【開催報告】オンライン ユーザー交流会 8/3(木)

【開催報告】オンライン ユーザー交流会 8/3(木)







Communicatio 岡安 裕一さんによるユーザー事例セッションのほか、6月開催のユーザー交流会同様に、弊社技術部によるZoho CRM のアップデート情報を解説するZoho セッションを実施。お楽しみ会は、参加者同士で日々の取り組みや活用方法について共有し合う、「Zoho プチ自慢大会」を行いました。



登壇いただいた岡安さん、そして参加いただいたZoho ユーザーのみなさん、ありがとうございました!






取り上げたトピック *一部抜粋


・Zoho CRM 


・Zoho Analytics





Zoho セッション



Zoho CRM のサポート窓口へのよくある問い合わせや、アップデート情報について解説しました。


取り上げたトピック *一部抜粋


ルックアップのフィルター など



お楽しみ会(Zoho プチ自慢大会) 




 Zoho Campaigns でメールマガジンの運用に取り組んでおります。 

 ・Zoho Books でクレジットカードや銀行口座のCSVリストの消し込みをできるようになりました。 

 Googleスプレッドシートに作成した売上予算をZoho Analytics に連携して、予実管理を簡単にできる仕組みを作成しています。 

 Zoho Forms にサブフォームを活用することにチャレンジしています。 




今後もこのようなユーザー交流会や、課題解決型のワークショップイベント 「Zoho ワークアウト」を引き続き開催していきますので、ぜひご参加ください。

次回のZoho ワークアウトは8/22に開催します





今後ともZoho コミュニティをよろしくお願いいたします!


ゾーホージャパン コミュニティチーム


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        • 【6/22〜6/24開催】Zoho CRM 管理者向けトレーニングのご案内

          「Zoho CRMを導入したばかりで、初期設定や基本操作に不安がある」、「短期間で基礎から理解を深め、運用開始までをスムーズに行いたい」「Zoho CRMを基礎から再度学び直したい」といった課題や要望をお持ちの管理者に向け、Zoho CRM 管理者向けオンライントレーニングを実施します。 2022年6月の開催回よりトレーニング内容を刷新し、有償にて実施いたします。   ─────────────────────────────────── >詳細・お申し込みはこちら:https://www.zoho.com/jp/crm/crmtraining/
        • 【12/17(金)Meetup開催】参加者にはノベルティプレゼント!Zoho サービス相談会/情報交換会もあります

          こんにちは、Zoho Japan コミュニティチームの今成です。 12月17日(金)16:00から、今年最後のMeetup(ユーザー交流会)を開催します! ●詳細はこちら:https://www.zohomeetups.com/ZohoJapanCommunityMeetup2021vol4/ 前半は今年9月にZoho サービスを導入したユーザー様のセッションとして、現状の利用状況とこれからどのようにZoho サービスを利用していくか、これからの構想談をお話いただきます。 後半では、Zoho CRM
        • 【6/29(火) 初心者向け】カスタム関数勉強会のご案内

          先日のMeetupでも告知しましたが、以前より多くのユーザーさまからご要望いただいていたZoho の「カスタム関数」に関する基本の勉強会を6/29(火) 17:00に、開催します! 関数の基本的な書き方や、Zoho CRM で活用できる関数例のデモなどについて、Zoho の技術メンバーがわかりやすく解説します。 関数の基本を掴みたい方はぜひ、ご参加くださいませ。 >>申し込みはこちら:‌attend.zoho.com/luy0 以下詳細です。 ーーーーーーーーーーー 日時:6月29日(火) 17:00~
        • 【3/19(金)】Meetup(ユーザー交流会)開催のご案内。Zoho CRM ユーザー事例やZoho Sign の紹介、Zoho CRM 相談会など

          こんにちは、Zoho Japan コミュニティチームの今成です。 2021年1回目となるMeetupを、3月19日(金)16:00~ 開催いたします! ●詳細はこちら:https://www.zohomeetups.com/ZohoJapanOnlineMeetup2021vol1 毎回好評のZoho ユーザーさまによる活用事例をはじめ、Zoho の電子署名ツール「Zoho Sign」の製品デモや、グループディスカッションをご用意しています。 前半/後半のみのご参加も可能ですので、お気軽にご参加ください!
        • 【12/17(木) 16:00-】ユーザー同士で情報交換を行う、グループディスカッションもあります。オンラインMeetup Vol.4 開催のお知らせ

          Zoho コミュニティチームの今成です。最近寒くなってまいりましたが、みなさまいかがお過ごしですか? Zoho Japan Communityでは、今年最後のオンラインMeetup(ユーザー交流会)を開催いたします!以下、詳細のご案内です。 ーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーーー <日時>2020年12月17日(木) 16:00-18:00 <参加費>無料 <開催方法>オンライン <概要> 前半(16:00〜17:00)  自社活用事例「Zoho 社員は、1日の中でどのサービスをどれくらい使っているのか」(ゾーホージャパン株式会社 コミュニティチーム)

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                          Get Started. Write Away!

                          Writer is a powerful online word processor, designed for collaborative work.

                            Zoho CRM コンテンツ


                                • Recent Topics

                                • Item images

                                  Can we get an "On hover" expanded image for items please ?
                                • Updating existing values in a list

                                  Is it possible to update an existing value in a list? For example if I wanted to append text to an existing string value that I had previously added to a list is that possible? I'm able to extract the existing value (get() function) and append the additional text, but can't find a way to add the new value back to the list in the same index location. One work around I found was to delete the existing list entry and then add the new value, however this changes the index location to the last entry in
                                • Host not reachable

                                  Good morning. I have four mail accounts and they have been working well for years. Now, suddenly, I am unable to send any e-mails from any of them. I allways have this pop-up: Thank you. Regards. Luis Fernández
                                • Zoho Marketing Campaign

                                  I want a details report of marketing API . which API i can use to get a full flexed detail of email campaign , sms , social media ,and all other campaigns ?
                                • Zoho Marketing Automation APIs

                                  When I want to create New lead in marketing automation , I want to add First Name and Last Name as well along with Email but there is no option like this in API . Can you please give me the API which will fulfill my condition ?
                                • Adding Folders in Android App

                                  Is it possible to create a new email folder within the Zoho Mail Android app?  Or can this only be done from the desktop version of Zoho Mail? Cheers!
                                • Collaborative editing of spreadsheets by multiple users simultaneously - Is it really possible?

                                  I work in a SharePoint 2010/SharePoint Server 2010 environment and we use MS Office 2007(Excel 2007) . I have been trying to create a MS Office document which will allow multiple users to work on a spreadsheet simultaneously. For that I have: 1) Created a excel workbook and published as a workspace as suggested by Andrea Kalli in her link: http://www.wonderhowto.com/how-to-collaborate-files-between-sharepoint-and-office-2007-182172/ 2) Set up and saved the Excel Workbook as "Shared" and made it available
                                • Ability for customer to give feedback after receipt of an order

                                  Is there any way we can receive feedback from customers regarding their order after delivery (other than just an email, obviuosly)? This is not the same as product reviews, as it may concern other points, but would ideally have an inbuilt reference to
                                • Zoho Books Sandbox environment

                                  Hello. Is there a free sandbox environment for the developers using Zoho Books API? I am working on the Zoho Books add-on and currently not ready to buy a premium service - maybe later when my add-on will start to bring money. Right now I just need a
                                • Zoho Books | Product Updates | November 2024

                                  Hello users, We are back with exciting new features and enhancements in Zoho Books. From multi-criteria workflows to writing off customer opening balances, discover the new updates designed to make your bookkeeping swift. Attach XRechnung to Invoices
                                • Spell check sucks

                                  Come on guys, it's 2024 and your spell check is completely retarded. You gotta fix it.
                                • How to send certain invoices for Approval based on condition?

                                  To streamline operations, I need the invoices to go for approval when certain conditions are met. For example, if my staff gives a discount of x amount, it must go for approval. If there is no discount, then the invoice will be approved automatically.
                                • Signature image logo not displaying in recipient mail clients

                                  Whenever I send an email to another person the image that forms part of my logo is not displayed just a broken link to: https://mail.zoho.com/mail/ImageSignature?fileName=Email-log.jpg&accountId=47238000000007001&storeName=NN1:-3205531763309921492 I can see the logo because I've got a zoho account and I'm logged on but others without a zoho account can't see it. How do I fix this? Thanks -Martin
                                • Sales Order, what are the statuses under Confirmed and Closed

                                  Hi, I have to build a workflow in Deluge which should be triggered when Sales Order status is Confirmed or Closed. But these 2 states don't exist when you fetch a sales order. Which of the statuses are considered as Confirmed or Closed ? Here is a list
                                • Notifications for calendar meetings

                                  So we have been happy users for a few months now. This is an important problem we face, since I have forgotten meetings already cause of lack of notifications. The problem: I have notifications (email, popup and notifications) set for my calendar by default.
                                • Reusuable Sections & Universal Brand Settings

                                  Zoho Email Campaign setups take longer than other software I've used because it doesn't have reusable sections or universal brand settings (fonts and colors). These enhancements should be added to help us create our campaigns more easily.
                                • Blockchain technology

                                  Blockchain technology is being used to revolutionize accounting and financial reporting. With blockchain, financial transactions are recorded on a decentralized ledger, making tracking transactions and verifying their accuracy easier. This technology
                                • Este domínio já está associado a esta conta

                                  Fui fazer meu cadastro na zoho e quando digitei meu domínio recebi essa mensagem que meu domínio estava associado a uma conta que eu nem faço idéia de quem seja. Como que faço pra resolver isso? Atenciosamente, Anderson Souza.
                                • not able to hit inventory api

                                  when i hit the api with my account keys and the access is provide by the client
                                • 553 Relaying disallowed error

                                  Hi, I am receiving a "553 Relaying disallowed" error when sending emails to my domain email address which I have configured in Zoho. However, I am able to receive emails from my domain email to my gmail account. The SPF and MX entries are all configured
                                • Zoho Analytics vs Power BI vs Google Data Studio

                                  I have been using Zoho Analytics for some time but appears that it is significantly behind Power BI and Google Data Studio in terms of functionality. Our use-case for Zoho Analytics is using data that is coming from third-party sources (and not from Zoho apps), and we want the dashboard to be available for public consumption. Does anyone here have exposure to Google Data Studio and Power BI? I would like to discuss, which platform to move to. Thanks
                                • !! URGENT My sent mail goes to spam

                                  I tested a few times and every time I send mail out it goes the recipients spam box.  Why is it marking my mail as spam? please help me ! thanks
                                • Event Time Zone in meeting invites are confusing users

                                  When sending calendar invites to internal and external users, the first section "Event Time Zone" is confusing people and they are automatically declining events. Can this section please be removed??? It already shows the correct time zone next to the
                                • Request For Quotation (RFQ) module

                                  Hello, Do you have any plans to implement a RFQ module in to ZOHO Inventory? I would like to chose items that I require a price for, select a number of different suppliers to e-mail and have them submit there pricing online. I would then like to see a
                                • Constant Sync Errors 🙄

                                  I'm constantly getting sync error notifications with no actual resolution. Also... I have folders and files with a (!) on the cloud icon, indicating it's not accessible. This has also led to the complete loss of certain folders. Like... the go missing!
                                • In Zoho Projects, is there a way to create a folders template under documents that can be used once a project is created?

                                  We have a specific folder structure that we would like to use that is standard across every project. Instead of having to create this structure every time a project is created, is there a way to create a template for the folders that can be added?
                                • javax.mail.authenticationfailedexception 535 authentication failed

                                  Hi, I am facing 535 authentication failed error when trying to send email from zoho desktop as well as in webmail. Can you suggest to fix this issue,. Regards, Rekha
                                • Out of Office not working

                                  I have set up out of office on zoho mail, however, it does not reply to every mail sent to it. I have tested it by sending several test messages from multiple different email accounts, I will get a response to some of them, but not all of them this is
                                • Always display images from this sender – Is this feature available?

                                  In Zoho mail, I had my "Load external images" setting set to "Ask me", and that's fine. That's the setting I prefer. What's not fine though is I always need to tick "Display now" for each email I get, regardless if I've done that multiple times from several
                                • Some emails are not being delivered

                                  I have this problem where some of my mail just seems to disappear. When I send it, it appears as sent with no mention of any problem, but my recipient never gets it, not even in the Spam folder. Same for receiving, I have a secondary e-mail address, and
                                • Unbilled Items Report?

                                  Hello! Is there any way to display a list of items that remain unbilled, without creating an invoice for each customer to see if the unbilled items box is displayed? ;-) Ben
                                • Making Calls Using ZDialer on Zoho Creator Widgets

                                  The Zdialer Browser Extension does not seem to recognize phone numbers on custom widgets. What is the best way to work around this?
                                • ALL sent mails from my zoho email id go to spam

                                  when we send emails out of Zoho as like Gmail , ALL mails go to spam... more than urgent to get a solution !!!!!!
                                • Não consigo enviar e nem receber e-mails

                                  Estou com problemas pra enviar e receber e-mails. Não consigo enviar (recebo uma mensagem de domínio inválido) e os e-mails que recebo estão voltando. Como devo proceder?
                                • Receiving email problem

                                  I can send an email but can't receive from other platform like Gmail
                                • Mas de 48 horas sin correo

                                  Estimados, llevamos más de 48 horas sin poder recibir correo y en este periodo hemos recibido información confusa y lo mas relevante es que Zoho dice que esta todo bien y no encuentra el error. Como deben comprender el perjuicio de no contar con un correo
                                • Your account has been blocked due to security reasons.

                                  Hi everyone. Faced a problem that is wreaking havoc on my business! On December 14, blocked login via WEB, IMAP and POP3 with the reason of unusual activity, allegedly because of VPN/Proxy and suspicion that my account was hacked. I created a ticket to
                                • Displaying related quotes in sales order and back

                                  Hi, My colleague liked to see to which sales orders, the quote has been converted. Quote shows Invoices, but not SO. Same, they would like to see the quotes in the sales order, as they can see invoices, packages, shipment, How can we achieve this ? Thank
                                • Details & Limitations of the Free Forever Plan

                                  I cannot find any comparison/details about the Free Forever Plan. Can you please publish details of what are its limitations?
                                • Missing Folders on iPhone Zoho Mail

                                  Under mailboxes on my iPhone, I don't have an inbox, sent folder, deleted photo, etc. See pics.
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