Issues hosting Zoho Desk Web Form on SharePoint and/or Power BI

Issues hosting Zoho Desk Web Form on SharePoint and/or Power BI

Zoho Desk onboarding support has no experience with embedding their web form in either SharePoint or Power BI.  Microsoft states that SharePoint and Power BI only support iframe HTML.  And unfortunately, the web form embed code that Zoho generates is not iframe supported.  Zoho support states to find a HTML to iframe converter online but offer no websites to use. They also state they are unaware of any of their clients using SharePoint or Power BI to host their web forms.  I couldn't find a solution to convert the code and gave up trying to embed in SharePoint.  I downloaded the custom visual "HTML Content" for Power BI and was able to publish the report and view the form.  The form is interactive.  You can fill it out, clear it, if you want to start over, but the submit button won't work.  In the Zoho setup it asks for domain name and return URL.  I don't know if those have any relationship to the submit button not working.

Anyone out there has success embedding the Zoho Desk Web Form into SharePoint page or a Power BI report?


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