Deleting an Approval Level

Deleting an Approval Level

To delete an approval level,
  1. In your form builder, navigate to the Approvals tab.
  2. Under Levels, select the approval level that you wish to delete.

    Approvals Tab

  3. Click the delete icon in the top right corner of the chosen level. If there are no pending records, the level will be deleted immediately. However, if there are pending records, a pop-up will appear, alerting you to review the records before proceeding with deletion.

    Delete a level

Deleting a Level with Pending Records

Zoho Forms currently prevents deleting a level if there are records waiting for approval at that level, ensuring all records are processed appropriately before any structural changes are made.
Thus, to delete an approval level, the pending entries must be reviewed by either
  1. The approver 
  2. The approval admin 

Steps for the Approver to Review the Form Entries

  1. In your Zoho Forms account, navigate to left panel and click the Approvals section.

    Approval Section

  2. You'll see a list of forms in which you are assigned as an approver. Select the desired form, which will direct you to the My Pending Entries page.
  3. If you are an approver for multiple levels, use the level filter in the top-right corner to quickly view and review the entries at a specific approval level.
  4. To review an entry, hover it and click the more icon. Select Review to approve/deny the entry.

    Reviewing Approvals

  5. To review multiple entries simultaneously, select all the desired entries and click the Review Selected option to approve or deny entries in bulk.

    Bulk Review

Steps for the Approval Admin to Review the Form Entries

As a approval admin, you can view all entries submitted for a form, regardless of the approval level they are currently in. So if a particular level has to be deleted, the approval admin can step in and review all the pending entries at that level behalf of an approver. This allows them to smoothly delete a level without causing delays in approval process.
    To do so,
    1. In your Zoho Forms account, navigate to the left panel and click the Approvals section.
    2. From the list of forms, select the form awaiting your approval. It will direct you to the My Pending Entries page.
    3. Select All Pending Entries from the dropdown in the top left corner to view pending entries at all levels.

      All Pending Entries

    4. To filter out the entries pending at a particular level, use the level filter in the top right corner. 

      Selecting specific level

    5. Hover the entry you want to review and click the more icon. Select Review to approve or deny or skip the levels of an entry.

      Review an entry

    Reviewing Entries

    While reviewing an entry, the following actions can be performed:
    1. Approve/Deny an entry
    2. Approve/Deny on behalf 
    3. Skip all levels

    Approve/Deny an Entry

    The approver or the approval admin can review a form entry and decide to approve and move the entry to next approval level or deny the entry and preventing further progress through the approval workflow.

    Approve/Deny on Behalf

    The approval admin can execute the approval process by reviewing an entry on behalf of another approver. This is helpful in situations where the original approver is unavailable or unable to act on a pending entry. To do this, the approval admin needs to
    1. Selects the desired approver from the Approve on behalf of dropdown.
    2. Choose Approve or Deny.
    Note: A record of this action is maintained in Level History and the Form Approval History field in Approval-Entries page.

    Approve on behalf

    Skip All Levels

    The Skip All Levels option grants approval admin the authority to bypass the entire approval workflow for a specific entry. By selecting this option, the approval admin can immediately approve or deny a entry without going through the hierarchy of approvals. 

    Skip all levels

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