コミュニティダイジェスト 2023年1月〜12月

コミュニティダイジェスト 2023年1月〜12月

Zoho コミュニティチームです。
2023年度のフォーラム上での議論やZoho からの製品アップデート情報・イベントなどの情報の中から、注目のトピックを取り上げ、「年間ダイジェスト」としてまとめました。
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[ ディスカッション ]
[ My Zoho Story ] *Zoho の活用により自社ビジネスを成長させてきた軌跡を、さまざまな業界のユーザーに語っていただきました。
[ Zoho サービスアップデート情報 ] 

[ イベント ]
ユーザー交流会 東京 / 大阪 / 名古屋
東京は四半期に1度のペースで開催、大阪 / 名古屋は6月と12月に開催しました。

Zoho ワークアウト
取り組んだ課題やディスカッション *一部抜粋
- Zoho One に含まれるサービスの運用方法共有
- Zoho サービス同士の連携(CRM × Campaigns / Survey / Desk / Forms など)
- 各サービスの機能活用法(例:CRM のワークフロー、タブと項目、メモの活用など)

📢2024年開催予定のユーザー交流会 (Meetup)📢
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Zoho コミュニティチーム

      • Sticky Posts

      • 【ZOHO】コミュニティユーザー自己紹介のトピック

        日頃よりZoho Japan Communityをご愛顧いただき、ありがとうございます。 おかげさまで昨年より、フォロワー数も増えてまいりました! 人数も50名を超えてまいりましたので、改めて運営しているZohoメンバーの自己紹介の場、また皆さまがご自身を紹介できる場を目的とした、トピックを作らせていただきます。 これからご参加いただく方も、立ち上げ当初からお付き合いいただいている方も、よろしければ当スレッドのReply欄からご自由にコメントいただければ嬉しいです。(オンラインフォーラムは現状オープンなフォーラムとなっているので、記入できる範囲で構いません) スライドテンプレートもご用意いたしましたので、もし良ければご自由にご利用ください。下記のリンクからダウンロードいただけます。 https://zurl.co/lC7N  テキストのみのコメントでももちろんOKです。 — 自己紹介例 【お名前(ニックネーム)】 【利用中のZohoサービス】 【ユーザー歴】 【ご利用人数】 【興味のあるZohoサービス】 【Zohoを利用し始めた、興味を持ったきっかけ】 【活用している主なサービスや機能】
      • 【ZOHO】オンラインフォーラムのご利用について

        こちらでのディスカッション、またそれ以外でも普段より、様々な投稿/コメントで支えていただき、ありがとうございます。 オンラインフォーラムの運営に関しては、まだまだ完璧ではなく、 それゆえに皆さまにご不便をおかけしている部分もあり恐縮ですが、いただいたご意見も参考にしつつ、少しずつ試行を重ねています。その上でにはなりますが、改めてオンラインフォーラムの方針と別投稿にて機能要望に関する対応に関し、共有いたします。 Zoho Japan Community オンラインフォーラムについて ・Zoho製品を利用するユーザー様同士の交流、ノウハウ共有を目的としたオンライン掲示板です。  製品に関するご質問、ご意見につきましては、オンラインフォーラム上で、Zoho側からの回答を保証するものではありません。 ・コミュニティ運営に関わる投稿など、一部ゾーホージャパンからもコメント/投稿を行わせていただくことがあります。 ・製品に関する投稿の、Zoho側からの確実な回答をご希望の場合は、以下の方法をご検討いただけると幸いです。 <製品に関する質問に対し、確実にZoho側からの回答が欲しい場合> ・ご購入前:sales@zoho.jp
      • Zoho Japan Community オンラインフォーラムの利用案内

        この度は、Zoho Japan Communityのオンラインフォーラムにご参加いただき、ありがとうございます。 ご利用にあたり、以下案内をご一読願います。フォーラムの使い方に関してはこちらをご確認ください。 1. オンラインフォーラムの利用について  オンラインフォーラムに投稿、リアクションを行うには、ユーザー登録が必要となります。 登録情報に関しては、パスワードを適宜変更するなどして自己責任での管理をお願いします。 ユーザーは、自由にオンラインフォーラムのユーザー登録から退会できます。なお、オンラインフォーラムから退会しても、当該ユーザによる投稿は引き続き掲載することがあります。

        • Recent Topics

        • How to Iterate a Function in Zoho Desk Workflow with Delay Between Calls?

          Hi everyone, I’m working on a function in Zoho Desk that searches for a specific ticket record. If the ticket is not found, I need to retry the search multiple times with a delay between each attempt until the ticket is located or a maximum number of
        • Zoho Analytics - Only show certain data labels

          How do I only show certain data labels on my charts? I have a combo chart with 3 data bars and 1 data line. I only want to show the data label for the data line, not the data bars. How can I do that?
        • Recurring Bookings

          Will Zoho Bookings ever offer an option to the customer to schedule recurring meetings (unlimited) for the same days/times? Making a client schedule the same days/times for an entire month is a tedious process. I'd like to offer the option upfront to
        • Zoho FSM Extension for Zoho Desk: For Enhanced On-Site Assistance and Unified Customer Support

          We are stoked to present to you Zoho FSM for Zoho Desk, an extension that will help you convert Zoho Desk tickets that require on-site assistance into field service requests in Zoho FSM, ensuring a smooth hand-off from the help desk to field technicians.
        • reset of user password

          User forgot her password, so she requests a password rest, but never gets the email. How do I reset her password, since that function is not an option, even for an administrator?
        • サブフォームに設置したユーザールックアップ項目の対象ユーザーにチームユーザーが表示されない。

          担当者様 お世話になっております、データーサービス中島です。 Zoho CRM for Everyoneで商談タブにサブフォームを追加し、サブフォーム項目でユーザールックアップを追加しました。 行追加を行いユーザーからチームユーザーを選択しようとしましたが、一覧中にチームユーザーが表示されません。 ※サブフォーム内では無くタブ内にユーザー項目を追加した場合はチームユーザーが表示されます。 サブフォーム内のユーザー項目でもチームユーザーが参照できる様に修正お願いいたします。 確認した環境は以下です。
        • Email Verification on Subdomain

          Hi, The latest guidelines for setting up an email newsletter are to set it up on a subdomain of your main domain so that if you get put in a spam block, it doesn't block all your company email. We have been trying to set this up and managed to get our
        • Mass Update Status of Job Openings

          It'd be incredibly useful to be able to mass update the statuses of job openings. I've just been told six jobs are on hold with the same client, so at the moment I need to update all of them individually. Cheers
        • Can't connect to Blogger & Wordpress

          Hello Zoho Support Team, Thank you for providing Zoho Writer—it’s a fantastic tool that I truly enjoy using. However, I’ve encountered an issue when attempting to connect it to Blogger or WordPress for automatic posting. When I try to establish the connection,
        • A Step-by-Step Implementation Guide for Zoho CRM

          Implementing Zoho CRM can be a game-changer, enhancing team efficiency, customer engagement, and overall performance. Here’s how Integs Cloud can help you make it a seamless success: 1. Define Your CRM Goals Know Your Direction Understanding your goals
        • How do you manage sales forecasts by deal when you're a SaaS (subscription) provider?

          Hello, I was wondering how you forecast revenue as a SaaS? Because my LTV moves all the time and I was thinking of updating the amount of each deal in the pipeline according to my LTV stripe, but is it possible?
        • Zoho CRM - Conditional Assessment for Blueprint Automatic Transition

          Hi, Currently, in Zoho CRM’s Blueprint process, the Automatic Transition feature does not allow for conditional assessments before execution. This limitation significantly impacts workflows where a transition should only occur when certain predefined
        • Pull Price Book and Product info in a single report

          i want to be able to produce price books for my engineers. If i could produce a report with the retail price as an option that would be great. This seems to be an old issue to please what are the plans. Moderation Update (16th Feb 2024): The option to
        • Error 403: Forbidden When Updating Email Signature via API

          Hi Zoho Desk team, First, congratulations again on the excellent Zoho API. But, I’m encountering an issue while attempting to update an email signature via the API. Whenever I make a request to update the signature, the response returns an HTTP 403 Forbidden
        • Zoho Finance Workshop 2025 is Happening Now! 🎉

          Hello everyone! 👋 We’re thrilled to announce that the Zoho Finance Workshop 2025 has officially started, and we've already wrapped up the event in Chennai, our home ground! After an amazing session, we're geared up to visit more cities in India and take
        • How do I see what participants see when I am app sharing in a meeting?

          How do I see what participants see when I am app sharing in a meeting? In my view, I only see myself as active, but not the app (keynote on mac)
        • Pending Dispatch Status on Transfer Order TO

          Hello, when our branches request stock, we initiate a TO which puts the item into a "In Transit" status otherwise someone else may try to sell that item, which could be problematic if the item has limited quantities. The problem is that if the item has
        • Zoho Desk's ASAP announcement | Time to embrace the enhanced JWT Authentication Mechanism for ASAP | Dec'23

          Hi All, We are eager to introduce the enhanced JWT authentication mechanism for accessing your ASAP add-ons. Effective December 25th, 2023, the ASAP's old JWT authentication mechanism will be deprecated. This means that the option to switch to the new
        • Trying to copy Active Leads to a Custom Module called Dead Leads

          Hi, I am trying to code when the "Active Lead Status" field is changed to "Dead", a copy of the record should be created in the "Dead Leads" module while keeping the original lead in "Active Leads." I am using the following code but I keep getting the
        • Blocking an email address

          Hi How do I block an email address in my Zoho mail? Thanks Brian 
        • Zoho Desk add OIDC federation for 3rd party IDP

          Please consider adding the ability to use OIDC/OAuth compliant Identity Providers to Zoho Desk. You currently have Zoho, Microsoft, LinkedIn, Google and Facebook. But if you added the ability to use ANY OIDC compliant provider, you would add compatibility
        • Cliq funtion not triggerring from Books.

          Gentlemen, I have been requesting the Zoho Books team for 15 days through various emails- then even escalated. The response that I get from Zoho is " Our back-end team is working on it......." It is a template-type response. I authenticated the link(Cliq
        • Tracking Agent Diligence in Updating Records

          Our organization mainly focus on B2B. While we've implemented automations like pushing info from web forms into CRM, we often get info from events and individual networks. The complete/updated info relies in the agents who directly interacts with them,
        • how to create a company without an assigned owner

          In my company we are reassigning accounts and we need to leave some companies without an owner to review their potential and then assign them, but the options that appear in owner require that they be assigned to a seller, how to leave them without an
        • Stop selling out of stock Items.

          Hi I have been using Zohobooks for a around 8 month now. I am not involved in selling process but my staff cant stop selling product which they do not hold in stock, this is a big headache for me as physical count never matches what is shown on the books. 
        • Matrix dropdown

          Is there a way to create a matrix question with dropdown answers but 1 row correlates to 1 column? So really I want to combine 4 dropdown questions into 1 matrix but each question has a single, and different, dropdown for answers.
        • Managing Rental Inventory in Zoho

          Can Zoho Inventory manage rental inventory efficiently, or is there another Zoho app that would be better suited for this kind of operation? Looking for advice on the best approach. Thanks in advance.
        • Code API récupération enquêtes et documents

          Bonjour peut-on générer des codes API avec Zoho Survey ou Forms afin de récupérer des questionnaires existants sur nos autres outils ? Comment procéder ? Faut-il disposer d'un abonnement particulier ?
        • Field Updated based off Call Status

          I'm trying to create a Field Update where: When Call Status is Completed Lead/Contact/Account Description field with the information in the "Outcome Of Outgoing Call" Description field. Once our sales team finishes their calls and they add a description
        • Exporting uploaded files in bulk on Zoho Survey?

          Hi, I have a survey that includes an image upload field, I'd like to be able to export the individual responses in bulk, but it appears only the name of the image uploaded, and not the image itself gets exported. Any way to have the images be exported
        • Is there API Doc for Zoho Survey?

          Hi everyone, Is there API doc for Zoho Survey? Currently evaluating a solution - use case to automate survey administration especially for internal use. But after a brief search, I couldn't find API doc for this. So I thought I should ask here. Than
        • Create Quote does not show the "Product Description" entered as part of the Product setup.

          The product description created as part of the product setup page, does not show in the Create Quote module; The module allows for an additional description to be added but without access to the original stored description. By selecting the product from the "Product Name Lookup" pop-up, the "Product Description" part should be populated from the product record where the user is allowed to further modify it.
        • How to convert Item to composite Item

          Dear Team, We need to convert Item to composite Item as Zoho is importing partial information from Shopify.
        • Function #4: Schedule Customer Statements

          Regularly sending statements to customers is an imperative part of many business processes as it helps foster strong customer relationships and provides timely guidance on payments. While you can generate the statement of accounts and have it sent over
        • Why wont Zoho Support Grammarly!! --- PLEASE VOTE FOR THIS to show Zoho we need this

          The spell check and grammar in ZOHO are so buggy and a waste of time. Please support Grammarly! I'm sure I'm not the only one — there are other CRMs that support this. If you're not planning to add this feature, Please let others know before accepting
        • Phone Number Format Change - Bulk Add Country Code and Remove Dashes

          In the past I would create a new customer in my Zoho Books, and enter their phone number in the format customary for the USA (that's where we are domiciled): Areacode-Prefix-Number 234-456-6789 This scheme is important as many other software packages
        • User Tips: Auto-Create Opportunity/Deal upon Quote Save (PART 1)

          Problem: We use quotes which convert to sales orders but Users / Sales Reps do not create opportunities / deals and go straight to creating a quote. This leads to poor reporting. Implementing this solution improves reporting and makes it easier for users.
        • Client Can't View Ticket

          Hi, I created a ticket for my Client since he had an issue. I added him as a Contact as well. My client got a notification in his email that the ticket has been created. When he went to view the ticket on his desktop, the screen was blank. He then viewed
        • Automating Custom Web Link Messages to Customers via Instant Messaging in Zoho Desk

          Hello, I am looking for assistance with Zoho Desk's Instant Messaging feature. Is there a way to automate the sending of a custom web link to customers every day at 6:30 PM? Any guidance or suggestions on how to achieve this would be greatly appreciated.
        • Categorise Attachments

          We take ID, proof of address, right to work documentation and more.  I can upload a single file in to field, but we often receive multiple files for each category e.g. someone may send a separate file for the front and back of their national ID card.  My team don't have time to manipulate the files in order to upload them as a single file. The options, as far as I can tell, would be to create additional fields on attachments in order to categorise what the file is, or to be able to upload single
        • Next Page