How to view all badges in Zoho Backstage

Viewing badge information

Get more details about your badges at any time by viewing information about a badge template. Badge information includes a preview of the badge template design, as well as settings for printing it out and setting up the e-badge paper layout. You can also access options to generate and download event badges.

  1. Switch to the Manage dashboard using the toggle button in the top-right corner of the Event Console.
  2. Click the Overview tab.
  3. Click the View designs link in the BadgeUp card. The Badge designs page will be displayed with all the badges you've created so far.
  4. Click a badge template. The details of the badge template will be displayed.
    Note: You can also access this page by clicking the menu for a badge and selecting the Info option.
  5. View details for the created badge:
    1. A preview of the badge template will be displayed on the left.
    2. Basic details of the badge template, such as print arrangement, print paper size, outer margin page spacing, and sort settings, will be displayed in the Print setup section.
    3. Page layout settings for the badge when it is sent digitally (as an attachment in emails) will be displayed in E-badge settings section. This includes paper size, badge front and back arrangement, and fold type.
    4. The numbers of attendees in your event, attendees you've generated badges for, and new attendees for whom you haven't generated badges yet will be displayed in the Generate and download badge section. This section also includes options to generate badges, download badge sample and background design.

Note: The e-badge layout option is only available for badges that will be sent over email, such as attendee badges.

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