【3/18(金)】Meetup開催決定!Zoho サービスのユーザー事例やZoho サービスに関する相談会や座談会、登壇者によるアフタートークなど…

【3/18(金)】Meetup開催決定!Zoho サービスのユーザー事例やZoho サービスに関する相談会や座談会、登壇者によるアフタートークなど…

こんにちは、Zoho Japan コミュニティチームの今成です。


前半では、毎回大好評のZoho ユーザーさまによる活用事例セッションをお送りします。今回は「Zohoソリューションでプチ『The Model』にチャレンジ」と題しまして、さまざまなZoho サービスを連携して業務にご活用いただいている事例を発表していただきます。
後半では、Zoho サービスに関するお悩み相談会やグループディスカション、前半にご登壇いただいたユーザーさまとざっくばらんにお話しできるアフタートークを開催します。

・日時: 2021年3月18日(金)16:00〜18:00終了予定
・参加費: 無料
・配信方法: Zoom(※お申し込み後に招待URLが送信されます。)
ー Zoho サービス活用事例
「Zohoソリューションでプチ『The Model』にチャレンジ」
ー Zoho CRM Plus 相談会
Zoho CRM Plus 相談会「かゆいところに手が届く! Zoho サービス + カスタマイズ・連携でお悩みを解決します」
(株式会社Zooops Japan 伊藤 剣之介さま x Zoho メンバー)
ー Zoho サービス 座談会(グループディスカッション)
  • 「Zoho CRM で顧客情報を管理するための便利機能」共有会
  • 「Zoho Campaigns メルマガ担当者の会 ──メルマガの成果を上げるために工夫していること」共有会
ー Zoho サービス ユーザー事例 アフタートーク

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      • 【6/22〜6/24開催】Zoho CRM 管理者向けトレーニングのご案内

        「Zoho CRMを導入したばかりで、初期設定や基本操作に不安がある」、「短期間で基礎から理解を深め、運用開始までをスムーズに行いたい」「Zoho CRMを基礎から再度学び直したい」といった課題や要望をお持ちの管理者に向け、Zoho CRM 管理者向けオンライントレーニングを実施します。 2022年6月の開催回よりトレーニング内容を刷新し、有償にて実施いたします。   ─────────────────────────────────── >詳細・お申し込みはこちら:https://www.zoho.com/jp/crm/crmtraining/
      • 【12/17(金)Meetup開催】参加者にはノベルティプレゼント!Zoho サービス相談会/情報交換会もあります

        こんにちは、Zoho Japan コミュニティチームの今成です。 12月17日(金)16:00から、今年最後のMeetup(ユーザー交流会)を開催します! ●詳細はこちら:https://www.zohomeetups.com/ZohoJapanCommunityMeetup2021vol4/ 前半は今年9月にZoho サービスを導入したユーザー様のセッションとして、現状の利用状況とこれからどのようにZoho サービスを利用していくか、これからの構想談をお話いただきます。 後半では、Zoho CRM
      • 【6/29(火) 初心者向け】カスタム関数勉強会のご案内

        先日のMeetupでも告知しましたが、以前より多くのユーザーさまからご要望いただいていたZoho の「カスタム関数」に関する基本の勉強会を6/29(火) 17:00に、開催します! 関数の基本的な書き方や、Zoho CRM で活用できる関数例のデモなどについて、Zoho の技術メンバーがわかりやすく解説します。 関数の基本を掴みたい方はぜひ、ご参加くださいませ。 >>申し込みはこちら:‌attend.zoho.com/luy0 以下詳細です。 ーーーーーーーーーーー 日時:6月29日(火) 17:00~
      • 【3/19(金)】Meetup(ユーザー交流会)開催のご案内。Zoho CRM ユーザー事例やZoho Sign の紹介、Zoho CRM 相談会など

        こんにちは、Zoho Japan コミュニティチームの今成です。 2021年1回目となるMeetupを、3月19日(金)16:00~ 開催いたします! ●詳細はこちら:https://www.zohomeetups.com/ZohoJapanOnlineMeetup2021vol1 毎回好評のZoho ユーザーさまによる活用事例をはじめ、Zoho の電子署名ツール「Zoho Sign」の製品デモや、グループディスカッションをご用意しています。 前半/後半のみのご参加も可能ですので、お気軽にご参加ください!
      • 【12/17(木) 16:00-】ユーザー同士で情報交換を行う、グループディスカッションもあります。オンラインMeetup Vol.4 開催のお知らせ

        Zoho コミュニティチームの今成です。最近寒くなってまいりましたが、みなさまいかがお過ごしですか? Zoho Japan Communityでは、今年最後のオンラインMeetup(ユーザー交流会)を開催いたします!以下、詳細のご案内です。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー <日時>2020年12月17日(木) 16:00-18:00 <参加費>無料 <開催方法>オンライン <概要> 前半(16:00〜17:00)  自社活用事例「Zoho 社員は、1日の中でどのサービスをどれくらい使っているのか」(ゾーホージャパン株式会社 コミュニティチーム)

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                            Zoho CRM コンテンツ


                                • Recent Topics

                                • Function #10: Update item prices automatically based on the last transaction created

                                  In businesses, item prices are not always fixed and can fluctuate due to various factors. If you find yourself manually adjusting the item rates every time they change, we have the ideal time-saving solution for you. In today's post, we bring you custom
                                • Writing on sketch cards is bugged when zoomed in

                                  When zoomed in, it writes a noticeable distance above or to the side of where you're actually trying to write. The further you're zoomed in, the more noticeable it is. Zooming is also entirely absent on the desktop version.
                                • Move site from WIX to ZOHO Sites

                                  I have a simple website on WIX.  I am wondering if someone is available to help me move this website - https://www.videothreezero.com/ to ZOHO.  Michael  Boston
                                • Move a Contact from Current Account to a NEW Account

                                  I do not believe the functionality to Move a Contact from a Current Account to a New Account is not available. Please someone tell me I am missing something! I have been through designing, developing, using and selling CRM systems for over 25 years and had this functionality20+ years ago in other CRMs.  In the real world people move from one organisation to another. In the sales, finance and technical world it is nice to see the communication history with that person in their old account and also
                                • Change work hours per day for employees

                                  Hello, Is there a way to modify the work hours per day for employees in Zoho projects? This would be helpful for resource allocation to more accurately see when an employee who works 35 hours a week vs 40 hours has a full schedule. Thanks.
                                • Zoho CRM Automation Help: Send Email When Fault is Marked as Done & Module Relationships

                                  Hi everyone, I have the following User-Created Modules in Zoho CRM: Clients Assets Faults Handymen Every client can have multiple assets. Every asset can have multiple faults. Every fault is assigned to one handyman. What I Want to Achieve: ✅ I want to
                                • Adding New Domain to Zoho mail

                                  Hi, I have one Zoho account already called for example "Awesome Animals". Under this account I have one domain already setup with zoho mail, example: - awesomecats.com I have another website as well which I want to add under this "Awesome Animals" account,
                                • I cannot receive emails.

                                  I need help, I've tried everything but I still can't receive emails from other people. I can send it but I can't receive emails, When I created the email it was all in order and suddenly I can't get emails from anyone anymore.
                                • Incoming Gmail Email Not Coming Into Zoho

                                  My outbound email from Zoho is working, but when people respond to the email, it's not coming back into Zoho. I can see it when I'm in Gmail, but it's not in Zoho.
                                • Não foi possível enviar a mensagem;Razão:554 5.1.8 Email Outgoing Blocked.

                                  Preciso de ajuda não consigo enviar emails,conta recen criada
                                • Request to Customize Module Bar Placement in New Zoho CRM UI

                                  Hello Support and Zoho Community, I've been exploring the new UI of Zoho CRM "For Everyone" and have noticed a potential concern for my users. We are accustomed to having the module names displayed across the top, which made navigation more intuitive
                                • Select CRM Custom Module in Zoho Creator

                                  I have a custom module added in Zoho CRM that I would like to link in Zoho creator.  When I add the Zoho CRM field it does not show the new module.  Is this possible?  Do i need to change something in CRM to make it accesible in Creator?
                                • Expand Zia's Language Support and AI Capabilities

                                  Dear Zoho Desk Support, I would like to submit a feature request to improve Zia, the AI-driven support assistant in Zoho Desk. Currently, Zia only supports the English language, while other AI agents such as Gemini, ChatGPT, and Claude can work with a
                                • Average Costing / Weighted Average Costing

                                  Hello fellow maadirs. I understand Zoho Books uses FIFO method of dealing with inventory costing, but do you guys have any plans to introduce average costing? We indians need average costing. It's part of our culture. Please. I beg thee. Thanks.
                                • Links in Instagram

                                  Hi there, I have been using Later for a while now but keen to come back to Zoho Social as Later doesn't offer tagging of pages on Facebook but they offer something Zoho doesn't. You can add a link to your bio which opens up your profile feed where images
                                • Zoho Social integration with Zoho Flow

                                  Is there any plans for Zoho Social integration with Zoho Flow?
                                • Unable to push Contact Score to CRM as shown in documentation

                                  Hello: According to the documentation found on the link below, which specifically states this is for the new CRM-Campaigns integration model, there is an option to push Contact scores in Campaigns to a field in the CRM. For reference, I have included
                                • Adding tag to specific record as an acion in a workflow

                                  Hi! I've created the following workflow in the module 'Leads'. When a record meets the criteria, there should be a tag added to the specific record in the module 'Contacts'. In the module 'Leads', there is a look-up field named 'Kandidaat' which is connected
                                • How to query for Deals record based on Pipeline?

                                  I want to query for Deals records that matches a specified Pipeline using a Deluge function. When I call zoho.crm.searchRecords("Deals","(Pipeline:equals:" + myPipeline + ")"), I get this error: { code: 'INVALID_QUERY' , details: {...} , message: 'Invalid
                                • CRM formula field help

                                  Hello! i was hoping to get some help with a formula i'm creating within a module. I'm looking to make a formula that changes based on a date field but based upon the present date. This is the formula i have so far: If(Now() < ${Instructors.Start Date},
                                • Change to copy/paste functionality in Deluge code editor

                                  Recently there was a change to the Deluge code etidor where it now inserts backslashes into strings automatically when copying/pasting strings with double quotes, it's a nightmare to have to go delete all these. Is it possible to toggle this on or off?
                                • ChatGPT only summarize in English

                                  Hello i' v enabled chatgpt in salesIQ, it works great inside conversation (revise, Rephrase etc) add tags works well with another language than English. But when I want to summarize it render only in English, despite sales IQ is set to another language.
                                • Chart with Filtered Data vs Unfiltered Data

                                  I am looking to create a chart view that displays the full data set vs a subset of the data filtered by user filter. However I do not seem to find any method by which to exclude a plot from the applied filter or any other method by which to display the
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                                  Hi, I’m new to Zoho inventory and unless Im missing something, I cannot find BIN locations anywhere in ‘items’? please tell me it’s there somewhere?!? Thanks
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                                • Create a custom button to modify custom fields in zoho Inventory

                                  I am needing a script for two buttons, 1. Button will add todays date to a custom field named cf_sent_to_sov 2. Button will mark a checkbox or unmark a checkbox field named cf_parts_ordered I have been trying to figure out deluge but have not got anywhere
                                • Canadian payroll

                                  Hello ZOHO, is any updates on when payroll for Canada will be available?
                                • Update Department on Ticket (with applied Blueprint)

                                  Hello, Is it possible to update the Department of a ticket which is dictated by a blueprint, e.g. I would like to change departments at different states in the Blueprint. I do not see this is an option in workflow rules or blueprint transition actions,
                                • in zoho assist I would like to temporarliy go into view only mode

                                  During a zoho assist remote support / remote control session, I would like an option to turn off control, and go into view only mode. Then later, turn back on control, all within the same session. (Many other remote login apps have this feature.) For
                                • Issue Configuring SSO Integration with Cognito in Zoho Help Center

                                  Dear Zoho Support Team, We have been working on configuring SSO integration for our Zoho Help Center using Amazon Cognito. While the setup appears to be completed successfully, we are encountering an issue when attempting to access the Help Center. The
                                • QR code image is not exported in PDFs

                                  The new QR code field works fine when I include it in a report template and I choose the print option: https://creatorapp.zoho.com/<username>/<app_link_name>/record-print/<report_link_name>/<record_ID>/ But when I try to save the document to a .pdf file
                                • Zoho notes list issue

                                  Hi team, Suddenly my extension is not working and I could not find the extension in my marketplace list anymore. Extension version deprecated This version of the extension is no longer in use. Please update the extension and try again.
                                • Assignment Rule: Immediate Ticket Assignment to Agents Upon Shift Start

                                  Dear Zoho Desk Team, I hope this message finds you well. Currently, when the option to assign tickets to offline agents is turned off, agents who come online during their shift have to wait for about 30 minutes before any tickets from the queue are assigned
                                • Change email template depending on answer from form

                                  Is it possible to set up the following in Zoho Desk: When a user submits a ticket via the Zoho Help Center's form, they can select an answer from a dropdown field. In this example, the dropdown options are 'Option A' and 'Option B.' If a user selects
                                • Kaizen #171: FAQs on COQL API

                                  Hello all!! Welcome back to another post in the Kaizen series! In this post, we will address some of the most frequently asked questions about Zoho CRM's COQL API from the Zoho CRM Developer Community Forum. COQL API Query API lets you query for records
                                • Issue with Date Placeholder Formatting in Ticket ID Customization

                                  Hello Support Team, I'm experiencing an issue with the date placeholder formatting in Zoho Desk's Ticket ID customization. Specifically, when using the `{{DD}}` placeholder for the day in the prefix or suffix, the output displays the day as a single digit
                                • Time Field

                                  Good Day, I have a question, when I save a draft and reload it. Why does the time field format keeps goes from hh:mm to hh:mm:ss? Is there a way I can force it to load to hh:mm only? I have tried example = totime(input.TimeField, "hh:mm") in the -created
                                • Zoho CRM Widget and translations

                                  Hi everyone! We're building a Widget with zoho-extension-toolkit, how is localization supposed to work? "zet init" created a translations/en.json file, but what should go inside it and how is it supposed to be accessed from the Widget/javascript? Thanks
                                • Feature Req - See imap emails in Timeline tab of a deal

                                  In many other CRMs such as pipedrive and hubspot, when you are looking at the timeline of a deal you can also see snippets of emails that have been sent or received and then click to view the full message. This gives users a fast way to catch up on EVERYTHING
                                • HOW TO: Searching a thread (email body/text) with a custom function, allowing filtering and specific actions

                                  We are still trialing out Zoho at this time, but have found a major expected feature to be missing - the ability to search within the text of an email for automation/workflows. NOTE: You need to create a connection for zohodesk under settings -> Developer
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