Client Script | Update - Introducing Subform Events and Actions
Are you making the most of your subforms in Zoho CRM? Do you wish you could automate subform interactions and enhance user experience effortlessly? What if you had Client APIs and events specifically designed for subforms? We are thrilled to introduce
User Tips: Auto-Create Opportunity/Deal upon Quote Save (PART 1)
Problem: We use quotes which convert to sales order but Users / Sales Reps do not create opportunities / deals and go straight to creating a quote. This leads to poor reporting. Implementing this solution improves reporting and makes it easier for users.
ZDC Hackathon 2024 Category-wise Winners !
Zoho CRM Client Script Hey everyone! After rigorous evaluation by our 14 expert judges, we’re beyond excited to announce that two incredible teams have won the Zoho CRM Client Script – Product Category award for their outstanding innovations! Team 1:
New Customization options in the module builder: Quick Create and Detail view
Hello everyone, We have introduced two new components to the module builder: Quick create and Detail view. The Quick Create Component It is a mini form used to create a record and associate it to the parent record from a lookup field. For example, if you have a Deals lookup in the Contacts module, then you can associate existing deals or create a deal and associate it with the contact. You can customize this Quick Create form by adding standard as well as custom fields. There is no limit to the number
Quickly review loan applications for maximum efficiency | Kiosk Studio Session #5
Hello everyone, Let's take a lending institution as the context for this session. A lot of people apply for loans, and the process of reviewing these applications can be labor-intensive and time-consuming. This process is handled by loan officers and
Enrich your CRM data and keep them updated
You spend a lot of your time and efforts in generating quality leads for your business. While generating leads is a challenge in itself, the real deal begins when sales reps try to nurture these leads and convert them as customers. So how equipped is your sales team with information about your leads matters a lot. For example, you might be using webforms to generate leads and collect customer information from your website. The lesser your webform fields are, the more your sign-ups right? From optimizing
Canvas rules
I see that we can create canvas rules. However, all I see is a way to define criteria that will control when a Canvas Rule is applied. However, I can't find a ways to define the settings that would be applied when the criteria are met for the Canvas Rule.
Styling for Subform Fields using client script
Currently we can add styles to list and detail page for fields using .addstyle in the Client Script But that is missing for fields of Subform We would really like the feature to addstyle for subforms in the detail page Can you please consider adding it,
Resubmit for Approval for Zoho Books Module in CRM
The integration between CRM and Books is great, but it is incomplete in many areas. One of them is if an estimate/invoice/sales order is rejected, the users in CRM cannot resubmit it for approval. Let's face it, sales people will mostly be in CRM and
Create Quote does not show the "Product Description" entered as part of the Product setup.
The product description created as part of the product setup page, does not show in the Create Quote module; The module allows for an additional description to be added but without access to the original stored description. By selecting the product from the "Product Name Lookup" pop-up, the "Product Description" part should be populated from the product record where the user is allowed to further modify it.
Sync CRM inventory data with Zoho Books
I just switched everything over to ZoHo books, but I am trying to find out why the CRM Estimates, Invoices, and Sales Orders created in ZoHo CRM are not then duplicated in ZoHo Books? I had Quickbooks before, and had to do everything twice, I thought
Zoho CRM and Books integration (related list) column customization
I was wondering if it's possible to add more cloumns (more informations) inside the related list that we get when we enable the integration. As you see we would like to be able to add more information on the invoice (or the same for PO in vendor).
Manipulate the Date Time field using deluge
To update the DateTime field using deluge. CurrentVar = zoho.currenttime; TimeVar = zoho.currentdate + " 10:00:00"; if(CurrentVar > TimeVar.todatetime()) { CurrentNew = zoho.currenttime.toTime("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss").toString("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss+04:00");
Configure Notes Title for Blueprint Transition
It'd be very helpful to be able to configure note titles on blueprint transitions when requiring notes. This would help tie back the history of notes to the blueprint actions. We have some approval processes in our blueprint and require notes for the
Cannot set Subform Multiline field to read-only using Client Script
I am using client script to set different subform fields as read-only It works for Single Line Fields, but when I try to set a Multiline field as Read-only it doesn't work var subform = ZDK.Page.getSubform("Subform_1"); var item_Code_old = subform.getField('Item_Code_Old').setReadOnly(true);
A way to view the sales of leads conversion that were successful
Hi there, I have a question about this analytic component that can be selected in the dashboard. Currently it shows the conversion rate of leads plus how many leads went to deals and how many won deals. I want to be able to view how much sales the lead
Lookup Field Values In BulkRead
I am pulling cases from the Zoho Case module using the BulkRead API. However, I am receiving IDs (random numbers) as field values. I later discovered that if I include column_name.Name in the returned fields, I get the actual value. However, this approach
CRM portal users can now log in using their mobile phone numbers
Hello everyone! You can now invite portal users using their mobile phone numbers. These portal users will be able to log in using their mobile number and OTP. Templates for these portal-related SMS can be customized as per your needs. This enhancement
Menu Bar
Hi, Please guide how to change menu bar from vertical to horizontal
Confirmation prompt before a custom button action is triggered
Have you ever created a custom button and just hoped that you/your users are prompted first to confirm the action? Well, Zoho knows this concept. For example, in blueprint, whenever we want to advance to the next state by clicking the transition, it is
Kaizen #78 : How to disable clone record?
Hello everyone! Welcome back to another interesting Kaizen post. In this post, let us discuss a workaround solution for the use case - How to disable clone record for a user. Requirement Consider that you want to disable the clone option for the Deals
Mass-Delete-Action over API doesn't work because of scope
Hi all, we're currently trying to mass delete 40000 deals from our CRM, that we have already put into a custom view. I'm not that used to the API, but I managed to authenticate by with Postman and going by the
Add Serial Number Zoho CRM Subform
Hi Guys, I need to add Serial Number in Zoho CRM Subform table. In addition of an row we can easily create in Zoho Creator. But in Zoho CRM how we can do that? Any suggestion would be very helpful.
Access Sales Order line Items in Deluge
Does anyone have a Deluge snippet that shows how to access an Order_Items from a Sales_Order? Thanks in advance! Brenedn
Is there an equivalent to the radius search in RECRUIT available in the CRM
We have a need to find all Leads and/or Contacts within a given radius of a given location (most likely postcode) but also possibly an address. I was wondering whether anyone has found a way to achieve this in the CRM much as the radius search in RECRUIT
Field Updated based off Call Status
I'm trying to create a Field Update where: When Call Status is Completed Lead/Contact/Account Description field with the information in the "Outcome Of Outgoing Call" Description field. Once our sales team finishes their calls and they add a description
Why is this an Invalid Collection String Error?
Here's the code snippet: Enddate = EventEnd.toDate("yyyy-MM-dd"); EventCollection = Collection(); EventCollection = zoho.crm.searchRecords("Events", "(End_DateTime:starts_with:"+Enddate+")"); for each eventday in EventCollection { //create a list of events
Report of Leads/Accounts/Deals with no open activities
How can we replicate the option in filter to only show Leads/Accounts/Deals with no open activities ? The option is present in the filters (please find screenshot) but I am unable to find them in the report. Thanks
Issues with completing calls using ZohoCRM and RingCentral
My company has been a multi year customer. We have always used RingCentral for making our sales calls. In a normal call, we are presented a green button next to the phone number of either a company or contact we want to call. Lately, after a few calls,
Remove Special Characters "\" using Zoho Deluge
Who needs this? I don't know! I did, and I sure did not find any helpful information out there, not with this keyword though. So, if you find this article because you searched the same thing as I do, then hey, you're in luck! And do note that I am not
Which WhatsApp API works seamlessly with Zoho CRM?
I’m exploring WhatsApp API solutions that integrate seamlessly with Zoho CRM for customer communication, lead nurturing, and automation. I would love to hear insights from those who have successfully implemented WhatsApp within Zoho CRM. My Requirements:
Multi Select Between Modules
Hi, I'm not sure if this is possible, but I want to "import" or "mirror" the multi select options from one module to another. For example... I have Module "Clients" with a Multi Select Field of "Enrolled Services" I also have a Module "Services" with
Using IMAP configuration for shared email inboxes
Our customer service team utilizes shared email boxes to allow multiple people to view and handle incoming customer requests. For example, the customer sends an email to and multiple people can view it and handle the request. How can I configure
How to disable clone record for a user?
Hi, I'd like to disable clone records for some of my users in zoho crm. How can I go about doing that? Regards, CRM
Importing into Multiselect Picklist
Hi, We just completed a trade show and one of the bits of information we collect is tool style. The application supplied by the show set this up as individual questions. For example, if the customer used Thick Turret and Trumpf style but not Thin Turret,
Kaizen #177: Duplicate Check Preferences API vs. Upsert API
Hello all!!! Welcome back to another week of Kaizen. Last week, we discussed Optimizing the Use of Record ID Variables in Zoho CRM Queries. This week, we will explore two important APIs for managing duplicate records in Zoho CRM - Duplicate Check Preferences
How do you manage sales forecasts by deal when you're a SaaS (subscription) provider?
Hello, I was wondering how you forecast revenue as a SaaS? Because my LTV moves all the time and I was thinking of updating the amount of each deal in the pipeline according to my LTV stripe, but is it possible?
Delay Function
Hello, I would like to emphasize the importance of incorporating a delay functionality within custom functions, particularly in the context of integrating multiple platforms. As I understand, a delay function is not available by default in Zoho. However,
Doesn't Catch Duplicate Accounts
Zoho is very bad at catching duplicate accounts. If we have an account in Zoho, and we import the same account but with "Inc." or "LLC", it doesn't catch it, it just duplicates it. When importing from another app (like ZoomInfo) I set it to catch duplicates
Set Custom Icon for Custom Modules in new Zoho CRM UI
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