Install the iOS Core Framework for the User App | Zoho Creator Help

iOS core framework

This help page is for users in Creator 6. If you are in the older version (Creator 5), click here. Know your Creator version.
The core framework of Creator's iOS SDK allows you to create a custom UI and build an iOS app using the data present in your Creator application for your users.


Note: If your Mac is powered by Apple Silicon (M1, M2, etc.), then you should run Xcode with Rosetta enabled.

When using Xcode 15 on Apple Silicon Macs (i.e., M1, M2 chips) instead of Intel Macs, we currently only support running in the Simulator under Rosetta destinations.

Register your iOS app with Zoho

Registering your iOS app with Zoho generates a Client ID and Client Secret combination. These are required to allow your iOS app to integrate with your Creator application. To register your iOS app with Zoho,

  1. Click Mobile from the left pane.
  2. Click on the required row of the iOS app for which you want to configure the core framework. The For User - SDK  right pane will open. 

  3. Click the Generate Client.

  4. This will generate the Client ID, Client secret, and RedirectURI for the iOS app that you want to integrate with your Creator application.

  5. Download the  ZCAppInfo.plist file and add it to your project.

Install the iOS core framework for the user app

  1. Install the Zoho Creator SDK using Pod:
    target 'Demo' do
    pod 'ZohoAuth'
    pod 'ZCCoreFramework'
    post_install do |installer|
    installer.generated_projects.each do |project|
    project.targets.each do |target|
    target.build_configurations.each do |config|
    config.build_settings['CODE_SIGNING_ALLOWED'] = 'NO'
    config.build_settings['IPHONEOS_DEPLOYMENT_TARGET'] = '13.0'

  2. Add the following statement to your bridging header:
    #import <ZohoAuthKit/ZohoAuth.h> 
  3. Import  ZCCoreFramework  to use Zoho Creator iOS SDK's core framework:
     import ZCCoreFramework
  4. Configure your project with the following code, for example in the SceneDelegate file:
    class SceneDelegate: UIResponder, UIWindowSceneDelegate {
     var window: UIWindow?
      func scene(_ scene: UIScene, willConnectTo session: UISceneSession, options connectionOptions: UIScene.ConnectionOptions) {
       if let windowScene = scene as? UIWindowScene {
        let window = UIWindow(windowScene: windowScene)
       // ZohoAuth Configuration
       let scope = ["aaaserver.profile.READ","zohocontacts.userphoto.READ","ZohoContacts.contactapi.READ","ZohoCreator.meta.CREATE","ZohoCreator.meta.READ","ZohoCreator.meta.UPDATE","ZohoCreator.meta.DELETE","","","","","Stratus.stratusop.READ","ZohoCRM.modules.READ","ZohoCRM.users.READ"]
       let clientID = "<Your Client ID>"
       let clientSecret = "<Your Client Secret>"
       let urlScheme = "<Your Url Scheme>"
       let accountsUrl = "" // enter the accounts URL of your respective DC. For eg: EU users use ''.
       ZohoAuth.initWithClientID(clientID, clientSecret: clientSecret, scope: scope, urlScheme: urlScheme, mainWindow: window, accountsURL: accountsUrl)
       // To verify if the app is already logged in
       ZohoAuth.getOauth2Token {
        (token, error) in
        if token == nil {
         // Not logged in
        } else {
         // App logged in already.
         // Ensure to use the following line of code in your iOS app before you utilize any of Creator SDK’s methods
         Creator.configure(delegate: self)
     func scene(_ scene: UIScene, openURLContexts URLContexts: Set <UIOpenURLContext> ) {
      if let context = URLContexts.first {
       let _ = ZohoAuth.handleURL(context.url,
        sourceApplication: context.options.sourceApplication,
        annotation: context.options.annotation)
    extension SceneDelegate: ZCCoreFrameworkDelegate {
      func oAuthToken(with completion: @escaping AccessTokenCompletion) {
       ZohoAuth.getOauth2Token {
        (token, error) in
        completion(token, error)
      func configuration() -> CreatorConfiguration {
       return CreatorConfiguration(creatorURL:"") // enter the creator URL of your respective data center (DC). For eg: EU users must use

    Code to add Zoho login to your iOS app:

    func showLoginScreen() {
     ZohoAuth.presentZohoSign( in: {
      (token, error) in
      if token != nil {
       // success login
       // Ensure to use the following line of code in your iOS app before you utilize any of Creator SDK’s methods
       Creator.configure(delegate: self)

    Code to provision logout from Zoho:
    func logout() {
     ZohoAuth.revokeAccessToken {
      (error) in
      if error == nil {
       //Logout Successfully
      else {
       //Error Occurred


  1. I'm a M1 Mac user and I'm facing issues while adding dependencies. What should I do?
    To proceed further, please use the arch=x86_64 pod install command.


  1. Refer to the  examples  page for sample code snippets.
  2. Please refer to our  iOS SDK documentation  for detailed information about the various SDK methods.
  3. Familiarize yourself with Mobile SDK for iOS by trying out our sample application  here.
  4. To configure push notifications for iOS, refer  here.



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