コミュニティダイジェスト 2023年5月

コミュニティダイジェスト 2023年5月

こんにちは。Zoho コミュニティチームです。


毎月、前月に行われたフォーラム上での議論やZoho からの製品アップデート情報や




Zoho からのお知らせ


[ Zoho CRM アップデート情報 ] 

【Zoho CRM】直近のアップデートまとめ+ルックアップ項目に関するアップデート  

【Zoho CRM】直近のアップデートまとめ+データのロック機能のリリース  

【Zoho CRM】新機能のリリース「共通選択リスト」+直近のアップデートまとめ  






・Zoho ワークアウト 5/16

初のハイブリッド形式(弊社みなとみらいオフィス / Zoom)にて開催しました。


 - Zoho CRM × Zoho Survey の連携

 - Zoho CRM ルックアップのフィルター機能

 - Zoho 本社への問い合わせ方法





・ユーザー交流会(大阪 / 名古屋 / 東京) 

「マーケティング / 営業部門におけるZoho 活用方法」をテーマに開催します。

約4年ぶりに開催される大阪会場 / 名古屋会場は残席わずかです。参加希望の方はお早めにお申し込みください。




* 大阪 / 名古屋はリアル開催。東京のみハイブリッド開催。


・Zoho ワークアウト:6/21(火)14:00〜17:00 *途中参加 / 退室可能

前述の5月開催回と同様の、少人数制ワークショップ型イベントです。 ハイブリッド開催(みなとみらい / Zoom)で、参加方法によって登録フォームが異なりますのでご注意ください。
- 会場参加(みなとみらい)希望の方はこちら
- Zoom参加希望の方はこちら


6月は、上記の通り大阪 / 名古屋 / 東京の3都市でのユーザー交流会などイベントを多数実施予定ですので、ぜひご参加ください。



Zoho コミュニティチーム



    Zoho Campaigns Resources

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      • Desk Community Learning Series

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      • Word of the Day

        • Sticky Posts

        • 【ZOHO】コミュニティユーザー自己紹介のトピック

          日頃よりZoho Japan Communityをご愛顧いただき、ありがとうございます。 おかげさまで昨年より、フォロワー数も増えてまいりました! 人数も50名を超えてまいりましたので、改めて運営しているZohoメンバーの自己紹介の場、また皆さまがご自身を紹介できる場を目的とした、トピックを作らせていただきます。 これからご参加いただく方も、立ち上げ当初からお付き合いいただいている方も、よろしければ当スレッドのReply欄からご自由にコメントいただければ嬉しいです。(オンラインフォーラムは現状オープンなフォーラムとなっているので、記入できる範囲で構いません) スライドテンプレートもご用意いたしましたので、もし良ければご自由にご利用ください。下記のリンクからダウンロードいただけます。 https://zurl.co/lC7N  テキストのみのコメントでももちろんOKです。 — 自己紹介例 【お名前(ニックネーム)】 【利用中のZohoサービス】 【ユーザー歴】 【ご利用人数】 【興味のあるZohoサービス】 【Zohoを利用し始めた、興味を持ったきっかけ】 【活用している主なサービスや機能】
        • 【ZOHO】オンラインフォーラムのご利用について

          こちらでのディスカッション、またそれ以外でも普段より、様々な投稿/コメントで支えていただき、ありがとうございます。 オンラインフォーラムの運営に関しては、まだまだ完璧ではなく、 それゆえに皆さまにご不便をおかけしている部分もあり恐縮ですが、いただいたご意見も参考にしつつ、少しずつ試行を重ねています。その上でにはなりますが、改めてオンラインフォーラムの方針と別投稿にて機能要望に関する対応に関し、共有いたします。 Zoho Japan Community オンラインフォーラムについて ・Zoho製品を利用するユーザー様同士の交流、ノウハウ共有を目的としたオンライン掲示板です。  製品に関するご質問、ご意見につきましては、オンラインフォーラム上で、Zoho側からの回答を保証するものではありません。 ・コミュニティ運営に関わる投稿など、一部ゾーホージャパンからもコメント/投稿を行わせていただくことがあります。 ・製品に関する投稿の、Zoho側からの確実な回答をご希望の場合は、以下の方法をご検討いただけると幸いです。 <製品に関する質問に対し、確実にZoho側からの回答が欲しい場合> ・ご購入前:sales@zoho.jp
        • Zoho Japan Community オンラインフォーラムの利用案内

          この度は、Zoho Japan Communityのオンラインフォーラムにご参加いただき、ありがとうございます。 ご利用にあたり、以下案内をご一読願います。フォーラムの使い方に関してはこちらをご確認ください。 1. オンラインフォーラムの利用について  オンラインフォーラムに投稿、リアクションを行うには、ユーザー登録が必要となります。 登録情報に関しては、パスワードを適宜変更するなどして自己責任での管理をお願いします。 ユーザーは、自由にオンラインフォーラムのユーザー登録から退会できます。なお、オンラインフォーラムから退会しても、当該ユーザによる投稿は引き続き掲載することがあります。

        Zoho CRM Plus Resources

          Zoho Books Resources

            Zoho Subscriptions Resources

              Zoho Projects Resources

                Zoho Sprints Resources

                  Zoho Orchestly Resources

                    Zoho Creator Resources

                      Zoho WorkDrive Resources

                        Zoho CRM Resources

                        • CRM Community Learning Series

                          CRM Community Learning Series

                        • Tips


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                        • Meetups


                        • Kbase


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                        • Digest


                        • CRM Marketplace

                          CRM Marketplace

                        • MVP Corner

                          MVP Corner

                          Zoho Writer Writer

                          Get Started. Write Away!

                          Writer is a powerful online word processor, designed for collaborative work.

                            Zoho CRM コンテンツ


                                • Recent Topics

                                • Spotlight series #25 - Create presentation outlines using Zoho Show's Chrome extension

                                  Hello all, the feature in this month's spotlight is Zoho Show's Chrome extension. The first step to creating a good presentation is outlining your ideas—a crucial process that sets the foundation for everything that follows. But this often involves extensive
                                • Will zoho thrive be integrated with Zoho Books?

                                • Multi-line fields character limits

                                  Is there a way to set the character limit higher on multi-line fields so that we are not losing information pasted into the field? When the text is entered or pasted, there is no error to say that the text is too large. After saving and going back to view most of the text is gone.   Also, when viewing the resume, the text is not wrapped in the multi line fields and can t be read without scrolling across the page.
                                • Workload Reports

                                  Under Reports > Workload Reports, would it be possible to get Kanban view sorted by Task Owner? Seems like it'd be an easier/ quicker view of how many tasks are assigned to each user and what status they're at. Also gives you more information about the
                                • attributed automatically database section

                                  Hello everyone and happy holidays... here in zoho CRM, I created 3 bases: - Properties (House, apartment ...) - Transactions (Notaries, ...) - Real estate ads I want when the address is identical on these three bases, that in "Properties" the transactions
                                • Custom Module I made shows the records I uploaded are there but they are not showing up.

                                  Here's a screenshot of the module - It shows there are around 2000 records but it says that there aren't any. The module is viewable by administrators and I am on an administrator account so I am not sure why the records aren't showing. Any help would
                                • Webform & spam

                                  Hi, We set up 2 webform on our website, fowarding the content to Zoho CRM. Since it has been opened up, we are getting lot of spam message (for now about 20 a day). To lower the  amount of false new leads we added the captcha field and new enquieries are send to the Approval Leads list. However we still get some spam. Is there any "anti spam" mechanism built in Zoho CRM, or how is the best way to avoid these kind of spam ? Thanks
                                • Need Help with Journey in Zoho Marketing Automation

                                  Hello everyone, I’m new to Zoho Marketing Automation and am trying to build a journey that triggers based on the contract end date of customers. My goal is to send them an email with an ebook one day before their contract ends. To achieve this, I used
                                • Article Numbers for KB articles

                                  Hello, I was wondering if it's possible to turn on article numbers/ part numbering for KB articles.  If this is not already a feature, we'd like to request it.  Frequently a solution will require multiple articles so tracking which articles are referenced
                                • Announcing Trident desktop app for Zoho Mail & Zoho Workplace users

                                  Hello Community, I hope you are doing well and staying safe. As you know, our Mail & workplace teams have been constantly working on adding more value to our offerings to ensure you and your organization continue enjoying your Zoho experience. As part
                                • Kudos to the Zoho Flow Team!

                                  Hi Zoho Flow Team, Way to go on the new design—it looks fantastic! We especially love the festive touch with the Christmas decorations. It's a delightful and thoughtful addition that brings a bit of holiday cheer to the experience. Keep up the amazing
                                • Website not found when trying to unlock Zoho vault with fingerprint(authenticator) in windows 11

                                  Whenever I try to unlock the Zoho vault with fingerprint(authenticator) it shows the Website not found on the server. To replicate the issue follow the below steps: Download the zoho vault extension and login. And now open the zoho vault extension ->
                                • Kaizen #170: FAQs on Notification APIs

                                  Hello all!! Welcome back to another post in the Kaizen series! In this post, we will address the most frequently asked questions about Zoho CRM's Notification APIs from the Zoho CRM Developer Community Forum. Notification API This API allows you to subscribe
                                • Extracting data from cells in zoho sheets for zoho books

                                  I am currently uploading my bank statment in excel format to zoho workdrive. I would like flow to extract certain data and send it to zoho books. Would scripting in zoho flow be able to help me with this? By this I mean should I attempt this in zoho flow
                                • Multiple templates (Settings > Email templates)

                                  Hi Zoho, We would like to have more options to select a template when sending an email in Zohosign. Currently we can only add 1 template per option: Is this possible? Kind regards, Tristan
                                • How to find the number that appears most often in a list (the Mode of a list)

                                  I have a list that contains a list of 5 string values. I want to find which value is repeated most often and place that value into a single line text field Example List1 = Learning,Learning,Shaping,Leading,Learning In List1 the value “Learning” appears
                                • Sorting and previewing notes

                                  I use the method of sorting notes by edit date in both the desktop and android clients, newest notes on top. When I edit a note on Android and exit it to the notebook, it does not move to the very top. Only when I exit the notebook and enter it again,
                                • Pivot table with Text values - "Matrix Report"

                                  User Story - As a user, I would like the ability to display textual data in a two-way table, matrix format (text datatypes, not numerical datatypes displayed as a dimension) One major feature missing from the Pivot tables in Zoho Analytics is the ability
                                • Domain not usable

                                  We have not used this domain because the Chrome systems on our office devices are not compatible with your technology. I am sorry if no one has never advised you of this. Please cancel if it has not already been canceled. Ticket# 7526594 Please see
                                • Bigin iOS, macOS and Android app update - File Cabinet

                                  Hello Everyone! In the most recent iOS (v1.7.1) and macOS (v1.5.1) updates of the Bigin app, we have included support for the File Cabinet functionality. You can access this feature as a topping within the web app (bigin.zoho.com) and conveniently use
                                • Power of Automation :: Automatically close the associated tasks once the Issues are closed

                                  Hello Everyone, A Custom Function is a user-written set of code to achieve a specific requirement. Set the required conditions needed as to when to trigger using the Workflow rules (be it Tasks / Project) and associate the custom function to it. We have
                                • Meeting vs Zoom and why we are moving

                                  Dear Meeting team,                                   I want to share my thoughts on Meeting vs Zoom and explain why we are moving back to Zoom for all our video conferencing, even though it is part of our Zoho One Subscription. 1). Video & Audio quality - We see a significant downgrade in video quality when using Meeting vs Zoom, even when using the same internet connections.  Meeting video is blurry and not sharp compared to Zoom.  Audio is also hit and miss on Meeting with frequent drop outs and
                                • Holidays and celebrations: Unveiling SalesIQ's seasonal theme!

                                  The holiday season is upon us, and we are feeling all the more merrier at SalesIQ while we unveil this seasonal update. Get ready to sprinkle some holiday magic onto your websites with SalesIQ's new seasonal theme. This new festive theme will provide
                                • booking link that expires

                                  I have a suggestion that is  crucial. When i send booking URL to clients they keep the link and they book appointment whenever they want multiple times. You should give us the Booking URL feature. We should be able to send it and the user can use it only
                                • Print record summary to pdf page breaks

                                  Hello. I created a record summary and would like to export to pdf. Rich text fields or photos can get printed on 2 pages cutting them in half. Is there a way to add page breaks? Thanks.
                                • The email address you have entered belongs to a different deployment/region.

                                  Hi, I am trying to create the user - mprust@crombiecomputers.co.uk but keep getting the message below -  The email address you have entered belongs to a different deployment/region. Please contact support@zohoaccounts.com for assistance. Look forward
                                • Pre-fill TO and CC fields for Email Templates

                                  This would be a game changer to be able to set either specific email addresses or merge fields based on deal role titles into email templates. Please pass this along to *hopefully* add to future features of Zoho CRM.
                                • Leads and Deals Issue

                                  Hi! Is Zoho having trouble today? I've been experiencing issues today. When I move a deal to closed/won, it previously would require a closing date but today the screen just went blur and the closing date did not pop up. And then under leads, I was trying
                                • How do I hide all leads from Standard users in my CRM ZOHO

                                  I want to configure my crm zoho in such a way that standard users will only see leads owned or assigned to them. How do I go about doing this? I have tried all i could, but nothing...can anyone help me?
                                • How to Implement Time-Based Filters in Zoho Workflows?

                                  Hi everyone, I’m looking for a workaround to implement time-based filters in Zoho workflows. Specifically, I need a workflow to trigger only within certain hours (e.g., between 10:00 AM and 8:00 PM, Sunday to Friday). Currently, Zoho workflows execute
                                • is there a better way to routinely export my project timesheets?

                                  Hi there, I am somewhat happy with how Zoho books handles time.  One thing that is missing is more user driven control over my data.  I have a workflow where I constantly need to give customers feeds of work done.  So I pick a project, and would ideally
                                • Portal Default View

                                  Hello! My company is about roll out portals for some users, but we were wondering if it was possible to set the Record Detail Page View to default to a custom view that we made. That way the information they need would be streamlined and easier to see.
                                • Does zoho rest api support token exchange from microsoft entra id token

                                  i want to get access token from the Microsoft user token in rest api. so it is possible to exchange microsoft user access token to zoho's access token or auth token ( token should be user specific not super admin).
                                • Important: DKIM verification needed for unauthenticated email domains

                                  Hi all, This post is to inform users who are currently using unauthenticated email domains as their sender email for their notifications. We have mandated DKIM verification for all domains used as sender email addresses for the outgoing emails by 01-Feb-2025
                                • How do I define a weekend

                                  I noticed the default for weekends does not seem to include Saturdays. How can i define weekends to include both Saturdays and Sundays? Thank you.
                                • Zoho Sign Product updates - H2 2024

                                  Hello! We have almost come to the end of 2024! Here's a list of features and enhancements that went live in the later half of the year. NOM 151 certification Witness signing Formula, conditional, and custom fields Zoho Sign's extension for Bigin by Zoho
                                • Custom Status for Purchase Orders

                                  Currently Zoho books has functionality to create custom statuses for Sales Orders. Can this be extended to include custom status for purchase orders as well? It was a great decision to add this functionality to sales orders. Our use case is for tracking
                                • Remove Address from credit card payment

                                  I would like to remove the need to add address when paying by credit card. I only want the customer to have to add their credit card details.
                                • New Built In QR/Barcode Generator Print Settings

                                  I'm trying out the new QR/Barcode generator field in Creator. I would think most people will want to print these, like I do. I am not seeing any way to control the height or width of the barcode for printing (inside the print/pdf template builder). The
                                • My Zoho mail has been blocked for suspicious activity. cannot unblock it! need urgent help!

                                  Hi, I was accessing my email on an airplane which for some reason resulted in my mail being blocked. I have managed to unblock my incoming however outgoing is still blocked. I have contacted all your support emails but it still says contact support when I try to unblock outgoing emails. Its now been over 8 days with the same issue which is really serious as I'm not able to send several business emails during this period. I have followed all your steps to unblock this and contacted your support 5
                                • Next Page