I would like to create an online tool for basketball coaches to create basketball practice plans that they can save and print. A blank (offline) practice plan is at this url: http://www.perfectpractice.net/blanktemplate.pdf I would like allow users to build plans based on the same basic framework. #1: Enter the date #2 Enter announcements #3: Enter Practice teams #4 Build the practice plan in blocks. Each block consists of the following pieces of information: 1. Time Allotment 2. Practice Segment 3. Drill (activity) 4. Coaching Points - Id like the time allotment and coaching points (#1 and #4) data to be entered manually by the user - I'd like the "Practice Segment" field to be selected from a pre-defined drop down list (i.e. Warmup Drills, Fast Break, Offense, Defense, etc.). I would ALSO like the use to have the option to enter their own Practice Segment manually if the drop-down selections are inadequate. -I'd like to allow the user to fill the 'Drill' field from a drop-down selection of basketball drills -----Users should choose "Drills" from a drop down list OR manually enter their own drill data instead of using drop down data. ####Available Drill data is based on the Practice Segment field that the user chooses for the practice block. For example, if the user selects "Warmup Drills " as the "Practice Segment", then they choose from a drop-down selection of several "Warmup Drills". If Defense is the chosen Practice Segment, then the user chooses one from several defense drills in a drop-down menu (available drills are based on the Practice Segment chosen). Users should be able to manually enter their own drills and not be forced to select drills from the drop down menu. I would like users to be able to select "Practice Segments" and "Drills" from a small database (I do not know how to create a database - but I will provide the data that I would like to be in it). ++would like the tool to be completely web-based, so a user can create, print, and store their Practice Plans from my website. ++Users should have unique account s - they could create the accounts themselves. Thanks you VERY much for your assistance, in advance!!
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