Deluge integrated tasks not working!

Deluge integrated tasks not working!

It seems like the integrated tasks of deluge no longer work. 

We received a couple months ago from support a suggestion to avoid using the integrated tasks and work with the APIs. 

Today we realized that it's very blurry to understand which integrated tasks are actually working as the documentation states and which are not. 

We tried using the "zoho.sheet.getRecords" integrated tasks and the responses are not consistent.

In the attachments you can see the examples of the response of the integrated task when it reports not to have found an entry, also a screenshot showing how the entry does yes exist in the sheet where it's looking from. I'm also attaching examples where the task works as expected. 

Could you please clarify to me whether deluge integrated tasks are no longer functioning as the documentation states?

If it is working as the documentation, then could you please explain to me the responses observed?
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