Creating a budget | Online Help - Zoho Marketing Plus

Creating a budget

A budget can be created in Marketing Plus by adding the following information:
Budget Type: Marketing Plus lets you configure budget either quarterly, monthly, or annually.
  1. Quarterly: The budget period will be split into 4 quarters and appropriate marketing budget can be defined for each quarter. With this, you can get a detailed overview on the budget vs spend for each quarter and also get an aggregate report for the entire year.

  2. Monthly: This option lets you set a budget for each month. Businesses with a varying budget allocation will find it easy to manage and track the budget vs spend every month and also get an aggregate for the entire year if required.

  3. Annual: The budget can be defined for the entire year and track the expenses on various marketing activities.

Approved Budget: You can specify the total budget allocated for your brand based on the budget type. If the budget type is Quarterly or Monthly, you can select the quarter or month and allocate the budget. If the budget type is Annual, the approved budget will be applicable for the entire year.

Description: Any additional information related to the budget can be added as a description and you can also attach supporting documents, or images from your Desktop or WorkDrive.

To create a budget
  1. Go to Budget Board and select the year from the drop down list.
  2. Click Create Budget.

  3. Select the Budget Type from the drop down list.
  4. Enter the Approved Budget, Description and click Attach Files to upload supporting documents or images.

  5. Click Save

Editing a budget 

Users with the Brand Admin role in Marketing Plus will be able to edit a budget defined in the Budget Board. Any changes made to the approved budget, or the budget type can't be reversed.

To edit a budget
  1. Go to Brand Studio and select the Budget Board tab.
  2. Click the Edit icon next to Approved Budget from the Budget Monitor section.

  3. Make changes to the Budget Type, Approved Budget, or the Description from the Edit Budget popup.
  4. Click Update.

  5. Click Edit from the popup to apply changes to the budget.

Allocate Budget for a Marketing Project 

You can define a budget for each Marketing Project and track the appropriate expenses. This is defined as the Planned Budget in Marketing Plus.

Understanding Brand budget and individual budget for Marketing Projects

Approved budget is applicable for the entire brand comprising all the marketing projects based on the budget type. Planned budget is the amount from the approved budget that's allocated for each and every Marketing Project; for your reference.

For example, Zylker Travels, a travel agency, has an annual budget of $50,000 for 2023. They are gearing up for a huge marketing campaign to promote customizable travel packages for their audience and have set aside $6,000 marketing budget.
Now, in Marketing Plus, they can configure the Approved Budget as $20,000 and the Planned Budget for the Marketing Project - Launching Customizable Travel packages' as $3,000. 

To allocate budget for a Marketing Project
  1. Go to Brand Studio and select a Marketing Project.
  2. Click +Define Budget next to Planned Budget in the Budget Information section.

    Alternatively, you can go to Budget Summary and click Create Budget.

  3. In the Define Planned Budget popup, do the following:
    1. Enter the budget for the Marketing Project in the Planned Budget field.
      You can click View budget details to get the Approved and Remaining budget.

    2. Enter a suitable Description and click Attach Files to upload supporting documents or images.

    3. Click Save

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