Brand Studio
For other marketing activities like TV Ads, Radio Ads, do we provide integration with third application to manage the activity within the Marketing Plus?
For marketing activities such as TV, Radio ads, Magazines, etc. you can do the following in marketing plus: Create content. Crate website analytics such as goals, funnel analysis, heat map, form analysis, and session recording to identify the ...
Can I assign an activity to a user in Marketing Plus?
Yes, activities can be assigned to a user in Marketing Plus. To assign activity Go to Brand Studio and select a Marketing Project. In the Activities section, click the add icon and select an Activity that you want to assign. Enter the Name, Expected ...
Is it possible to group to-do lists based on the owner?
Yes, it is possible to group the to-do list based on the owner, status, and the activity. To modify this, click the Group By drop down list and select an appropriate option.
How do I change the status of a to-do list?
The status of the to-do list can be modified in two ways. You can simply drag and drop a task to the respective status column. Select a task and choose the status from the Status drop down list.
How can I edit a Marketing Project?
The marketing project can be edited only by the Administrator or the Project Owner. To edit a marketing project Go to Brand Studio and select a Marketing Project. Click More > Edit. Modify the project information and click Save. To change color Go to ...
How can I mark a project as completed?
To mark a project as completed Go to Brand Studio and select a Marketing Project. Click the drop down next to the owner name and select Completed.
Is it possible to get a consolidated list of all the activities along with their status in a marketing project?
Yes, the Overview page of the Marketing Project displays all the activities along with their status such as Launched, Scheduled, and Pending. You can also get the status of all the tasks in a project.
How can I view the completed projects in Marketing Plus?
Projects can be filtered from the list view in Brand Studio. You can select Completed from the drop down list at the top left corner to view projects that are completed.