コミュニティダイジェスト 2023年4月

コミュニティダイジェスト 2023年4月

こんにちは。Zoho コミュニティチームです。


毎月、前月に行われたフォーラム上での議論やZoho からの製品アップデート情報やイベントと情報をまとめた「コミュニティダイジェスト」を投稿しています。





[ Zoho Analytics ]

Zoho Analytics の「年と月」形式を英語表記→数字に変更!








[ Zoho CRM ]


ky さん、投稿ありがとうございます。



[ Zoho SalesIQ ]




[ Zoho からのお知らせ ]

カスタム関数マスター講座 お役立ち情報まとめ(2022年10月〜2023年3月開催)


[ Zoho CRM アップデート情報 ] 




インポート機能に関するアップデート:Zoho Bigin から直接インポートが可能に







・Zoho ワークアウト 4/21



 - Zoho Desk 初期設定を完了させる

 - Zoho Desk 一般的な運用方法、他の参加者の活用方法

 - Zoho CRM 活動のリマインダー設定




・Zoho ワークアウト:5/16(火)14:00〜17:00 *途中参加 / 退室可能

  少人数制のワークショップ型イベント ハイブリッド開催(みなとみらい / Zoom)

  - 会場参加(みなとみらい)希望の方:
  - Zoom参加希望の方:

  * 残席わずかのため、タイミングによっては参加登録できない、登録後に参加をお断りする場合がございます。  

・DX時代の経営戦略を考えるリアル開催イベント 5/25 (木) 14:00〜

  Zoho One の活用方法 / 導入効果を高めるためのヒントが満載



・約4年ぶりのリアル開催 ユーザー交流会(大阪 / 名古屋) 

「マーケティング / 営業部門におけるZoho 活用方法」をテーマにリアル開催します。






5月は、Zoho ワークアウトをハイブリッド形式で開催予定ですので、Zoho の活用に関する相互共有や課題に取り組む場として、ぜひご参加ください。

また、6月についても大阪 / 名古屋でのユーザー交流会などイベントを多数実施予定ですので、ぜひご登録ください。



Zoho コミュニティチーム



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      • 【ZOHO】コミュニティユーザー自己紹介のトピック

        日頃よりZoho Japan Communityをご愛顧いただき、ありがとうございます。 おかげさまで昨年より、フォロワー数も増えてまいりました! 人数も50名を超えてまいりましたので、改めて運営しているZohoメンバーの自己紹介の場、また皆さまがご自身を紹介できる場を目的とした、トピックを作らせていただきます。 これからご参加いただく方も、立ち上げ当初からお付き合いいただいている方も、よろしければ当スレッドのReply欄からご自由にコメントいただければ嬉しいです。(オンラインフォーラムは現状オープンなフォーラムとなっているので、記入できる範囲で構いません) スライドテンプレートもご用意いたしましたので、もし良ければご自由にご利用ください。下記のリンクからダウンロードいただけます。 https://zurl.co/lC7N  テキストのみのコメントでももちろんOKです。 — 自己紹介例 【お名前(ニックネーム)】 【利用中のZohoサービス】 【ユーザー歴】 【ご利用人数】 【興味のあるZohoサービス】 【Zohoを利用し始めた、興味を持ったきっかけ】 【活用している主なサービスや機能】
      • 【ZOHO】オンラインフォーラムのご利用について

        こちらでのディスカッション、またそれ以外でも普段より、様々な投稿/コメントで支えていただき、ありがとうございます。 オンラインフォーラムの運営に関しては、まだまだ完璧ではなく、 それゆえに皆さまにご不便をおかけしている部分もあり恐縮ですが、いただいたご意見も参考にしつつ、少しずつ試行を重ねています。その上でにはなりますが、改めてオンラインフォーラムの方針と別投稿にて機能要望に関する対応に関し、共有いたします。 Zoho Japan Community オンラインフォーラムについて ・Zoho製品を利用するユーザー様同士の交流、ノウハウ共有を目的としたオンライン掲示板です。  製品に関するご質問、ご意見につきましては、オンラインフォーラム上で、Zoho側からの回答を保証するものではありません。 ・コミュニティ運営に関わる投稿など、一部ゾーホージャパンからもコメント/投稿を行わせていただくことがあります。 ・製品に関する投稿の、Zoho側からの確実な回答をご希望の場合は、以下の方法をご検討いただけると幸いです。 <製品に関する質問に対し、確実にZoho側からの回答が欲しい場合> ・ご購入前:sales@zoho.jp
      • Zoho Japan Community オンラインフォーラムの利用案内

        この度は、Zoho Japan Communityのオンラインフォーラムにご参加いただき、ありがとうございます。 ご利用にあたり、以下案内をご一読願います。フォーラムの使い方に関してはこちらをご確認ください。 1. オンラインフォーラムの利用について  オンラインフォーラムに投稿、リアクションを行うには、ユーザー登録が必要となります。 登録情報に関しては、パスワードを適宜変更するなどして自己責任での管理をお願いします。 ユーザーは、自由にオンラインフォーラムのユーザー登録から退会できます。なお、オンラインフォーラムから退会しても、当該ユーザによる投稿は引き続き掲載することがあります。

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                          CRM Marketplace

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                          MVP Corner

                          Zoho Writer Writer

                          Get Started. Write Away!

                          Writer is a powerful online word processor, designed for collaborative work.

                            Zoho CRM コンテンツ


                                • Recent Topics

                                • Automatic Sitemap Generation

                                  Guys are all right? Doesn't make sense for me to have to generate a map site and upload it... because it's not automatically generated just as it is done in WIX? where the customer doesn’t have to worry about this.
                                • SEO improvements with ZIA

                                  Are you okay? I would like to bring an idea that would be amazing to improve the product that is the possibility of being able to improve the SEO of the pages (this of each page or each article on the blog) through ZIA so that it could create page Summary
                                • Automatically updating field(s) of lookup module

                                  I have a lookup field, which also pulls through the Status field from the linked record. When the lookup is first done, the Status is pulled through - this works perfectly. If that Status is later updated, the lookup field does not update as well. As
                                • Initiating a SalesIQ Zobot from a custom button on Zoho Sites

                                  I have created a Zobot set to initiate on a custom action called "Fast_Answers". On Zoho Sites, I created a code snippet button and set it to on-click run the event called "Fast_Answers". I installed the SalesIQ integration code into the Zoho Sites Page
                                • Zoho Desk -> Zoho Analytics : Where is the field for "Layout" ?

                                  I have many different layouts on my helpdesks and I want to be able to identify the stats for each one, however I can not file the field in the raw data from the Zoho Desk datasource. I thought it might be under "Tickets" but there is nothing. There is
                                • Set resolution mandatory field

                                  Hi,  i have 2 questions:) : - i want to set the resolution field mandatory before close the ticket. Because for now, i can close the ticket without writing how i solve it - how can i setup zoho desk to receive ticket by email(e.g. clients sent email to support@mydomain.com) and it create a ticket in zoho desk
                                • Zoho Assist "Agree and Download" Button "Greyed Out" ("Light Blued" Out)

                                  Anyone else having issue where support clients are unable to click "Agree and Download" to access the client so that we can provide remote support? This is for "on demand" support via accessing the support page and entering the support key and name. This
                                • Project Billing with the Staff Hours Method in Zoho Projects

                                  The Staff Hours Billing Method in Zoho Projects allows you to bill your clients based on the actual time spent by each team member on a project, at the rate set for each user. This is useful for projects where different skill sets are needed and service
                                • Creator Subform to CRM Subform

                                  Hello all, Has anyone successfully written data from a Creator Subform into CRM subform? I have a Creator form that once submitted creates a new Location in the CRM. Inside a Location there is a subform for hours of operation. I collect those hours in
                                • custom fields not populating from deluge script into invoice

                                  Hello, I've created some Deluge script that is meant to take a few inputted invoice custom fields and calculate a few others. I can see when I execute the function that my inputted custom fields are being passed, yet im still ending up with all "null"
                                • tax summation function - getting error

                                  Hello, I'm trying to create a function that adds all of individual tax rates from a few jurisdictions. I'm getting an error on line 9 - Value is empty and 'get' function cannot be applied. I've checked that I have data in each of the required fields,
                                • Backstage / Zoho Books integration

                                  Hello. We have Zoho One and have slowly started using Backstage. Loving it. Problem is, we have ZERO accounting control over what is sold through this product. When will we be able to connect it to our existing Zoho Books tenant? Thank you very much!
                                • Getting list of calendar events over api for zoho mail calendar

                                  Hi, I am using just Zoho mail without using Zoho CRM. I wanted to get all events booked in my zoho mail calendar through an api at regular intervals. I could find such API support for Zoho CRM calendar but not for zoho mail calendar. Can you kindly let
                                • Allocate emails to user in a shared mailbox

                                  Hi, This might be obvious, but I cannot find the answer. I have 3 shared mailboxes so any team member can see the emails. Is there a way of allocating a specific email to a user so that it is their responsibility to deal with it? Thanks in advance.
                                • Introducing Zoho Campaigns' own gateway for SMS campaigns

                                  We are excited to announce the launch of our SMS Gateway to send SMS through Zoho Campaigns. We have also made a few other changes in our current SMS Campaign model to improve your over all user experience. These updates are planned with an aim to expand
                                • Update a lookup field in CRM from Creator using deluge

                                  I have a Creator form that creates a new account. When it creates the new account in the Accounts Module, I need it to also populate the Parent Account, which is a lookup field coming from the Module Parent Accounts, field Parent Account Name. I have
                                • SMS Keyword Tracking in Zoho CRM From Zoho Campaigns

                                  Is there a way to track SMS leads in campaigns by associating them with specific keywords or codes? Additionally, can these leads be pushed to the CRM while retaining the keyword for tracking and reporting purposes?
                                • Projects Multiselect API

                                  Having troubles setting a mutli select field via API. updateMap = map(); updateMap.put("UDF_MULTI1","picklist_id1,picklist_id2"); updateProjectRes = invokeurl [ url :"https://projects.zoho.com/restapi/portal/XXXX/projects/" + projectID + "/" type :POST
                                • Bill quantity received / PO quantity

                                  PO's are raised & often the quantity received is greater than the PO quantity, so when we receive the bill & adjust the quantity on the bill we get.... Quantity recorded cannot be more than quantity ordered. This necessitates the adjustment of the PO
                                • ZOHO BOOKS - RECEIVING MORE ITEMS THAN ORDERED

                                  Hello, When trying to enter a vendor's bill that contains items with bigger quantity than ordered in the PO (it happens quite often) - The system would not let us save the bill and show this error: "Quantity recorded cannot be more than quantity ordered." 
                                • Unused items should not count into the available number of custom fields

                                  Hey, I realized that unused Items reduce the number of available custom fields. I can't see a case where that makes sense. Especially in our case where we have two different layouts in Deals with a lot of different fields, this causes problems.
                                • Introducing Bot Filtering for Accurate Email Campaign Analytics

                                  Dear Marketers, We're excited to announce a new feature designed to enhance the accuracy of your email campaign analytics: bot filtering. This feature helps you filter out bot-generated opens and clicks, ensuring your campaign reports reflect genuine
                                • Tip 37: Time Log Restriction in Zoho Projects

                                  Timesheet in Zoho Projects helps you big time in entering log hours for the tasks and issues and approving them. Now, with the new Time Log Restriction option, you can set daily and weekly log hour limits. You can restrict users from entering extra log hours than the permissible limit. The limits are restricted to 24 hours per day and 168 hours per week by default based on business hours. To customize, navigate to Task & Timesheet settings under Portal Configuration in Zoho Projects setup and enable
                                • Chart showing schedule

                                  I want to be able to create a chart for everyday to check and which of which driver is available on the timeframe. Here's my table Name City Day Start Time End Time Driver1 Medicine Hat Monday 11:45 AM 4:45 PM Driver 2 Medicine Hat Tuesday 11:00 AM 7:00
                                • Multiple Vendor SKUs

                                  One of the big concerns we have with ZOHO Inventory is lack of Vendor Skus like many other inventory software packages offer. Being able to have multiple vendor skus for the same product would be HUGE! It would populate the appropriate vendor Sku for
                                • Zoho Payroll in France

                                  When will Zoho Payroll be available in France ?
                                • Blueprint - 'On hold' state with an automatic transition?

                                  I think I'm missing something here so I'm hoping if I explain what I'm trying to achieve someone might be able to give me a way around it. We sometimes get request far in advance but we don't want to action them unless it is 7 days from when they are

                                  Hello, I have been able to allocate landed costs to the purchase cost of the new products. however, what i need to see now is the actual cost price (original cost plus landed cost), of only my newly purchased products to enable me set a selling price
                                • Calculate months and years between 2 dates on subform

                                  I am looking for a function syntax for an employment candidate to calculate the number of years and months (decimal format. eg 1.2 years) they are employed. I have their start date entered, but if the end date is blank, that tells me they are still employed
                                • Combine related grouping values into categories in CRM analytical components

                                  Hello everyone, Analyzing large datasets can be challenging when dealing with numerous individual data points. It's often difficult to extract meaningful insights when information is scattered and ungrouped. To address this, we're adding options to create
                                • How Kiosk Studio can simplify sales for bank employees | Kiosk Studio Session #4

                                  Hello everyone, Banks can boost revenue by cross-selling to their current customers. For example, they can sell credit cards, personal loans, and more to existing account holders. To do this, bank employees move all around the CRM, open and close records,
                                • Tip #19 - Create checkbox tracker in your spreadsheet

                                  Hello Sheet users! We are here with yet another tip to help you get the most out of Zoho Sheet. Spreadsheets can be used to handle a variety of tasks, but ever tried using checkboxes to track the progress of your action items dynamically? Here's a sample
                                • Integrate Oracle with ZOHO CRM

                                                       Please let me know if its possible to Integrate Oracle with ZOHO CRM. If yes then help me in doing it. 
                                • UUIDs

                                  Has anyone coded a Universal Unique Identifier (UUID) generator in Deluge?
                                • Introducing signer groups: Streamline signature collection and make it even faster

                                  Hello everyone, We're excited to introduce signer groups, a feature designed to make your signing process quicker, more efficient, and collaborative. With signer groups, you can send an envelope to a group of people, and any member of the group can open
                                • Calendar - Recurring Event - End of Month and Last Weekday of Month

                                  How do I set a calendar event to recur on the last day of every month? How do I set a calendar event to recur on the last weekday of the month?
                                • Duplicate Zoho Invoices and Sales Receipts

                                  We have been running into an issue where upon saving an invoice or a sales receipt, we get a duplicate: same information saved twice but with a different invoice id/number and sales receipt id/number. I have logged a ticket but so far no response. It
                                • Introducing revamped Zoho Creator Developer Console—a powerful platform for developing and distributing apps

                                  Hello everyone! We're thrilled to announce the launch of the revamped Zoho Creator Developer Console—a dedicated platform designed specifically for Creator developers and Partners to build, test, and distribute apps to your clients. Developer Console
                                • Phone App of CRM doesn't find contacts

                                  I open the crm to and do a contact search but nothing comes up. If I do a full zia search it will find an old note that is attached to a contact and I can open the contact. BUT I still can't enter notes of calls, set appointments, etc. It requests I go
                                • [Product Update] Deprecation of 'Inbound Transport Details' module in Zoho Analytics - Amazon Seller Central integration

                                  Dear Customers, Please be informed that the Amazon Seller Central will be deprecating the 'Inbound Transport Details' module APIs effective December 20, 2024. As a result, this module will no longer be supported in the Amazon Seller Central - Zoho Analytics
                                • Next Page