Employee Guides
Update your Profile
You can update your first name and last name, set a profile image, change your email address, add your personal information, and configure your notification preferences in your profile page. To update your personal information from your computer: ...
Swap Shifts
If you're unable to work on a scheduled shift, then you can swap the shift with your colleague. Note: You are responsible for the shift until the swap is accepted by your colleague and if manager approval is enabled, it needs to be approved by your ...
Offer Shifts
If you are unable to work on a scheduled shift, then you can offer the shift to your colleagues. Note: You are responsible for the shift until the offer is accepted by your colleague and if manager approval is enabled, it needs to be approved by your ...
Drop Shifts
If you're unable to work on a scheduled shift, then you can drop it. The drop request is sent to your manager for approval. Note: You are responsible for the shift until the request is approved by your manager. To drop a shift from your Computer: ...
Set Availability
Set availability to let your manager know which times of the day or days of the week you prefer to work or not work. For example, set repeating unavailability for weekly morning classes etc. Unlike time off, availability does not require manager ...
Request Time off
You can request time off for partial day, single day or multiple days. The request will be sent to your manager. You will receive a notification once your manager approves/denies it. To request a time off: Go to Schedule tab. Select the date you ...