コミュニティダイジェスト 2023年1月

コミュニティダイジェスト 2023年1月

こんにちは。Zoho コミュニティチームです。









[ Zoho CRM ]




Zoho CRMにおける取引先重複防止機能と統合機能の追加


* 操作方法や技術的な問い合わせなどは、まず日本語サポート窓口ナレッジベースをご活用ください。





[ 開発者向け ]







ユーザー交流会 [Meetup] in 東京 2023: 3/17(金) 18:00〜 (事例 / 一部配信あり)

Zoho ワークアウト:2/21(火)14:00〜 / 少人数制のワークショップ型イベント

カスタム関数マスター講座: 2/15(水) 15:00〜 / ユーザー発 カスタム関数に関する知見を共有しあうイベント



Tips Zoho サービス活用のヒント

Tip#121 【Zoho Analytics】データ通知で指標データの動向や変化を把握する

Tip#122【Zoho Survey】条件処理の効果

Tip#123【Zoho Projects】タスクの期間を設定する







Zoho コミュニティチーム

    Zoho Campaigns Resources

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        • 【ZOHO】コミュニティユーザー自己紹介のトピック

          日頃よりZoho Japan Communityをご愛顧いただき、ありがとうございます。 おかげさまで昨年より、フォロワー数も増えてまいりました! 人数も50名を超えてまいりましたので、改めて運営しているZohoメンバーの自己紹介の場、また皆さまがご自身を紹介できる場を目的とした、トピックを作らせていただきます。 これからご参加いただく方も、立ち上げ当初からお付き合いいただいている方も、よろしければ当スレッドのReply欄からご自由にコメントいただければ嬉しいです。(オンラインフォーラムは現状オープンなフォーラムとなっているので、記入できる範囲で構いません) スライドテンプレートもご用意いたしましたので、もし良ければご自由にご利用ください。下記のリンクからダウンロードいただけます。 https://zurl.co/lC7N  テキストのみのコメントでももちろんOKです。 — 自己紹介例 【お名前(ニックネーム)】 【利用中のZohoサービス】 【ユーザー歴】 【ご利用人数】 【興味のあるZohoサービス】 【Zohoを利用し始めた、興味を持ったきっかけ】 【活用している主なサービスや機能】
        • 【ZOHO】オンラインフォーラムのご利用について

          こちらでのディスカッション、またそれ以外でも普段より、様々な投稿/コメントで支えていただき、ありがとうございます。 オンラインフォーラムの運営に関しては、まだまだ完璧ではなく、 それゆえに皆さまにご不便をおかけしている部分もあり恐縮ですが、いただいたご意見も参考にしつつ、少しずつ試行を重ねています。その上でにはなりますが、改めてオンラインフォーラムの方針と別投稿にて機能要望に関する対応に関し、共有いたします。 Zoho Japan Community オンラインフォーラムについて ・Zoho製品を利用するユーザー様同士の交流、ノウハウ共有を目的としたオンライン掲示板です。  製品に関するご質問、ご意見につきましては、オンラインフォーラム上で、Zoho側からの回答を保証するものではありません。 ・コミュニティ運営に関わる投稿など、一部ゾーホージャパンからもコメント/投稿を行わせていただくことがあります。 ・製品に関する投稿の、Zoho側からの確実な回答をご希望の場合は、以下の方法をご検討いただけると幸いです。 <製品に関する質問に対し、確実にZoho側からの回答が欲しい場合> ・ご購入前:sales@zoho.jp
        • Zoho Japan Community オンラインフォーラムの利用案内

          この度は、Zoho Japan Communityのオンラインフォーラムにご参加いただき、ありがとうございます。 ご利用にあたり、以下案内をご一読願います。フォーラムの使い方に関してはこちらをご確認ください。 1. オンラインフォーラムの利用について  オンラインフォーラムに投稿、リアクションを行うには、ユーザー登録が必要となります。 登録情報に関しては、パスワードを適宜変更するなどして自己責任での管理をお願いします。 ユーザーは、自由にオンラインフォーラムのユーザー登録から退会できます。なお、オンラインフォーラムから退会しても、当該ユーザによる投稿は引き続き掲載することがあります。

        Zoho CRM Plus Resources

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                        Zoho CRM Resources

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                          CRM Marketplace

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                          MVP Corner

                          Zoho Writer Writer

                          Get Started. Write Away!

                          Writer is a powerful online word processor, designed for collaborative work.

                            Zoho CRM コンテンツ


                                • Recent Topics

                                • Refer a Friend Campaign

                                  I am looking to run a referral campaign that sees an initial email going to existing clients, asking them to refer a friend. For each new client referred, the existing client will get a ticket in a prize draw - the more new clients they refer, the more tickets they get in the draw.  I am wanting to figure out how this could be done via Zoho, and how these referrals can be tracked and linked to the existing client who referred them.
                                • Emails cannot be received

                                  Hey, There is an issue in my Zoho account, E-mails can be send from my side but cannot be received on my account MX, DCIM and other are added but still cant receive them. Please help me to solve this problem at your earliest convenience and this is happening
                                • Newsletter in multiple languages

                                  Hi We are planning on starting to use Zoho Campaigns for our newsletters. Since we send our newsletters in three languages, I would need the "unsubscribe page" and other pages related to the NL (Thank you page and so on) to be available in different languages
                                • i couldn't recall message as one of the receptionists didn't received the message and i want to recall it urgent

                                  i couldn't recall message as one of the receptionists didn't received the message and i want to recall it urgent as recall button doesn't appear
                                • Servidores caidos?

                                  Buenas, Hoy 30/12/2024, mi empresa esta sufriendo bastante problemas para acceder a las aplicaciones de Zoho. No sabemos si es solo nuestra compañia o esta afectado a todos. Cuando intentamos acceder a las aplicaciones nos salta el siguiente error: A
                                • Tip #1- Remote support vs. unattended access: Contrasting two key concepts in tech assistance- 'Insider Insights'

                                  Hello everyone! We, at Zoho Community, are excited to introduce Insider Insights, a new series where we will look into various aspects of remote support technology and how they might help you. We'll be sharing tips, methods, and insights acquired from
                                • Introducing Fair Evaluation for Interviews

                                  Collaboration is key in recruitment, but it’s important to ensure individual interviewers’ assessments are not influenced by others. With Fair Evaluation, you can choose how and when interviewers can see reviews of a candidate for the same job opening.
                                • I have been looking for CVID to get segmate list where & how can fnd it?

                                  I am trying to get segment details from the Zoho API. The API documentation says that the CVID is a mandatory parameter, but I cannot find the CVID in the "getmailinglists" API. Can you tell me where to find the CVID?
                                • "The data you have entered already exists" when trying to create contac@mydomain.com

                                  Hi all, Our domain is ananasjuicebar.com. Working as admin in the control panel: When I try to add the email account "contact@ananasjuicebar.com" I get the error: "The data you have entered already exists" I've tried creating a new user or creating a new group with this address associated. To my knowledge this address has never been added and I can also not find any reference to it. (Shopify used this address to send customer notifications BEFORE setting up Zohomail.) Any ideas? are there any restrictions
                                • Tip of the week 03 - Sending emails in batches

                                  Today's marketers not only want their email marketing to be efficient, but also smart. For an email campaign, you may think you have all the essential elements for lead conversion—a big mailing list, an attractive template design, and the most-engaging message content, but after hitting the ‘send’ button, you may not get the expected conversions. Wondering why? Here’s one of the major reasons. Many marketers miss out on sending the email campaign the right way. Did you know that you should not be
                                • Zoho Books Bank Feed

                                  Good afternoon, Is it possible to change the bank feed provider on a bank account. I'm using Plaid but think that Yodlee would be better in terms of pulling transactions in a timely manner. Thank you.
                                • Create Bill from Purchase Order via API

                                  I know you can create a invoice from a Sales Order by using https://books.zoho.com/api/v3/invoices/fromsalesorder Is there a similar url for creating a bill from a purchase order?
                                • Log incoming calls on Android CRM?

                                  I keep reading that I'm able to log incoming calls on the CRM app for Android, but when I answer a call and hang up, I never get the option to log. Is there a special admin I need to do for that? Or permissions? Thanks
                                • How do i send an automated email 10 days after closing a ticket

                                  I am trying to set up an automated email to the customer a set period after the ticket is closed. I have created the email template, but i cannot work out how to set the trigger to send this out. Can someone point me in the right direction please? If
                                • Domain Verification

                                  Hey,  How do I know that my account is verified by Zoho?  Do I need some zd code/number for it?  Need help asap! 
                                • Sender not verified message showing on mails sent using zoho mail

                                  Hello, I am using Zoho mail to send and receive emails. Whenever i send emails to zoho mail id, it showing a message "Warning! Unverified sender.We could not verify that the email was actually from sending email. Be cautious when opening any links/ attachments,
                                • Mail Outgoing blocked. Reason :Mail rate exceeded limit

                                  Hello, Please unblock my mail account: ser1@innspo.com Thanks
                                • Why is Zoho Mail support so lousy?

                                  This is not the first time I voiced out about this, the first time was 2 months ago https://help.zoho.com/portal/en/community/topic/what-the-actual-fk-is-wrong-with-zoho-mail-support where I had to follow 7 times in the span of 2 months to get a (unhelpful)
                                • This domain is not allowed to add. Please contact support-as@zohocorp.com for further details

                                  I am trying to setup the free version of Zoho Mail. When I tried to add my domain, theselfreunion.com I got the error message that is the subject of this Topic. I've read your other community forum topics, and this is NOT a free domain. So what is the
                                • Add Google Workspace Module to Zoho Flow

                                  Dear Zoho Flow Team, I hope this message finds you well. We’d like to request the addition of a dedicated Google Workspace module in Zoho Flow. Currently, there are no triggers or actions for Google Workspace, which limits our ability to integrate and
                                • Separate Triggers and Enhanced Information for Zoho One Departments and Groups in Zoho Flow

                                  Dear Zoho Flow Team, I hope this message finds you well. Currently, there seems to be a mix-up between zoho one departments and groups in Zoho Flow, which causes some challenges in handling triggers effectively. For instance, when using the "User added
                                • Creator Subform to CRM Subform

                                  Hello all, Has anyone successfully written data from a Creator Subform into CRM subform? I have a Creator form that once submitted creates a new Location in the CRM. Inside a Location there is a subform for hours of operation. I collect those hours in
                                • not able to accept the Invitation

                                  not able to accept the Invitation
                                • Inventory Management for Manufacturer

                                  Hello, We are a manufacturing company in the FnB industry. We want to use the inventory management system to manage our raw material stocks and at the same time once we produce items, we need to increase our final product inventory while decreasing the
                                • Another nightmare experience with a "Zoho Partner": Cloud Z Technologies

                                  I found "CloudZTech" on fiverr and I hired them to do a simple $300-$500 task. They did not deliver on time and I was forced to fire them. You guys must watch out for these fake ZOHO PARTNERS, 99% of them don't have the expertise necessary to help. I
                                • Produce application url to be common for all the Creator application Stages

                                  I am trying to develop an application using the 3 environments steps like development, stage, production. I am trying to pass in a variable url like which redirects to a Report inside the application URL = "https://creatorapp.zoho.eu/insurancemarket/environment/development/all/#Report:Sign_Up_Form_Report"
                                • ZOHO BOOKS - RECEIVING MORE ITEMS THAN ORDERED

                                  Hello, When trying to enter a vendor's bill that contains items with bigger quantity than ordered in the PO (it happens quite often) - The system would not let us save the bill and show this error: "Quantity recorded cannot be more than quantity ordered." 
                                • Bill quantity received / PO quantity

                                  PO's are raised & often the quantity received is greater than the PO quantity, so when we receive the bill & adjust the quantity on the bill we get.... Quantity recorded cannot be more than quantity ordered. This necessitates the adjustment of the PO
                                • Inventory API - How do I add a payment to a bill using the API?

                                  I can update the "notes" field but I don't know how to add a payment to an existing bill. Is this possible? Does someone have a working example?
                                • Why Doesn't TrueSync Desktop App Have an Auto-Update Feature?

                                  I have to manually update the app myself. I think it's a big shortcoming.
                                • Link Zoho Inventory to Clover POS

                                  Is it possible to link zoho Inventory to Clover POS?
                                • How can I start trial version without any example data?

                                  I am lazy to manually delete each data in every section. Is there any button to fresh start my account from zero?
                                • Building a custom site

                                  do we have an option in Zoho to build custom sites like adding custom functionalities? want to make a site like https://trackscourier.com/jnt-tracking-ph/. Is it doable? Please assist.
                                • Confirmation prompt before a custom button action is triggered

                                  Have you ever created a custom button and just hoped that you/your users are prompted first to confirm the action? Well, Zoho knows this concept. For example, in blueprint, whenever we want to advance to the next state by clicking the transition, it is
                                • Selecting ZOHO Help Desk Plan for Startup

                                  Hello everyone, We at unisouk are setting up a Product support team for our platform. and probably we will be team of 3-5 people. Which plan would cater my needs to address customer technical queries and maintain the inflow of various channel queries
                                • Where do we manage tags?

                                  Where is the page where we can view all tags and manage them (like change a tag name to something else or merge tickets under a particular tag with another)?
                                • Possibilité de créer des boutons de raccourci dans les tickets Zoho Desk

                                  Bonjour, J'ai développé plusieurs automatisations avec Zoho Deluge pour optimiser la gestion des tickets. Je souhaiterais savoir s’il est possible de créer des boutons de raccourci directement accessibles dans l’interface des tickets afin de déclencher
                                • Update to the Merge Tickets Functionality

                                  This is to inform you about a significant update to the Merge Tickets functionality in Zoho Desk.  Until now, while merging tickets, a user could set one ticket as the master ticket and choose the final value for any field from any of the secondary tickets too. As a result of this provision, many a time, crucial details related to the master ticket faced the risk of being excluded in the final, merged ticket. To overcome this challenge, we have decided to make the value of some critical fields unchangeable,
                                • Setting up CRM for RFP workflow management

                                  This will be the first time our organization uses an off-the-shelf CRM, transitioning from our homegrown custom solution, and I would appreciate general thoughts on how to get started in general with our workflow using Zoho CRM. The main question: if
                                • Integrating Calendly with Zoho Calendar in Zoho Mail

                                  I moved my office into a business incubator space that uses Calendly for meeting management and events. Calendly doesn't have a integration with Zoho Calendar and vice versa. I was directed to Zapier for integration but it doesn't have an integration
                                • Next Page