Zoho Recruit | Sending Out Bulk Email

Mass Email

Communication with clients/candidates is an important activity in any business scenario. One of the best ways of communicating is through email. Zoho Recruit provides the option of using email to reach a large number of clients by sending mass emails. You can also create auto responders, schedule mass emails, and create email templates that are ready to use.



  • The Mass Email feature is available only for the Candidates and Contacts Module. In Zoho Recruit, you can send mass emails to candidates with respect to your business requirements. For example, you can send updates, or personalized follow-up email to the candidates in bulk. While sending mass emails to candidates, you can choose a predefined template for the message from various email templates. Mass emails can be sent in the following ways:
    • Sending Mass Emails manually
    • Scheduling Mass Emails
  • Before sending emails, ensure that the record contains a valid email address.
  • Emails will not be delivered to the records with an invalid email address.
  • You can also try the Zoho Campaigns Integration to use the candidates and clients in Recruit to carry out email campaigns. Additionally, you can track the clicks, bounce rates etc. and use the standard templates for the emails from within Zoho Campaigns.


  • Save time in sending emails to an entire list of customers.
  • Create new mailing lists based on business requirements.
  • Schedule emails to send at a specific time, according to your convenience.
  • Allow customers to subscribe or unsubscribe from the mailing list using Email opt-out.

Email Limits

In Zoho Recruit, you can send either bulk emails or individual emails. Following are the limits for sending emails based on your account's Edition.

For Individual Emails

The email limit for the organization will be calculated based on the total number of confirmed and active users in the account.

  • You cannot send bulk or mass emails in the Free edition. 
  • Standard edition - 250 emails per day. 
  • Professional edition - 500 emails per day.
  • Enterprise edition - 750 emails per day.
  • 12 AM to 11.59 PM GMT is considered as one day.
    For example, you have 5 active and confirmed users in your organization’s account. Then the total number of individual emails that a user can send per day, per organization will be up to 1500 (300 x 5) emails.

For Mass Emails

  • You can send mass emails based on your Zoho Recruit Edition. 12 AM to 11.59 PM GMT is considered as one day, to calculate the email count.
  • The mass emails per day, per company includes Autoresponders, active email SchedulersMacros, and Mass emails.
  • You can also increase the mass email limit up to 2250 per day, per organization for an additional cost. Please write to us at support@zohorecruit.com to increase your mass email limit.

Send Mass Emails

In Zoho Recruit, you can send mass emails to customers manually, by creating a new mailing list or by using an existing list. You can select the list of recipients in two ways:

  • Instant Filter (creating New Custom View)
  • Existing Custom View



  • The Mass Email feature is available only in the Candidates and Clients modules. See Also Email Limits 
  • You need to create email templates before sending mass emails. See Also Email Templates 
  • Bounced email notifications for mass emails are not tracked in Zoho Recruit.
    However, if the user has configured Zoho Mail Addon, notifications about bounced emails can be tracked only for individual emails (but not mass emails). The notifications are sent to the user's primary email address that has been configured.


Profile Permission Required: Users with the Mass Email Candidates/Contacts permission in profile can access this feature.

To send mass emails

  1. Click the [Module] tab.
    Module refers to Candidates, Clients, Contacts, etc. tabs.
  2. In the [Module] Home page, click More icon > Mass Email [Module ].
  3. In the Mass Email page, by default, the system displays the Email Template tab
  4. Under the Email Template tab, do the following:
  • Select the Template from the list.
    Note, that you cannot edit the email content here.
  • Next, you have to enter the email addresses in the From and Reply to fields.
    Here you can choose one of these option in the drop-down list:
    • your account email address
    • organization email address
    • email address of the record owner
    • the email address from templates
  • Click the New Template link to create a template.
  • Under the Select Records tab, do the following:
  • Click Custom View Criteria, and then Select Custom View from the list, or
  • Click Manual Criteria, to search and select the required records manually.
    The system will display only those records that contain an email address. While sending mass emails to candidates, you can also specify the criteria based on the fields in the Clients module.
  • Click Send.
  • Email address from template option will be available if you have already configured from and reply to in templates.

Schedule Mass Email

This feature allows you to schedule bulk emails to be sent to selected Candidates or Contacts. For example, you want to send an email to customers at 10 AM PST, but you have an important meeting at that time. You can schedule the email to be sent at that specific time by using the Mass Email Scheduler, even in your absence.



Profile Permission Required: Users with the Mass Email Candidates/Contacts permission in profile can access this feature.



  • For a given scheduled time only three mass email processes are possible. See Also Email Limits 
  1. Click the Candidates or Contacts tab.
  2. In the Module list view page, click More icon > Schedule Mass Email.
  3. Click New Mass Mail Schedule.
  4. In the New Mass Mail Scheduler page, do the following:
    • Enter the Mass Mail Scheduler Name.
    • Select the Custom View from the list.
    • Select the Email Template from the list. See Also Email Templates 
    • Click the New Template link to create a template.
    • Next, you have to enter the email addresses in the From and Reply to fields.
      Here you can choose one of these option in the drop-down list:
      • your account email address
      • organization email address
      • email address of the record owner
    • Select the Active check box.
      Only when you select the Active check box, will the scheduled emails be delivered.
    • Enter the Start Date and Time to schedule the emails. Enter the date in MM/DD/YYYY format, or select the date from the calendar displayed. Select the hours and minutes from the respective lists.
  5. Click Save.
    The system displays the View Mass Mail Schedule page.
  6. Click Edit or Delete, as required.
  7. Click Go Back. The created Scheduler is displayed under Mass Mail Schedulers.

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