CRM in a similar way?
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                                  Hi What's the easiest way to grab the DealID when a deal is created?  I want to add it to a custom field on the deal. Thanks
                                • ZOHO Widget SDK not loading in html

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                                • Enhancements to Zoho Corp Help Center "Team Requests" View

                                  Dear Zoho Team, I hope this message finds you well. The ability to view both my tickets and my team’s tickets in the Zoho Corp Help Center is a fantastic feature, especially as the focal point for Zoho in our organization. However, we’ve encountered a
                                • Projectwise budget ---

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                                • WorkDrive API Documentation

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                                • Error 403: Forbidden When Updating Email Signature via API

                                  Hi Zoho Desk team, First, congratulations again on the excellent Zoho API. But, I’m encountering an issue while attempting to update an email signature via the API. Whenever I make a request to update the signature, the response returns an HTTP 403 Forbidden
                                • Who can see draft replies on tickets?

                                  We have noticed that we are able to see draft replies made by other agents. Which settings can limit this visibility? It makes sense to me that admins and the agent who created the draft would be able to see the draft, but no one else. How can we make
                                • Serious question: Are there actually "solo-preneurs"/small business owners who made Zoho-one work well for them?

                                  L.S. After already many years of continued struggle with Zoho-One, I am seriously wondering if there are actually solo-preneurs (one person small business owners - without a large, dedicated IT dept.) who got it (Zoho-One) to work well for their businesses.
                                • Same phone number for more than one account.

                                  Hi there, I am a webdeveloper specialising in providing websites, webhosting and email solutions for my customers. I have signed up a number of my customers to Zoho Mail in the past, and a couple of these have grown into a paid package for Zoho CRM. As I am then one setting up and managing their zoho email admin account I run into trouble when registering a new account as my mobile is number already registered towards another account. I have now used up all my mobile phone accounts, my kids accounts,
                                • Major iOS issues when accessing forms via the browser

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                                • How to Iterate a Function in Zoho Desk Workflow with Delay Between Calls?

                                  Hi everyone, I’m working on a function in Zoho Desk that searches for a specific ticket record. If the ticket is not found, I need to retry the search multiple times with a delay between each attempt until the ticket is located or a maximum number of
                                • Button Display Conditions

                                  Hi Guys, Is it at all possible to have extra button conditions? Context: We have data in our deals module which has a custom button which converts the deal into contacts + set up relationships between them. At the end of the conversion we set a field
                                • Knowledge base: The nitty-gritty of SEO tags

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                                • Social Media Simplified with Zoho Social: Make the best out of the publishing calendar

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                                • Custom function daily limit and procedural programming

                                  Dearest Zoho Today, support confirmed that if I call a custom function from another custom function then I will use up two, with regards to my daily limit. A few times, we have blown our daily limit and that means that ordinary business processes don't run for the rest of the day. I have to mop these up the following day and there is no guarantee that I will get it right. Therefore, I can't afford to waste any. Procedural programming has been around for over 50 years now and it greatly simplifies
                                • New enhancements: Changing portal users' email addresses and new customization options for templates

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                                • Granular Time Frame Settings for Message Deletion and Editing in Zoho Cliq

                                  Dear Zoho Team, I hope you're doing well. Currently, the settings for message deletion and editing in Zoho Cliq are configured globally under: Admin Panel > Organisation > Configurations > Conversations Delete messages: Time frame to allow message deletion
                                • New Built In QR/Barcode Generator Print Settings

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                                • Zoho One. Client Script

                                  Hi, I would like to know if the Client Script feature is available in Zoho One. If it's, how can I enable it?
                                • Calendar View for Zoho Tickets

                                  Is there a way to view your tickets with due dates on a calendar view? I can not find a way to merge my Zoho Calendar and Tickets. This would be extremely helpful to my team.
                                • Delete / Modify Default Career Site - Zoho Recruit

                                  Hello, It would be very useful if we could delete a default career site or change which of our career site is the default. Our Career site was created when there were issues with Zoho Recruit creating English CTA buttons on French Career sites. The only
                                • Is it possible to hide Developer Space for all user in Zoho Projects

                                  Hello! I am Zoho admin in a company and we want to use Zoho Project to manage projects, but after a few days of testing we are not able to "hide" the Developer Space from all kind of users except the admin. To sum up, I want to hide this for all users.
                                • Introducing automation and utility conversations in WhatsApp marketing

                                  We’re excited to announce the addition of two new features to our WhatsApp integration: Automation and Utility conversations. These enhancements will allow you to streamline your marketing efforts and engage with your customers more effectively by automating
                                • Você já viu os cursos do Zoho Mind?

                                  Pessoal, Tem uma plataforma da Zoho chamada Zoho Mind, muito interessante os cursos e vídeos tutoriais que lá possui. Para a turma do Zoho Creator, tem uma dica de Buscar dados em Formulário, segue o link e clique em Zoho Creator. https://www.zohomind.com.br/#/videostutoriais
                                • Como gerar gatilhos para pagamento de impostos no Zoho Books?

                                  Olá Pessoal, boa tarde! Gostaria de saber como vocês estão escriturando os impostos a pagar no Zoho Books. Vi que temos a opção de Bills, porém se eu escriturar nesta aba do Zoho Books para gerar lembretes de tempo de vencimento por exemplo vai refletir
                                • Subform Time field to string.

                                  Good afternoon All. I have a Subform 'Delivery_Receiving_Hours' that captures Day (Dropdown), Time_Open (Time), and Time_Close (Time). I need to capture this data and send it to a multiline field in the CRM. The code, posted below, below will capture
                                • Data export

                                  I need to export our customer's data and projects' data for our purpose but am unable to export full data i only get around 3160 projects and around 2k customer can you please help me to get full data, please
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