Currently Ticket numbers in desk are purely numerical and increase sequentially regardless of which department a ticket is created in.
I would like to suggest 2 enhancement requests:
1. Please allow for an AlphaNumeric Ticket Number: The ability to specify a set of Letters to proceed or succeed a sequentially increasing number.
Example 1: ABC####. Where you allow the admin to define the initial ticket number to start at, ie. 100. So that means tickets would be ABC100, ABC101, ABC102, etc.
Example 2: #####ABC. Where you allow the admin to define the initial ticket number to start at, ie. 1000. So that means tickets would be 1000ABC, 1001ABC, 1002ABC, etc.
Example 3: ABC####XYZ. Where you allow the admin to define the initial ticket number to start at, ie. 100. So that means tickets would be ABC100XYZ, ABC101XYZ, ABC102XYZ, etc.
2. A second enhancement that would make this even better is if you could specify the above per department.
Example: In Department A, my ticket numbers increase sequentially from AA###, In Department B, my ticket numbers increase sequentially from BB###.
The ticket number is based on what department the ticket is originally created in and does not change even if a ticket is moved from one department to another. This allows someone to easily see what department a ticket originated in.