How to update custom field for each invoice item by deluge ?
I have below code to try to update custom field named "Com".
When I run it, I get this error message
"{"code":15,"message":"Please ensure that the invoice_items has less than 100 characters."}"
The reason I tried this way is because I didn't find how to update only "Com" custom field for each item on invoice.
It's best If I can update only that field. (Please let me know If you know this way) but I couldn't find it.
So I just get all invoice_items field and then add new custom field inside then try to update but I get characters limit error.
Please help me if you know how to solve this issue.
Thank you.
- invoiceID = invoice.get("invoice_id");
- organizationID = organization.get("organization_id");
- salesperson_name = invoice.get("salesperson_name");
- invoice_items = invoice.get("invoice_items");
- custom_fields = invoice.get("custom_fields");
- sale_type = "";
- for each item in custom_fields
- {
- label = item.get("label");
- if(label == "Sale Type")
- {
- sale_type = item.get("value");
- }
- }
- invoice_items = invoice.get("invoice_items");
- new_invoice_items = List();
- for each item in invoice_items
- {
- item_custom_fields = item.get("item_custom_fields");
- type = "";
- for each item2 in item_custom_fields
- {
- label = item2.get("label");
- if(label == "Type")
- {
- type = item2.get("value");
- }
- }
- product_name = item.get("name");
- splitProductname = product_name.toList("-");
- commision_detail = zoho.crm.searchRecords("commsions_structure","(" + salesperson_name + ") and (" + splitProductname.get(0) + ") and (Sale_Type:equals:" + sale_type + ") and (Type:equals:" + type + ")");
- if(commision_detail.size() > 0)
- {
- commision = commision_detail.get(0).get("Commission");
- }
- CustomField = Map();
- CustomField.put("label","Com");
- CustomField.put("value",5);
- item.put(CustomField);
- new_invoice_items.add(item);
- }
- test = List();
- test.add(new_invoice_items);
- values = Map();
- values.put("invoice_items",test);
- response = zoho.invoice.update("Invoices",organizationID,"3878353000003769092",values,"zohoinvoice");
- info response;
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