【3/19(金)】Meetup(ユーザー交流会)開催のご案内。Zoho CRM ユーザー事例やZoho Sign の紹介、Zoho CRM 相談会など

【3/19(金)】Meetup(ユーザー交流会)開催のご案内。Zoho CRM ユーザー事例やZoho Sign の紹介、Zoho CRM 相談会など

こんにちは、Zoho Japan コミュニティチームの今成です。
2021年1回目となるMeetupを、3月19日(金)16:00~ 開催いたします!

毎回好評のZoho ユーザーさまによる活用事例をはじめ、Zoho の電子署名ツール「Zoho Sign」の製品デモや、グループディスカッションをご用意しています。

・日時: 2021年3月19日(金)16:00〜18:00
・参加費: 無料
・配信方法: Zoom
ーZoho CRM ユーザー活用事例(株式会社Zooops Japan 伊藤 剣之介さま)
ーZoho Sign 製品紹介「Zoho Sign の使い方 現状と導入の注意点 」(ゾーホージャパン株式会社 陳 世清)

1.「Zoho CRM 相談会 -この要件、カスタマイズ/関数/APIで解決できますか?」
 (株式会社Zooops Japan 伊藤 剣之介さま x Zoho メンバー)

2.「Zoho サービス座談会」
・Zoho CRM
・Zoho Campaigns
・Zoho コミュニケーションツール(Zoho Connect / Zoho Cliq /Zoho Meeting / Zoho ShowTime など )


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      • 【6/22〜6/24開催】Zoho CRM 管理者向けトレーニングのご案内

        「Zoho CRMを導入したばかりで、初期設定や基本操作に不安がある」、「短期間で基礎から理解を深め、運用開始までをスムーズに行いたい」「Zoho CRMを基礎から再度学び直したい」といった課題や要望をお持ちの管理者に向け、Zoho CRM 管理者向けオンライントレーニングを実施します。 2022年6月の開催回よりトレーニング内容を刷新し、有償にて実施いたします。   ─────────────────────────────────── >詳細・お申し込みはこちら:https://www.zoho.com/jp/crm/crmtraining/
      • 【12/17(金)Meetup開催】参加者にはノベルティプレゼント!Zoho サービス相談会/情報交換会もあります

        こんにちは、Zoho Japan コミュニティチームの今成です。 12月17日(金)16:00から、今年最後のMeetup(ユーザー交流会)を開催します! ●詳細はこちら:https://www.zohomeetups.com/ZohoJapanCommunityMeetup2021vol4/ 前半は今年9月にZoho サービスを導入したユーザー様のセッションとして、現状の利用状況とこれからどのようにZoho サービスを利用していくか、これからの構想談をお話いただきます。 後半では、Zoho CRM
      • 【6/29(火) 初心者向け】カスタム関数勉強会のご案内

        先日のMeetupでも告知しましたが、以前より多くのユーザーさまからご要望いただいていたZoho の「カスタム関数」に関する基本の勉強会を6/29(火) 17:00に、開催します! 関数の基本的な書き方や、Zoho CRM で活用できる関数例のデモなどについて、Zoho の技術メンバーがわかりやすく解説します。 関数の基本を掴みたい方はぜひ、ご参加くださいませ。 >>申し込みはこちら:‌attend.zoho.com/luy0 以下詳細です。 ーーーーーーーーーーー 日時:6月29日(火) 17:00~
      • 【3/19(金)】Meetup(ユーザー交流会)開催のご案内。Zoho CRM ユーザー事例やZoho Sign の紹介、Zoho CRM 相談会など

        こんにちは、Zoho Japan コミュニティチームの今成です。 2021年1回目となるMeetupを、3月19日(金)16:00~ 開催いたします! ●詳細はこちら:https://www.zohomeetups.com/ZohoJapanOnlineMeetup2021vol1 毎回好評のZoho ユーザーさまによる活用事例をはじめ、Zoho の電子署名ツール「Zoho Sign」の製品デモや、グループディスカッションをご用意しています。 前半/後半のみのご参加も可能ですので、お気軽にご参加ください!
      • 【12/17(木) 16:00-】ユーザー同士で情報交換を行う、グループディスカッションもあります。オンラインMeetup Vol.4 開催のお知らせ

        Zoho コミュニティチームの今成です。最近寒くなってまいりましたが、みなさまいかがお過ごしですか? Zoho Japan Communityでは、今年最後のオンラインMeetup(ユーザー交流会)を開催いたします!以下、詳細のご案内です。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー <日時>2020年12月17日(木) 16:00-18:00 <参加費>無料 <開催方法>オンライン <概要> 前半(16:00〜17:00)  自社活用事例「Zoho 社員は、1日の中でどのサービスをどれくらい使っているのか」(ゾーホージャパン株式会社 コミュニティチーム)

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                            Zoho CRM コンテンツ


                                • Recent Topics

                                • Use color coding for picklist field values to enhance visual representation

                                  It's easier and more efficient to manage a large volume of data in a ticket or other custom module records, such as ticket priorities and issue types, when you apply clear visual distinctions through color coding. Color-coded picklist fields allow users
                                • Creating a support request / ticket via email to xxx@zohosupport.com

                                  Is there the ability to create a ticket from an email sent to my support email address (e.g. xxx@zohosupport.com)? For example, I am running a small computer support/service business and I would like to be able to direct potential customers to send an
                                • Setting up CRM for RFP workflow management

                                  This will be the first time our organization uses an off-the-shelf CRM, transitioning from our homegrown custom solution, and I would appreciate general thoughts on how to get started in general with our workflow using Zoho CRM. The main question: if
                                • Introducing Appointment Title Customization

                                  Hi all, We're delighted to announce an exciting feature, Appointment Title Customization, which you can use to personalize your appointment title according to your business's specific needs and preferences. An appointment title provides a glimpse of the
                                • Custom Module

                                  I've created a custom module in Zoho Recruit for a separate list outside of qualified candidates. On the module, I use First name and Last Name in separate lines. On the top of the module and when I search a person, it only shows the first name at the
                                • How to merge duplicate products?

                                  merge duplicate products
                                • Rollup summary for custom module

                                  Rollup summary feature was introduced almost a year ago: https://help.zoho.com/portal/en/community/topic/introducing-rollup-summary-in-zoho-crm-public-early-access-2023 It does not support custom modules tough and this post aims to track such feature
                                • Foreign Currency Bank Account

                                  I have a bank account in USD zero balance but when i run the bank ledger in my company currency in AED it was shown small balance 1.31 AED , how to make it zero also ,Thanks
                                • "Trigger flow for each entry" not working

                                  I've read this article on how to trigger a flow for each entry in my array. https://help.zoho.com/portal/en/kb/flow/user-guide/create-a-flow/articles/webhook-trigger#Trigger_flow_for_each_entry I cannot get the flow to run for each variant in this JSON
                                • Edit specific job page on carreer site

                                  Hey, I was wondering how I could change the layout of a specific job page? (when you go to the carreer website and then click on a job listed there). When I go to customization I can edit the carreer website but I seem to be only able to edit the first
                                • CRM - Clearing a Subform

                                  I seem incapable of working out subform functions without assistance.  I've searched, but can't seem to find anything that works. I have a subform that gets filled in when a Zoho Sign document is completed but the fields don't match with the original field values held on CRM (I did have it automatically update, but some fields were being filled in with terrible data, so had to put a stop to it).  There are 4 fields on the subform: Field Name Original Value New Value Update Update is automatically
                                • Planning Sales visit to local lead, contacts

                                  Hello, We have our leads and contacts in CRM. One sale is asking me how he can view all leads and contacts (ideally on a map) in a given area (city or country or "region") so he can plan visiting them. What can be done or need to be developed to have
                                • Force Sync Contact/Account from CRM to Books

                                  Hi all. This might not be a common issue to the large portion of the user base here, but for those who dabble and use CRM and Books integration, they know how painful it is that we have to wait for the 2-hour intervals for the records to sync; especially
                                • IP Address List > Sigma

                                  We have developed a ZohoCRM extension that utilizes API calls to our server from Deluge scripts and Widgets. Our API server has IP restrictions in place. To ensure successful communication, we require a list of IP addresses utilized by Zoho's platform
                                • Zoho CRM Canvas Copy Original Layout

                                  Hello all, I want to use Canvas to make small changes to certain views, not to make huge changes. Is it possible to copy the original Zoho layout and set-up and start from there? I checked and all I can find are some templates which are far from the original
                                • ZOHO Nightmare

                                  I am writing as a long-time Zoho user who has faced significant challenges implementing your platform for my business. As a New York-based real estate broker, I have invested over $10,000 and nearly two years trying to integrate Zoho CRM with my WordPress
                                • Approval system in Books/expenses

                                  Hi In Books Is there a way to do the following: 1) Submitter to know the balance in Budget/cashflow before sending the amount for approval? 2) Approver to know the same as 1 above? In Expenses, is the above possible?
                                • attaching pdf to a bill using REST api

                                  I'm trying to attach a pdf to a bill using REST and curl. The problem is the example in that section in the API reference document does not show how to actually submit the file. It only shows the headers used. I've been trying many variations of this
                                • How to Open .mbox file in Gmail with Attachments?

                                  Gmail offer users to backup INBOX folder in .mbox file format via Google Takeout Feature. Howver there is no such option to Restore Gmail MBOX. Thus I would like to suggest you to choose an alternate approach i.e. MBOX to Gmail Wizard. This utility will open .mbox file in Gmail with attachments.  Steps to open MBOX file in Gmail are; Run MBOX to Gmail Wizard Click Add File and add .mbox file. Enter your Gmail login credentials. Click Convert button. Finished! This is how you can open MBOX file in
                                • Custom fields for calls and an enhanced call creation form

                                  Greetings, I hope you're all doing well. We're happy to announce a few recent enhancements we've made to Bigin's Calls module. We'll go over each one in detail. Enhanced call creation form in Bigin What is this enhancement about? This update includes
                                • Customize user data collection with User Layouts

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                                • Zoho Sites with GoDaddy DNS

                                  We have a site hosted with www. in front that works perfectly well. The issue is with getting the TLD/naked DNS pointed to the www. while using GoDaddy dns. I have edited the DNS Forwarding entry in the domain so that the root example.com forwards to
                                • Possible for "Specify URL Criteria" in URL/Permalink settings to be assigned to a variable?

                                  I want to embed a Zoho Analytics chart view as a Related List item in the Zoho CRM Accounts module, such that when one is viewing a CRM Accounts module record for an Account, the user will see the chart for that specific company. Is it possible to set
                                • How to present an Analytic on a CRM dashboard and filter it on loginuser id

                                  How to present an Analytic on a CRM dashboard and filter it on loginuser id? I want to display an Analytics pivot table (as a widget) on a CRM dashboard and have the pivot filtered on the loginuser. I want additional user-filters available, such as date,
                                • Allow 2 logos for Branding, one for Light Mode and one for Dark Mode?

                                  Our logo has a lot of black text on it. If we leave the background transparent, per recommendation of Zoho, when a user is viewing a file and turns on dark mode, our logo is not really visible and looks really weird. It would be really great if we could
                                • Payroll In Canada

                                  Hi, When can we expect to have payroll in Canada with books 
                                • Why can't we associate a contact to mulitple accounts?

                                  This simple feature has been for 14 years now... it's way past ridiculous. We don't want to add a multiple lookup field, we just want to add a second account to our contact. This way i'll go on Jonh Doe and see in the account field : Company 1 and Company
                                • Calendar Bookings in Recruit

                                  Hi there, We have recently started using Zoho recruit and although it has some great functionality there are a few gaps that are causing real headaches. One of those being how interviews are scheduled. The majority of our hiring managers are field based
                                • Automatic Department and Employee Sync Between Zoho One and Zoho People

                                  Dear Zoho Support, I'm writing to propose a valuable feature request that would streamline data management and improve user experience within the Zoho ecosystem: automatic synchronization between departments and employees in Zoho One and Zoho People.
                                • Delete Unactive Users form Directory

                                  Hi, how to delete all unactive users ?
                                • Manual Journal entry problem

                                  Hi, all my manual Journal entries are not reflected in my general ledger. i have check to see if the entry were done correctly and everything is fine. Please help me
                                • Changing Related Modules in a Report

                                  Once a report is created, is it possible to add Related Modules? David Shalev | Chief Revenue Officer | 800 558 9130 davids@splitit.com | www.Splitit.com
                                • Is there a way to limit/turn off unlimited Version History?

                                  We save CAD files in our Zoho WorkDrive and while the files aren't very big themselves, whenever someone hits the save button in the CAD program it uploads another version of the file to the WorkDrive. This means files that are only a few MBs in size can actually be taking up 10s of GB in our WorkDrive if someone is saving frequently. Is there a way to limit the number of versions WorkDrive stores to save WorkDrive space?
                                • ZOHO One Webinar Functionality

                                  I am currently trialling ZOHO Projects and have also been looking into over a dozen different Webinar solutions from various vendors. I understand that ZOHO Webinars is a stand alone tool. But that ZOHO Meetings also offers webinar functionality. The
                                • Avoid None option in List Custom Fields

                                  Does anybody know a way to avoid -- None --  option to be displayed in a List Custom Field?  - With Mandatory option selected, you can prevent from saving if user select --None-- value. - With Default value selected, a different value than --None-- is
                                • How do I modify the the incoming/current call popup? I can modify other call pages but not that one.

                                  I want to modify the incoming and active call popup on the crm to include customer relevant information, such as purchase history or length of relationship. Under modules and fields, I don't seem to see active call as a choice to modify, only the main
                                • JavaScript or iframe embed with transparent background

                                  If I have a form with transparent Wallpaper, it appear great on my website by using my default background. However, using Zoho Forms SAVE button, the user is directed to Zoho Forms managed page and a blank background. Alternatively, I can include a Wallpaper
                                • Emails and Kanban for Portals

                                  There was talk portals would have emails and email templates, and kanban view. Is there any release date for this? Portals has been so good for offering a simple crm option. It just needs a couple of small things.
                                • Custom sorting Axis in a Heatmap report

                                  I have a heatmap and want to sort the order of the axis in a custom priority order - is this possible ? So I want the priority to be "New, Urgent, High, Medium, Low, Not Set, Unknown" Can I set this manually ?
                                • The 3.1 biggest problems with Kiosk right now

                                  I can see a lot of promise in Kiosk, but it currently has limited functionality that makes it a bit of an ugly duckling. It's great at some things, but woeful at others, meaning people must rely on multiple tools within CRM for their business processes.
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