View customer details and deals from Highrise in Zoho Desk. Manage contacts, deals, and activities between Highrise and Zoho Desk. Add new customers and deals to Highrise from Zoho Desk. This integration makes it easy to understand customer's details so that you can better prioritize and manage tickets in Zoho Desk.
Installing Highrise
The Highrise extension can be installed from the Zoho Marketplace or from your Zoho Desk account. - Log in to your Zoho Desk account with administrator privileges.
- Click the Setup (
) > Integration > Marketplace. - Search for 'Highrise' in the search bar on the right.
- Select Highrise for Zoho Desk and click Install.
- In the Highrise Installation Setup page, select profiles whose agents can access the extension in Zoho Desk.
- Agree to the Terms of Use and click Install.
- Click Authorize and select the portal in which you want to install the extension.
- Click Authorize in the pop-up to authorize your Highrise account.
Upon successful installation, the extension can be accessed from the left tab of the ticket detail page.
Accessing the extension from the ticket detail page
The extension can be accessed through the ticket detail page.
To access the extension:
- Open a ticket from your portal.
- Click the Highrise icon (
) on the left side of the ticket detail page.
The Highrise widget will be displayed in the left tab of the ticket detail page.
The Contacts tab of the widget helps you to manage contacts. If the details of the customer associated with a ticket are available in Highrise, they will be displayed in this tab. If the details are not available, you can add them to Highrise.
- Click the Contacts tab.
The Name, Email, Mobile Number, and Organization of the customer will be displayed.
- Click the Create Contact button to add customer details to Highrise.
- Enter the Name (first name is mandatory) and Mobile Number of the customer.
The Email field will be auto-populated from the ticket. - Click Create.
The details of the customer will be added to the Contacts module of Highrise.
Managing Deals
The Deals tab of the widget to view information about the deals associated with a customer. If the details of the deals associated with a customer are available in Highrise, they will be displayed in this tab. If the details are not present, you can add them to Highrise.
- The Title, Value, and Status of the latest five deals associated with a customer will be displayed in a tabular format.
- Click View more to get more information about deals.
You will be redirected to the Highrise page. - Click Add Deals.
Viewing Tasks
- Click the Tasks tab to view the details of past and future engagement with the customer.
- Click Link to get the task added under Activities subtab in the ticket.
- Click Add New.
- Select either Contact or Deal from the drop down.
- Enter the contact's Name, Email, and Mobile Number, then click Create.
- Enter Deal Title and Deal Value, then click Add.
- Once a Contact is added manually, their org details must also be updated.
- When a Deal is added, the contact details related to the deal should also be updated.
Uninstalling the extension
You can uninstall the Google Play Reviews for Zoho Desk extension at any time. Once uninstalled, your agents cannot track app reviews from inside Zoho Desk.
- Go to Setup > Integration > Marketplace. Click the Setup icon (
) in the top bar.
- Click All under Marketplace.
- Click Installed Extensions.
- Choose Highrise from the list of extensions.
- Click the More icon (
) in the upper-right corner of the Highrise extension setup page.
- Select Uninstall Extension.
- Click Confirm to uninstall the extension.
- When the Highrise extension is uninstalled, all widgets that were created will be deleted.