Meeting Bridge Integration
Meeting bridge serves as a unified platform for all your third-party meeting services. We often use multiple platforms for online meetings, video conferencing, presentations, and webinars. Switching between different applications and maintaining them ...
Zapier integration
Make your automation effortless by integrating Zoho Sprints with Zapier. Sign up with Zapier and create your zap. How to create a zap from Zoho Sprints? Click the gear icon in the top-right corner. The settings window will appear. Select Others under ...
MS Teams integration
MS Teams can uplift your team work by making collaborations effortless. You can add Zoho Sprints as a tab in your Teams platform and manage work items across your backlog and board. This integration comes with cloud domain support. Access privileges ...
Microsoft Office 365 integration
Integrate your Zoho Sprints workspace with your Microsoft Office 365 account and get your work items mapped to Office 365 tasks and calendar. You can also map the meetings to your Office calendar and never miss any meet ups. Access privileges: ...
Google apps integration
Integrate your Zoho Sprints workspace to your Google apps. Add your daily work items to your Google Task and Calendar to keep things on track. Get your scrum meetings scheduled to your Google Calendar and never miss any meet ups. Access Privileges: ...
Bitbucket integration
Track your code changes, manage your repositories, add commits, and pull requests from the work item details page in Zoho Sprints using the Bitbucket integration. Access control: Team Owner Authorize Bitbucket account Click the gear icon in the ...
GitLab integration
Manage your GitLab repositories in Zoho Sprints. Map the repositories to relevant projects, attach commits, and pull requests in the work item details page. Access control: Workspace Owner Authorize GitLab account Click the gear icon in the top-right ...
GitHub integration
Track your code changes and improve and revise them using the developer-friendly platform: GitHub. Integrate your Zoho Sprints workspace with GitHub and manage repositories. Access control: Workspace Owner Authorize Github account Click the gear icon ...
AWS CodeCommit integration
Manage your AWS CodeCommit repositories in Zoho Sprints. Map the repositories to relevant Zoho Sprints projects, attach commits, and pull requests from the work item details page. Access control : Workspace Owner Prerequisite: The following AWS ...
Jenkins integration
DevOps tools are built to facilitate collaboration, leverage automation, and enhance the ability to track and monitor process and progress. As the customer requirements pile up, the development and operations need to deliver outcomes in rapid phases. ...
Whiteboard is a concept widely used to assist in collaborating with a group or team and sharing ideas using simple visual elements. It is based on the typical physical whiteboard that enables a presenter to roughly sketch thoughts on a board to ...