1. What does this page cover?
Learn how employees can raise procurement requests and track their status through out the process.
Understand more about
requests in detail.

Log in to the procurement app using your employee credentials to access the Employee Requests feature.
2. Overview of Employee Request
The Employee Requests feature in the Procurement app allows you to submit and track various procurement-related requests efficiently. This module streamlines the submission process for PRs initiated exclusively by employees, facilitating smoother communication between employees and the procurement team.
It's important to note that these employee-raised requests are essentially Procurement Requests (PRs).
Managers and Finance team can raise their procurement requests separately when there is a need (link to be added).
2.1. Steps to Create Employee Request
1. When an employee logs in they see a dashboard similar to the image below.
The +New Request button can be used to create a new request.
2. In the New Request pane, fill in all the required information and click Create to submit a new request.
In shipping address, you can choose a pre-saved location. Check this document to understand more about locations (link to be added shortly).
Take a look at our
Understanding Projects document for detailed information on projects and manage them effectively (link to be added shortly).
3. The newly created request, with the Request ID PR-420, will now appear at the top of the list in My Requests.
Note: The newly created PR will have the Pending status by default, as depicted in the image above. From here it will have to go through the complete procurement process commencing from approvals.
4. To view request details, click on any request from the list which will open the Request Summary page.
The timeline at the top helps give a quick glance at the status of the request.
It has five stages, namely:
- Requested: When a PR is raised by the user
- Waiting for Manager Approval: When PR is awaiting approval from Manager
- Waiting for Finance Approval: When PR is awaiting approval from the Finance team
- Procurement: When the PR is with the procurement team for processing, includes vendor order management.
- Purchase: When the purchase is completed
- Completion: When the PR is completed full filled including purchase completion and product dispatch.
3. Relate Articles
Finance Requests