When will Zoho Marketing Automation suspend a campaign

When will Zoho Marketing Automation suspend a campaign

At Zoho Marketing Automation, we are committed to offering a safe email experience for our users, which is why we built an efficient email infrastructure that wards off malicious emails with ease. We thoroughly scrutinize all the campaigns sent by users to identify patterns that point to spam. Our anti-spam system will validate all campaigns and the sending practices associated with them. If our anti-spam system finds anomalies in a campaign's content and sending practices, we will suspend the campaign. Let's dive deep and learn more about the reasons your campaign may get suspended:

Blacklisted sender domain and IP address

At Zoho Marketing Automation, if a user uses a blacklisted sender domain or a blacklisted IP address to send campaigns, we will suspend the campaign. We urge our users to ensure that the sender domain and the IP address earns a positive reputation and stays in the good books of mailbox providers and anti-spam services. We also recommend users check the blacklists once in a while and ensure that their sender domain and the IP address is not listed in them. 

Issues with the email content

Blacklisted URLs  

Major mailbox service providers and anti-spam services are hugely concerned about the URLs used in emails and may deny inbox placement if the URLs are found to be blacklisted. At Zoho Marketing Automation, if our users use blacklisted URLs in their campaigns, we will temporarily suspend campaign sending for those users.

Shortened URLs and URLs with multiple redirects 

Mailbox providers consider shortened URLs and URLs with multiple redirects to be suspicious. While scanning incoming emails, if the receiving servers of mailbox providers find shortened URLs and URLs with multiple redirects, they may either flag your email as spam or quarantine the email. To prevent this, we will suspend the campaigns that contain shortened, broken, invalid URLs, and URLs with multiple redirects.

Broken URLs 

Broken URLs are those that don't work. When email recipients click a broken URL, they will see a 404 Error page. When the receiving servers of mailbox providers find broken URLs in the email message, they mark the email as spam. 
A direct download link is URL that can be used to download files directly rather than visiting a website and downloading it from there. Spammers often use direct download links to spread malicious software. So, our anti-spam system will suspend campaigns that contain direct download links.

Inappropriate or suspicious content  

Our anti-spam engine scrutinizes all the campaigns sent by our users. While scanning the campaign, we look for spam trigger words, pornographic content, and content related to restricted businesses mentioned in our terms of use. If a campaign contains such content, we will suspend the campaign and block the user's account.

Issues with the mailing list

When the source of the mailing list is suspicious  

At Zoho Marketing Automation, we will assess all the attributes of an email campaign before approving it. This includes the mailing lists as well. While reviewing a campaign, if we consider the source of the mailing list to be suspicious, we will suspend the campaign and ask the user to offer detailed information about the source of the signups.

Poor mailing list quality

If a lot of the recipients negatively engage with a campaign sent by a user, it may be due to the quality of the mailing list. In such situations, we will temporarily suspend campaign sending and verify the quality of the mailing list. We will request the user to prune the mailing lists. If the user hasn't brought back inactive contacts to the active state and removed disengaged contacts, we will not allow the user to send campaigns. We do this to prevent further damage to our sender domain and IP address. We'll only approve campaigns if the user cleans the mailing list and adopts hygienic email sending practices.

Spam trap hits 

A spam trap is an email address that doesn't belong to anyone and that can't be used for any communication. Mailbox service providers use these email addresses to identify spammers and email senders with unhygienic practices. If your campaign hits spam traps, it will incur a negative reputation for the sender domain and the IP address. At Zoho Marketing Automation, we take spam trap hits seriously. If campaigns sent by any of our users hit spam traps, we will temporarily suspend email sending for the user.

Spam and abuse complaints

At Zoho Marketing Automation, we address spam and abuse complaints with the utmost care and work to resolve them as soon as possible. Whenever your contacts mark your emails as spam, it will affect not only your business but also our sender domain, IP address, and other users using the system. It also damages our reputation with mailbox service providers and anti-spam services.
We have mentioned the threshold value for spam complaint rates in our terms of use. When the spam rate of a campaign sent by a user exceeds the threshold value, we will stop sending the campaign.

High bounce rate

Bounces occur when sent email can't be delivered. A high bounce rate will incur a negative reputation for the sender domain and IP address. This will affect deliverability for other users using our sender domain and IP address. Also, a high bounce rate will push us into the bad books of the mailbox service providers and anti-spam services. At Zoho Marketing Automation, we have defined the threshold values for hard bounces and mentioned it in our terms of use. When the hard bounce rate of a campaign sent by our users exceeds the threshold value, we will temporarily suspend campaign sending for the user.

High unsubscribes

Mailbox service providers closely monitor email engagement to make inbox decisions. If your campaign receives a lot of unsubscribes, it will incur a negative reputation for the sender domain and IP address. This will severely affect inbox placement for other users using the IP address. At Zoho Marketing Automation, we have mentioned in our terms of use that the unsubscribes count should not be greater than the click rate. If a campaign sent by a user receives a lot of unsubscribes, we will temporarily suspend campaign sending for the user.
At Zoho Marketing Automation, we strive hard to offer a safe email experience for our users, which is why we have built a super-efficient anti-spam engine that helps us effortlessly identify and thwart spam. We also urge businesses to adopt hygienic email sending practices so that they can improve email deliverability and maximize their conversions.

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