Dear Zoho Corp.,
among other activities we provide maintenance for wastewater and rainwater plants.
I was trying to set up a checklist module for each one of them to address the specific activities that has to be performed on each plant.
I liked Zoho Form integration with the other apps of the suite but the product seems pretty limited.
I've sum up a list of suggestion we hope could be taken into account for development.
- TRANSLATION: most of the product it's not yet been translated to Italian.
- MATRIX CHOICE & CONDITIONAL RULES: it's currently not possible to assign a conditional rule to a matrix choice.
- COLOR & PERSONALIZATION: it's currently not possible to assign a color to a multiple choice selection. A workaround in the "all the fields" section was proposed but:
- still a module should be completed;
- the customization is field based;
- the customization icon on each field appear only with a mouse over so it can't be seen otherwise.
- the multiple choice selection with the color don't appear neither in the report nor in the printed version nor in the PDF.
- CONDITIONAL RULES: they are very basic and they can't be duplicated.
- INTEGRATION: there is neither a way to "assign" a module to a specific client / account nor a way to order them. A folder structure or a client / account categorization in the main would be welcomed.
- NAVIGATION: it is for sure not so user friendly as the other Zoho apps. I keep wondering and there is no clear setup page in my opinion.
- THEMES: they are objectively looking so "old fashioned".
- It's not possible to create a table and define its background color. Only the text will have a background.
- SECTION / DESCRIPTION: there is no actual difference between the two as there is no way to navigare through them on the mobile app.
For each appliance to be checked we've identified different status (OK, OK*, FAILED, NOTIFIED, ...) and we'd love each of them to have a different color in order to be quickly identified by the operator and stand out on the report.
In case of problem (i.e. a FAILED selected in the multiple choices menù) we'd like to have a "description" or "note" multiple line field to appear directly below the multiple choice field.
This result has currently been achieved by creating a conditional rule for each multiple choice field (there are 50+!), each rule having all the condition that will make the field appear. Since the field should appear with multiple conditions (i.e. FAILED, NOTIFIED,...) this require us to put all this conditions.
Therefore 50+ fields x 3+ conditions to make the field appearing ... I hope I've described the manual work that has to be done for each plant. Please make a note/description field appearing if one choice is selected.
We'd have loved to use Matrix Choices to better organize and structure the form and the inspection work (by place, section, machine,...) but they don't support conditional rules to make the description/note field appearing nor they include this feature in the property.