Case - Categories

Case - Categories

Case Categories are the divisions under which queries can be raised. The 'General Queries' category is available by default, additional categories can be added based on your organizational needs.

You can do following functions for a case category:
  1. Assign agents to handle cases specific to that category.
  2. Create subcategories to further divide the main category and allocate dedicated agents.
  3. Include references related to the case category.
  4. Add FAQs related to the category.
  5. Set up SLA for the category.

Add Case Category

To add a case category:
  1. From your home page, go to Settings > View all > Cases > Preferences > Categories and click Add Category.

  2. Select the icon for the case category.

  3. Enter the name and short description for the category.
  4. Select locations for which this category will be applicable.
All locations is selected by default
  1. Select the Agent who can manage cases in this category.
Any of your employee can be added as agents. Additionally, you can create user groups and assign them to a category.
  1. Click Add.
    The category will be added and saved as draft. After adding a category, the category setup page appears.

Set Up and Enable Case Category

Once the category is added, you can set up and enable it. 

To set up a case category:

  1. Go to Settings > View all > Cases > Preferences.
  2. In the Categories section, click on the category and set up the following sections
You can find the categories that are saved as drafts by scrolling in the category section


In the setup section:
  1. Edit category name if required
  2. Enter the Prefix
Prefix are added to case request numbers. For example, the case request number will be displayed as TR00001 for the custom prefix TR.
  1. Enter the display description and detailed description

  2. Assign category administrator if required.
category administrators can edit and configure case categories.
  1. Enable Mandate category administrators to manage case assignments to direct all new cases to the Unmanaged Cases tab, where category administrators can assign them to agents. Unmanaged cases can be found under Cases > Agents > Unmanaged Cases.
  2. To make category to be handled based on location, add agents based on locations in the agents section.
    Cases raised by employees in particular locations will be directed to the corresponding location-based agents.
  3. Click Next.


Add agents who can handle cases in this category
  1. Click Add Agent.
  2. Select the location for which the selected agent will be managing the cases.
Agents assigned to a specific location can only handle cases raised by employees from that location.
  1. Select the specific employee or user groups from the dropdown.
  2. Click Add.
    The selected employees or user groups will be added to this case category as agents.
  3. Click Next.


Subcategories are divisions within each category. Add subcategories and assign dedicated agents to manage cases submitted in subcategories.
In 'Travel' case category, 'Domestic' and 'International' can be case subcategories
  1. Click Add Subcategory.
  2. Enter a subcategory name.
  3. Select agent who can manage cases on this subcategory.
  4. Enable mandate subcategory selection.
    This direct the cases raised on specific subcategory category to corresponding agent.


Add references, such as documents and URLs, which can be used as an informative guide for this category. You can assign locations to these references to make them accessible to selected locations.
  1. You can upload the reference from:
    1. Desktop
    2. Zoho Workdrive
    3. Cloud services (Google drive, Dropbox, OneDrive, Box or Evernote)
  2. You can add website using URL option.


Add frequently asked questions that are related to this category.
  1. Click Add FAQ.
  2. Add frequently asked question with answers, tags and attachments.
  3. Click Submit.
    The question will be added to your FAQ section of this category.
  4. Add more questions by repeating the steps.


Add SLAs to ensure timely action on case resolution and to automate case escalation. Multiple SLAs can be created for a particular category. The right SLA will be triggered automatically based on criteria and priority.

To add SLA for a category:
  1. Click Add SLA.
  2. Enter the name and description for the SLA.
  3. Set criteria based on the System Fields or Case details.

  4. Add conditions
  5. Set Criteria patter with logics And or OR

  6. Set the conditions for the first level of escalation for the category
    1. Enter the Closure time in days, hours or minutes for closing the case.
    2. Select Calendar Days or Business Days under Operational Days.
      Calendar day refers to all the days of the week while Business day refers to the organization's official working days. 
    3. Enable the Reminder email toggle button if you want an email to be sent.
      If Reminder email is enabled, enter the time at which notification must be sent.

  7. Add additional escalation level if required.
  8. Click Add
  9. You can enable or disable SLA upon adding.

Hover over the SLA to clone the SLA and create new one, to delete SLA click on the Delete icon.

Enable or Disable the Category

To enable or disable the case category:
  1. Go to Settings > View all > Cases > Preferences > Categories.
  2. Click on the toggle button to enable or disable a category.

  3. You can also enable or disable category by clicking on it and using Enable or Disable button.

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