Using Zoho Campaigns on your iPhone - Online Help | Zoho Campaigns

Using Zoho Campaigns on your iOS devices

App Dashboard

 When you click on the app from the homepage, the app dashboard will appear. The dashboard gives you a simple overall summary of your account activity. 

ipad dashboard


Search bar: You can search for a campaigns, mailing list or active contacts in your org.
global search

Your profile image is displayed in the top-left corner of the dashboard. Upon clicking it, you will be taken to the App Settings.  In iPad, your profile image is displayed in the top-right corner of the dashboard.

Recent Campaigns   

This shows the performance of your recently sent, in-progress campaigns through metrics such as delivered, unique opens, unique clicks, and bounces, along with the Clicks to Opens Rate (CTOR). Click the campaign to view an in-depth analysis of each email campaign. 

Campaigns Status  

The Campaigns section is where you can find the email campaigns you've sent over a specified period.
 You can create email campaigns by clicking the Create icon in the Campaigns section. You can view the list of campaigns by clicking > in the Campaigns section of the dashboard. 

Lists and Contacts  

Here, you can find the number of mailing lists and contacts in those lists, recently added contacts, current and active sync's count, and the number of segments.
You can add or import contacts by clicking the Add icon in the Contacts section. You can view the mailing lists by clicking > in the Contacts section of the dashboard.

Campaign Lifecycle

campaign lifecycle


Create an email campaign

  1. Go to the Campaigns module.
  2. Click the Create icon.
  3. Enter the campaign name.
  4. Choose a topic to send campaign. It means this campaign will be sent to contacts associated with the selected topic.
  5. Choose a sender under From section.
  6. Choose mailing lists under To section.
  7. Enter the subject and pre header under Subject section.
  8. Choose from a collection of mobile-specific predesigned templates, and edit the content according to your requirements.
  9. Click Done.
    campaign creation

  1. You cannot edit or change the details about email template of any campaigns created on the website.
  2. It is mandatory to associate a contact with a topic to send email campaigns to the contact.

Send a campaign for review

  1. Go to the Campaigns module.
  2. Select the email campaign (Draft) that you'd like to send for review.
  3. Tap the more icon at the top-right.
  4. Tap Send for review
    send for review

Note: A draft campaign can be sent for review only after you add its content and associate it with a mailing list.

Send a campaign

 After your campaign is reviewed, you can choose to send your campaign immediately or schedule it to be sent at a convenient time. 
  1. Go to the Campaigns module.
  2. Select the reviewed campaign that you would like to send.
  3. Tap the more option at the top-right.
  4. Tap Send Now.
  5.  Tap Yes.
    send now

 Pause campaign 

  1. Go to the Campaigns module.
  2. Click on the necessary campaign.
  3. Tap the more icon at the top-right.
  4. Tap Pause.
    pause campaign
Note: A campaign can only be paused during the InProgress status.

Resume a paused campaign 

  1. Go to the Campaigns module.
  2. Select the paused campaign.
  3. Tap the more icon at the top-right.
  4. Tap Resume.

 Schedule a campaign 

After your campaign is reviewed, you can choose to send it immediately or schedule it to be sent at a convenient time.
  1.  Go to the Campaigns module.
  2. Select the reviewed campaign that you would like to send.
  3. Tap the more icon at the top-right.
  4. Tap Schedule.
    schedule campaign
  5. Select the time at which you want to send the campaign.
  6. You can choose to send your campaign:
    1. At a time that you specify
    2. At a time based on the recipients' time zone
    3. At an optimal time when the recipients are likely to open the email

Filter campaigns

  1. From the dashboard, click the Campaigns module.
  2. Tap the Filter icon in the bottom left corner.
  3.  Filter based on:
    1. Users who created it,
    2. Folder in which it's saved
    3. Status and Type of campaign
    4. Time
    5. Sorting based on recently created and last modified
      filter campaign
  1. Click Clear All in the top-right corner to reset the filter.
  2. The sort option is available next to the Search icon.
  3. You can choose to change the appearance of the list using the Card Size icon.
  4. For the iPad, you can change the display of users to the icon view by clicking View All.

Campaign Summary and details 

Campaign Summary provides campaign relevant real time data, such as:
  1.  Sent report consists of delivered percentage, bounce percentage, unsent percentage, unsubscribe percentage, and complaint percentage
  2.  Delivered report consists of unique opens, clicks, and unopened count and rates, respectively.
  3.  Click-to-open rate (CTOR) - This metric displays the rate of contacts who opened your email campaign compared to how many clicked the links in it. CTOR is calculated by dividing unique clicks by unique opens.This metric is an important indicator of your campaign's effectiveness. 

User Agent Stats

This section gives you insights about the devices or applications used by your contacts to read your email campaign. The stats and insights help you to understand which platforms, devices, and email clients are widely used by your contacts. This information will help you decide which clients are to be focused on while sending future campaigns.
  1. Devices provides information about the various devices (computer, tablet, and mobile). Clicking on the device count will throw light on the operating systems (Android, Linux, Windows, and Apple) used to open your email campaigns.
  2.  Email Clients lists out the different email clients such as Outlook, Lotus Notes, Thunderbird, and Apple Mail. used by contacts to receive your email campaigns.
  3.  Browsers lists out the different web browsers such as Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, etc. used to access your email campaigns.

Campaign Reach

 This section provides insights into your campaign's overall reach, through both email and social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Google+, Pinterest, and Tumblr). 

Opens by time

This graph highlights which times experience the maximum number of opens.  This helps you decide the optimal time to send your email.
Scheduling your email campaign to be sent out at the optimal time can have a huge impact on your open rates, increasing the effectiveness of your campaign.

Opens by Location

This graph shows the top five locations with the maximum number of opens for your campaign. This data will help you understand the reach of your campaign in different locations around the world.
NoteTap on the map to view the list of all the locations where your campaign was opened
Campaign details provide a preview of your campaign and gives you a quick rundown of the campaign, sender, and recipient details.

campaign summary iphone

campaign summary iPad


 The campaign summary and reports of A/B test or advanced campaigns have a corresponding tab under the Summary and Details section. This tab usually consists of data pertaining to the type of campaign.

 Add/Import contacts

You can add a maximum of 20 contacts at a time if you are adding manually. Else you can import any number of contacts within your subscription limit.

Add contacts 

You can add a maximum of 20 contacts at a time.

To add contacts:
  1. Select the Contacts module from the Dashboard.
  2. Tap the Add icon to add a contact.
  3. Add contacts manually by entering their email addresses or import contacts from files stored on the device.
  4. To add contacts manually, enter their email addresses in the box. Tap the Return key to separate email addresses.
  5. Tap  Select or Create Mailing List to create a new mailing list. This step is optional.
  6. Select Subscription type for your contacts.
    Subscription Type can be used to identify the current stand of contacts to decide if it is the right time to send them email campaigns, as well as whether they want to receive email campaigns. There are three types:
    1. Marketing: These contacts are ready to receive email campaigns and they have shown their interest in receiving email campaigns or expressed explicit consent to receive campaigns.
    2. Non-marketing: These customers have not subscribed to receive email campaigns.
    3. Unsubscribed: These contacts are no longer interested in receiving email campaigns. You can also manually add contacts to the Unsubscribed subscription type. You can retrieve/reactivate these contacts if required. 
  7. Associate your contacts with topics
  8.  Click Upload once you are done.
  1. If you choose subscription type as Non-marketing or unsubscribed, then topics related options will not appear.
  2. It is mandatory to associate a contact with a topic to send email campaigns to the contact.

 Filter the mailing lists

  1.  From the dashboard, click the Contacts module.
  2. Tap the Filter icon.
  3. Filter based on the users who created it or the folder in which it's saved.
  4. Click the sort icon to change the order of sorting (recently created or alphabetical order).          
  1. Click Clear All in the top-right corner to clear the filter.
  2. The sort option is available next to the Search icon

Contacts and list summary

 List summary provides an overview of the number of contacts you have in your mailing lists and other important details, such as:
  1. Unsubscribes
  2. Bounces
  3. Number of campaigns sent to the selected list
  4. Segments under the list
  5. List growth
 To view the List Summary,
 From the Navigation toolbar, click the Contacts tab and select the required list.

 List Growth

A time-based graph highlights the number of contacts added to your mailing lists over a month's time, or in the timespan when contacts were added to the list most recently.

 User Agent Stats

This gives you information regarding all the devices and software used by the user to open your email campaign.
  1. Devices and Operating Systems provides information about the various devices (computer, tablet, and mobile) and operating systems (Android, Linux, Windows, and Apple) used to open your email campaigns.
  2.  Email Clients lists out the different email clients, such as Outlook, Lotus Notes, Thunderbird, and Apple Mail, used by contacts to receive your email campaigns.
  3. Browsers lists out the different web browsers, such as Firefox, Chrome, Internet Explorer, Safari, Opera, used to access your email campaigns.

Response tab

There is a separate Response tab that shows the location of the contacts (of the selected list) who have responded to campaigns sent to them, contact classification, and campaign activity in the last six months.
response tab



This section enables you to control certain aesthetic and functional properties of the Zoho Campaigns app.
 To view Settings:
  1. Open Campaigns application.
  2. Click the profile icon in the top-left corner of the Dashboard.


 Account Information

View your current subscription plan here. You'll have an Upgrade button if you're currently a free user. You can click Upgrade here to visit the pricing page, where you can upgrade your account.
 Paid users can only upgrade or downgrade their subscription in the web application.


View the list of associated portals you're currently a part of. You can accept invites for new portals from here.


Workspace refers to a collection of teams, people, and resources within an organization portal. View the list of workspaces you are added to and also switch between workspaces whenever necessary.

Dashboard data

Set whether you want to see data of the entire organization or only your data in the app dashboard.

Demo mode

Use this option to explore the features and functionalities offered by this application. You can get a head start on exploring the app in this mode. Once you're done exploring, click the Exit Demo option to return to your account.


Choose the appearance of your app: Auto, Light, or Dark mode.
Auto mode (which is the default mode) means the app will update the appearance of the app according to the appearance settings configured in your device.

 Text size

Set the text size for your entire application. Enable the Use System Text Size option to use the text size set by your device.

 Card size

Choose from one of the following options to customize how you want to display Campaign data in the app:
  1. Compact
  2. Cozy
  3. Comfortable

 App Icon

Change the appearance of your app icon from one of the following options:
app icon


Turn on the Show Notifications toggle to get notifications. You can also choose the appearance  of the notification, between Overview, Heading, or No Preview.

 Smart action

Set and customize in-app notifications for important activities like Campaign paused, choose a winner and scheduled campaign launch and Campaign reviewed.

Home screen quick actions

Choose actions you want as shortcuts when you long-press the app in home screen. 

Default browser

This will be useful when you want to view a certain report or piece of data from the mobile browser. Choose a default browser for you app using this option. You can choose from any of the browser apps on your device. 

Siri shortcuts

Set and customize Siri shortcuts for set of actions available in this section. You can set Siri shortcuts by setting the key instruction under When I say and choose the corresponding action under Do.


You can set the haptics for positive actions (Status change, A/B winner results, review completed), negative actions (bounce, bulk import pending) and default haptics (closing a menu, button taps, and other basic in-app navigations). Haptics are used to inform you the above-listed actions are done when you're using the Campaigns application.


View the widgets options available in this section. However, you can only add widgets from the home screen of your device.


Turn the passcode option for the app on or off. You can set your passcode as a pin or enable TouchID or Face ID.

 Privacy & Security

In this section, we give you the list of app data shared with Apple server or the relevant device to enable the functioning of several additional features. You can enable or disable any feature in the list.

 Import History

View the contact import history in this section. Click on a specific import to view the relevant details.
Import Contacts History

 Reset Application

Click this to reset the application and delete all the data stored in the device, and to reset the app to the default setting.

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