All your marketing expenses such as paid ads, social media promotions, hosting events, public relations, designing and printing materials, and so on can be tracked for each and every Marketing Project in Marketing Plus. These expenses can be associated with the appropriate activity, which helps you understand the amount spent on a particular type of activity.
In Marketing Plus, expenses specific to a Marketing Project can be added from the Expense Report tab in Budget Summary, or Expenses tab from each marketing activity.
Brand admins, users with access to marketing projects, and marketing project owners can create, edit, or delete expenses. Additionally, Brand Admins and Marketing Project Owners can edit/delete expenses added to any Marketing Project in Marketing Plus.
To add expenses to a Marketing Project
- Go to Brand Studio and select a Marketing Project.
- Click Add Expense in the Budget Summary tab.
- In the Add Expense popup, do the following:
- Enter the Expense Name.
- Click Associated activity and select the appropriate activity from the list.
- Enter the Expense Amount and specify the Expense Date.
- Enter a suitable Description and click Attach Files to upload supporting documents such as invoices or bills.
- Click Save.
To associate expenses to an activity
- Go to Brand Studio and select a Marketing Project.
- Select an type of Activity and choose the Marketing Activity where you want to associate an expense.
- Click + Add Expense in the Expenses tab.
- In the Add Expense popup, do the following:
- Enter the Expense Name.
- Enter the Expense Amount and specify the Expense Date.
- Enter a suitable Description and click Attach Files to upload supporting documents such as invoices or bills.
- Click Save.
Editing or deleting an expense
Expenses can be edited or deleted from the Expense Report tab of Budget Summary in a Marketing Project which lists the expenses across all activities. You can also edit or delete them from the Expenses tab of an activity.
To edit or delete expenses from the Expense Report
- Go to Brand Studio and select a Marketing Project from the Marketing Projects tab.
- Click Expense Report tab from Budget Summary.
- Select an expense and click the Edit or Delete icon to edit/delete the expense.
To edit or delete expenses from an activity
- Go to Brand Studio and select a Marketing Project from the Marketing Projects tab.
- Select an Activity from the menu on the left and choose the Activity where you want to edit or delete the expense.
- Go to the Expenses tab and select an expense.
- Click the Edit or Delete icon to edit or delete the expense.